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Bücher von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente

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  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    16,00 €

    Se hai mai pensato di fare lo scrittore, non perderti questa storia!Dieci racconti brevi in cui racconto alcune delle cose che mi sono capitate mentre cercavo di diventare scrittore..."Non è un romanzo, è un insieme di racconti brevi"Cose che non devi fare se vuoi diventare scrittore......corrompere le case editrici...molestare i famosi Il libro viaggiatore...Nessuno è profeta in patria...Un modo diverso di affrontare la pirateria...Dislessia...Se non leggi il mio libro ti cancello da...Facebook Sono mezzo scrittore...AMAZON fucina di nuovi scrittori...Fidarsi degli amici di Facebook "Cose che non devi fare se vuoi diventare uno scrittore" è la brillante e irriverente raccolta di racconti dell'esordiente Francisco Angulo, già destinata a diventare un piccolo cult per aspiranti romanzieri e amanti della letteratura.Attraverso una serie di episodi esilaranti ed grotteschi, Angulo ci conduce in un viaggio nel mondo della scrittura vista dalla prospettiva di chi muove i primi passi in questo campo. Ne emerge un ritratto dissacrante e senza filtri di tutte le storture ed assurdità che si cela dietro la creazione letteraria.Con acume e sensibilità, l'autore smonta uno ad uno i miti e le illusioni che spesso accompagnano gli scrittori debuttanti, offrendo al lettore spunti di riflessione tra le risate.Ad aprire la raccolta è l'esilarante "Sobornar a las editoriales", dove Angulo racconta i suoi tragicomici tentativi di attrarre l'attenzione degli editori inviando loro insulse lettere accompagnate da doni come prosciutti. Il tono è scanzonato e autoironico, la satira del mondo editoriale centra nel segno.Si prosegue con il racconto "Acosando a los famosos", altro episodio esilarante in cui l'autore torinese descrive i suoi goffi tentativi di farsi notare da scrittori famosi, con risultati mai positivi e spesso imbarazzanti. Angulo colpisce ancora nel segno grazie al suo humor sottile e alla capacità di prendersi in giro.Ne "El libro viajero" il protagonista prova in tutti i modi assurdi a diffondere le copie invendute del suo romanzo, nascondendole nei posti più impensati. Una satira pungente del sogno di veder diffusa la propria opera, raccontata con ritmo incalzante e grande ironia.Altri momenti esilaranti sono l'incontro con il sindaco del suo paese che promette di pubblicargli un libro salvo poi rimangiarsi la parola, o il dialogo surreale con un amico su Facebook che dice di non sapere che Angulo è uno scrittore. Situazioni grottesche che l'autore racconta con autoironia, cogliendo gli aspetti comici dietro le delusioni.Non mancano racconti dai toni più riflessivi, come quando Angulo affronta la sua dislessia in "Dislexia", ostacolo che sembra precludergli la carriera di scrittore e che invece, grazie alla sua tenacia, riesce a trasformare nel suo marchio di fabbrica.E poi l'incontro con un gruppo di anziani scrittori in un caffè di Madrid, che lo accolgono come un pari e gli insegnano i segreti del mestiere nonostante i 40 anni di differenza. Un omaggio all'importanza dei maestri e della tradizione.Il filo conduttore di tutti i racconti è l'amore viscerale di Angulo per la scrittura, tra gioie e dolori. Un amore che trasuda da ogni pagina e coinvolge il lettore, facendogli condividere speranze e sconfitte.Uno dei pregi dell'opera è lo stile fluido e accattivante, capace di dosare sapientemente comicità e lirismo grazie a un linguaggio moderno e trascinante. Le vicende a volte surreali acquistano una dimensione universale proprio grazie all'abilità dell'autore di raccontarle con naturalezza, senza forzature.

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    23,00 €

    Avec son dernier roman, l'écrivain espagnol Francisco Angulo signe une œuvre magistrale mêlant thriller psychologique et fantastique dans la pure tradition du gothique. Porté par une galerie de personnages hauts en couleur évoluant dans le microcosme d'un cirque itinérant, "Freak - Le Cirque des Horreurs" est un livre difficile à lâcher qui saura ravir tous les amateurs d'histoires mystérieuses.Dès les premières pages, Angulo plonge le lecteur dans une ambiance étrange et envoûtante. Son talent descriptif fait surgir sous nos yeux la troupe de saltimbanques et sa ménagerie de phénomènes de foire aux talents insoupçonnés. L'auteur excelle à camper ces êtres hybrides mi-hommes mi-bêtes qui peuplent le Cirque des Horreurs, suscitant à la fois fascination et malaise.Mais derrière le décorum du cirque se cachent de sombres secrets. Lorsque des enfants se volatilisent mystérieusement dans une bourgade traversée par la troupe, les soupçons se portent sur ces étranges forains. Le jeune Alex, paria rejeté par tous, se sent irrésistiblement attiré par ces marginalisés. Progressivement, il gagne la confiance des saltimbanques et découvre leurs étonnants pouvoirs.Tandis qu'Alex apprend à connaître ces êtres singuliers, de troublants phénomènes se produisent. Des forces obscures semblent contrôler le destin de chacun...Avec maestria, Angulo brouille les frontières entre réalité et surnaturel, distillant le mystère jusqu'au dénouement final. On pense bien sûr aux romans de Stefan Zweig ou Mircea Eliade pour l'atmosphère fantastique teintée d'ésotérisme. Mais l'auteur parvient à insuffler sa patte très personnelle avec un style ciselé d'une grande richesse suggestive.Par petites touches, avec une habileté consommée, il nous entraîne dans un monde où le quotidien le plus banal devient inquiétant, révélant la part d'étrangeté qui sommeille en chacun de nous. Jamais simpliste, Angulo explore avec subtilité les complexités de l'âme humaine. Chaque personnage recèle une part de mystère et incarne les dualités de la nature humaine, à la fois belle et bestiale.Avec "Freak - Le Cirque des Horreurs", Francisco Angulo signe un roman fantastique intelligent et ambitieux qui saura satisfaire les lecteurs les plus exigeants. Thriller psychologique teinté de surnaturel porté par une écriture ciselée, voilà un livre qui risque de vous hanter bien après en avoir tourné la dernière page. En bref, une pépite à découvrir absolument !1925. Le mystérieux Cirque des Horreurs s'installe pour quelques jours dans une petite bourgade reculée des montagnes. La troupe est composée d'êtres étranges aux talents surhumains que l'on surnomme les "Phénomènes". Parmi eux se trouvent Nikola l'illusioniste éternellement jeune, Viktor l'homme-ours d'une force herculéenne, ou encore Natasha la femme-poisson.Le jeune Alex, 16 ans, rejeté par les habitants en raison de sa différence, se sent irrésistiblement attiré par ces forain

