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Bücher von Georges Feydeau

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  • von Georges Feydeau
    19,99 €

  • von Georges Feydeau
    17,00 €

  • von Georges Feydeau
    19,00 €

  • von Georges Feydeau
    19,90 €

    Venez découvrir L'Hôtel du Libre-Échange de Georges Feydeau grâce à une analyse littéraire de référence ! Écrite par un spécialiste universitaire, cette fiche de lecture est recommandée par de nombreux enseignants. Cet ouvrage contient la biographie de l'écrivain, le résumé détaillé, le mouvement littéraire, le contexte de publication de l'oeuvre et l'analyse complète. Retrouvez tous nos titres sur :

  • von Georges Feydeau
    15,90 €

    Venez découvrir Le Dindon de Georges Feydeau grâce à une analyse littéraire de référence ! Écrite par un spécialiste universitaire, cette fiche de lecture est recommandée par de nombreux enseignants. Cet ouvrage contient la biographie de l'écrivain, le résumé détaillé, le mouvement littéraire, le contexte de publication de l'oeuvre et l'analyse complète. Retrouvez tous nos titres sur :

  • von Georges Feydeau
    15,90 €

    Venez découvrir Le Cercle des Castagnettes de Georges Feydeau grâce à une analyse littéraire de référence ! Écrite par un spécialiste universitaire, cette fiche de lecture est recommandée par de nombreux enseignants. Cet ouvrage contient la biographie de l'écrivain, le résumé détaillé, le mouvement littéraire, le contexte de publication de l'oeuvre et l'analyse complète. Retrouvez tous nos titres sur :

  • von Georges Feydeau
    24,00 €

  • von Georges Feydeau
    13,98 €

    A consummate farce in which a middle-aged man arranges a rendezvous in a seedy little hotel with the beautiful young wife of his best friend. Plays for Performance Series.

  • von Georges Feydeau
    19,00 €

    A farcical comedy set in 1910. Lucien arrives home in the early hours dressed as Louis XIV. His late arrival and enraptured account of the ball invites the wrath of Yvonne, his wife and it isn't long before the maid, suffering with flu, and the bumbling, elderly manservant are dragged into the argument.

  • von Georges Feydeau
    20,00 €

    La Puce à l'oreille est un vaudeville de Georges Feydeau créé au Théâtre des Variétés le 2 mars 1907. C'est une comédie basée sur des quiproquos et des malentendus entre les personnages qui se suspectent tous mutuellement d'adultère.

  • von Georges Feydeau
    25,00 €

    "It seems to me that for fertility in droll inventions, the perpetual outpouring of unforeseen misunderstandings, for the inexhaustible gaiety of dialogue, Feydeau's new play is superior to everything he's written so far. The most astonishing thing is the sureness with which everything is controlled, explained, justified, in the most extravagant buffoonery. The cross-purposes rebound non-stop, and every time one is introduced, one thinks, `Yes, that's true, it couldn't happen any other way.' There is no idle detail, not one that hasn't its function in the action, not a word which will not have, at a given moment, its repercussion in the comedy, and this word, I don't know how it's done-it's the gift of the dramatist-sinks into the memory, and reappears just at the moment when it has to cast a vivid light on an incident, which we did not expect, but which seems entirely natural, which charms us both by its unpredictability and by our impression that we did predict it… The first act lasts no less than an hour, and there isn't a moment's boredom; the absurdities burst one after another with a marvelous abundance and intensity. I have seen nothing like it." Francisque Sarcey, Le Temps

  • von Georges Feydeau
    21,00 €

    "In Feydeau's work, all misunderstandings and slamming doors, THE LOSER is a moment of pure hysteria, a kind of quintessence of the author's work. In a sort of comic pendant to Zola's Nana, Feydeau puts on stage characters guided only by the power of their desires, the will to possess someone else, the exclusive passion for pleasure. In such a society however the places are limited, the combinations difficult. On stage this provides a game of musical chairs that is perfectly hilarious. Those who are not at first motivated by the follies of love end up joining the dance. It all provides a cavalcade which explodes into craziness and hilarious situations. However, there is also in THE LOSER a panic force, an urge to go to extremes which encourages certain dark views of the tragic dimension of the human condition." Dans la bibliothèque de Clèanthe "George Feydeau created THE LOSER in 1896 with codes appropriate to a now remote era. Arranged marriages often brought men and women together while leaving each the opportunity to let his or her heart take an interest somewhere else. Being caught in the act in the presence of the police was the rule when one or another of the parties wished to put an end to a less truly satisfying union. In THE LOSER the dialogue is studded with double meanings and cleverly placed stings. This awareness of conventions works marvelously when it is recreated in the 2lst century." Stanislas Claude, Publik Art

  • von Georges Feydeau
    25,00 €

    Raymonde suspects her husband, Victor Emmanuel, of infidelity and she turns to her best friend, Lucienne, to help her gain proof. They concoct a play-based on a perfumed letter-to trap him at the Hotel Coq d''Or in Montretout.|5 women, 9 men

  • von Georges Feydeau
    20,00 €

    The troubles of Ventroux, parliamentary deputy, begin when his wife Clarisse insists it is so hot that she can only wear a négligé around the apartment. Hochepaix, a former political enemy, visits; Clarisse is stung in a most unfortunate place and pleads with Hochepaix and her husband to suck out the sting for her. When a reporter from Le Figaro kindly administers first aid in full view of the President it seems doubtful that poor Ventroux's political career will survive!|1 woman, 4 men

  • von Georges Feydeau & Maurice Desvallières
    23,00 €

    The translator of a popular version of Feydeau's A Flea in Her Ear scored another success with this acclaimed farce at the National Theatre of Great Britain. More slam bang experiences in mistaken identities and sexual peccadillos, this hilarious story begins with M. Pinglet's efforts to have a fling with Mme. Paillardin, who is terminally bored with her husband. The lovers book a room in a very out of the way hotel which quickly becomes a destination for practically everyone they know.Large cast

  • von Georges Feydeau
    20,00 €

    Set in 1890s Paris and very typically Feydeau in style, this lively and fast-moving play revolves around the idea of mistaken identity. Lucille awaits her new music teacher but the man who walks into her apartment is Edouard, in the mistaken belief that he is attending a rendezvous with his mistress. A series of hilarious misunderstandings and double entendres ensues.|4 women, 1 man

  • von Georges Feydeau
    19,00 €

    FarceCharacters: 4 male, 6 female Interior Set Dr. Moulineaux has been out all night in a futile attempt to meet his mistress Suzanne. He tells his wife he has been with Bassinet who is near death, but in walks Bassinet. He decides it is no longer wise to have Suzanne pretend to be a patient and rents an apartment that formerly belonged to a dressmaker. He and Suzanne are discovered in this hide away by her husband, so the doctor poses as a dressmaker and is caught in a desp

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