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Bücher von Fergus Hume

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  • von Fergus Hume
    22,00 €

    Fergus Hume novel "The Pink Shop" is a compelling examine that tells a thrilling story set in a mysterious and intriguing establishment. The plot revolves across the Pink Shop, an area full of secrets and techniques and intrigue. As characters end up entangled in the store's mystique, a series of events occur, revealing unexpected links and mystery histories. Fergus Hume, famed for his mastery of mystery and suspense, creates a story that mixes romance, intrigue, and suspense. The Pink Shop becomes a focus for the individuals, every with their very own motivations and dreams, including layers of complication to the tale. The paintings delves into troubles of affection, treachery, and the implications of buried pasts. The writer's wealthy descriptions and remarkable feel of atmosphere convey the Pink Shop and its surrounds to existence. Readers are drawn right into an international full of secrets, and each person plays a function in solving the thriller. Fergus Hume's writing capability shines through as he creates suspense and expectation, preserving the reader fascinated from begin to finish.

  • von Fergus Hume
    23,00 €

    "The Green Mummy" by Fergus Hume is a thrilling mystery novel that captivates readers with its intricate plot, suspenseful environment, and a touch of the supernatural. This work showcases Hume's expertise for crafting engaging narratives inside the tradition of conventional detective fiction. The tale begins with the discovery of a mysterious mummy that appears to possess a malevolent pressure. As the characters delve into the secrets surrounding the historic artifact, they become entangled in an internet of deceit, murder, and the occult. The narrative unfolds towards the backdrop of London, adding an atmospheric and Victorian ambiance to the tale. Inspector Heatherstone, a pro detective, takes at the challenge of unraveling the enigma surrounding the green mummy. As he investigates, he encounters a cast of exciting characters, each with their personal motives and secrets. The novel weaves together factors of crime, suspense, and the supernatural, preserving readers on the threshold of their seats. Fergus Hume's storytelling prowess shines via in "The Green Mummy," as he skillfully combines elements of conventional mystery with a touch of the uncanny.

  • von Fergus Hume
    25,00 €

    Fergus Hume's "Jonah's Luck" is a gripping mystery book that takes place in the early 1900s. Jonah, a young, aspirational man who has always believed in the power of luck, is the main character of the story. His convictions are put to the test, though, when he finds himself drawn into a number of perilous and unexpected circumstances. Jonah's adventure starts when he discovers an enigmatic relic that is rumoured to have amazing abilities. Jonah is intrigued by its possibilities and is driven to learn the truth about its beginnings and the mysteries it conceals. When Jonah looks further into the history of the artefact, he finds a labyrinth of treachery, dishonesty, and ulterior motives. Jonah meets a wide range of people in the novel, and all of them have unique secrets and agendas. Jonah has to make his way through a dangerous world where nothing is as it seems, from mysterious fortune tellers to crafty thieves. He will need to use cunning, instinct, and a little bit of good fortune to get by along the journey. As the narrative progresses, Jonah's conception of luck is called into question, leading him to wonder if his fate is more deeply shaped by something other than pure happenstance. Jonah's character is put to the test with every turn, forcing him to face his insecurities and worries.

  • von Fergus Hume
    21,00 €

    "The Gates of Dawn" by Fergus Hume is a riveting mystery novel that unfolds in opposition to the backdrop of Victorian England. The narrative is woven with problematic plots, complicated characters, and a suspenseful environment that keeps readers on the threshold of their seats. The tale revolves around a mysterious murder that happens under the eerie mild of the Gates of Dawn, a picturesque setting that hides dark secrets. As the investigation unfolds, readers are drawn into a web of deception, intrigue, and hidden reasons. Hume masterfully crafts a plot that keeps the reader guessing till the very last revelation. The characters within the novel are richly developed, each with their own reasons and secrets. The protagonist, at the side of a solid of fascinating people, navigates via a labyrinth of twists and turns, uncovering the truth layer by means of layer. Hume's writing captures the essence of the Victorian technology, immersing readers in an international of gaslit streets, opulent estates, and a society teeming with both propriety and scandal. "The Gates of Dawn" stands proud as a conventional example of Victorian thriller fiction, showcasing Hume's storytelling prowess and his capability to create a gripping narrative that transcends time.