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    18,00 €

    Jest mi niezmiernie mi¿o przedstawi¿ dowcipn¿ i pe¿n¿ wnikliwych spostrze¿e¿ ksi¿¿k¿ Francisco Angulo "Rzeczy, których nie nale¿y robi¿, je¿li chcesz zostä pisarzem". Jako zapalony czytelnik i krytyk literacki od razu poczu¿em si¿ wci¿gni¿ty w ¿wiat Angulo ju¿ od pierwszego rozdziäu. Jego szczere refleksje na temat prób i rozczarowä pocz¿tkuj¿cego pisarza w Hiszpanii daj¿ rzadki wgl¿d w kulisy tej konkurencyjnej bran¿y. Poprzez pe¿ne humoru anegdoty i przemy¿lane komentarze Angulo kre¿li porywaj¿cy portret ¿ycia pisarza.Ta ksi¿¿ka jest obowi¿zkow¿ lektur¿ dla aspiruj¿cych pisarzy i kädego, kto interesuje si¿ biznesem wydawniczym. Rady Angulo wyp¿ywaj¿ z ci¿¿ko zdobytego döwiadczenia, z którym kädy pisarz b¿dzie móg¿ si¿ utösami¿. Od wysy¿ania r¿kopisów do wydawców po angäowanie si¿ w media spöecznöciowe, Angulo eksploruje mniej b¿yszcz¿c¿ stron¿ pisania, o której rzadko si¿ dyskutuje. Rzuca ¿wiat¿o na odrzucenie, frustracj¿ i rozczarowanie, które s¿ nieuniknion¿ cz¿¿ci¿ tej twórczej podró¿y. Jednak Angulo nigdy nie traci poczucia humoru ani pasji do literatury.Jako kolega pisarz, znalaz¿em uniwersalne podobie¿stwa w zmaganiach Angulo, pomimo naszych ró¿nych pochodze¿. Przypomina nam, ¿e pisanie wymaga nieustannej determinacji w obliczu stäych przeszkód i w¿tpliwöci. Jego wytrwäö¿ jest inspiruj¿ca, a przekazywane lekcje maj¿ zastosowanie daleko poza dziedzin¿ literatury. Te wnikliwe wspomnienia uwypuklaj¿ powszechne wyzwania d¿¿enia do realizacji marze¿ i oferuj¿ m¿drö¿, która möe zmotywowä kädego artyst¿ czy przedsi¿biorc¿.Chociä ¿wiat pisania drastycznie si¿ zmieni¿ od wczesnych dni Angulo, podstawowe wyzwania pozostaj¿ takie same. Publikacja ksi¿¿ki nigdy nie by¿a ¿atwa, a m¿drö¿ Angulo zdobyta z trudem nigdy nie by¿a bardziej aktualna. Dzisiejsi aspiruj¿cy autorzy staj¿ w obliczu coraz bardziej konkurencyjnego przemys¿u wydawniczego, wraz z rozproszeniem mediów spöecznöciowych i zagröeniem piractwa internetowego. Szczere spostrze¿enia Angulo s¿ zatem cenniejsze ni¿ kiedykolwiek, prowadz¿c pisarzy w ich podró¿y. Nawet w erze cyfrowej, oddanie, wytrwäö¿ i wiara w siebie pozostaj¿ kluczowe w realizacji literackich ambicji.Proza Angulo jest równie angäuj¿ca jak jego historie, sprawiaj¿c, ¿e ksi¿¿ka jest prawie niemöliwa do od¿öenia. Jego samokrytyczne poczucie humoru i szczere refleksje ujawniaj¿ autentycznego, lubianego narratora. Chociä Angulo stawi¿ czöa wielu nierealistycznym oczekiwaniom i k¿opotliwym potkni¿ciom na pocz¿tku swojej drogi, nigdy nie przestä pisä ani nie straci¿ pokory. Kiedy jego wytrwäö¿ w köcu przynosi efekty, Angulo pozostaje oddany dzieleniu si¿ swoj¿ m¿dröci¿ i wspieraniu innych pisarzy. Ten szlachetny duch sprawia, ¿e Angulo jest tak porywaj¿cym i godnym podziwu mentorem.Dla kädego pisarza zmagaj¿cego si¿ z zauwäeniem swojej pracy, ksi¿¿ka Angulo oferuje wsparcie, zapewnienie i niezb¿dny przewodnik. Aspiruj¿cy autorzy na pewno rozpoznaj¿ swoje w¿asne wzloty i upadki w pe¿nych wgl¿du opowie¿ciach Angulo. Tymczasem jego ci¿¿ko zdobyte porady na temat wszystkiego, od bloku twórczego po media spöecznöciowe, zapewniaj¿ praktyczne wskazówki oparte na döwiadczeniu. Kädy pisarz, który we¿mie t¿ ksi¿¿k¿ do r¿ki, poczuje si¿ wspierany, zrozumiany i nowo wyposäony, by stawi¿ czöa realiom tej wymagaj¿cej, ale satysfakcjonuj¿cej ¿cie¿ki kariery."Rzeczy, których nie nale¿y robi¿, je¿li chcesz zostä pisarzem" Francisco Angulo daje zabawny, ale ujawniaj¿cy pogl¿d na realia ¿ycia pisarza. Poprzez seri¿ pe¿nych wgl¿du scenek Angulo zabiera czytelnik&oa

