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Bücher von George Mann

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  • von George Mann
    21,00 €

    "This volume collects issues #1-#4 of the Dark Horse comic book series Dragon Age: The Missing."

  • 13% sparen
    von George Mann
    17,00 €

    "It's been over a year since the fall of the Starlight Beacon space station, and both heroes and villains alike must face the consequences of their decisions. When Jedi Knight Reath and Padawan Amadeo Azzazzo are sent on a mission to test their theories about the Nameless, they'll come face-to-face with the terrifying creatures once thought to be myth--and learn the true meaning of fear: fear that fallen Jedi Azlin Rell advised them to embrace if they have any hope of defeating the monsters"--

  • von Daniel Jose Older & Harvey Talibao
    14,00 - 19,00 €

  • von George Mann
    16,00 €

    Eine geteilte Galaxis, eine Jedi-Meisterin gefangen im Feindesland - und ein verzweifelter Rettungsplan ... Der Beginn der dritten Phase der Hohen Republik. Die Galaxis ist geteilt. Die schrecklichen Nihil haben eine undurchdringliche Barriere errichtet, hinter der sie rauben, plündern und verwüsten. Nicht einmal gemeinsam vermögen es die Jedi und die Streitkräfte der Republik, die Grenze zu durchbrechen. Gleichzeitig ist Jedi-Meisterin Avar Kriss im Gebiet der Nihil gefangen und gibt ihr Bestes, um die Opfer der Nihil zu schützen. Doch auf beiden Seiten der Grenze breitet sich die Verzweiflung aus, und wenn die Hoffnung stirbt, vergeht auch die letzte Möglichkeit, die Galaxis wieder zu vereinen. »Das Auge der Finsternis« ist der Beginn der dritten Phase der Hohen Republik und schließt inhaltlich an die erste Phase an. Die erste Phase der Hohen Republik: 1. Das Licht der Jedi 2. Im Zeichen des Sturms 3. Der gefallene Stern 4. Orkanläuferin

  • von George Mann
    16,00 €

    Sie wollten Frieden bringen, doch der Krieg wird durch sie schlimmer als je zuvor. Das ungekürzte Hörspiel-Skript. Jedha ist eine alte Welt, bekannt dafür, dass hier verschiedene Fraktionen in Frieden zusammenarbeiten. Der Jedi-Meister Creighton Sun und die Jedi-Ritterin Aida Forte hoffen, hier den Frieden zwischen den verfeindeten Planeten Eiram and E'ronoh zu begründen. Da kommt das Gerücht auf, dass die Jedi den Krieg mit sich brächten. Neid und Misstrauen führen zu einem nie gesehenen Gewaltausbruch auf dem heiligen Mond - und der Ewige Krieg, der auf Jedha enden sollte, droht die ganze Galaxis in den Abgrund zu reißen. Jetzt einsteigen! Die zweite Phase der Hohen Republik umfasst nur drei Bände und ist ohne Vorkenntnisse lesbar: 1. Die Verschwörung 2. Die Schlacht von Jedha 3. Die Vernichtung

  • von George Mann
    17,00 €

    DIE HOHE REPUBLIKWährend Ty Yorrick sich auf die Jagd nach einem gefährlichen Monster vorbereitet, erzählt sie eine Geschichte aus der Vergangenheit: der Meister ihres Meisters ist noch ein Padawan und Teil eines Aufklärerteams das auf einer unbewohnten Grenzwelt strandet. Die Gruppe braucht nicht nur dringend medizinische Versorgung für ein verletztes Mannschaftsmitglied, sondern sieht sich auch einem mörderischen Wesen gegenüber, wie es der Gruppe bislang noch nicht begegnet ist. Was ist das für ein namenloses Monster, das selbst den Jedi Angst einflößt?Inhalt: US-STAR WARS: THE HIGH REPUBLIC ADVENTURES: THE NAMELESS TERROR #1-4

  • 21% sparen
    von George Mann
    24,00 €

    "One year after the tragic events of The Fallen Star, the Jedi fight to break the Nihil's control over the galaxy"--

  • von George Mann
    19,00 €

  • von George Mann
    28,00 €

    Sir Maurice Newbury, Gentleman Investigator for the Crown, imagines life will be a little quieter after his dual success in solving The Affinity Bridge affair. But he hasn't banked on the reemergence of his villainous predecessor, Knox, who is hellbent on achieving immortality, and seems to be pursued by a secret agent who isn't quite as he seems.... The whole affair is so baffling that Newbury is reluctant to take time away from it to attend to the mysterious murders in the wake of the unveiling of an Egyptian mummy, let alone his partner Veronica's apparent obsession with tracking the growing pool of young women who have disappeared after being used as props in a magician's stage act. But it's all part of a day's work when your boss is the queen of England. So begins a thrilling steampunk mystery, the second in the series of Newbury & Hobbes investigations, and a grand adventure quite unlike any other.Newbury & Hobbes Investigation#1 The Affinity Bridge#2 The Osiris Ritual#3 The Immortality Engine#4 The Executioner's Heart#5 The Revenant Express

