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Bücher von Frank Jacob

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  • von Frank Jacob
    84,00 €

    This book discusses the role of human capital and a global mindset for a successful intercultural management of the Society of Jesus in the geographical contexts of Japan and Peru during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Historical data for more than 200 Jesuits has been evaluated and analyzed according to modern management theory. The work is, therefore, an interdisciplinary study related to the history of religious orders, European expansion, and trans- or intercultural management and shows how the Jesuit missionaries in Japan and Peru were able to achieve and stimulate a successful expansion of their order's influence in these regions of the world. While analyzing a historical topic, the book is also of interest to modern day managers and those who are interested in creating a successful strategy for intercultural management.

  • - Concepts, Forms, Impact
    von Frank Jacob
    86,00 €

    This volume offers an introduction about theoretical concepts, forms, and the impact of genocidal violence. It thereby intends to serve as a source of texts that can be used in a variety of introductory courses on genocide and the violence that occurs during genocidal events in particular. It will consequently also offer a survey on debates and recent research about the history, sociology and psychology of violence.

  • von Frank Jacob
    74,00 €

    For centuries women and other "gendered minorities" had to protest to gain equality. Their demands were often matched by counter-protest from conservative forces within historical societies that intended to return to "old orders" or "good old times." The present volume will take a closer look at the interrelationship between gender and protest and analyze in detail how gender-related perspectives stimulated protests and initiated historical changes. Through historical case studies that range from antiquity until modern times, specialists from different countries and disciplines discuss reasons for protest, gender as a factor that stimulated social conflicts, and the power of gendered protests of the past with regards to their impact and long-term impact until today.

  • von Frank Jacob
    12,00 €

    Emma Goldman (1869-1940) ist eine der bekanntesten Anarchistinnen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Für ihre Zeit war sie eine Radikale, deren Forderungen die Grundfesten der Gesellschaft infrage stellten. Denn ihr Anliegen war nicht nur Freiheit und Gleichheit in politischer Hinsicht, sondern auch sexuelle Freiheit und das Recht auf Selbstbestimmung der Frau. Sie kritisierte die traditionellen Eliten der USA, wetterte gegen Religion, Regierungen und Krieg, forderte eine uneingeschränkte Redefreiheit und war stets mit von der Partie, wenn es um Emanzipation von Herrschaft ging - einen Kampf, den sie in der Sowjetunion verloren zu haben glaubte, weshalb sie bereits 1921 das Land verließ.Frank Jacob gibt einen Einblick in das bewegte Leben Emma Goldmans. Eine Auswahl ihrer Schriften - darunter auch deutsche Erstveröffentlichungen - zeigt die Bandbreite ihres Schaffens.

  • von Frank Jacob & Carsten Schapkow
    19,95 €

    Nationalism was declared to be dead too early. A postnational age was announced, and liberalism claimed to have been victorious by the end of the Cold War. At the same time postnational order was proclaimed in which transnational alliances like the European Union were supposed to become more important in international relations. But we witnessed the rise a strong nationalism during the early 21st century instead, and right wing parties are able to gain more and more votes in elections that are often characterized by nationalist agendas. This volume shows how nationalist dreams and fears alike determine politics in an age that was supposed to witness a rather peaceful coexistence by those who consider transnational ideas more valuable than national demands. It will deal with different case studies to show why and how nationalism made its way back to the common consciousness and which elements stimulated the re-establishment of the aggressive nation state. The volume will therefore look at the continuities of empire, actual and imagined, the role of "foreign-" and "otherness" for nationalist narratives, and try to explain how globalization stimulated the rise of 21st century nationalisms as well.

  • von Frank Jacob
    8,90 €

  • von Frank Jacob
    8,90 €

  • von Frank Jacob, Sebastian Engelmann & Bernhard Hemetsberger
    129,00 €

    This book shows that education does not only prepare war, but defines its character for future generations. Pointing out the intricate interconnetion with the various practices of education this volume offers in-depth studies of war and education in several chronological and geographical contexts. Tying in with the latest state of the art the authors offer examples for education for war, education in war and education for reconciliation in the aftermath of wars from a global perspective.