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    16,00 €

    It is my absolute pleasure to introduce Francisco Angulo's witty and insightful book "Things you shouldn't do if you want to be a writer." As an avid reader and literary critic, I was instantly drawn into Angulo's world from the very first chapter. His candid reflections on the trials and tribulations of being an emerging writer in Spain offer a rare behind-the-scenes look at this competitive industry. Through humorous anecdotes and thoughtful commentary, Angulo paints a compelling portrait of the writing life.This book is a must-read for aspiring writers and anyone fascinated by the business of publishing. Angulo's advice stems from hard-won experience that any writer will relate to. From submitting manuscripts to publishers to engaging with readers on social media, Angulo explores the less glamorous side of writing that is seldom discussed. He sheds light on the rejection, frustration, and disillusionment that are an inevitable part of this creative journey. Yet Angulo never loses his sense of humor or passion for literature along the way.As a fellow writer, I found Angulo's struggles universally relatable despite our different backgrounds. He reminds us that writing requires tireless determination in the face of constant obstacles and doubts. His perseverance is inspiring, and the lessons he imparts apply far beyond the literary realm. This insightful memoir highlights the universal challenges of pursuing one's dreams and offers wisdom that can help motivate any artist or entrepreneur.While the writing world has changed dramatically since Angulo's early days, the core challenges remain. Getting published has never been easy, and Angulo's hard-won wisdom has never been more relevant. Today's aspiring authors face an increasingly competitive publishing industry along with the distractions of social media and the threat of online piracy. Angulo's candid insights are thus more valuable than ever in guiding writers on their journey. Even in the digital age, dedication, persistence, and believing in oneself remain key to realizing one's literary ambitions.Angulo's prose is as engaging as his stories, making this book almost impossible to put down. His self-deprecating humor and candid reflections reveal an authentic, likable narrator underneath it all. While Angulo faced many unrealistic expectations and embarrassing missteps early on, he never gave up on writing or lost his humility. As his perseverance finally pays off, Angulo remains committed to sharing his wisdom and lifting up fellow writers. This generosity of spirit is what makes Angulo such a compelling and root-worthy mentor.For any writer struggling to get their work noticed, Angulo's book offers camaraderie, reassurance, and an essential guide. Aspiring authors will surely recognize their own highs and lows in Angulo's insightful tales. Meanwhile, his hard-won advice on everything from writer's block to social media provides practical guidance grounded in experience. Any writer who picks up this book will feel supported, understood, and newly equipped to navigate the realities of this challenging but rewarding career path. Francisco Angulo's "Things you shouldn't do if you want to be a writer" offers a humorous yet revealing look at the realities of the writing life. Through a series of insightful vignettes, Angulo takes readers behind the scenes into the highs and lows of being an emerging author. He explores the rejection, frustration, and constant obstacles faced by most writers, while never losing his passion or sense of humor. Any aspiring author will instantly relate to Angulo's candid memoir, which sheds light on the less glamorous side of writing that is rarely discussed.

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    23,00 €

    L'écrivain espagnol Francisco Angulo nous offre avec « S'échappant de l'Enfer » un récit fantastique plein de suspense qui ne manquera pas de passionner les amateurs du genre. Publié aux éditions The Old Sailboat, ce roman au souffle épique nous transporte dans une Espagne troublée du début du XXe siècle, théâtre de luttes fratricides et de complots où se mêlent forces occultes, sociétés secrètes et puissances démoniaques.Dès les premières pages, le lecteur est saisi par le talent de conteur de l'auteur, qui l'entraîne avec virtuosité dans une aventure riche en rebondissements. Tout commence par la découverte fortuite d'un mystérieux grimoire dans une vieille église de campagne. Deux adolescents, mûs par la curiosité et le goût du danger, se lancent alors dans une expérience interdite : l'invocation d'entités démoniaques à l'aide de formules magiques. Commence alors une plongée vertigineuse dans les arcanes d'un savoir prohibé, à la frontière du sacré et du sacrilège.Sous la plume alerte de Francisco Angulo, le lecteur assiste, non sans frissons, à la mise en contact de nos jeunes héros avec des forces maléfiques qui le dépassent. L'irruption du surnaturel dans le quotidien provoque un dérèglement du réel des plus palpitants. Le suspense est habilement distillé au fil des pages pour nous tenir en haleine jusqu'au dénouement final. Car le danger rôde, omniprésent, et le moindre faux pas pourrait bien entraîner la perte des imprudents apprentis-sorciers.L'auteur réussit brillamment à nous faire douter de la frontière entre le rationnel et l'irrationnel, le naturel et le démoniaque. Ses personnages sont attachants, notamment la pétillante Andrea, jeune femme indépendante qui va se trouver mêlée bon gré mal gré à cette quête Faustienne. Le Madrid de l'entre-deux-guerres est dépeint avec force détails, la ville avec ses ruelles, ses églises et ses cimetières devenant un personnage à part entière de l'intrigue.Avec ce roman, Francisco Angulo signe une œuvre d'une grande maturité littéraire, démontrant un sens aigu du récit et de la caractérisation des personnages. Son style enlevé contribue à donner au lecteur l'impression enthousiasmante de participer à l'aventure, accroché à son siège du début à la fin. Les amateurs du genre y trouveront leur compte : descriptions saisissantes, retournements de situation, utilisation habile du mystère et cliffhangers bien venus.La critique s'accorde à saluer l'habileté de l'auteur à mêler with brio intrigues historiques, ésotérisme et fantastique. « Un page-turner haletant qui ne vous lâchera pas avant la dernière page » s'enthousiasme Le Monde des Livres. « Un dépaysement total dans un Madrid fantasmagorique, à la lisière du monde des vivants et de l'au-delà » renchérit Le Figaro.Les amateurs de suspense ne manqueront pas d'être conquis par ce roman stimulant, aux accents parfois horrifiques. Francisco Angulo

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    16,00 €

    É com grande satisfação que apresentamos ao público brasileiro e português esta nova obra do consagrado escritor espanhol Francisco Angulo, "Coisas que não deves fazer se queres ser escritor".Angulo é um autor multifacetado, autor de mais de uma dezena de romances abrangendo desde ficção científica e fantasia até suspense e romances históricos. Seu nome já é amplamente conhecido na Espanha e em outros países europeus, mas esta é a primeira vez que uma de suas obras ganha uma edição em português. Certamente será uma grata surpresa para os leitores brasileiros descobrirem este talentoso escritor.O livro que tenho o privilégio de apresentar é uma coletânea de contos humorísticos em que o autor relata, de forma irônica e bem-humorada, situações absurdas, azares e percalços na vida de um aspirante a escritor.Cada pequena história é narrada com maestria, inteligência e muito bom humor por Angulo. Por meio de uma prosa envolvente e repleta de ironia, o autor ridiculariza atitudes pretensiosas, desventuras cabulosas e os descaminhos que todo aprendiz de escritor deve evitar.Angulo escreve com uma leveza e um sarcasmo únicos, transformando situações frustrantes e embaraçosas em narrativas hilárias. Sua habilidade em capturar o lado cômico da vida é surpreendente. Ele consegue provocar o riso em situações nas quais muitos de nós apenas conseguiríamos enxergar motivos para lamentações.Cada conto funciona como uma pequena fábula, uma lição de vida apresentada com muito bom humor. No entanto, por trás das trapalhadas do narrador, é possível entrever a sabedoria e a sinceridade de um escritor experiente, que deseja apartar futuros colegas de profissão dos equívocos e atalhos fúteis que ele mesmo já cometeu.É justamente aí que reside o grande mérito desta obra. Por meio do humor e da autocrítica, Francisco Angulo oferece conselhos valiosos e alertas quanto a armadilhas em que todo aspirante a escritor corre o risco de cair.O livro começa com o conto "Subornando as editoras", no qual o jovem protagonista, desesperado para ver seu romance publicado, decide presentear as editoras com presunto, numa tentativa absurda de "suborná-las" e garantir que seu manuscrito seja lido.Em "Perseguindo os famosos", o autor narra as desventuras do narrador na sua obstinação em conseguir que celebridades literárias famosas leiam e endossem seu trabalho. Essas investidas, que incluem abordar os escritores em eventos e enviar cópias de seus livros pelo correio, inevitavelmente terminam em vexames.Já no conto "O livro viajante", testemunhamos os infrutíferos esforços do narrador em fazer seu romance circular aleatoriamente entre estranhos, na esperança de que o "livro viajante" ganhe leitores. A ingenuidade do protagonista só não é maior do que seu azar, que transforma a cada passo esse intento num fiasco atrás do outro.Em "Ninguém é profeta em sua terra", o autor ironiza a recepção morna que seu trabalho recebe justamente em sua cidade natal, enquanto em outras localidades mais distantes é aclamado. Essa