  • von George Mann
    24,00 €

    The grand adventure continues in George Mann's Newbury & Hobbes steampunk mystery series, as a Victorian special agent races across a continent to save his beloved's life on board The Revenant Express. Sir Maurice Newbury is bereft as his trusty assistant Veronica Hobbes lies dying with a wounded heart. Newbury and Veronica's sister Amelia must take a sleeper train across Europe to St. Petersberg to claim a clockwork heart that Newbury has commissioned from Faberge to save Veronica from a life trapped in limbo.No sooner do they take off then sinister goings-on start to plague the train, and it is discovered that an old villain, thought dead, is also on board and seeking revenge. Can Newbury and Amelia defeat him and get the clockwork organ back to the Fixer in time to save Veronica? And can they do so without Newbury going so far into the dark side of occult magic that he can never return?Meanwhile, Sir Charles Bainbridge is the only one of their team left in London to struggle with a case involving a series of horrific crimes. Someone is kidnapping prominent men and infecting them with the Revenant plague, leaving them chained in various locations around the city. But why?It's a rousing chase to save both London and Veronica. Will these brave detectives be up to the task?Newbury & Hobbes Investigations#1: The Affinity Bridge#2: The Osiris Ritual#3: The Immortality Engine#4: The Executioner's Heart#5: The Revenant Express

  • von George Mann
    29,00 €

    In Executioner's Heart--the fourth Newbury & Hobbes steampunk mystery from George Mann--the detectives are up against the most frightening villainess England has yet seen.It's normal for Charles Bainbridge, Chief Inspector of Scotland Yard, to be called to the scene of a crime, but this is the third murder in quick succession where the victim's chest has been cracked open and their heart torn out. Bainbridge suspects there's a symbolic reason for the stolen hearts, so he sends for supernatural specialist Sir Maurice Newbury and his determined assistant, Miss Veronica Hobbes.Unfortunately, neither of them are in much shape to take the case. Veronica has been hunting for some way to alleviate the mysterious forces that have been hounding her family of late, and Newbury has been retained by a private client: Edward, Prince of Wales, who's concerned that his mother, the Queen of England, is losing her grip on the nation.However, the two detectives pull together long enough to determine that the killings may be the work of a mercenary known as the Executioner. French, uncannily beautiful, her flesh covered in tattoos and inlaid with precious metals, the Executioner is famed throughout Europe, with legends going back for hundreds of years. Something is keeping her in a form of living stasis, but her heart is damaged, leaving her an emotionless shell, inexplicably driven to collect her victims' hearts as trophies.Who is the Executioner targeting, and who hired her? Why has Veronica stopped trusting Bainbridge? What does the Prince of Wales really want? These are just some of the mysteries that Newbury and Hobbes will confront on the way to unearthing the secret of the Executioner's Heart.Newbury & Hobbes Investigation#1 The Affinity Bridge#2 The Osiris Ritual#3 The Immortality Engine#4 The Executioner's Heart#5 The Revenant Express

  • von George Mann
    29,00 €

    Welcome to the bizarre and dangerous world of Victorian London, a city teetering on the edge of revolution. Its people are ushering in a new era of technology, dazzled each day by unfamiliar inventions. But beneath this shiny veneer of progress lurks a sinister side.

  • von George Mann
    14,00 €

    ENTDECKE DIE DUNKLE SEITE DER GALAXIS, WENN DU DICH TRAUST ...Lies weiter, wenn du dich traust! Diese einzigartige Sammlung präsentiert die gruseligsten Märchen und Geistergeschichten aus der Star Wars-Galaxis, die selbst den jungen Luke und seine Schwester Leia nachts wachgehalten hätten. Erstellt von George Mann und Grant Griffin - dem Kreativteam, das auch die atemberaubenden Star Wars: Myths & Fables ersonnen hat - wurden diese sieben schaurigen Erzählungen aus dem schier unerschöpflichen Geschichtengeflecht der Star Wars Galaxie geknüpft (einschließlich der aufregenden Erlebniswelt von Galaxy's Edge in Disneyland und Disney World) und mit beeindruckender Bildgewalt in Szene gesetzt ...

