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Bücher von Esma Say¿n

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  • 11% sparen
    von Esma Say¿n
    24,00 €

    La oración es libertad. Es tan insustituible como el amor y tan inevitable como la muerte. A través de la oración, el siervo de Dios experimenta la libertad de expresarse a Dios (Allah) de la manera más directa, transparente y sincera. Al rezar, el hombre no puede mentir; no puede ocultarse; no puede evadirse y no puede alienarse. La oración es a veces la libertad de llamar insistentemente a la puerta de la gracia de Dios, y a veces esperar con buenos modales y cortesía. Al mismo tiempo, la oración es el ámbito más íntimo entre Dios y el hombre. Es la libertad de compartir con Dios nuestros deseos y dolores más secretos, que ocultamos a todo el mundo. La oración es el nombre común del puente de amor y comunicación que conduce a Dios, y es una vida por sí misma en el centro de la vida. Aunque nuestras filosofías y perspectivas ante la vida sean diferentes, es posible que tengamos una interpretación común a través del poder espiritual y la terapia de la oración.

  • von Esma Say¿n
    26,90 €

    Gebet ist Freiheit. Es ist so unersetzlich wie die Liebe und so unvermeidlich wie der Tod. Durch das Gebet erfährt der Diener Gottes die Freiheit, sich Gott (Allah) gegenüber direkt, transparent und aufrichtig zu äußern. Beim Gebet kann der Mensch nicht lügen, er kann sich nicht verstecken, er kann sich nicht ausweichen und sich nicht entfremden. Das Gebet ist manchmal die Freiheit, beharrlich an die Tür der Gnade Gottes zu klopfen, und manchmal das Warten mit guten Manieren und Höflichkeit. Zugleich ist das Gebet der intimste Bereich zwischen Gott und Mensch. Es ist die Freiheit, Gott unsere geheimsten Sehnsüchte und Schmerzen mitzuteilen, die wir vor allen verbergen. Das Gebet ist der gemeinsame Name für die Brücke der Liebe und der Kommunikation, die zu Gott führt, und es ist ein eigenständiges Leben im Zentrum des Lebens. Auch wenn unsere Philosophien und Lebensperspektiven unterschiedlich sind, ist es uns möglich, durch die spirituelle Kraft und Therapie des Gebets eine gemeinsame Interpretation zu finden.

  • 11% sparen
    von Esma Say¿n
    24,00 €

    A oração é liberdade. É tão insubstituível como o amor e tão inevitável como a morte. Através da oração, o servo de Deus experimenta a liberdade de se exprimir a Deus (Alá) de uma forma direta, transparente e sincera. Ao rezar, o homem não pode mentir; não pode esconder-se; não pode evitar-se e não pode alienar-se. A oração é, por vezes, a liberdade de bater persistentemente à porta da graça de Deus e, por vezes, esperar com boas maneiras e cortesia. Ao mesmo tempo, a oração é o espaço mais íntimo entre Deus e o homem. É a liberdade de partilhar com Deus os nossos desejos e as nossas dores mais secretas, que escondemos de toda a gente. A oração é o nome comum da ponte de amor e de comunicação que conduz a Deus, e é uma vida por si só, no centro da vida. Mesmo que as nossas filosofias e perspectivas de vida sejam diferentes, é-nos possível ter uma interpretação comum através do poder espiritual e da terapia da oração.

  • 11% sparen
    von Esma Say¿n
    24,00 €

    La prière, c'est la liberté. Elle est aussi irremplaçable que l'amour et aussi inévitable que la mort. Par la prière, le serviteur de Dieu fait l'expérience de la liberté de s'exprimer à Dieu (Allah) de la manière la plus directe, la plus transparente et la plus sincère. En priant, l'homme ne peut pas mentir, il ne peut pas se cacher, il ne peut pas s'éviter et il ne peut pas s'aliéner. La prière est parfois la liberté de frapper avec persistance à la porte de la grâce de Dieu, et parfois d'attendre avec les bonnes manières et la courtoisie. En même temps, la prière est le domaine le plus intime entre Dieu et l'homme. C'est la liberté de partager avec Dieu nos désirs et nos douleurs les plus secrets, que nous cachons à tout le monde. La prière est le nom commun du pont d'amour et de communication qui mène à Dieu, et c'est une vie à part entière au centre de la vie. Même si nos philosophies et nos perspectives de vie sont différentes, il nous est possible d'avoir une interprétation commune grâce au pouvoir spirituel et à la thérapie de la prière.