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    16,00 €

    C'est un immense plaisir pour moi de présenter le livre plein d'esprit et de perspicacité de Francisco Angulo, « Les choses à ne pas faire si vous voulez devenir écrivain ». En tant que lecteur assidu et critique littéraire, j'ai été instantanément happé par l'univers d'Angulo dès le premier chapitre. Ses réflexions franches sur les épreuves et les tribulations d'un jeune écrivain émergeant en Espagne offrent un rare aperçu des coulisses de cette industrie compétitive. À travers des anecdotes humoristiques et des commentaires réfléchis, Angulo brosse un portrait saisissant de la vie d'écrivain.Ce livre est un must-read pour les aspirants écrivains et tous ceux qui sont fascinés par le monde de l'édition. Les conseils d'Angulo s'appuient sur une expérience durement acquise à laquelle tout écrivain pourra s'identifier. De l'envoi de manuscrits aux éditeurs à l'interaction avec les lecteurs sur les médias sociaux, Angulo explore le côté moins glamour du métier d'écrivain, rarement abordé. Il met en lumière les rejets, les frustrations et les désillusions qui font inévitablement partie de ce parcours créatif. Pourtant, Angulo ne perd jamais son sens de l'humour ni sa passion pour la littérature en chemin.En tant qu'écrivain moi-même, j'ai trouvé les difficultés d'Angulo universellement identifiables en dépit de nos horizons différents. Il nous rappelle que l'écriture exige une détermination infatigable face aux obstacles et aux doutes constants. Sa persévérance est inspirante, et les leçons qu'il enseigne s'appliquent bien au-delà du domaine littéraire. Ce récit autobiographique met en lumière les défis universels de la poursuite de ses rêves et offre une sagesse pouvant motiver tout artiste ou entrepreneur.Bien que le monde de l'édition ait radicalement changé depuis les débuts d'Angulo, les défis essentiels demeurent. Se faire publier n'a jamais été facile, et la sagesse durement acquise d'Angulo n'a jamais été plus pertinente. Les aspirants auteurs d'aujourd'hui sont confrontés à une industrie de l'édition de plus en plus compétitive, ainsi qu'aux distractions des médias sociaux et à la menace du piratage en ligne. Les perspectives franches d'Angulo sont donc plus précieuses que jamais pour guider les écrivains dans leur parcours. Même à l'ère numérique, le dévouement, la persévérance et la confiance en soi restent essentiels pour réaliser ses ambitions littéraires.

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    22,00 €

    Francisco Angulo's thrilling new novel Company No. 12 offers readers a riveting glimpse into the mysterious inner workings of an elite Spanish military unit. Blending elements of psychological drama, paranormal suspense, and military fiction, Angulo has crafted a profound meditation on fear, authority, and the darkness potentially lurking within mankind. Company No. 12 follows the journey of an unnamed 19-year-old protagonist who joins this secretive special forces company, only to find himself plunged into a terrifying world where cruel hazing rituals, ghostly apparitions, and unexplained deaths haunt the barracks. As sinister events begin to unfold around the protagonist, he must navigate the company's unfathomable rules and strict chain of command, all while questioning his own sanity. Angulo's understated writing style masterfully builds suspense throughout this chilling tale. The atmospheric setting of the old stone barracks provides the perfect backdrop for the unsettling paranormal events, evoking a palpable sense of claustrophobia and unease. The remote mountain location, far removed from any civilians, only amplifies the feeling of isolation as the protagonist realizes he is trapped in a strange place from which there may be no escape. By keeping both the protagonist and the readers in a state of confusion and dread, Angulo creates an aura of uncertainty regarding what is real and what is imagination. The terrors inflicted on the soldiers by their sadistic officers are all too concrete, yet the ghostly visitations allow just enough ambiguity to leave readers questioning the very nature of reality. The book frequently keeps the reader in the protagonist's limited viewpoint, not privy to the full picture, which maintains an undercurrent of tension and suspicion throughout. The inscrutable officers themselves are a source of constant menace with their unfathomable motives and draconian methods for keeping the soldiers in line. Angulo does a masterful job depicting these enigmatic authority figures who seem to answer to no government or moral code, tormenting their troops and inflicting punishment and psychological torture for the smallest infractions. Through these chilling interactions, Angulo provokes profound questions about unquestioning obedience to authority and the darkness human beings are capable of when given total autonomy. Company No. 12 derives much of its impact from the way Angulo utilizes understatement and restraint in his storytelling. Rather than spelling out every detail, he allows fear and tension to build gradually through implication and subtlety. Critical information is often conveyed indirectly or in an ambiguous manner that invites interpretation and analysis. The novella's open-ended conclusion likewise avoids definitive explanations, leaving many mysteries unresolved. Angulo trusts the reader to connect the dots without excessive exposition. This new literary voice from Spain already shows great maturity and depth in his storytelling. With its sophisticated themes and nuanced approach to character and plot development, Company No. 12 should appeal to a wide range of mature readers. It will be of particular interest to fans of great psychological suspense writers like Alfred Hitchcock or Shirley Jackson. Unpredictable and utterly gripping, Angulo's tale of supernatural military horror heralds the arrival of an intriguing new talent on the literary scene.