  • von George Mann & Alan Quah
    15,00 - 17,00 €

  • von George Mann
    8,48 €

    Two hundred years before the events of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, in the era of the glorious High Republic, the Jedi are the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy!Another exciting storybook adventure featuring heroic Jedi and their Padawans as they fight the nefarious villains the Nihil! Includes full-color stickers! The New York Times best-selling series continues....

  • von George Mann
    7,98 €

    Long before the Clone Wars, the Empire, or the First Order, the Jedi lit the way for the galaxy in a golden age known as the High Republic! This exciting full-color storybook brings to life an epic clash between the Jedi Knights and their mysterious enemies, the Nihil. Burryaga the Wookiee Padawan and his fellow Jedi must save the day!

  • von George Mann
    24,00 €

    An anthology showcasing the very best steampunk stories from three different countries released by three different publishers in three different languages.From the UK, George Mann (a new Newbury & Hobbes tale), Jonathan Green (a new Pax Brittania tale), and Derry O'Dowd; from Finland, Magdalena Hai (winner of the Atorox Award and the Finnish Literary Export Prize), multiple award-winning Anne Leinonen, and J.S. Meresmaa (whose work has been shortlisted for the Anni Polva, Kuvastaja, and Atorox Awards); and from Portugal, Anton Stark, Diana Pinguicha, and Pedro Cipriano (winner of Fórum Fantástico's Choice of the Year Award).Contents:Introduction by Ian Whates Steampunk UKSeasons of Wither - George Mann Reckless Engineering - Jonathan Green The Athenian Dinner Party - Derry O'Dowd Steampunk FinlandForeword by J.S. Meresmaa The Winged Man Isaac - Magdalena Hai The Cylinder Hat - Anne Leinonen Augustine - J.S. Meresmaa Steampunk PortugalForeword by Pedro Cipriano Videri Quam Esse - Anton Stark The Desert Spider - Pedro Cipriano Heart of Stone - Diana Pinguicha

  • - The Executioner's Heart
    von George Mann
    17,98 €

    A serial killer is loose on the streets of London, murdering apparently random members of the gentry. The corpses are each found with their chest cavities cracked open and their hearts removed. Charles Bainbridge, Chief Inspector of Scotland Yard, suspects an occult significance to the crimes and brings Newbury and Veronica in to investigate.

  • - Steampunk Tales of Egypt
    von Gail Carriger & George Mann
    30,00 €

    Welcome to the land of the Pharaohs...Clockwork mummies, thieving deities, airship pirates, psychic queens, mechanical scarabs, unrepentant scoundrels, mysterious museums, trickster djinns, suspicious werewolves, abducted scientists, fearless spies, and vengeful gods... All this and more wait inside the pages of Clockwork Cairo. Featuring stories from: George Mann, Gail Carriger, Nisi Shawl, Tee Morris & Pip Ballantine, David Barnett, Rod Duncan, Tiffany Trent, P. Djeli Clark, Jonathan Green, E. Catherine Tobler, Chaz Brenchley, K. Tempest Bradford, Benjanun Sriduangkaew and others...

  • - A Newbury & Hobbes Investigation
    von George Mann
    29,00 €

    On the surface, life is going well for Victorian special agent Sir Maurice Newbury, who has brilliantly solved several nigh-impossible cases for Queen Victoria with his indomitable assistant, Miss Veronica Hobbes, by his side. But these facts haven't stopped Newbury from succumbing increasingly frequently to his dire flirtation with the lure of opium. His addiction is fueled in part by his ill-gotten knowledge of Veronica's secret relationship with the queen, which Newbury fears must be some kind of betrayal. Veronica, consumed by worry and care for her prophetic but physically fragile sister, Amelia, has no idea that she is a catalyst for Newbury's steadily worsening condition. Veronica and Newbury's dear friend Bainbridge, the chief investigator at Scotland Yard, tries to cover for him as much as possible, but when the body of a well-known criminal turns up, Bainbridge and Veronica track Newbury down in an opium den and drag him out to help them with the case. The body clearly, irrefutably, belongs to the man in question, but shortly after his body is brought to the morgue, a crime is discovered that bears all the dead man's hallmarks. Bainbridge and Veronica fear someone is committing copycat crimes, but Newbury is not sure. Somehow, the details are too perfect for it to be the work of a copycat. But how can a dead man commit a crime?Newbury & Hobbes Investigation#1 The Affinity Bridge#2 The Osiris Ritual#3 The Immortality Engine#4 The Executioner's Heart#5 The Revenant Express

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