  • 11% sparen
    von Esma Say¿n
    24,00 €

    La preghiera è libertà. È insostituibile come l'amore e inevitabile come la morte. Attraverso la preghiera, il servitore di Dio sperimenta la libertà di esprimersi a Dio (Allah) in modo diretto, trasparente e sincero. Quando prega, l'uomo non può mentire, non può nascondersi, non può evitarsi e non può alienarsi. La preghiera è a volte la libertà di bussare con insistenza alla porta della grazia di Dio, a volte di aspettare con buone maniere e cortesia. Allo stesso tempo, la preghiera è l'area più intima tra Dio e l'uomo. È la libertà di condividere con Dio i nostri desideri e dolori più segreti, che nascondiamo a tutti. La preghiera è il nome comune del ponte d'amore e di comunicazione che conduce a Dio, ed è una vita a sé stante al centro della vita. Anche se le nostre filosofie e prospettive di vita sono diverse, è possibile avere un'interpretazione comune attraverso il potere spirituale e la terapia della preghiera.

  • 16% sparen
    von Esma Say¿n
    37,00 €

    Sufism is the art of bonding the heart to God (Allah). Love is also an art of bonding the heart to God. If so, then Sufism is ¿love.¿ Sufism makes up the smoothest, most sensitive, emotional aspect of the heart. As such, when we talk about Sufism, we try to express morality, spiritual richness, deep feelings, kind thoughts and the state of man returning to his inner self. Sufism represents peace, morality and the bond with Allah. Sufism is the name of forming integrity with God (Allah). The spiritual language of Sufism is the Lord killing you in yourself and resurrecting you with ¿Himself¿. As such, Sufism is a thought system connecting man, universe and prophet to us, while at the same time, bonding us with all our spiritual dynamics, to God (Allah). In reality, Sufism provides us with great opportunities in order to deepen our understanding of man-life and the earth. Sufistic understanding is an important way of understanding the meaning of existential and permanent values, and it leads us to self discovery. When man accomplishes self discovery, he would be able to know himself and his ¿Creator¿ through Sufism.

  • 15% sparen
    von Esma Say¿n
    34,00 €

    Prayer is the most magnificent, most special and most translucent bond between God (Allah) and a servant. Man binds with God through worship and prayer. Prayer is the freedom for man to express himself to his Lord through the bond of divine love, in a manner that is most discreet, most magnificent and most transparent. Prayer is the centre of affection and communication between God and man. Irreplaceable and indispensable for man, prayer is like a superiority that helps man recognize the voice of the divine names and titles within himself. Like a king chess piece that helps us win the chess of life, it is a lifebuoy for us, forcing the soul to say checkmate. Prayer turns one¿s time and each moment into spiritual happiness and peace. Because prayer helps man to experience the peace of expressing himself to his Lord in the most transparent, sincere and magnificent way. Prayers have a miraculous function that unite all humans under the umbrella of love and peace. The book in your hands contains the most magnificent prayers that are required to save mankind from the pleasure-seeking modern society it is in and help man to achieve a healthy psychological state.

  • 13% sparen
    von Esma Say¿n
    32,00 €

    Prayer is freedom. It is as irreplaceable as love and as inevitable as death. Through prayer, the servant of God experiences the freedom of expressing himself to God (Allah) in a straightforward, most transparent and sincerest manner. When praying, man cannot lie; he cannot hide himself; he cannot avoid himself and cannot alienate himself. Prayer is sometimes the freedom of persistently knocking on God¿s door of grace, and sometimes waiting with good manners and courtesy. At the same time, prayer is the most intimate area between God and man. It is the freedom of sharing with God our most secret desires and pains, which we hide from everybody. Prayer is the common name of the bridge of love and communication leading to God, and it is a life on its own at the centre of life. Even if our philosophies and perspectives towards life are different, it is possible for us to have a common interpretation through the spiritual power and therapy of prayer.

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