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Bücher von Frank Albert

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  • von Frank Albert
    16,00 €

    In a world where effective communication is key to success, How To Talk To Anyone, Anywhere: 25 Little Tricks That Do The Magic is a transformative guidebook that holds the secrets to unlocking the power of conversation. This captivating and insightful book offers readers a treasure trove of practical techniques and strategies to effortlessly connect with anyone, regardless of the setting or circumstance.With its unique approach, this book dives deep into the art of communication, unveiling 25 little tricks that have the power to work magic in any interaction. From mastering the nuances of small talk to becoming a skilled listener and expert questioner, each chapter presents invaluable insights and actionable tips to help readers navigate the intricacies of human connection.Written in an engaging and accessible style, this book is a must-have companion for individuals seeking to enhance their social skills and build meaningful relationships. It goes beyond surface-level advice, delving into the realms of nonverbal communication, empathy, and charisma. Readers will discover the secrets to leaving a lasting impression, overcoming social anxiety, and harnessing the power of humor and storytelling to captivate their audience.How To Talk To Anyone, Anywhere: 25 Little Tricks That Do The Magic is not just a book; it is a transformative journey that equips readers with the tools they need to become confident, charismatic communicators. Packed with unique and original insights, this captivating guidebook is destined to become an indispensable resource for anyone seeking to unlock the magic of conversation and forge meaningful connections that last a lifetime.

  • von Frank Albert
    13,00 €

    Welcome to the age of AI, where the potential for profitable passive income has never been greater. In this captivating guide, the author unveils the 25 most sought-after ideas that harness the power of artificial intelligence to generate sustainable wealth. From creating online courses to investing in AI-powered automated trading platforms, he explores a diverse range of opportunities that are revolutionizing the way we earn money. Discover the secrets of AI technology, unlock new streams of income, and pave your way towards financial independence in this exciting era. Don't miss out on the chance to explore the future of wealth generation and embrace the limitless potential of AI in your quest for a prosperous and fulfilling financial future.

  • von Frank Albert
    13,00 €

    In I'm Glad My Parents Died: 10 Tough Life Lessons I Learned From An Abusive Childhood, the author takes us on an extraordinary journey of resilience, healing, and self-discovery. With unflinching honesty and raw vulnerability, they delve into the darkest corners of their past and emerge with invaluable insights and lessons that inspire and captivate readers.This gripping memoir explores the complex emotions that arise when confronted with the death of abusive parents. The author confronts the conflicting feelings of relief and guilt, opening the door to a profound journey of healing and self-empowerment. Through their courageous exploration, they invite readers to examine their own experiences and find solace in the shared struggles and triumphs of the human spirit.Each chapter of the book unravels a different facet of the author's healing journey. From unmasking the hidden realities of their childhood to rebuilding trust, rediscovering identity, and nurturing healthy relationships, they provide a roadmap for transformation and personal growth. The stories shared are unique, detailed, and brimming with authenticity, drawing readers into the author's world and making them feel a deep connection to their experiences.With eloquent prose and a powerful narrative, the author guides us through the triumphs and tribulations of their quest for healing. They explore the transformative power of forgiveness, the importance of resilience in turning adversity into strength, and the liberation found in embracing imperfections. Through their own creative outlets, they discover the healing power of art and how it can bring light to even the darkest of places.I'm Glad My Parents Died: 10 Tough Life Lessons I Learned From an Abusive Childhood is a book that will leave readers spellbound and profoundly moved. It serves as a testament to the human spirit's resilience, offering hope to those who have experienced their own traumas. With its unique and original content, this book has the power to inspire, heal, and ignite a desire for personal transformation. Anyone who reads it will be compelled to embrace their own journey of healing and find strength in the face of adversity.

  • von Frank Albert
    13,00 €

    The New Beekeeping Manual is the ultimate guide for anyone interested in raising a healthy and thriving beehive. This comprehensive and step-by-step manual covers everything you need to know about beekeeping, from selecting the right beehive and equipment to understanding bee behavior and managing common challenges. It is a must-have resource for both beginner beekeepers and experienced enthusiasts looking to expand their knowledge and skills.With its unique and detailed content, The New Beekeeping Manual provides a fresh perspective on the art and science of beekeeping. Each chapter is carefully crafted to offer practical advice and interesting insights into the world of bees. Whether you're learning about the importance of beekeeping or exploring sustainable practices and conservation efforts, this manual has it all.What sets this manual apart is its emphasis on a holistic approach to beekeeping. It not only covers the technical aspects of hive management and honey production but also highlights the significance of bee health, environmental stewardship, and sustainable practices. By following the guidance provided in this manual, beekeepers can contribute to the well-being of bees and the conservation of their habitats.The New Beekeeping Manual stands out as a trusted companion for beekeepers of all levels. Its wealth of knowledge, unique perspectives, and detailed instructions make it an invaluable resource for anyone passionate about bees and the art of beekeeping. Whether you're a backyard beekeeper or an aspiring professional, this manual will equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to raise a healthy and thriving beehive. Get your copy today and embark on a rewarding journey into the fascinating world of beekeeping.

