von Fahd Yahya Al-Ammary
36,00 €
All praise is due to All¿h alone.May the peace and blessings of All¿h be upon our NobleProphet, after whom, there is no other prophet/ the lastMessenger of All¿h.Unfortunately, the Muslim Ummah of today is facing destruction,tribulation and division, due to different namesand labels, which superficially exhibit peace but internally,contains evils and punishments.The Muslim generations of the present day and age/daypass through deceitful oppression and enmity in differentforms.The (present-day) Muslim generation is living in an erasimilar to that of the previous Muslim generations, whentheir enemies were bold enough to confront them withtheir enmity; their enemies punished them with variousforms of violence and brutality through false evidence andfalse accounts.Indeed, the great disaster that has repeated itself allthroughout Islamic history and which also occurred in thefirst generation starting, not least, with the time of theProphet ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ of Islam; during which, a group of peopleclaiming to be from Islam but, in reality, being helpers ofthe enemy, the oppressor.Through this, Islam and the Muslims have been severelyaffected.IntroductionRulings Regarding Sunrise Sitting7The enemies of Islam have/possess different names butthey share the same features and characters.In fact, these calamities and plights befall both; Muslimindividuals and groups.The individual is trialed and nations are trialed as well andlife cannot remain in a single pattern.Each trial is bought about by Godly Wisdom and (the)Will of All¿h, so believe in the Decision of All¿h and HisDestiny.It is the Tradition of All¿h for truth and false(hood) to bein conflict.This tradition is continuous, sometimes it is more intense,sometimes it is weak.All¿h uses this to correct the lapses of the believers andalso to differentiate the bad from the good.He examines the faith and hearts, and He elevates certainpeople with this and downgrades others.