  • von Fergus Hume
    25,00 €

    "The Silver Bullet" by Fergus Hume is a riveting thriller novel that explores the tangled net of secrets and techniques, deceit, and suspense. Set against the backdrop of a quaint village, the tale unfolds with the invention of a silver bullet¿an apparently risk free find that sets off a series of activities shrouded in mystery. As the narrative progresses, Fergus Hume introduces a solid of fascinating characters, each with their very own reasons and hidden agendas. The silver bullet becomes a image of each danger and intrigue, propelling the reader right into a world where not anything is as it seems. The novel combines elements of crime, romance, and suspense, developing a multi-layered plot that maintains the reader guessing until the final revelation. Hume's storytelling prowess is obvious as he masterfully builds tension and suspense, skillfully navigating the tricky relationships and dark secrets that define the village. The silver bullet serves as a catalyst for a sequence of sudden twists and turns, main to a climax this is as fulfilling as it's far surprising. With its atmospheric putting, well-drawn characters, and problematic plot, "The Silver Bullet" stands as a testament to Fergus Hume's potential to craft compelling mysteries that captivate readers.

  • von Fergus Hume
    18,00 €

    "The Gentleman Who Vanished: A Psychological Phantasy" by using Fergus Hume is a compelling thriller story approximately the mysterious disappearance of a rich gentleman named Mr. Thomas Pendarth. Set in Victorian England, the tale begins when Mr. Pendarth disappears without a trace, leaving behind a bewildered circle of family and friends. As suspicions develop and rumors unfold, the protagonist, investigator Mr. Gryce, is called upon to solve the mystery and find out the truth in the back of Mr. Pendarth's disappearance. With rigorous interest to element and tremendous investigative talents, Mr. Gryce delves into the suspects' lives, revealing a network of secrets and techniques, lies, and hidden intentions. As the investigation continues, Mr. Gryce need to navigate a maze of clues and red herrings to piece collectively the mystery of Mr. Pendarth's disappearance. Along the manner, he meets a numerous ensemble of characters, every with their own motivations and goals. Through twists and turns, thrilling disclosures, and unexpected narrative tendencies, "The Gentleman Who Vanished" keeps readers on the brink of their seats till the shocking climax. Fergus Hume's tricky narrative, attractive characters, and evocative setting create a riveting tale of intrigue, tension, and mental suspense.

  • von Fergus Hume
    25,00 €

    "Madame Midas" by Fergus Hume is a conventional novel, set against the backdrop of the Australian goldfields all through the 19th century. The tale unfolds inside the bustling town of Ballarat, in which gold mining is at its top, and the promise of wealth lures fortune seekers from all walks of life. The titular individual, Madame Midas, is a mysterious and inviting woman who arrives in Ballarat with a beyond shrouded in secrecy. As the narrative unfolds, Madame Midas becomes entangled in a web of love, greed, and betrayal. Her relationships with the opposite characters, such as the fascinating miner Gaston Vandeloup, add layers of complexity to the plot. The novel explores topics of wealth, ambition, and the effects of unchecked choice. The harsh and unpredictable conditions of the goldfields serve as a metaphor for the capricious nature of destiny and the pursuit of fortune. Fergus Hume's brilliant descriptions and engaging storytelling seize the essence of the Australian frontier throughout the gold rush generation. "Madame Midas" stands as a captivating work that combines elements of romance, thriller, and social remark. Hume's narrative prowess and eager observations of human nature contribute to the enduring attraction of this nineteenth-century literary gem.

  • von Fergus Hume
    21,00 €

    "The Green Mummy" by Fergus Hume is a mysterious and suspenseful novel first published in 1908. It is a thrilling tale that combines elements of mystery, romance, and adventure, set against the backdrop of an Egyptian archaeological expedition. The story follows the adventures of Dr. Amersham, an archaeologist who is part of a team excavating an ancient tomb in Egypt. As the team unearths artifacts and explores the secrets of the tomb, they come across a remarkable discovery - a green mummy with a hidden treasure. However, this discovery sets off a series of events that lead to intrigue, danger, and unexpected alliances. Fergusson Wright Hume, known as Fergus Hume (1859-1932) was an English novelist. Shortly after graduation he left for Melbourne. He began writing plays, but found it impossible to persuade the managers of the Melbourne theatres to accept or even read them. Finding that the novels of Emile Gaboriau were then very popular in Melbourne, he obtained and read a set of them and determined to write a novel of a similar kind. The result was the self-published novel 'The Mystery of a Hansom Cab' (1886), which became a great success. After the success of his first novel and the publication of another he returned to England in 1888. He resided in the Essex countryside for thirty years, eventually producing over 100 novels and short stories. He was a capable writer of mystery stories, and may be looked upon as one of the precursors of the many writers of detective stories whose work was so popular in the twentieth century. His other works include 'Madame Midas' (1888), 'The Silent House' (1899), 'The Bishop's Secret' (1900), 'Secret Passage' (1905), 'The Green Mummy' (1908), and 'Red Money' (1912).

