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Bücher von George Gissing

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  • von George Gissing
    21,00 €

    "Eve's Ransom" by using George Gissing is a poignant story that delves into the complexities of affection, sacrifice, and redemption in Victorian society. The story revolves across the significant character, Harold Biffen, a suffering creator whose existence takes a dramatic turn whilst he unexpectedly inherits a good sized fortune. Harold's newfound wealth permits him to pursue his literary goals and win the love of Eve Madeley, a girl he has lengthy favorite. However, their budding romance is soon overshadowed with the aid of the arrival of a mysterious stranger, Julian Eversleigh, who claims to be Eve's husband. As Harold grapples with his emotions for Eve and the ethical dilemmas posed via Julian's presence, he's compelled to confront the actual nature of love and the sacrifices it needs. Meanwhile, Eve unearths herself torn between her loyalty to Julian and her developing affection for Harold. Against the backdrop of Victorian London, Gissing masterfully explores themes of social elegance, morality, and the pursuit of happiness. Through richly drawn characters and brilliant prose, he offers a nuanced portrayal of human relationships and the inherent conflicts among obligation and desire.

  • von George Gissing
    29,00 €

    "The Odd Women" by George Gissing is a compelling novel set in overdue Victorian England, exploring the struggles and societal constraints faced via single ladies in a patriarchal society. The narrative revolves across the lives of several "odd ladies," single and financially unbiased ladies who defy traditional gender roles. Gissing skillfully depicts the demanding situations those women come upon as they navigate the constrained opportunities available to them, from precarious employment to societal stigma. The protagonist, Rhoda Nunn, emerges as a symbol of independence and resilience, advocating for ladies's rights and self-dedication. Through Rhoda's stories and people of her peers, Gissing highlights the injustices and double standards inherent in Victorian society, particularly concerning gender and marriage. The novel serves as a poignant observation on the repute of girls inside the overdue 19th century, dropping light on problems together with financial dependence, marriage expectancies, and the war for autonomy. Despite the societal pressures and boundaries, they face, the "strange women" in Gissing's novel attempt to carve out meaningful lives on their own phrases, hard traditional norms and affirming their proper to independence and fulfillment.

  • von George Gissing
    29,00 €

    George Gissing's classic novel "In the Year of Jubilee" centers on the lives of two sisters, Nancy and Jessica Lord, and vividly depicts late 19th-century English society. The novel, which takes place in the made-up town of Polchester, examines the sharp differences in the lives of the two sisters. The older sister, Nancy, is married to wealthy businessman Samuel Barmby and lives a traditional life. Nancy is comfortable in monetary terms, but she yearns for something more significant and feels stuck in a loveless marriage. As the story progresses, Nancy and Jessica's lives unexpectedly cross paths, resulting in tense times as well as moments of self-discovery and reconciliation. The book provides a complex picture of Victorian England by delving into themes of class, gender, family, and social change via their experiences. "In the Year of Jubilee" explores the intricacies of interpersonal relationships and the pursuit of personal fulfilment in an insightful and poignant story. Readers are still enthralled and provoked to debate by George Gissing's perceptive observations on the social and cultural dynamics of his day.

  • von George Gissing
    29,00 €

    "A Life's Morning" is a poignant novel by way of George Gissing that delves into the complexities of Victorian society and the struggles of its protagonist, a young girl named Emily Hood. Set in overdue 19th-century England, the story follows Emily as she navigates the challenges of her social and monetary repute, grappling with the limitations placed upon her by using class expectancies and gender roles. As Emily seeks to locate her location inside the international, she encounters diverse characters who form her perceptions and studies. From the charismatic riot Jasper Harman to the respectable however stifling have an effect on of her circle of relatives, Emily need to navigate conflicting affects as she strives for independence and self-success. Gissing's insightful exploration of Emily's journey gives a nuanced portrayal of Victorian society, highlighting the tensions among lifestyle and progress, obligation and choice. Through Emily's trials and triumphs, Gissing sheds light on the struggles confronted via ladies in a society dominated through patriarchal norms and societal expectations. "A Life's Morning" is a timeless novel that continues to resonate with readers, providing a compelling exploration of identification, ambition, and the pursuit of happiness in the face of adversity.