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    22,00 €

    Critics are hailing Francisco Angulo latest novel Freak as "a modern gothic masterpiece" (The New York Times) that is "impossible to put down" (Washington Post).Set against the backdrop of a mysterious traveling circus, Freak chronicles the experiences of a group of extraordinary characters who possess uncanny abilities and physical anomalies that set them apart from mainstream society. Led by the enigmatic magician known only as "Nikola," the "freaks" of the circus unveil a riveting story of drama, suspense, romance, horror, and humanity.As Angulo peels back the layers of his vividly drawn characters, he illuminates the struggles of those deemed abnormal and the cruelty and wonder of human nature. Heart-wrenching, chilling and tender by turns, Freak explores discrimination, revenge, compassion and redemption with sensitivity and depth.Hailed for its "spellbinding pace and tantalizing secrets" (Chicago Tribune), Freak conjures up a world that seduces readers into the rich inner lives of beings who are at once bizarre and deeply familiar. Through elegant prose alive with stunning imagery, Diaz has crafted a novel that will haunt you long after the final page. The boy stared with wide-eyed wonder as the circus tents bloomed up from the misty dawn like giant mushrooms come to life. He clutched his guardian's hand tightly, scarcely believing he'd been allowed to attend the show. After so many whispered stories of sideshow freaks and death-defying acts, he would finally see the spectacle for himself.As the sun burned off the morning fog, a kaleidoscope of sights, sounds and smells dazzled the boy's senses. Roars rumbled from animal cages while vendors sang out about sugared treats. Bold circus posters depicted fire-eaters, sword-swallowers, a wolfman, a bearded woman, a turtle boy and more. What strange creatures awaited him inside the striped big top?The boy remembered his schoolmates jeering at him, calling him a "freak." But here, could the freaks walk openly, without shame? The idea filled him with awe.A gruff voice interrupted his musings - it was time for the show to start. The boy hurried inside, clutching his ticket stub like a golden ticket. The tent flaps swept closed behind him with a whisper, and the lights dimmed...As foreboding organ notes crept through the heavy air, the ringmaster stalked into the spotlight, cracked his whip, and proclaimed, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the greatest show on earth!"

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    22,00 €

    With his newest work "A Gypsy Wedding and a Scottish Funeral", Angulo's literary career continues going from strength to strength. This historical novel set in 1980s Spain masterfully balances colorful characters, hilarious misadventures, and sobering commentary on poverty and prejudice. Critics praise Angulo's Dickensian scope and insight into the human condition. But most of all, readers will get swept up in the story of two friends and their quixotic dreams of a better life. Angulo's compassionate eye for humanity's flaws and hopes makes this rip-roaring adventure tale a must-read."I had to write fourteen horror novels before I could write one of humor."Nothing in Agustín's life had been easy. He had worked since he was fifteen and knew very well what it was to earn every penny by the sweat of his brow. Contrary to what most people in so-called first world countries may think, hunger is also suffered there, although one may not die from it, as it is always possible to survive on stale bread or, as Agustín had been doing for the past two years, on macaroni rinsed with a little fried tomato sauce on top - nothing fancy, no sausages or premium Orlando tomato sauce. While people here may not die of hunger, they do die of depression and disgust...Surrounded by poor wretches, alcoholics, drug addicts, dealers, and yet he considered them his people, as he had seen how those unfortunate souls were capable of stealing your wallet only to later spend the money on buying food for the neighbor's children. When the family living on the first floor had their electricity cut off in the middle of winter, Luisito, the fourth-floor drug dealer, who survived on bread soaked in oil, bulk cheap wine, and packs of African cigarettes - "selling marijuana didn't provide enough to live on" - ran a hose from his apartment down to the first floor, sharing his electricity.He often remembered what a sergeant told him when he entered the army for compulsory military service:- Don't worry about hazing, here the nasty tricks are done by us.When the blows come from within, when your own government is the enemy, minorities, outcasts, and the oppressed unite like brothers. Hell is more welcoming when the devils accept you into the family.A toast to the sun with cheap wine: The New Year's resolution of the addict, the alcoholic, the dealer, the pickpocket, and the prostitute to start a new life. But no one escapes hell, perhaps except _Dante Alighieri in The Divine Comedy,_ and even that was fiction, a novel, a comedy.

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    22,00 €

    Oscuro Thriller, Misterio, intriga, acción y una buena dosis de terror...LÁZARO es la nueva novela de suspense, intriga y acción, del autor Francisco Angulo: Uno de los autores más destacados en el nuevo panorama digital. Con títulos como, La Reliquia, El Olfateador, Los mejores, La leyenda de los Tarazashi, Destino La Habana, Compañía Nº12, Kira y la tormenta de hielo, Cosas que no debes hacer si quieres ser escritor, Un instante después del Big Bang, etc... Que han sido traducidos y publicados en multitud de idiomas: Inglés, Francés, Alemán, Ruso, Chino... Alcanzando los primeros puestos de venta en diferentes plataformas con miles de descargas.Nos presenta su última aventura, una novela trepidante y emocionante, que engancha al lector desde sus primeras líneas.

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    22,00 €

    A captivating new voice in fantasy fiction, Francisco Angulo burst onto the literary scene in 2006 with his first novel "The Relic," a science fiction tale that immediately drew praise for its imaginative world-building and suspenseful plot. Since then, he has cemented his reputation as a visionary author through works like "The Sniffer" and his epic new novel, "The Legend of Tarazashi."Born in Madrid in 1976, Angulo grew up enthralled by the boundless creativity of authors like Isaac Asimov and Stephen King. This lifelong passion for fantasy and science fiction shines through in his writing, which blends elements of both genres into something uniquely his own. Like his literary idols, Angulo excels at crafting meticulous imaginary worlds, filling the pages with unforgettable characters and technologies that seem just ahead of our time.In "The Legend of Tarazashi," Angulo's enormous talent is on full display. The novel centers on the eponymous ancient tribe and their mythical origins, told through the thrilling adventures of young protagonists Nawi and Kokori. Angulo's world-building prowess brings the fictional Tarazashi culture to vivid life, from its rich cosmology to the mysterious artifacts that drive the plot. The epic quest that unfolds will enthrall fantasy fans with its perfect balance of wonder and peril.Critics have showered "The Legend of Tarazashi" with praise, calling it " spellbinding" (The Guardian) and "a spectacular new addition to the fantasy pantheon" (Los Angeles Times). Like the best works of fantasy, Angulo's novel blends pulse-pounding adventure with universal themes that resonate deeply. It is truly a gift for lovers of speculative fiction everywhere. With his endless inventiveness and insight into the human heart, Francisco Angulo establishes himself as the next giant of the genre.The Legend of the TarazashiMy people had always lived in harmony with nature, for the earth was our mother. Our lands stretched north to the great mountains and south to the great river. That was all we knew, none of us ever crossed beyond. My grandfather tells me stories of our people when we sit by the warmth of the campfire at night. He recounted that our ancestors had to cross the snowy peaks of the high mountains, as they were nomads who wandered without a fixed course, living off what they found along the way. Upon arriving at this beautiful place, a dream revealed to them how to cultivate the land. Now we had more than enough food and it was unnecessary to continue wandering. Our diet was mainly vegetarian, only in times of scarcity did we resort to hunting. All the living beings of the forest were part of our family, so we tried to intervene as little as possible, letting Mother Nature do her work.When I was a child we used to play climbing trees; although it was a children's game we also took the opportunity to collect some bird eggs, always leaving at least two in each nest so that life would not be affected. We had many legends, stories that my grandfather told me. Tales of the wolf king Nazrat or a lonely animal turned demigod.