  • von Frank Jacob
    8,90 €

    Kurt Eisner (1867-1919) wurde posthum wegen seiner Rolle während der Novemberrevolution 1918 angefeindet, dabei glaubte der erste Bayerische Ministerpräsident eigentlich nur an zwei Dinge: die Notwendigkeit einer wahrhaften Politik und die Bedeutung einer Aufklärung der Menschen im Sinne eines revolutionären Sozialismus. Für beides setzte er sich Zeit seines Lebens ein und forderte als Journalist und Revolutionär immer wieder diese Grundbedingungen einer "neuen Welt" ein. Trotz antisemitischer sowie innerparteilicher Hetze gab Eisner seinen Traum niemals auf. Sein Leben, das in der vorliegenden Miniatur in seinen ganz unterschiedlichen Facetten vorgestellt wird, blieb durch seine Ermordung in vielerlei Hinsicht unvollendet. Dennoch gewährt die Auseinandersetzung mit Eisners Leben und Wirken einen nicht zu unterschätzenden Erkenntnisgewinn mit Blick auf die Geschichte des deutschen Kaiserreichs, der Sozialdemokratie sowie die Konflikte und Spaltung der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung.

  • von Frank Jacob
    8,90 €

    Die Geschichte des Sozialismus und des Kommunismus in Deutschland ist untrennbar mit ihrem Namen verbunden: Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919). Die jüdische Polin fiel seit Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts als Verteidigerin eines Sozialismus Marx'scher Prägung innerhalb der Sozialdemokratie auf und widmete ihr Leben und ihre Schriften immer wieder der Frage der Revolution. Ungeachtet vieler Rückschläge sowie ihres gewaltsamen Todes im Januar 1919 wird dabei deutlich, dass Luxemburg stets eine Revolutionärin geblieben ist, die nach einem demokratischen Sozialismus strebte. Diese Einführung in Rosa Luxemburgs Wirken rückt vor allem ihr Denken und Handeln mit Blick auf die theoretischen Diskussionen und revolutionären Ereignisse ihrer Zeit in den Vordergrund.

  • von Frank Jacob
    8,90 €

    Emma Goldman (1869-1940) zählt zu den beeindruckendsten Frauen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Als Anarcha-Feministin und nach Freiheit strebende Anarchistin prägte sie nicht nur die Geschichte der USA bis zu ihrer Abschiebung Ende 1919, sondern gleichfalls die internationale anarchistische Bewegung. In ihren Schriften, die bis heute nichts von ihrer Aktualität verloren haben, widmete sie sich vielen wichtigen Zeitfragen und forderte immer wieder die uneingeschränkte Freiheit für alle Menschen. Ihr Leben und Wirken waren vielschichtig und ereignisreich. Diese werden in der vorliegenden Miniatur mit all ihren Facetten dargestellt, und es wird dadurch nicht nur gezeigt, welche Rolle der bekannten Anarchistin als Gegnerin des Bolschewismus zukommt, sondern ebenso, wie Goldman ihre eigene Zeit verstand und reflektierte.

  • - Britanniens Bitterste Niederlage
    von Frank Jacob
    69,95 €

  • - Genocide and Displacement
    von Frank Jacob
    46,00 €

    Ernst Papanek was an Austrian pedagogue who worked with Jewish refugee children in France in 1939/40, before he was forced to leave to the United States. There, he nevertheless continued his work to point out the impact of war, genocide and displacement on children, who were often forgotten in major discussions about the war and the losses it had created. This volume provides a short biographical outline of Papanek and a theoretical discussion about the impact of war and genocide on children who are forced out of their lives and who were not only physically displaced as a consequence. The second part of the book assembles some of Papanek's important texts about the children he had worked with and for, to make his thoughts and important considerations accessible for a broader academic and non-academic public alike.

  • - A Yankee in Switzerland and the Early Globalization of the American System of Watchmaking (B&W)
    von Frank Jacob
    43,00 €

  • - A Yankee in Switzerland and the Early Globalization of the American System of Watchmaking (Premium Color)
    von Frank Jacob
    78,00 €

  • - A Comparative Approach
    von Frank Jacob
    138,00 €

    The present book provides a comparative ten-step model for revolutions and will show that these must be considered a global phenomenon of modernity.

