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Bücher von Faye Palmer

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  • von Faye Palmer
    40,00 €

    Want to overcome anxiety, jealousy & insecurity in your relationship? It's time to harness the skill of effective communication to deepen the connection & intimacy between you and your partner! In the modern world, it is easy to feel anxiety, insecurity, and jealousy of just about anyone & everyone thanks to the highlight reels of social media. However, when this creeps into your relationship & has a detrimental effect, something needs to be done. Especially if you are noticing the same behavior patterns emerging in this relationship that you've displayed before. This book will help you develop the skill of effective communication that provides the foundation for overcoming any roadblocks you and your partner face, as well as offering you the chance to become more vulnerable with each other and express what you truly desire in your relationship. Here's what you will learn… What is considered unhealthy & unnecessary anxiety in relationships and how to recognize it3 tips for uncovering your insecurities in relationships & how to transform them, so you start feeling more secure and overcome your negative behaviors as a resultThe step-by-step guide to releasing your fear of abandonment & becoming vulnerable with your partner9 simple things you can do today to rapidly reduce the toxicity in your relationship and instantly connect on a deeper levelHow to be The Loving Space Your Partner Needs If She Suffers Deeply From Relationship & Other Forms Of AnxietyThe Conscious & Healthy Way To Face Conflicts In Your Relationships Without Emotionally Or Verbally Hurting Your PartnerThe 5 Keys To ALWAYS Effectively Communicating With Your Partner No Matter The Situation You Find Yourself InDiscover 10 Fun Activities You And Your Partner Can Do To Keep The Relationship Fresh, Fun & Joyous! (Remember To Have Fun In Life!)Find Out If You're Currently Doing Any Of These 3 Things That Could Be DamagingYour Relationship5 Passion Evoking Practices You And Your Partner Can Use Today To Re-Ignite & Keep The Sparks Flying!33+ Skills, Activities & Questions That You Can Use To Deepen The Intimacy, Passion & Connection In Your Relationship! ...And, SO Much More!

  • von Faye Palmer
    42,00 €

    ¡Descubre cómo superar la ansiedad, los celos y la inseguridad en tu relación y aprovecha la habilidad de la comunicación efectiva para profundizar la conexión y la intimidad entre tú y tu pareja!En el mundo moderno, es fácil sentir ansiedad, inseguridad y celos de casi todo el mundo gracias a las imágenes de las redes sociales.Sin embargo, cuando esto se desliza en tu relación y tiene un efecto perjudicial, tienes que hacer algo.Especialmente si estás notando los mismos patrones de comportamiento que has mostrado antes de esta relación.Afortunadamente, la primera parte de este libro se sumerge profundamente en el descubrimiento de la raíz de tus ansiedades de relación y te da los pasos prácticos para liberarte de ellas y convertirte en la mejor pareja que puedas llegar a ser, mientras profundizas el amor y la intimidad en tu relación.A continuación, te ayudaremos a desarrollar la habilidad fundamental de la Comunicación Efectiva, que proporciona la base para superar cualquier obstáculo que enfrentes junto a tu pareja, además de ofrecerles la oportunidad de ser más vulnerables el uno con el otro y expresar lo que realmente desean en su relación.La importancia de esta habilidad nunca, ¡nunca debe ser subestimada!A partir de ahí, nos adentraremos en cómo puedes usar una serie de "habilidades de pareja" para ayudar a florecer tu relación como nunca antes. Estas habilidades, te darán la mejor oportunidad y te ayudarán a dar a tu relación una conexión, pasión y amor cada vez más profundos.Y, al combinar esta tríada, tienes la receta para una vida de plenitud y felicidad entre tú y tu pareja.No sólo tendrán las bases para superar los conflictos de forma saludable y comunicarse de forma eficaz, sino también para crecer juntos, ¡para siempre!De todos modos, aquí hay un pequeño avance de lo que encontrarás dentro...¿Qué es la ansiedad "no saludable e innecesaria" en las relaciones y cómo reconocerla?3 consejos para descubrir tus inseguridades en las relaciones y cómo transformarlas, para que empezar a sentirte más seguro y superar tus comportamientos negativos como resultadoLa guía paso a paso para liberar tu miedo al abandono y volverte más vulnerable con tu pareja9 cosas simples que puedes hacer hoy, para reducir rápidamente la toxicidad en tu relación y conectar instantáneamente en un nivel más profundoCómo ser el espacio de amor que tu pareja necesita si sufre profundamente de la relación y otras formas de ansiedadLa manera consciente y saludable de enfrentar los conflictos en tus relaciones sin lastimar emocional o verbalmente a tu parejaLas 5 claves para comunicarte eficazmente con tu pareja sin importar la situación en la que te encuentres¡Descubre 10 actividades divertidas que tú y su pareja pueden hacer, para mantener la relación fresca, divertida y alegre! (¡Recuerda divertirte en la vida!)...y MUCHO más!

