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Bücher von Furaha Ngeregere Lugoe

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  • von Furaha Ngeregere Lugoe
    51,00 €

    Cet ouvrage se penche sur les terres du pays connu sous le nom de Tanzanie et sur la manière dont elles ont été utilisées au fil des ans (y compris les conflits et autres charges), ainsi que sur les fondements juridiques, institutionnels et sociaux de l'enregistrement de la propriété et de l'utilisation des terres dans le contexte du changement climatique. L'ouvrage commence par un examen de la sécurité foncière et de la sécurité d'occupation (dans la Constitution de 1977 et d'autres instruments), puis se penche sur l'élaboration et l'évaluation de la politique foncière, ainsi que sur les principales questions et problèmes liés à l'application de cette politique, à la gestion et à l'administration des terres. Il présente des exemples de projets d'aménagement foncier et les défis qui y sont liés, ainsi que les impacts du changement climatique. Il s'agit d'un guide pour les investisseurs et les étudiants sur les systèmes fonciers de la Tanzanie.

  • von Furaha Ngeregere Lugoe
    51,00 €

    Este libro se centra en la tierra del país conocido como Tanzania y en cómo se ha utilizado a lo largo de los años (incluidos los conflictos y otros gravámenes) y en los fundamentos jurídicos, institucionales y sociales del registro de la propiedad, así como del uso de la tierra en el contexto del cambio climático. Comienza con una revisión de la tierra y la seguridad de la tenencia (en la Constitución de 1977 y otros instrumentos) y pasa a la elaboración y evaluación de la política de tierras y las principales cuestiones y problemas en la aplicación de políticas, la gestión de tierras y la administración de tierras. Presenta casos de proyectos de suministro de tierras y los retos que plantean, así como las repercusiones del cambio climático. Pretende ser una guía para inversores y estudiantes en los sistemas de tenencia de la tierra de Tanzania.

  • von Furaha Ngeregere Lugoe
    51,00 €

    Este livro foca a terra do país conhecida como Tanzânia e como tem sido utilizada ao longo dos anos (incluindo conflitos e outros ónus) e os fundamentos legais, institucionais e sociais do registo de propriedade, bem como do uso da terra no contexto das alterações climáticas. Começa com uma revisão da segurança da terra e da posse (na Constituição de 1977 e noutros instrumentos) e passa à elaboração e avaliação da política fundiária e às principais questões e problemas nas aplicações políticas, gestão e administração fundiária. Fornece casos de projectos de entrega de terras e desafios nelas contidos, bem como os impactos das alterações climáticas. Destina-se a servir de guia para investidores e estudantes nos sistemas de posse da terra da Tanzânia.

  • von Furaha Ngeregere Lugoe
    39,00 €

    Jeta kniga poswqschena zemle strany, izwestnoj kak Tanzaniq, i tomu, kak ona ispol'zowalas' na protqzhenii mnogih let (wklüchaq konflikty i drugie obremeneniq), a takzhe prawowym, institucional'nym i social'nym osnowam registracii sobstwennosti i zemlepol'zowaniq w kontexte izmeneniq klimata. Stat'q nachinaetsq s obzora zemel'noj i wladel'cheskoj bezopasnosti (w Konstitucii 1977 goda i drugih dokumentah) i perehodit k razrabotke i ocenke zemel'noj politiki, a takzhe k osnownym woprosam i problemam w primenenii politiki, zemleustrojstwe i uprawlenii zemel'nymi resursami. V knige priwodqtsq primery proektow po oswoeniü zemel' i woznikaüschie pri ätom problemy, a takzhe wliqnie izmeneniq klimata. Kniga prednaznachena w kachestwe rukowodstwa dlq inwestorow i studentow po sistemam zemlewladeniq Tanzanii.