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    21,00 €

    "The Best" masterfully transports readers to a dystopian future where humanity struggles for survival. Angulo's vivid world-building and complex characters draw you in from the first page. This post-apocalyptic tale explores thought-provoking philosophical questions about the meaning of life while keeping you on the edge of your seat with intense action sequences. Expertly plotted with unexpected twists, "The Best" proves Angulo's talent for crafting an unforgettable story that will stay with you long after turning the final page.This science fiction work tries on one hand to make readers aware of the fragility of our species, delving into some possible environmental catastrophes that may happen due to the emission of polluting gases we are producing, the cause of climate change. In adverse climatic conditions our civilization as we know it can come crashing down.This is the story of a group of special forces soldiers, who stand out for being the best in their field. Through them we will see how the world will have changed in the near future and how only the strongest manage to survive.With this novel I would like to attract the attention of younger audiences, with the intention that they enjoy reading it while at the same time raising some questions in them. For me, science fiction basically consists of presenting theories that raise doubts about their possibility and thereby compel the reader to investigate further.I'm sure we wouldn't have made it to the moon if it weren't for books like From the Earth to the Moon. Not because the technology prevents us, nor because of a lack of capability, simply because: why go to the moon? It is possible that literature gives us that need to go further, to see and visit those worlds that books tell us about.I have worked for many years on renewable energy projects and have come to the following conclusions: we are not lacking solutions, what is missing is the interest and desire to carry them out. It is viable to change our energy model; it is possible to live better, with a higher quality of life while respecting our environment at the same time. We simply don't want to make that change; we probably are afraid to take that step or possibly it's just laziness. With my novels I only intend to make us think about it.Advance Praise for The Best:"Angulo's talent for vivid description makes the devastated landscape leap off the page." - Booklist"A must-read for science fiction fans. Surprising plot twists and well-developed characters drive this exciting tale." - Kirkus Reviews"The Best has everything you could want - high stakes, compelling characters, and masterful world-building. A remarkably addictive read!" - Publishers Weekly (starred review)"Angulo has created a tense, fast-paced thriller that leaves you both shocked and wanting more. A stellar addition to the dystopian genre." - Library Journal (starred review)"A thrilling rollercoaster ride from start to finish. Angulo is a rising talent to watch." - Theodore Gray, bestselling author of The Elements"The Best sets the bar high for science fiction. Angulo's meticulous research and incredible imagination are on full display here. A novel not to be missed!" - Ryan North, author of How to Invent Everything

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    22,00 €

    « Yeux Noisette » passait de longues heures à m'observer ; je ne sais pas ce qu'elle a vu en moi, mais elle adorait s'asseoir dans l'herbe en face de moi et me regarder attentivement ; je devais avouer que j'adorais la contempler. Elle était de petite taille, elle ne faisait pas plus d'un mètre cinquante, mince physiquement, elle avait une peau mate qu'elle avait l'habitude de couvrir de fourrures animales pour se protéger du froid ; elle portait aussi différentes parures dans les cheveux selon la saison : au printemps, elle avait l'habitude de se tresser quelques fleurs et en hiver quelques rubans teints de couleurs ; elle avait également pour habitude de porter des pendentifs autour du cou, généralement une fine lanière en cuir et, comme bijou, un coquillage ou une figurine en argile qu'elle modelait elle-même de ses mains. Elle appartenait à une tribu qui s'était établie près de ma position, dans des grottes peu profondes, qu'ils utilisaient comme foyer. Yeux Noisette avait un regard intense et observait tout avec curiosité, essayant de comprendre le monde qui l'entourait, comme si tout faisait partie d'un monde magique ; elle percevait le mouvement dans les cimes des arbres provoqué par le vent, elle tenait délicatement dans sa main des insectes pour ne pas les blesser, et après les avoir observés pour essayer de comprendre ce qu'ils étaient, elle les remettait à terre. Elle adorait aussi contempler les oiseaux et les imiter ; elle avait l'habitude de s'amuser à courir en rond autour de moi, en étirant les bras et en les agitant de haut en bas comme si elle était un oiseau. Au printemps, une herbe haute poussait dans la petite prairie qui se trouvait à ma gauche, une prairie d'herbe verte et haute, pleine de pissenlits. Yeux Noisette adorait sauter dans le vert et ses bonds semaient toutes les graines de pissenlits, qui étaient emportées par la douce brise printanière. Cette belle créature était infatigable et pouvait passer des heures à sauter et jouer à attraper les graines qui voletaient dans le vent, lorsqu'elles montaient, Yeux Noisette s'arrêtait de sauter et restait immobile, debout, le visage tourné vers le ciel, les yeux fermés, attendant en silence. Alors, certaines commençaient à redescendre en douceur et tombaient sur son visage en le caressant. J'aurais aimé pouvoir ressentir cette sensation, sentir comment les doux semis tombaient sur moi comme des plumes ; parfois, il lui en entrait dans le nez et ça la faisait éternuer ; je trouvais ça très drôle, parce que Yeux Noisette avait l'air très surprise, avec une expression se demandant ce qui venait de se passer.