  • von Faye Palmer
    37,00 €

    Introducing How You Can Get To Dirty Diaper Freedom In Just 7 Days & The Blueprint To Guilt-Free Toddler Discipline & Raising The Happiest Toddler Around! Do you want to finally be free from dirty diapers?Do you want a practical blueprint for compassionate & guilt-free parenting?Do you want a proven system for both effective Potty Training & Positive Parenting? Luckily, potty training doesn't need to be as hard as you think. In fact, in just a few days, your child could be out of their diapers and onto the toilet….meaning no more 'messy' experiences for you! The reason we say 7 days is because we don't want to give you just the basics but want to make sure the process is complete & you know EXACTLY what to do no matter what situation your Toddler throws at you! (Hopefully not literally…) Then once that is sorted, we can move on to our guilt-free, positive parenting blueprint. Not only will this highlight the difference between discipline & harmful shouting, but it will outline how to turn every situation into an opportunity for growth for your child and end the harmful cycle of negative behavior followed by a punishment that nobody enjoys! On top of that, we give you a complete overview of common myths & misunderstandings around the Potty Training phase, as well as how to actually make your child fall in love with learning & wanting to change their behavior instead of being trapped in the punishment cycle. Here's to raising the happiest Toddler around! A preview of what's inside…Exactly How To Know When Your Child Is Ready To Be Potty Trained- Including Recommend Ages To Start!3 Things To Explain To Your Daycare Provider To Get Them On Board With Your Potty Training MissionHow To Find Your Own 'Discipline Philosophy' As Parents & Effectively Implement The Messages You Want To Send To Your ChildrenThe Truth On Just How Important The First Few Years Are In Your Child's Development (Including Brain Development!)3 'Tantrum Emergency' Tips That You Can Use To Transform The Tantrum Into The Ideal Opportunity For Insight, Change & GrowthThe 7 Step Plan For Potty Training Your Child In Just A Few Days (And Then How To Make It Stick In 1 WEEK Or Less!)Why 'Old School' Discipline Methods Tend To Do More Harm Than Good & Can Actually Create Long Term Issues Between You And Your Child…3 Simple, Yet Wildly Effective, Tips For Staying Calm During Times Of 'Potty Crisis.'Exact Steps You Can Take Whenever Your Child Shows Signs Of 'Regressing' On Either Potty Training Or Behavior ChangesWhat To Do At Nighttime When Toilet Time Arises…How To Develop Effective Communication With Your Son / Daughter To Make The Discipline More EffectiveThe 10 Most FAQs Around Potty Training ANSWERED!Bonus- The 'Misbehavior Blueprint'- Exactly What To Do When Your Chosen Discipline Methods Aren't Working & How To Change This...And, SO Much More!

