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Bücher von Fannie Flagg

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  • von Fannie Flagg
    24,00 €

    Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe. "Zharenye zelenye pomidory" Fjenni Fljegg prakticheski posle pervogo zhe izdanija na russkom jazyke stal kul'tovoj knigoj v Rossii. Za dva desjatka let roman pereizdavalsja mnogo-mnogo raz, no i segodnja ego populjarnost' chrezvychajno velika. "Zharenymi zelenymi pomidorami" zachityvaetsja uzhe, navernoe, tret'e pokolenie chitajushhej publiki. Roman stavjat v odin rjad s velikimi amerikanskimi knigami - s "Ubit' peresmeshnika" i "Gel'keberi Finnom", - i uzhe odno upominanie knigi Fljegg v takom rjadu svidetel'stvuet o ee sile. I uzh sovershenno tochno: "Zharenye zelenye pomidory" - jeto klassika amerikanskoj i mirovoj literatury. Esli priblizit' roman Fjenni Fljegg, to navernjaka mozhno uslyshat' chej-to smeh, plach, razgovory, shum poezda, shoroh listvy, zvjakan'e vilok i lozhek. Prislushajtes' k zvukam, probivajushhimsja cherez oblozhku, i vy uznaete istoriju odnogo malen'kogo amerikanskogo gorodka, v kotorom, kak i vezde v mire, pereplelis' ljubov' i bol', strahi i nadezhdy, druzhba i nenavist'. Istorija jeta budet rasskazana s takoj iskrennost'ju, chto zapomnitsja na dolgie gody, i roman Fjenni Fljegg stanet odnoj iz samyh ljubimyh knig - kak stal on dlja ochen' mnogih vo vsem mire. Ibo velikij roman Fjenni Fljegg i est' sama zhizn'.

  • - A Novel
    von Fannie Flagg
    11,98 €

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER *; The bestselling author of Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe is at her superb best in this fun-loving, moving novel about what it means to be truly alive.WINNER OF THE SOUTHERN BOOK PRIZE Elmwood Springs, Missouri, is a small town like any other, but something strange is happening at the cemetery. Still Meadows, as it's called, is anything but still. Original, profound, The Whole Town's Talking, a novel in the tradition of Thornton Wilder's Our Town and Flagg's own Can't Wait to Get to Heaven, tells the story of Lordor Nordstrom, his Swedish mail-order bride, Katrina, and their neighbors and descendants as they live, love, die, and carry on in mysterious and surprising ways. Lordor Nordstrom created, in his wisdom, not only a lively town and a prosperous legacy for himself but also a beautiful final resting place for his family, friends, and neighbors yet to come. ';Resting place' turns out to be a bit of a misnomer, however. Odd things begin to happen, and it starts the whole town talking. With her wild imagination, great storytelling, and deep understanding of folly and the human heart, the beloved Fannie Flagg tells an unforgettable story of life, afterlife, and the remarkable goings-on of ordinary people. In The Whole Town's Talking, she reminds us that community is vital, life is a gift, and love never dies.Praise for The Whole Town's Talking';A witty multigenerational saga . . . [Fannie] Flagg's down-home wisdom, her affable humor and her long view of life offer a pleasant respite in nerve-jangling times.'People ';Fannie Flagg at her best.'The Florida Times-Union ';If there's one thing Fannie Flagg can do better than anybody else, it's tell a story, and she outdoes herself in The Whole Town's Talking. . . . Brilliant . . . equally on the level as her famous Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe.'The Newport Plain Talk ';Delightful.'The Washington Post ';A ringing affirmation of love, community and life itself.'Richmond Times-Dispatch

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