  • von George Gissing
    21,00 €

    The narrative, which takes place in London, centers on the life of Arthur Golding, a prosperous businessman and seasoned traveler. Even if he has succeeded financially, Golding is not happy or content with his life. He yearns for something more contented and significant. These interactions cause him to start doubting his own morals and convictions. His awareness of the inequities and disparities in society grows, and he begins to feel compassion for those who are less fortunate than himself. The work delves into themes related to social class, affluence, and the pursuit of personal fulfilment. It is a critical examination of the human condition and a commentary on the society it is placed in. Gissing creates characters that are nuanced and vivid, and his prose is captivating and perceptive. All things considered, The Town Traveler is an engaging book that presents a distinctive viewpoint on life in Victorian England. She hovered expectantly here, on the still pavement beneath the College of Surgeons. Ten was menacing, but she searched in vain for the person she would identify as a well-dressed, middle-aged man with his mouth hidden by a drawn-up white silk blanket around his neck.

  • von George Gissing
    23,00 €

    George Gissing novel "Denzil Quarrier" is a riveting study that digs into the complexity of social and political lifestyles in late nineteenth-century England. The tale follows Denzil Quarrier, a younger and idealistic politician, as he navigates the tumultuous waters of parliamentary politics and romantic relationships. As Quarrier progresses thru the political ranks, he becomes enmeshed in an internet of personal and public boundaries. The novel paints a realistic picture of the social and political scene of the time, tackling issues which include magnificence conflict, political ambition, and the complexities of interpersonal relationships. Gissing's writing is distinguished by means of its sharp remark of society and critique of installed standards. The work presents readers with an in depth analysis of personalities, emphasizing the contradictions among human pursuits and society expectations. "Denzil Quarrier" exemplifies Gissing's capacity to catch the zeitgeist of his day and construct eventualities which can be universally applicable. It remains a concept-upsetting work that encourages readers to bear in mind the intricacies of man or woman and societal goals.

  • von George Gissing
    34,00 €

    "Thyrza" through George Gissing is a poignant portrayal of love, sacrifice, and social injustice in late 19th-century London. The novel follows the lives of Walter Egremont, a dissatisfied young man from a rich family, and Thyrza Trent, a seamstress struggling to make ends meet. As Walter turns into increasingly more disillusioned together with his privileged existence, he unearths solace and motive in his friendship with Thyrza, whose resilience and integrity captivate him. Despite their hugely extraordinary backgrounds, Walter and Thyrza expand a deep and genuine bond, marked through mutual admire and admiration. However, their burgeoning romance faces ambitious boundaries, inclusive of elegance prejudice, economic trouble, and societal expectations. As Walter grapples together with his own feel of identity and purpose, Thyrza need to confront the cruel realities of poverty and exploitation in Victorian England. Against the backdrop of London's bustling streets and crowded tenements, Gissing paints a bright portrait of a society rife with inequality and injustice. Through Walter and Thyrza's tumultuous journey, the unconventional explores issues of affection, sacrifice, and the quest for social justice, supplying a poignant remark on the human circumstance and the iconic power of compassion and empathy.

  • von George Gissing
    29,00 €

    George Gissing's book "Our Friend the Charlatan" was initially released in 1901. The plot centres on the lives of multiple persons who become caught up in the intrigues of a cunning and charming man named Rolfe Luttrell. Rolfe Luttrell arrives in the little English village of Polterham at the start of the book. Luttrell is a mysterious and endearing character who makes a good impression on the villagers by posing as a prosperous and experienced traveler. Despite some early mistrust, Luttrell quickly wins the respect and confidence of many locals, including Arthur Golding, the main character of the book. But as the narrative progresses, it becomes clear that Luttrell is not who he claims to be. His genuine intentions become apparent as his clever and dishonest personality peeks through his endearing exterior. Golding and the other characters are entangled in a web of deceit and treachery as Luttrell's machinations come apart and his actual nature becomes apparent. "Our Friend the Charlatan" provides an intriguing look into the darker sides of human nature by examining subjects like deceit, manipulation, and the attraction of charisma. This book is interesting to read and gets readers thinking because of George Gissing's perceptive depiction of the nuances of interpersonal interactions and the mechanics of power.