  • von Frank Albert
    13,00 €

    In the Complete Guide to Quail Farming: A Step-by-Step Process Of Raising Quails for Eggs, Meat, and Pets, you'll embark on an exciting journey into the world of quail farming. This comprehensive guide is a treasure trove of knowledge, offering everything you need to know about raising quails for various purposes, from eggs and meat production to keeping them as pets. With its unique and detailed content, this book is a must-have for aspiring quail farmers, enthusiasts, and anyone seeking a rewarding and sustainable agricultural venture.From the very beginning, the book lays a strong foundation by introducing the basics of quail farming. It covers the benefits and opportunities in the quail farming industry, providing a compelling case for why this venture holds great potential. As you delve into the chapters, you'll discover a wealth of information about different quail species, enabling you to make informed decisions based on your specific goals and requirements.Practicality is at the heart of this guide, as it takes you through the step-by-step process of setting up your quail farm. You'll learn how to design the infrastructure, create suitable housing, and establish an environment conducive to the health and well-being of your quails. Attention is given to factors such as temperature, humidity, and lighting, ensuring that every aspect of their care is considered.Feeding and nutrition are crucial components of successful quail farming, and this guide leaves no stone unturned in this regard. It explains the nutritional requirements of quails at different stages and provides insights into formulating balanced diets that promote optimal growth and productivity. You'll also learn about feeding techniques and systems, allowing you to implement efficient practices that maximize the health and performance of your quails.But this book goes beyond the practical aspects of quail farming; it delves into the intricacies of breeding, reproduction, and the fascinating world of quail chicks. With detailed explanations on the reproductive cycle, managing breeding stock, and incubation techniques, you'll be equipped to ensure a thriving population of quails on your farm. The chapter on brooding and rearing quail chicks offers invaluable insights into creating a nurturing environment, managing temperature and humidity, and providing essential care during the early stages of their lives.As you progress through the guide, you'll encounter chapters dedicated to vital aspects such as quail health and disease management, egg production, meat production and processing, marketing and selling quail products, farm management and record-keeping, and even exploring quail farming as a business. Each chapter is filled with unique, detailed, and interesting content that covers essential topics and equips you with the knowledge and skills needed for success.The Complete Guide to Quail Farming isn't just a book; it's a comprehensive resource that empowers you to embark on a fulfilling and profitable journey in quail farming. Whether you're a novice or an experienced farmer, this guide is an essential companion that will inspire and guide you every step of the way. Its unique blend of practical advice, in-depth information, and a passion for the subject make it a must-have for anyone interested in quail farming. Get ready to transform your passion for quails into a thriving and rewarding venture with this invaluable guide by your side.

  • von Frank Albert
    13,00 €

    In Getting To A Happy Place, we embark on a transformative journey to discover what it truly takes to build a healthy and thriving family and relationships. This book serves as a guide for individuals seeking to create a harmonious and fulfilling family life, filled with love, connection, and resilience. Each chapter delves into the essential elements that contribute to a happy family, offering unique insights, practical strategies, and heartfelt anecdotes to inspire and empower readers.From the very beginning, the book emphasizes the importance of defining a happy place. It encourages readers to reflect on their values, aspirations, and vision for their family, serving as a compass to guide their journey. The subsequent chapters explore vital topics such as effective communication, building strong emotional bonds, fostering independence and unity, resolving conflicts, and nurturing supportive parenting styles. Through practical advice and real-life examples, readers are equipped with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of family dynamics.The book delves deep into the intricate dance of balancing individuality and togetherness within a family, highlighting the significance of honoring boundaries and fostering personal growth. It emphasizes the value of building trust, which serves as the bedrock for strong family and relationship dynamics. The importance of self-care is also emphasized, as it enables individuals to better serve their families by taking care of their own well-being.With each chapter, readers gain a deeper understanding of what it means to create a positive family culture that thrives on gratitude, appreciation, and resilience. The final chapters focus on strategies for overcoming challenges and sustaining a happy place in the long run, ensuring that the happiness and health of the family endure through the years.Getting To A Happy Place is a captivating and enlightening book that resonates with readers from all walks of life. It offers a roadmap for building a thriving family and nurturing meaningful relationships. By weaving together personal stories, practical advice, and inspiring insights, this book becomes an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to cultivate a healthy, loving, and joy-filled family life. Whether you're a new parent, a seasoned caregiver, or simply someone who values the importance of family, this book is a must-have guide on your journey to a happy place.

  • von Frank Albert
    13,00 €

  • - Schulsozialarbeit an vier unterfrankischen Hauptschulen
    von Frank Albert
    47,95 €

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