  • von Faye Palmer
    30,00 €

    Si quieres descubrir cómo puedes liberarte de la ansiedad, las inseguridades y la negatividad en las relaciones para construir una relación más profunda, íntima y amorosa con tu pareja, entonces sigue leyendo...¿Te sientes constantemente ansioso en tu relación?¿Tus inseguridades están debilitando el potencial de tu relación?¿Sientes constantemente miedo al abandono y creas patrones de comportamiento negativos como resultado?La ansiedad es una respuesta emocional normal, y a menudo es beneficiosa en anticipación a situaciones peligrosas.Sin embargo, cuando estás constantemente ansioso en tu relación, con preguntas sobre si a tu pareja le gusta que te levantes, si realmente le importa, si funcionará, dando vueltas constantemente en tu cabeza, esto puede llegar a ser extremadamente perjudicial para tu relación y tu salud.Por supuesto, de vez en cuando, es normal discutir las cosas en una relación, especialmente si surgen situaciones que ponen de manifiesto problemas específicos; sin embargo, cuando estas preguntas no se basan en ninguna evidencia, conducen a patrones de pensamiento y comportamiento negativos y evitan la vulnerabilidad y el verdadero disfrute en la relación, y es aquí cuando comienzan los problemas.Por eso hemos escrito este libro para ayudarte a entender y superar esta ansiedad y a desarraigar estos comportamientos y patrones de pensamiento negativos para ayudarte, no sólo a profundizar en la relación con tu otra mitad, sino a convertirte en la mejor pareja que puedas llegar a ser.Es hora de que te permitas disfrutar de verdad de la relación con tu pareja; ya no tienes que sentirte siempre ansioso, celoso o inseguro.Aquí hay un pequeño avance de lo que encontrarás dentro...¿Qué es la ansiedad "no saludable" e "innecesaria" en las relaciones y cómo reconocerla?3 consejos para descubrir tus inseguridades en las relaciones y cómo transformarlas, para empezar a sentirte más seguro y superar tus comportamientos negativos como resultadoLa guía paso a paso para liberar tu miedo al abandono y volverte vulnerable con tu pareja9 cosas simples que puedes hacer hoy para reducir rápidamente la toxicidad en tu relación y conectarte instantáneamente en un nivel más profundoCómo puedes superar los 3 principales motivos de celos en la relación y construir niveles cada vez más profundos de confianza con tu parejaCómo ser el "espacio de amor" que tu pareja necesita si sufre profundamente de ansiedad en las relacionesCómo desarrollar hábitos de relación positivos que te ayuden a llevar una vida de alegría y amor7 claves para una relación íntima apasionada y amorosaLas claves para superar los 5 obstáculos más comunes a los que se enfrentan las personas en las relaciones íntimasLa manera consciente y saludable de enfrentar los conflictos en tus relaciones sin lastimar emocional o verbalmente a tu pareja...y MUCHO Más!

  • von Faye Palmer
    35,00 €

    Introducing How You Can Get To Dirty Diaper Freedom In Just 7 Days & The Blueprint To Guilt-Free Toddler Discipline & Raising The Happiest Toddler Around! Do you want to finally be free from dirty diapers?Do you want a practical blueprint for compassionate & guilt-free parenting?Do you want a proven system for both effective Potty Training & Positive Parenting?Luckily, potty training doesn't need to be as hard as you think.In fact, in just a few days, your child could be out of their diapers and onto the toilet….meaning no more 'messy' experiences for you!The reason we say 7 days is because we don't want to give you just the basics but want to make sure the process is complete & you know EXACTLY what to do no matter what situation your Toddler throws at you! (Hopefully not literally…)Then once that is sorted, we can move on to our guilt-free, positive parenting blueprint.Not only will this highlight the difference between discipline & harmful shouting, but it will outline how to turn every situation into an opportunity for growth for your child and end the harmful cycle of negative behavior followed by a punishment that nobody enjoys!On top of that, we give you a complete overview of common myths & misunderstandings around the Potty Training phase, as well as how to actually make your child fall in love with learning & wanting to change their behavior instead of being trapped in the punishment cycle.Here's to raising the happiest Toddler around!A preview of what's inside…Exactly How To Know When Your Child Is Ready To Be Potty Trained- Including Recommend Ages To Start!3 Things To Explain To Your Daycare Provider To Get Them On Board With Your Potty Training MissionHow To Find Your Own 'Discipline Philosophy' As Parents & Effectively Implement The Messages You Want To Send To Your ChildrenThe Truth On Just How Important The First Few Years Are In Your Child's Development (Including Brain Development!)3 'Tantrum Emergency' Tips That You Can Use To Transform The Tantrum Into The Ideal Opportunity For Insight, Change & GrowthThe 7 Step Plan For Potty Training Your Child In Just A Few Days (And Then How To Make It Stick In 1 WEEK Or Less!)Why 'Old School' Discipline Methods Tend To Do More Harm Than Good & Can Actually Create Long Term Issues Between You And Your Child…3 Simple, Yet Wildly Effective, Tips For Staying Calm During Times Of 'Potty Crisis.'Exact Steps You Can Take Whenever Your Child Shows Signs Of 'Regressing' On Either Potty Training Or Behavior ChangesWhat To Do At Nighttime When Toilet Time Arises…How To Develop Effective Communication With Your Son / Daughter To Make The Discipline More EffectiveThe 10 Most FAQs Around Potty Training ANSWERED!Bonus - The 'Misbehavior Blueprint'- Exactly What To Do When Your Chosen Discipline Methods Aren't Working & How To Change This...And, SO Much More!