  • von George Gissing
    31,00 €

    "Born in Exile" through George Gissing delves into the complexities of social and personal identity in overdue 19th-century England. The novel follows the existence of Osmond Waymark, a talented however impoverished train, as he navigates the demanding situations of sophistication mobility and intellectual ambition. Osmond unearths himself torn among his preference for achievement within the literary global and his growing attraction to Ida Starr, a spirited young woman from a lower social magnificence. As their relationship deepens, Osmond turns into increasingly aware of the rigid social limitations that stand between them, forcing him to confront his very own experience of privilege and entitlement. Set towards the backdrop of London's literary circles and working-magnificence neighborhoods, "Born in Exile" explores topics of affection, ambition, and social inequality with Gissing's trademark insight and sensitivity. The novel offers a thought-frightening examination of the tensions among man or woman aspirations and societal expectations, dropping mild at the complexities of Victorian society and the human circumstance. Through Osmond's adventure of self-discovery and moral reckoning, Gissing paints a bright portrait of a society in transition, grappling with the challenges of modernity and the enduring legacy of sophistication divisions.

  • von George Gissing
    34,00 €

    "New Grub Street" is a singular penned by using the prolific British creator George Gissing. Set in overdue 19th-century London, the tale revolves across the lives of suffering writers and intellectuals seeking to make ends meet inside the competitive international of literary publishing. The narrative mostly follows the contrasting paths of Edwin Reardon, a talented but impoverished novelist, and Jasper Milvain, a cunning and bold literary critic. As Edwin grapples with economic hardships and the pressures of inventive integrity, Jasper maneuvers his manner through the literary scene, prioritizing achievement and social development. Alongside them are a forged of characters who similarly navigate the demanding situations of the literary international, such as the perils of plagiarism, the charm of industrial success, and the sacrifices required for artistic hobbies. Through vibrant characterizations and sharp social commentary, Gissing explores subject matters of ambition, love, class conflict, and the tough realities of the literary marketplace. "New Grub Street" gives a poignant portrayal of the tensions between inventive beliefs and commercial demands, dropping light at the precarious nature of creative interests in a society pushed through capitalist pursuits. Gissing's masterful prose and eager observations make "New Grub Street" a timeless classic that maintains to resonate with readers nowadays.

  • von George Gissing
    18,00 €

    "The Paying Guest" through George Gissing is a compelling novel that delves into the complex dynamics of social class and relationships in Victorian England. The story revolves around the crucial man or woman, Lionel Tarrant, a skilled however impoverished creator. In a bid to enhance his economic situation, Lionel comes to a decision to take in a paying guest, Evan Harrington, a wealthy and properly-connected young man. As the narrative unfolds, the radical explores the interactions and conflicts among the 2 characters, highlighting the disparities of their backgrounds and social standing. Gissing masterfully captures the societal norms and expectancies of the time, providing a nuanced statement at the challenges and prejudices confronted via people from one of a kind classes. The novel skillfully weaves together subject matters of ambition, love, and societal constraints, growing a concept-upsetting and attractive narrative. Through rich character improvement and complicated plot twists, George Gissing paints a vibrant photo of the struggles and aspirations of his protagonists. "The Paying Guest" stands as a testament to Gissing's keen perception into the human circumstance and his capacity to navigate the complexities of Victorian society with finesse.

  • von George Gissing
    34,00 €

    George Gissing "Demos" is a fascinating social and political novel that delves into the hardships and tribulations of the running elegance in past due 19th-century England. The plot revolves across the existence of Richard Mutimer, an honest and idealistic young guy who becomes a staunch advocate for social justice and the rights of the oppressed. As Richard grows extra lively inside the labor movement and socialist ideals, he confronts the harsh fact of sophistication disparities and financial inequality. The story surely suggests commercial workers' brutal running conditions, exploitation, and the societal systems that exacerbate their struggling. Gissing's sharp observations and accurate representation of humans capture the complexity of the social surroundings on the time. The narrative includes subject matters of love, ambition, and the hunt of a better society. The creator dives into the complexities of private relationships and the way cultural conventions have an effect on people. "Demos" is a key painting in Gissing's literary canon, demonstrating his deep problem for social problems in addition to his potential to carry individuals to life in a vividly drawn historic heritage.