  • von Fergus Hume
    20,00 €

    "The Lady from Nowhere: A Detective Story" is a riveting tale that unfolds in the bustling streets of London, where a mysterious woman with no past suddenly appears, shrouded in intrigue and secrecy. As Detective Inspector John Smith takes on the perplexing case, he becomes entangled in a complex web of lies, betrayals, and hidden identities. With each clue leading to unexpected twists and startling revelations, Smith grapples with the enigmatic nature of the lady's origins, unearthing a trail of deceit and manipulation that challenges his every perception. Against the backdrop of a vibrant yet shadowy cityscape, the novel weaves a narrative of suspense and psychological depth, exploring themes of identity, redemption, and the intricacies of the human psyche. "The Lady from Nowhere" is a captivating detective story that keeps readers engrossed in its enigmatic atmosphere until the final breathtaking revelation.

  • von Fergus Hume
    20,00 €

    "Monsieur Judas: A Paradox" is a novel written by Fergus Hume, a British author known for his mystery and detective fiction. Fergus Hume is particularly famous for his novel "The Mystery of a Hansom Cab," which was one of the earliest detective novels and achieved great success.Specific details about the plot and characters of "Monsieur Judas: A Paradox" would require access to the text or additional information. It is likely that this novel contains elements of mystery or intrigue, which were common themes in Hume's works.

  • von Fergus Hume
    20,00 €

    "The Crimson Cryptogram: A Detective Story" is a novel written by Fergus Hume. Fergus Hume was a prolific author known for his detective and mystery novels, including the famous "The Mystery of a Hansom Cab." "The Crimson Cryptogram" is another addition to his body of work in the detective fiction genre.

  • von Fergus Hume
    20,00 €

    "The Clock Struck One" is a detective novel by Fergus Hume, published in 1906. The story begins when a wealthy man is found dead in his mansion under mysterious circumstances. The only clue to the murder is the striking of a clock, specifically when it struck one. The novel follows the efforts of the detective, who is tasked with unraveling the complex web of secrets and motives surrounding the murder. As the investigation progresses, a host of intriguing characters, each with their own potential motives, come under suspicion. The clock's striking at one o'clock serves as a central motif and a critical piece of evidence in solving the case. Throughout the novel, readers are taken on a journey through the world of Victorian-era detective work, as the detective employs deductive reasoning and clever investigative techniques to uncover the truth behind the murder. As the story unfolds, secrets are revealed, alibis are scrutinized, and the tension builds until the final revelation of the murderer's identity. "The Clock Struck One" is a classic example of Fergus Hume's contribution to the detective fiction genre, known for its intricate plotting, mysterious atmosphere, and the clever use of clues to solve the central mystery. It's a tale that showcases the timeless appeal of classic detective novels.

  • von Fergus Hume
    25,00 €

    In ""The Silver Bullet,"" Fergus Hume takes readers on another riveting journey through the dark alleys of crime and mystery. The story revolves around a small town's baffling murder, where the only clue to the perpetrator is a silver bullet found at the crime scene. As the investigation unfolds, a myriad of secrets, betrayals, and hidden motives come to the fore, revealing that many in the town have something to hide.Hume's talent for building suspense is palpable, with the narrative weaving between various characters, each adding a piece to the complex puzzle. The novel expertly delves into human psychology, exploring the lengths people will go to protect their secrets and the consequences of unchecked ambition. Every twist and turn in ""The Silver Bullet"" keeps readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly flipping pages to unveil the mystery's resolution.

  • von Fergus Hume
    22,00 €

    In ""The Silent House,"" Fergus Hume masterfully crafts a tale steeped in mystery and suspense. Set in a sprawling mansion known for its eerie quietude, the story unravels the strange events that plague its inhabitants. When a crime occurs within the walls of this seemingly impenetrable fortress, the silence of the house becomes its most unsettling feature. The narrative follows the intricate investigation, where each unveiled secret brings more questions than answers.Hume's depiction of the house almost as a character in its own right adds to the story's palpable tension. Characters, each harboring their own secrets and motives, navigate the house's quiet corridors, aware that every shadow could hold a clue or a threat. With ""The Silent House,"" Hume delivers a gripping exploration of the lengths to which individuals will go to protect their secrets and the inevitable consequences when those secrets are unearthed.