  • von Faye Palmer
    31,00 €

    Want to overcome anxiety, jealousy & insecurity in your relationship? It's time to harness the skill of effective communication to deepen the connection & intimacy between you and your partner! In the modern world, it is easy to feel anxiety, insecurity, and jealousy of just about anyone & everyone thanks to the highlight reels of social media. However, when this creeps into your relationship & has a detrimental effect, something needs to be done. Especially if you are noticing the same behavior patterns emerging in this relationship that you've displayed before. Luckily, the first part of this book dives deep into uncovering the root of your relationship anxieties and gives you the practical steps to release them & become the best partner you can be while deepening the love & intimacy in your relationship. This book will help you develop the skill of effective communication that provides the foundation for overcoming any roadblocks you and your partner face, as well as offering you the chance to become more vulnerable with each other and express what you truly desire in your relationship. From there, we will delve into how you can then use an array of couple skills to help your relationship blossom & flower like it never has before. These skills, when utilized, provide you the opportunity to truly give your relationship the best chance of ever-deepening connection, passion & love. By combining this triad together, you have the recipe for a lifetime of fulfillment & happiness between you and your partner. You will not only have the foundations of overcoming conflict healthily & communicating effectively but also how to grow together, forever! Here's what you will learn… What is considered unhealthy & unnecessary anxiety in relationships and how to recognize it3 tips for uncovering your insecurities in relationships & how to transform them, so you start feeling more secure and overcome your negative behaviors as a resultThe step-by-step guide to releasing your fear of abandonment & becoming vulnerable with your partner9 simple things you can do today to rapidly reduce the toxicity in your relationship and instantly connect on a deeper levelHow to be The Loving Space Your Partner Needs If She Suffers Deeply From Relationship & Other Forms Of AnxietyThe Conscious & Healthy Way To Face Conflicts In Your Relationships Without Emotionally Or Verbally Hurting Your PartnerThe 5 Keys To ALWAYS Effectively Communicating With Your Partner No Matter The Situation You Find Yourself InDiscover 10 Fun Activities You And Your Partner Can Do To Keep The Relationship Fresh, Fun & Joyous! (Remember To Have Fun In Life!)Find Out If You're Currently Doing Any Of These 3 Things That Could Be DamagingYour Relationship5 Passion Evoking Practices You And Your Partner Can Use Today To Re-Ignite & Keep The Sparks Flying!33+ Skills, Activities & Questions That You Can Use To Deepen The Intimacy, Passion & Connection In Your Relationship! ...And, SO Much More!

  • von Faye Palmer
    31,00 €

    ¡Descubre cómo puedes comunicarte eficazmente en tu relación y desarrollar las habilidades para una relación amorosa cada vez más profunda!Como probablemente ya sabes, las relaciones tendrán baches en el camino. Sin embargo, la forma en que las manejes, te comuniques y crezcas a través de ellas, puede encaminarte hacia un amor cada vez más profundo o crear grietas que nunca parecen resolverse.Afortunadamente, es por eso que escribimos este libro.En primer lugar, aprender a comunicarse efectivamente es ESENCIAL para cualquier tipo de relación saludable y duradera en tu vida, pero es particularmente importante con tu otra mitad.Aprender a comunicarse no sólo ayudará a prevenir futuros conflictos, superar la ansiedad y aumentar la confianza, sino que creará la certeza de que sin importar lo que pase, puedes hablar y comunicarte con tu pareja. Esta capacidad es vital, por lo que no debe ser subestimada.Las habilidades de pareja, son la forma en que construirán juntos esa comunicación efectiva, y profundizarán en las expectativas de cada uno dentro de la relación, los deseos y las personalidades. No sólo eso, proporcionará el marco para conectarse conscientemente y crecer juntos, para siempre.Al combinar ambas habilidades, de comunicación efectiva y las habilidades de pareja que desarrollarán al leer y aplicar la información de este libro, habrán establecido los cimientos de la increíble relación que tú y tu pareja se merecen.Aquí hay un pequeño avance de lo que encontrarás dentro...Las 5 claves para comunicarte eficazmente con tu pareja sin importar la situación en la que te encuentres.Cómo lidiar con el conflicto de una manera saludable que realmente trate con los problemas de raíz de manera consciente¡Descubre 10 actividades divertidas que tú y tu pareja pueden hacer para mantener la relación fresca, divertida y alegre! (¡Recuerda divertirte en la vida!)Descubre si actualmente estás haciendo alguna de estas 3 cosas que podrían estar dañando tu relación5 cosas que TODAS las relaciones saludables a largo plazo tienen, y lo que puedes aplicar de ellas en tu propia relación7 maneras en que tú y tu pareja pueden hacerse sentir amados y apreciados dentro de la relaciónDescubre por qué la comunicación efectiva es extremadamente esencial para sentar las bases de una relación sana y amorosa5 prácticas que evocan pasión que tú y tu pareja pueden usar hoy para reavivar y mantener las chispas volando!Los 10 hábitos de comunicación positiva que permiten una expresión saludable en todas las etapas de la relación¡Cómo superar tus "Hábitos Tóxicos" que impiden que tu relación florezca realmente y seas la mejor parte de la vida del otro!Por qué la comunicación es la clave para construir la confianza y la seguridad en tu relación...y MUCHO más!