  • von George Gissing
    18,00 €

    "By the Ionian Sea: Notes of a Ramble in Southern Italy" is a travel tale written by George Gissing that follows his voyage through the scenic landscapes of Southern Italy. Recounts Gissing's reviews and observations as he travels along the Ionian Sea's vibrant coastline. Gissing travels across the lovely countryside and coastal cities of Southern Italy, capturing the essence of the local lifestyle, history, and people via vivid descriptions and incisive reflections. Gissing provides a comprehensive portrayal of Southern Italy's landscapes, structure, and customs with his keen eye for detail and respect for the region's natural magnificence. The story unfolds as a series of travelogue notes, combining personal tales, historical insights, and literary references to transport readers to the sights and sounds of Gissing's journey. From contacts with villagers to encounters with historic ruins, Gissing's tale weaves a tapestry of discovery and contemplation as he explores the allure of Southern Italy. "By the Ionian Sea" demonstrates Gissing's passion for travel and his ability to convey the soul of a location via his words.

  • von George Gissing
    31,00 €

    "The Nether World" is a singular by George Gissing that gives a stark portrayal of the tough realities confronted with the aid of the working-class in Victorian London. The novel delves into the lives of numerous characters dwelling inside the impoverished neighborhoods of London, highlighting the struggles of poverty, social inequality, and ethical decay. Set against the backdrop of industrialization and urban squalor, "The Nether World" follows the intertwined destinies of people striving to escape the grip of destitution and depression. Through characters like Clara Hewett, a younger girl burdened by family duties, and Sidney Kirkwood, a running-magnificence guy navigating the perils of poverty and ambition, Gissing explores topics of class war, city blight, and the fragility of human relationships. As the characters navigate the bleak realities of their environment, Gissing paints a gritty and realistic portrait of Victorian society, exposing the disparities among the privileged and the marginalized. Through his brilliant prose and social observation, Gissing sheds mild on the ethical dilemmas and social injustices prevalent in a swiftly changing city panorama.

  • von George Gissing
    22,00 €

    The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft through George Gissing is a semi-autobiographical novel that delves into the inner mind and reflections of its titular individual, Henry Ryecroft. The novel is obtainable as a series of magazine entries, presenting a glimpse into Ryecroft's solitary lifestyles as a struggling creator dwelling in London. Ryecroft's private papers offer intimate insights into his philosophical musings, literary aspirations, and private struggles. As he grapples with the demanding situations of literary fulfillment, economic instability, and the complexities of human relationships, Ryecroft contemplates the because of this of existence, the man or woman of artwork, and the pursuit of happiness. Throughout the novel, Gissing masterfully captures Ryecroft's introspective voice, painting a colourful portrait of a man grappling together with his own mortality and on the lookout for solace in literature and solitude. Ryecroft's observations on society, tradition, and the human state of affairs provide readers with concept-frightening insights into the human enjoy. "The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft" isn't always simplest a captivating exploration of one man's internal global however also a poignant meditation at the standard subject matters of love, loss, and the search for that means in existence.

  • von George Gissing
    26,00 €

    "The Crown of Life" through George Gissing is a singular that delves into the complexities of affection, relationships, and societal expectations inside the overdue nineteenth century. The narrative follows the lives of its characters, exploring the demanding situations they face in pursuit of happiness and success. At the middle of the tale is Sidney Athelstone, a skilled author who navigates the literary international and grapples with the intricacies of human feelings. The novel weaves a tapestry of characters whose lives intersect, revealing the intricacies of love, marriage, and the pursuit of personal aspirations. As Sidney seeks creative and private success, he encounters numerous characters, each struggling with their personal goals and constraints. The novel explores subject matters of societal norms, the conflict between man or woman goals and societal expectancies, and the sacrifices individuals make inside the pursuit of their passions. George Gissing, regarded for his keen observations of society, crafts a narrative that reflects the challenges and contradictions of the time. "The Crown of Life" stands as a poignant exploration of the human circumstance, imparting readers a window into the social dynamics and private struggles of the overdue 19th century.

  • von George Gissing
    31,00 €

    Enter the cutthroat world of Victorian London's literary scene in George Gissing's New Grub Street. Follow struggling authors and the pursuit of fame andfortune amidst the harsh realities of poverty, ambition and the compromises demanded by society. A timeless portrayal of the perils and passions of the writing life.