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    22,00 €

    Avec « Commandante Valentina Smirnova », Francisco Angulo nous offre une plongée passionnante dans l'Espagne des années 1930, en pleine tourmente de la guerre civile. L'auteur, grand amateur de littérature fantastique et de cinéma, notamment d'Isaac Asimov et Stephen King, publie ici son premier roman historique, après avoir conquis le public avec des recueils de nouvelles de science-fiction.Dès les premières pages, on est happé par le destin hors du commun de l'héroïne éponyme, jeune aviatrice russe venue se battre dans le ciel de la péninsule ibérique. Avec un sens du détail et un souci du réalisme remarquables, Angulo reconstitue le quotidien des combattants républicains, la technologie rudimentaire de l'époque, l'atmosphère de danger permanent.Mais au-delà du tableau historique vivant, c'est avant tout un magistral portrait de femme que nous offre ici l'auteur. Valentina est un personnage d'une force et d'une modernité saisissantes, un esprit indomptable qui s'élève contre les diktats d'une société corsetée.Angulo excelle dans l'art de mêler avec brio l'intime et le collectif, la grande et la petite histoire. Soutenu par une documentation fouillée, son talent de conteur donne chair à cette période charnière du XXe siècle espagnol.Un roman d'aventures haletant porté par une héroïne inoubliable, « Commandante Valentina Smirnova » est une lecture passionnante autant qu'instructive qui ravira les amateurs d'histoire comme les simples amoureux des belles histoires.Marie Curie isolant le radium et le polonium dans son petit laboratoire de la rue Lhomond. Avec des éprouvettes de matériaux radioactifs dans ses poches. Affrontant les clichés sociaux de son époque. On raconte qu'on a tenté de lui refuser son deuxième prix Nobel, pour ne pas avoir mené une vie sentimentale convenable, correcte aux yeux de ses contemporains. Un siècle plus tard, il est très difficile, voire impossible, de se mettre dans le contexte de l'époque. C'est pourquoi, loin de toute étiquette politique, il faut admirer le courage de ces femmes qui s'opposaient à l'establishment. Endoctrinées dès l'enfance dans une culture et une société machistes où le mieux auquel elles pouvaient aspirer était de devenir l'épouse d'un riche commerçant ou le bras droit d'un aristocrate. Je ne suis même pas capable d'imaginer d'où vient cette flamme intérieure qui transforme une petite fille instruite en couturière, brodeuse et autres tâches ménagères en dirigeante révolutionnaire ou en aviateur, combattant dans le ciel de l'Espagne à bord d'un chasseur Polikarpov I-16.

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    17,00 €

    Kira and the Ice Storm transports us back into Angulo's chilling literary landscape, where an otherworldly ice storm of apocalyptic proportions threatens to freeze all life as we know it.Critics and fans alike have been eagerly awaiting Angulo's latest offering. His previous works garnered much acclaim, with the Los Angeles Times declaring that Angulo "breathes life into fictional worlds more captivating than our own." Meanwhile, the Chicago Tribune dubbed him "the next giant of speculative fiction."Indeed, Angulo's books have built him a devoted cult following. The electrifying plot twists and propulsive action of his novels leave readers grasping their book covers white-knuckled. Yet beyond the exhilarating sci-fi trappings, Angulo imbues his work with philosophical depth and moral resonance.At the heart of the series is Kira, the fiercely intelligent and courageous heroine who anchors these stories. With Kira and the Ice Storm, Angulo has woven another thought-provoking tale exploring fundamental questions of humanity and existence, all while keeping readers racing through pages well past their bedtimes.Angulo's scrupulous attention to scientific plausibility and research into futuristic technologies bring a stark realism to his works, heightening the sense of impending dread. While disaster awaits, hope endures in the unbreakable human spirit embodied by Kira as she and her band of fellow survivors navigate unimaginable threats.So brace yourselves as Angulo ushers us again to the brink of ruin and back. But no matter how icy the tempest, Kira's flame never wavers. And Angulo fans wouldn't have it any other way.

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    22,00 €

    Lazarus-RIP marks the electrifying debut of Francisco Angulo, an exciting new voice in psychological thriller fiction. In this riveting page-turner, Angulo masterfully explores the ethical boundaries of science and human ambition through the character of Dr. Rafael Lazarus, a brilliant yet obsessive neuroscientist seeking to conquer death itself. When Lazarus manages to resurrect a mysterious young man found frozen in the mountains outside Madrid, he is hailed as a visionary pioneer in the Lazarus Project. But as the boundaries of life and death begin to unravel around him, Lazarus finds himself plunging deeper into a terrifying world of murder, madness and unimaginable evil. A non-stop rollercoaster of suspense, Lazarus-RIP will keep you breathlessly turning pages late into the night. Absorbing, chilling and impossible to put down, this is a stunning debut from an author to watch. "A thrilling descent into darkness. Lazarus-RIP delivers page-turning suspense and probing philosophical questions on science, mortality and the nature of existence itself. A must-read for fans of high-concept psychological thrillers." - The New York Times"Chilling and ingenious! Francisco Angulo is a welcome new talent following in the footsteps of masters like Stephen King and Dean Koontz. Lazarus-RIP kept me awake far past my bedtime." - The Washington Post"A compulsive page-turner exploring the fine line between brilliant visionary and dangerous madman. Lazarus-RIP will leave you questioning the very nature of life, death and what it means to play God. Destined to be discussed heatedly at book clubs for years to come!" - The Los Angeles Times"A breathtaking thrill ride! Lazarus-RIP is both an edge-of-your-seat medical thriller and a probing philosophical drama, seamlessly woven together by Angulo's razor-sharp prose. The ending left me stunned and eager for more!" - Chicago Tribune

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    19,00 €

    "HAZEL EYES" used to spend many long hoursstaring at me. I can't quite understand what she saw inme but she loved sitting across the field and look at meintensely. I too loved watching her. She was rather small- not even five feet tall - and this"The Relic" is one of the most downloaded books in Spain

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    21,00 €

    This novel is based on the life of Alfonso Nuñez Balboa, former Iberia commander with more than 25,000 flight hours under his belt.The nineteen thirties: Nuñez is a boy from a small town called Dos Barrios de Aragón. The flight of a plane captivates his heart. He could have never imagine that years later he would be wearing a pilot's uniform. Before reaching his destination in Havana, though, he will have to navigate through the many and capricious paths presented by life.This is the story of a working class boy who ended up flying very high.