  • von Faye Palmer
    31,00 €

    Discover How You Can Effectively Communicate In Your Relationship & Develop The Skills For An Ever Deepening Loving Relationship!As you probably know by now, relationships will have bumps along the road. However, how you manage, communicate & grow through these can either set you on the path to an ever-deepening love or create cracks that never seem to be resolved.Luckily, that is why we wrote this book.Firstly, learning to effectively communicate is ESSENTIAL to any kind of healthy & lasting relationship in your life, but is particularly important with your other half.Learning to communicate will not only help prevent future conflicts, overcome anxiety & increase trust, but it will create the certainty that no matter what happens, you can talk & communicate through it with your partner.The vitalness of that alone should not be understated, to say the least.Couple skills are how you will then build on that effective communication together and dive deeper into each other's expectations of the relationship, desires & personalities together.Not only that, it will provide the framework to consciously connect & grow together, forever.By combining both the effective communication skills with the Couple Skills you'll develop from reading and applying the information in this book, you will have laid the foundations for the incredible relationship you and your partner deserve.Here's a tiny preview of what's inside…The 5 Keys To ALWAYS Effectively Communicating With Your Partner No Matter The Situation You Find Yourself InHow To Deal With Conflict In A Healthy Manner That Actually Deals With The Root Issues ConsciouslyDiscover 10 Fun Activities You And Your Partner Can Do To Keep The Relationship Fresh, Fun & Joyous! (Remember To Have Fun In Life!)Find Out If You're Currently Doing Any Of These 3 Things That Could Be Damaging Your Relationship5 Things That ALL Healthy Long-Term Relationships Have And What You Can Apply From Them In Your Own7 Ways You And Your Partner Can Make Each Other Feel Loved And Appreciated In The RelationshipDiscover Why Effective Communication Is Extremely Essential To Laying The Foundations Of A Healthy & Loving Relationship5 Passion Evoking Practices You And Your Partner Can Use Today To Re-Ignite & Keep The Sparks Flying!The 10 Positive Communication Habits That Allow For Healthy Expression At ALL Stages Of Your RelationshipHow To Overcome Your 'Toxic Relationship Habits' That Prevent Your Relationship From Truly Flowering & Being The Best Part Of Each Other's Lives!Why Communication Is The Key To Building Trust & Security In Your Relationship33+ Skills, Activities & Questions That You Can Use To Deepen The Intimacy, Passion & Connection In Your Relationship!...And So MUCH More!Even if your current communication with your partner is far from effective, even if you feel more distant from your partner than ever & even if you think you have no chance of deepening your connection, these teachings will help finally provide the foundations that will benefit the evolution of your relationship more than you could possibly imagine!

  • - Mejora tus habilidades de comunicacion, controla los celos y supera los patrones de pensamiento y comportamiento negativos
    von Faye Palmer
    23,00 €

  • - Habilidades, Actividades, Preguntas y Ensenanzas para Ayudarte a Vencer los Celos y la Inseguridad y Profundizar tu Conexion
    von Faye Palmer
    30,00 €

  • - La guia para Liberarte de los Panales Sucios en 7 dias. Estrategias de crianza sin Estres para Criar al Nino mas Feliz de todos
    22,00 - 28,00 €

  • - The 7 Day Dirty Diaper Freedom Guide. The Stress Free Parenting Strategies To Raise The Happiest Toddler Around - Guilt Free!
    24,00 - 31,00 €

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