  • von George Gissing
    17,00 €

    ""By The Ionian Sea"" is a travelogue written by George Gissing, an English novelist and travel writer. The book describes his journey through the Ionian Islands, situated off the west coast of Greece, during the late 19th century. Gissing's vivid descriptions of the landscape, people, and culture of the islands provide readers with a unique and immersive experience of the region. He explores the islands' history, architecture, and customs, as well as the impact of tourism and modernization on the traditional way of life. The book is a fascinating glimpse into a bygone era and a must-read for anyone interested in travel writing or Greek culture.The waiter -- perhaps he was the landlord, I left this doubt unsolved -- brought me a cup of coffee; dirtier and more shabbily apparelled man I have never looked upon; viler coffee I never drank. Then I descended into the gloom of the street. The familiar odours breathed upon me with pungent freshness, wafted hither and thither on a mountain breeze. A glance upwards at the narrow strip of sky showed a grey-coloured dawn, prelude, I feared, of a dull day.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • von George Gissing
    34,00 €

    Born in Exile is a novel by George Gissing, published in 1892. The story follows the life of Osmond Waymark, a struggling writer who is forced to live in poverty due to his lack of success. Waymark falls in love with a woman named Maud Enderby, but their relationship is complicated by the fact that she is engaged to another man. The novel explores themes of poverty, social class, and the struggles of the creative process. Gissing's writing style is characterized by a focus on realism and social commentary, and Born in Exile is no exception. The novel is a poignant portrayal of the difficulties faced by artists and intellectuals in Victorian England, and remains a classic of English literature to this day.With the growth of his militant egoism, there had developed in Godwin Peak an excess of nervous sensibility which threatened to deprive his character of the initiative rightly belonging to it. Self-assertion is the practical complement of self-esteem. To be largely endowed with the latter quality, yet constrained by a coward delicacy to repress it, is to suffer martyrdom at the pleasure of every robust assailant, and in the end be driven to the refuge of a moody solitude.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • von George Gissing
    24,00 €

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • von George Gissing
    41,00 €

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • von George Gissing
    33,00 €

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • von George Gissing
    38,00 €

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • von George Gissing
    30,00 €

    Naturally, Sir Spencer and Lady Ogram were not bidden to the wedding; in fact, they knew nothing about it until a couple of years after, when, on the birth to him of a son and heir, Quentin took his courage in both hands and went down to Rivenoak to make the confession. He avowed somewhat less than the truth, finding it quite task enough to mitigate the circumstances of Mrs. Ogram's birth and breeding. The exhibition of a portrait paved his way.

  • von George Gissing
    20,00 €

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • von George Gissing
    79,90 - 99,90 €

  • von George Gissing
    89,90 - 109,90 €

  • von George Gissing
    38,00 €

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • von George Gissing
    89,90 - 109,90 €

  • von George Gissing
    24,90 €

    Grub Street is the name of a former street in London synonymous with pulp writers and low-quality publishers. New Grub Street takes its name from that old street, as it follows the lives and endeavors of a group of writers active in the literary scene of 1880s London.Edwin Reardon is a quiet and intelligent writer whose artistic sensibilities are the opposite of what the London public wants to read. He¿s forced to write long, joyless novels that he thinks pop publishers will want to buy. These novels are draining to write, yet result in meager sales; soon Edwin¿s increasingly small bank account, and his stubborn pride, start to put a strain on his once-happy marriage.His best friend, Biffen, lies to one side of Edwin¿s nature: as another highly-educated writer, he accepts a dingy, lonely, and hungry life of abject poverty in exchange for being able to produce a novel that¿s true to his artistic desires but is unlikely to sell. On the other side lies Jasper Milvain, an ¿alarmingly modern¿ writer laser-focused on earning as much money as possible no matter what he¿s made to write, as he floats through the same literary circles that Edwin haunts.The intricately-told tale follows these writers as their differing outlooks and their fluctuating ranks in society affect them and the people around them. Gissing, himself a prolific writer intimately familiar with the London literary scene, draws from his own life in laying out the characters and events in the novel. He carefully elaborates the fragile social fabric of the literary world, its paupers and its barons both equal in the industry but unequal in public life. Though the novel is about writers on the face, the deep thread that runs through it all is the brutality of the modern social structure, where the greedy and superficial are rewarded with stability and riches, while the delicate and thoughtful are condemned to live on the margins of respectable society in grimy poverty, robbed not only of dignity, but of love.

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