  • von Furaha Ngeregere Lugoe
    51,00 €

    Questo libro fornisce un'analisi della terra del Paese conosciuto come Tanzania e di come è stata utilizzata nel corso degli anni (compresi i conflitti e gli altri gravami) e le basi legali, istituzionali e sociali della registrazione della proprietà e dell'uso della terra nel contesto del cambiamento climatico. Il documento inizia con una revisione della sicurezza della terra e della proprietà (nella Costituzione del 1977 e in altri strumenti) e passa alla definizione e alla valutazione della politica fondiaria e alle principali questioni e problemi nell'applicazione della politica, nella gestione e nell'amministrazione della terra. Fornisce casi di progetti di sviluppo fondiario e le relative sfide, nonché gli impatti del cambiamento climatico. È una guida per investitori e studenti sui sistemi di proprietà fondiaria in Tanzania.

  • von Furaha Ngeregere Lugoe
    66,90 €

    Dieses Buch befasst sich mit dem Land in Tansania und dessen Nutzung im Laufe der Jahre (einschließlich Konflikten und anderen Belastungen) sowie mit den rechtlichen, institutionellen und sozialen Grundlagen der Registrierung von Eigentum und der Landnutzung im Kontext des Klimawandels. Das Buch beginnt mit einem Überblick über die Land- und Besitzsicherheit (in der Verfassung von 1977 und anderen Instrumenten) und geht dann auf die Gestaltung und Bewertung der Landpolitik sowie auf die wichtigsten Fragen und Probleme bei der Anwendung der Politik, dem Landmanagement und der Landverwaltung ein. Es werden Fälle von Landvergabeprojekten und die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen sowie die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels dargestellt. Es ist als Leitfaden für Investoren und Studenten in Tansanias Landbesitzsystemen gedacht.

  • von Furaha Ngeregere Lugoe
    82,90 €

  • von Furaha Ngeregere Lugoe
    75,00 €

    The land is a term that is diversified in meaning and significance. To some people, the land is to be cherished as a landscape that has evolved as a result of geomorphological and geological processes. Yet to others, this landscape is important for the fortunes it stores, i.e. vital resources that must be exploited in order to achieve economic growth and development. To other groups of people, the land is a legal entity or a space in which bundles of rights are defined so as to govern human behavior in relation to it. In general, the land is ¿the surface of the earth, the soils, and the rocks beneath it, the air above and all things fixed to the soil¿ and hence ¿as a source of all material wealth¿ at the disposal of humankind.

  • von Furaha Ngeregere Lugoe
    63,00 €

    This is a book on management issues of the largest trans-boundary ecosystems of Eastern Africa namely, the Serengeti and Lake Victoria Basin. The book provides essential knowledge on ecosystems and environment management. Lake Victoria has the highest species diversity of large herbivores in the world and a diversity of vegetation. It is the source of the White Nile and its waters and wetlands are home to numerous fish and bird species. Its ecological significance is heightened by the role it plays in shaping regional weather patterns. The Lake ecosystem has been degraded and hence unstable. Wildlife of the Serengeti Ecosystem, is a unique natural heritage and resource. However, the trans-boundary ecosystem lacks a unified management plan and has experienced a number of constraints to conservation. The agricultural based economies of the region, facing fertile land shortages, need good management frameworks to enable an efficient use of the available land resources, through land use planning and land reforms. The book is meant for a diverse readership that cares about the environment.

  • von Furaha Ngeregere Lugoe
    63,00 €

    Humanity has used spatial data for many centuries begining with sea explorations in the 13-th century. The data, often displayed as navigation charts, were acquired with rudimental equipment. Technological advances were key in changing the use of map and surveyed data. In modern times, the great significance of land surveying and mapping processes lies in the ability to satisfy a diversity of user demands. In this fact also lies the justification for national and international policies to regulate outcomes and ensure that the skills and products will continue to exist as a public good throughout the generations. Land surveying and topographical mapping are undertakings of great significance to the socio-economic fabric of nations. The Interventions are also known for the many cross-sector linkages manifested in: (i) the extent of reliance of landed projects on various services and products; (ii) its central place in national strategic plans including economic growth, poverty reduction and law and order; and (iii) its role in the development of urban centres. Based on Tanzania's century-old experience, this book is vital to policy makers and all pursuing landed projects in Africa.

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