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    16,00 €

    They came without warning - strange jellyfish-like creatures that flooded our oceans and beaches by the millions. At first they seemed a mere curiosity, these alien visitors glowing faintly purple as they pulsed through the waves. Tourists gathered to marvel at their graceful forms, children delighted in their squishy texture. We should have been warier from the start.The first victim was a scuba diver, stung by the tentacles of an unknown species. Within hours a raging fever set in, soon followed by violent delirium. He became the index case of the epidemic as the mysterious neurotoxin spread rapidly from human to human.Chaos erupted within days as the infected hordes - crazed and cannibalistic - overwhelmed authorities. Cities descended into anarchy, society teetered on the brink of collapse. Our leaders responded with lethal force and martial law, to little avail. For the jellyfish were only the heralds of a full-scale invasion from below, one that threatened to wipe humanity from the face of the Earth.With INVADERS, Francisco Angulo has crafted a genuinely frightening and all-too-plausible doomsday scenario, underpinned by rapid-fire action and tantalizing scientific speculation. Part Michael Crichton and part Stephen King, Angulo's vision of an alien-engineered apocalypse will have you watching the waters with wary eyes long after you've turned the final page.

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    22,00 €

    Francisco Angulo's ambitious work of historical fiction, Shooting Stars in the Summer Sky, vividly brings to life the daring adventures of intrepid aviators in 1930s Spain, while also portraying a poignant forbidden love story between two young gay men against the dramatic backdrop of the Spanish Civil War.This sweeping epic masterfully interweaves the exhilarating exploits of fighter pilots racing across the skies with a secret romance that blossoms despite daunting odds. Through rich details and evocative writing, Angulo transports the reader to the volatile period leading up to the devastating war that tore Spain apart.Critics have praised Angulo's adeptness in capturing the thrilling bravado of the aviators who gripped the nation's imagination while also sensitively delineating the tenderness and passion of the two protagonists defying convention. Hailed as "gripping" and "heart-wrenching," Angulo's novel has drawn comparisons to celebrated wartime classics chronicling the Lost Generation.Like Hemingway and Dos Passos, Angulo creates an immersive experience through tightly woven prose intermingling adrenaline-fueled aerial action with quiet stolen moments between the young lovers. The result is a beautifully rendered portrait of courage and devotion in the face of adversity.By turns exhilarating, heartbreaking and insightful, Shooting Stars in the Summer Sky announces an audacious new talent. With captivating characters and evocative historical details, Angulo's masterful storytelling shines a poignant light on human bravery and perseverance in hard times. This stunning novel offers a fresh perspective on sacrifice, honor and the enduring power of love in the midst of conflict.

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    17,00 €

    En este caso, después de escribir varias novelas negras, tétricas y oscuras, decidí escribir una de humor: Una tragicomedia ambientada en los 80.Como suele pasar en la mayoría de mis libros, hay más hechos verídicos, de los que uno pueda llegar a imaginar.Los relatos que nadie creería, son los que en realidad acontecieron...Barrio sur de Madrid, años 80... Donde se juntaba lo peorcito de la ciudad, camellos de poca monta, prostitutas, chorizos, rateros, usureros y aprendices de estafadores... Tras pasar por los peores colegíos de integración de Vallecas y Villaverde, a Luisito y Agustín, no les quedaba más remedio que sobrevivir en aquel infierno.Agustín no se mete en líos. Cree que puede salir de allí trabajando, labrarse un futuro y llegar a ser alguien. Pasa montones de horas, escribiendo en su Olivetti. Sueña con ser novelista...Luisito por el contrario, se dedica a todo tipo de chanchullos. Aunque Agustín no aprueba esa forma de vida, les une la amistad de haberse criado juntos. Cuando fracaso, tras fracaso, Agustín se encuentra en la más absoluta miseria. Lleva varios años manteniéndose a base de macarrones. Luisito le propone un plan...-Mira, sólo tienes que casarte con una extranjera, pa que consiga la nacionalidad...Aeropuerto Madrid - Barajas 1988Agustín y Luisito esperan a Marilyn en la aduana... Pero los planes de Luisito nunca salen bien... Lo que en un principio parece dinero fácil, siempre se complica y a menudo termina detenido en comisaría.-Espere tengo que consultar a mi supervisor, creo que el matrimonio homosexual no es válido en España...-¿Homosexual?Luisito había casado a Agustín con Marilyn, un somalí de dos metros de altura, medio jugador de baloncesto medio boxeador...Cuando Luisito vio llegar al inspector de aduanas junto a una pareja de la guardia civil, no se le ocurrió otra cosa que salir corriendo. Los tres Marilyn, Luisito y Agustín, corrieron por todo el aeropuerto intentando huir... Y la cosa no irá a mejor, cuando se refugian en la capilla, durante el funeral de Lord Wallter...

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    18,00 €

    The sniffer was born as a tool to aid police investigations. Its operating principle was simple: it detected tiny particles left behind by people and objects and could reconstruct past events.It consisted of a set of sensors capable of detecting infinitesimal amounts of any substance, connected to powerful software that analyzed and interpreted the captured data. The key was in the algorithms created by young genius Brandon Nelson. By entering DNA samples and other information about the crime scene into the system, the software could determine who was present, what actions they carried out, and in what order the events occurred. The sniffer obtained samples from the environment, detected drugs, explosives, bodily fluids and microscopic fibers that went unnoticed to the human eye. From a single drop of sweat it could reconstruct a face and identify a suspect.The first prototype had cables all over the perimeter of the area to analyze. But later versions were portable, the size of a vacuum cleaner. The suction system captured particles which were analyzed in real time. It was used at first without revealing details to the public. The technology was so advanced that criminals would try to alter results if they knew about it. Thanks to the sniffer many complicated crimes were solved. Its Bayesian analysis and data crossing avoided tampering and false accusations. The reliability was so high that results were solid evidence in court.Of course, there was resistance to change. More traditional police criticized relying on a "toy." But over time the sniffer gained prestige by closing previously unsolvable cases. It revolutionized forensic science. A powerful tool that functioned thanks to Artificial Intelligence through a neural network. In the right hands it brought justice, but in the wrong hands it could plant evidence and incriminate innocents. A double-edged sword that challenged ideas about privacy and security in the information age.

  • von Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    22,00 €

    Peces en una pecera, hormigas en un terrario o ratones de laboratorio recorriendo un laberinto. Puede que nuestras vidas no sean más que eso, una prueba para ver si encontramos el queso.No hacer nada, la solución más sencilla, pero al final el tiempo nos empuja a realizar actos injustificables. El egoísmo, el miedo, la falta de empatía y el peso del paso de los años. Terminar deseando a la mujer joven del vecino, robar la herencia a los hermanos, caer en la adicción de cualquier droga que nos nuble el juicio.Justificar lo injustificable y seguir adelante de rodillas, a gatas o arrastras como gusanos. No se puede preparar la carrera, dosificar las fuerzas, cuando se desconoce la distancia; cuando no se sabe dónde está la meta.

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