  • - One Doughboy's Souvenir Album of the First World War
    von Frank Jacob & Mark D Van Ells
    47,00 €

    For many the postcard may seem trivial, little more than a mundane souvenir or a way to keep in touch with friends and relatives while on vacation. But if we look carefully, postcards offer valuable insights into the time periods in which they were created and the mentalities of those who bought or sent them. Frank Marhefka, while serving in the U.S. Army Motor Transportation Corps during the First World War, amassed a collection of more than 150 postcards and photographs while in France, and bound them into a souvenir album. Marhefka's collection provides a diverse and vivid look into a period of history that - in many soldiers' accounts - is not usually visualized with all its cruelties. Emphasizing the pictorial turn of the Great War, this album offers personal insight into a conflict that caused so much death and destruction. The book begins with an introduction providing a history of postcards and their extensive use by soldiers during the Great War. Then, after a biography of Marhefka, his postcard collection is presented in its entirety. Accompanying the images are brief texts that place them into historical context, as well as suggestions for further reading.As a visual artifact of the First World War and the perspective of one U.S. soldier, this book is aimed at students, scholars, postcard collectors, and general readers alike who have an interest in military history and popular culture.

  • von Frank Jacob
    82,00 €

    We know all kinds of monsters. Vampires who suck human blood, werewolves who harass tourists in London or Paris, zombies who long to feast on our brains, or Godzilla, who is famous in and outside of Japan for destroying whole cities at once. Regardless of their monstrosity, all of these creatures are figments of the human mind and as real as they may seem, monsters are and always have been constructed by human beings. In other words, they are imagined. How they are imagined, however, depends on many different aspects and changes throughout history. The present volume provides an insight into the construction of monstrosity in different kinds of media, including literature, film, and TV series. It will show how and by whom monsters are really created, how time changes the perception of monsters and what characterizes specific monstrosities in their specific historical contexts. The book will provide valuable insights for scholars in different fields, whose interest focuses on either media studies or history.

  • - Atrocity and the Psychology of Collective Violence
    von Frank Jacob
    65,00 €

    A challenging examination of Japanese war crimes during World War II offers a fresh perspective on the Pacific War-and a better understanding of reasons for the wartime use of extreme mass violence.The 1937 Rape of Nanjing has become a symbol of Japanese violence during the Second World War, but it was not the only event during which the Japanese used extreme force. This thought-provoking book analyzes Japan's actions during the war, without blaming Japan, helping readers understand what led to those eruptions. In fact, the author specifically disputes the idea that the forms of extreme violence used in the Pacific War were particularly Japanese.The volume starts by examining the Rape of Nanjing, then goes on to address Japan's acts of individual and collective violence throughout the conflict. Unlike other works on the subject, it combines historical, sociological, and psychological perspectives on violence with a specific study of the Japanese army, seeking to define the reasons for the use of extreme violence in each particular case. Both a historical survey and an explanation of Japanese warfare, the book scrutinizes incidents of violence perpetrated by the Japanese vis-à-vis theories that explore the use of violence as part of human nature. In doing so, it provides far-reaching insights into the use of collective violence and torture in war overall, as well as motivations for committing atrocities. Finally, the author discusses current political implications stemming from Japan's continued refusal to acknowledge its war-time actions as war crimes.

  • von Frank Jacob
    72,00 €

    For many the postcard may seem trivial, little more than a mundane souvenir or a way to keep in touch with friends and relatives while on vacation. But if we look carefully, postcards offer valuable insights into the time periods in which they were created and the mentalities of those who bought or sent them. Frank Marhefka, while serving in the U.S. Army Motor Transportation Corps during the First World War, amassed a collection of more than 150 postcards and photographs while in France, and bound them into a souvenir album. Marhefka's collection provides a diverse and vivid look into a period of history that - in many soldiers' accounts - is not usually visualized with all its cruelties. Emphasizing the pictorial turn of the Great War, this album offers personal insight into a conflict that caused so much death and destruction. The book begins with an introduction providing a history of postcards and their extensive use by soldiers during the Great War. Then, after a biography of Marhefka, his postcard collection is presented in its entirety. Accompanying the images are brief texts that place them into historical context, as well as suggestions for further reading.As a visual artifact of the First World War and the perspective of one U.S. soldier, this book is aimed at students, scholars, postcard collectors, and general readers alike who have an interest in military history and popular culture.

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