  • von Fergus Hume
    23,00 €

    In ""The Peacock of Jewels,"" Fergus Hume weaves another tantalizing tale filled with mystery, suspense, and allure. Set in the heart of Victorian England, the story centers around a magnificent artifact - a peacock crafted entirely from precious gems. When it mysteriously disappears from a nobleman's mansion, a thrilling chase ensues across the smoky streets of London. As characters from various strata of society, each with their motives, become entwined in the quest for this priceless object, dark secrets, betrayals, and deceit come to light.True to Hume's signature style, the narrative captivates readers with its intricate plot, richly drawn characters, and atmospheric settings. ""The Peacock of Jewels"" is more than a mere detective tale; it's a dive into the complexities of human desires, the lengths one might go to for wealth and status, and the gray areas of morality in a world driven by materialism.

  • von Fergus Hume
    21,00 €

    ""The Mikado Jewel"" by Fergus Hume is a gripping tale that intertwines mystery, cultural intrigue, and the allure of a priceless artifact. Set against an evocative backdrop, the narrative revolves around the enigmatic Mikado Jewel-a symbol of power and prestige, with a history as rich as it is tumultuous. When it suddenly vanishes, a whirlwind of speculation, deceit, and danger ensues, drawing in a diverse cast of characters, each with their motives and secrets. As they navigate a world where nothing is as it seems, alliances shift, dark truths emerge, and the quest for the coveted jewel becomes a journey into the depths of human ambition and desire.Fergus Hume, known for his intricate plotting and vibrant storytelling, crafts a narrative filled with suspense and drama in ""The Mikado Jewel"". The story transcends the conventions of a mere detective tale, exploring themes of cultural identity, the allure of power, and the lengths to which individuals will go in their pursuit of glory and possession. It stands as yet another testament to Hume's indelible mark on the world of mystery fiction.

  • von Fergus Hume
    26,00 €

    ""The Indian Bangle"" is a novel written by Fergus Hume, the prolific British author best known for his popular detective fiction, including ""The Mystery of a Hansom Cab."" Published in 1903, the story follows the adventures of a young Englishman named Hugo Dene, who finds himself entangled in a web of love, intrigue, and cultural conflict during his time in India. As Hugo grapples with the complexities of Indian society and customs, he becomes embroiled in a romantic entanglement with a beautiful Indian woman, leading to a series of dramatic events that challenge his perceptions of love, loyalty, and cultural identity. Through its vivid portrayal of the exotic Indian setting and the intricacies of intercultural relationships, ""The Indian Bangle"" offers readers a compelling narrative that explores themes of love, prejudice, and the clash of Eastern and Western cultures.

  • von Fergus Hume
    22,00 €

    "The Mystery Queen" by Fergus Hume is a captivating detective novel that revolves around the enigmatic and resourceful character of the Mystery Queen. Set against the backdrop of a bustling city, the narrative unfolds as the Mystery Queen finds herself entangled in a complex web of criminal intrigue and suspense. With her sharp intellect and unwavering determination, she embarks on a relentless quest to solve a series of baffling crimes, each more intricate than the last. As she navigates through a maze of clues and red herrings, the Mystery Queen confronts formidable adversaries and unearths long-buried secrets, all while showcasing her unparalleled prowess in deduction and investigation. Fergus Hume's masterful storytelling weaves a tale of suspense and excitement, drawing readers into a world of mystery and intrigue that culminates in a breathtaking and unexpected conclusion, solidifying the Mystery Queen's place as a legendary figure in the annals of detective fiction.

  • von Fergus Hume
    24,00 €

  • von Fergus Hume
    29,00 €

    The Pink Shop, a classical book, has been considered essential throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.

  • von Fergus Hume
    26,00 €

    The Piccadilly Puzzle: A Mysterious Story, a classical book, has been considered essential throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.

  • von Fergus Hume
    30,00 €

    The Secret Passage, a classical book, has been considered essential throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.

  • von Fergus Hume
    28,00 €

    Monsieur Judas: A Paradox, a classical book, has been considered essential throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.

  • - A Mystery (1896)
    von Fergus Hume
    28,00 €

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • von Fergus Hume
    28,00 €

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • von Fergus Hume
    69,90 - 89,90 €

  • von Fergus Hume
    59,90 - 79,90 €

  • von Fergus Hume
    59,90 - 79,90 €

  • von Fergus Hume
    26,90 €

    Hagar of the Pawn-Shop is an unchanged, high-quality reprint of the original edition of 1899.Hansebooks is editor of the literature on different topic areas such as research and science, travel and expeditions, cooking and nutrition, medicine, and other genres. As a publisher we focus on the preservation of historical literature. Many works of historical writers and scientists are available today as antiques only. Hansebooks newly publishes these books and contributes to the preservation of literature which has become rare and historical knowledge for the future.

  • von Fergus Hume
    28,00 €

    Miss Mephistopheles: A Novel (Sequel to Madame Midas.), a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.

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