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Bücher von Filomena Maggino

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  • von Filomena Maggino
    3.394,00 €

    The aim of this encyclopedia is to provide a comprehensive reference work on scientific and other scholarly research on the quality of life, including health-related quality of life research or also called patient-reported outcomes research Since the 1960s two over-lapping but fairly distinct research communities and traditions have developed concerning ideas about the quality of life, individually and collectively, one with a fairly narrow focus on health-related issues and one with a quite broad focus. In many ways, the central issues of these fields have roots extending to the observations and speculations of ancient philosophers, creating a continuous exploration by diverse explorers in diverse historic and cultural circumstances over several centuries of the qualities of human existence. What we have not had so far is a single, multidimensional reference work connecting the most salient and important contributions to the relevant fields. Entries will be organized alphabetically and cover basic concepts, relatively well-established facts, lawlike and causal relations, theories, methods, standardized tests, biographic entries on significant figures, organizational profiles, indicators and indexes of qualities of individuals and of communities of diverse sizes, including rural areas, towns, cities, counties, provinces, states, regions, countries and groups of countries.

  • von Filomena Maggino
    30,00 €

    The answer in this small but dense book written by a Data professional herself (Filomena Maggino is a full professor of Statistics at "La Sapienza" University of Rome) is that not only does it make sense to reaffirm qualitative parameters but that it is urgent to turn our daily lives and our complex societies around by orienting them toward a New Humanism that identifies Integral Well-being as the "pole star" of individual and political action. To move in this direction, it is important, on the one hand, to clarify some basic concepts and focus on the right issues (what is meant by "well-being"? What does "quality of life" mean? And what do we refer to when we talk about "sustainability"...); on the other hand, it is necessary to address the field of action, providing very practical directions for initiating political projects of "humanizing renewal," according to the terminology used by Marco Guzzi.

  • von Filomena Maggino
    30,00 €

    La réponse de ce petit livre dense, écrit par une professionnelle du monde des données (Filomena Maggino est professeur de statistiques à l'université "La Sapienza" de Rome) est que non seulement il est logique de réaffirmer les paramètres qualitatifs, mais qu'il est urgent d'orienter nos vies quotidiennes et nos sociétés complexes vers un nouvel humanisme qui identifie le bien-être intégral comme l'étoile polaire de l'action individuelle et politique. Pour progresser dans cette direction, il est important, d'une part, de clarifier certains concepts fondamentaux et de se concentrer sur les bonnes questions (qu'entend-on par "bien-être" ? Que signifie "qualité de vie" ? Et à quoi faisons-nous référence lorsque nous parlons de "durabilité" ?); d'autre part, il est nécessaire d'aborder le domaine de l'action, en fournissant des indications très pratiques pour initier des projets politiques de "renouvellement humanisant", selon la terminologie utilisée par Marco Guzzi.

  • von Filomena Maggino
    30,00 €

    La respuesta de este pequeño pero denso libro, escrito por una profesional del mundo de los datos (Filomena Maggino es profesora de Estadística en la Universidad "La Sapienza" de Roma) es que no sólo tiene sentido reafirmar los parámetros cualitativos, sino que es urgente dar un giro a nuestra vida cotidiana y a nuestras complejas sociedades hacia un Nuevo Humanismo que identifique el Bienestar Integral como "estrella polar" de la acción individual y política. Para avanzar en esta dirección, es importante, por un lado, aclarar algunos conceptos fundamentales y centrarse en las cuestiones adecuadas (¿qué se entiende por "bienestar"? ¿Qué significa "calidad de vida"? ¿Y a qué nos referimos cuando hablamos de "sostenibilidad"?); por otro lado, es necesario abordar el campo de la acción, proporcionando indicaciones muy prácticas para iniciar proyectos políticos de "renovación humanizadora", según la terminología utilizada por Marco Guzzi.

  • von Filomena Maggino
    36,90 €

    Die Antwort dieses kleinen, aber dichten Buches, das von einer Fachfrau in der Welt der Daten geschrieben wurde (Filomena Maggino ist Professorin für Statistik an der Universität "La Sapienza" in Rom), lautet, dass es nicht nur sinnvoll ist, qualitative Parameter zu bekräftigen, sondern dass es dringend notwendig ist, unser tägliches Leben und unsere komplexen Gesellschaften in Richtung eines neuen Humanismus zu verändern, der das integrale Wohlbefinden als "Polarstern" des individuellen und politischen Handelns identifiziert. Um in diese Richtung zu gehen, ist es einerseits wichtig, einige grundlegende Konzepte zu klären und sich auf die richtigen Fragen zu konzentrieren (was ist mit "Wohlbefinden" gemeint? Was bedeutet "Lebensqualität"? Und worauf beziehen wir uns, wenn wir von "Nachhaltigkeit" sprechen?); andererseits ist es notwendig, sich mit dem Handlungsfeld zu befassen und ganz praktische Anhaltspunkte zu liefern, um politische Projekte der "humanisierenden Erneuerung", wie Marco Guzzi es ausdrückt, zu initiieren.

  • von Filomena Maggino
    30,00 €

    In un mondo regolato e dominato dai parametri numerici, dalle quantità calcolabili, dalle misure che pervadono ogni campo di esperienza, dagli algoritmi pervasivi, in definitiva, dalla Tecnica, ha ancora senso parlare di Qualità? La risposta di questo libro, piccolo ma denso, scritto proprio da una professionista del mondo dei Dati (Filomena Maggino è professore ordinario di Statistica all¿Università ¿La Sapienzä di Roma) è che non solo ha senso riaffermare parametri qualitativi ma che è urgente dare una svolta alle nostre vite quotidiane e alle nostre società complesse orientandole verso un Nuovo Umanesimo che individui il Benessere Integrale come ¿stella polare¿ dell¿agire individuale e politico. Per procedere in questa direzione è importante, da una parte, chiarire alcuni concetti fondamentali e mettere a fuoco le giuste problematiche (che cosa si intende per ¿benessere¿? Che cosa vuol dire ¿qualità della vitä? E a che cosa ci riferiamo quando parliamo di ¿sostenibilità¿?); dall¿altra è necessario affrontare il campo dell¿azione, fornendo indicazioni molto pratiche per avviare progetti politici di ¿rinnovamento umanizzante¿, secondo la terminologia utilizzata da Marco Guzzi.

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