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Bücher von Gordon Smith

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  • von Gordon Smith
    25,00 €

    Tausende von Botschaften aus der geistigen Welt hat Gordon Smith bereits weitergegeben. Jetzt macht das berühmtesteMedium Großbritanniens der Welt ein ganz besonderes Geschenk: ein Orakel-Kartendeck, das Hilfe und Heilung an alle Menschen übermittelt, die an die unglaubliche Kraft der geistigen Welt glauben.26 Jahre lang hatte Gordon Smith die Idee ein Orakel-Kartendeck, das die Macht hat, uns mit der geistigen Ebene in Verbindung zu setzen im Herzen getragen. Jetzt hat sie den Weg dafür frei gegeben. Gordon Smith hat nun ein System entwickelt, mit demwir zielgerichtet Fragen an die geistige Welt stellen können wie den Sinn des Lebens, unsere Aufgabe in dieser Welt, spirituelles Wachstum, Weisheit, Energie, ein Hilfeschrei oder Heilung für uns und andere. Antworten geben uns Meister, Schutzgeister, Heiler, Wächter und andere spirituellen Helfer. Wir müssen nur den Anfang machen: Unsere erste Bitte sprechen und die erste Karte ziehen! Schon stehen uns die Geistwesen mit ihrem universellen Wissen und ihren Lehren zur Seite.

  • von Gordon Smith
    13,00 €

    What do quarks and bosons have to do with faith? What does having a binary brain do for our sense of morality? Are the decisions we make in our life an expression of free will or simply the mysterious determined directives of creation? Are we self-determining creatures or just puppets? Conversations with No-One is a collection of poems which trace the journey of one man, beginning in the seminary yet leading irrevocably into the worlds of neuroscience, quantum mechanics and genetics. It recounts a desperate search for personal meaning and purpose which turned into a three-decade long conversation with our humanity, from Gilgamesh's search for immortality to Milo Wolff's theory of the wave structure of matter. It reflects upon a journey through the wonder and horror of human existence, listening to the stories as they wrote our history, listening to the authors as they grappled with what it meant to be alive and conscious, to hear ourselves searching for answers to the questions which burned in our hearts and minds, to marvel at our remarkable ontology. Conversations with No-One is a poetic, theological redaction of our self-apprehension informed by modern science, a view which challenges the very foundation of our cultural identity yet is in complete harmony with it. It is an invitation to 'religare', to go over again, and a reaffirmation of the ancient maxim 'nosce te ipsum' - to know yourself.

  • von Gordon Smith
    18,00 €

  • von Gordon Smith
    19,90 €

    Lassen Sie sich von dem berühmtem Medium Gordon Smith anleiten wie es Ihnen gelingt, Schritt für Schritt mit der geistigen Welt in Kontakt zu treten.Es gibt wohl kaum jemanden, der sich nicht fragt, warum er hier auf der Erde ist, welches seine Aufgaben sind und wie es nach dem Tod weitergeht. Die Antworten darauf finden Sie in Ihrer Seele, sobald Sie sich Ihrer Intuition öffnen und bereit sind für den Kontakt mit Ihrer Innenwelt. Wie das geht erklärt der Autor.

  • von Gordon Smith
    19,90 €

    Gordon Smith ist berühmt für seine kraftvollen Botschaftenvon Menschen aus dem Jenseits. Dochoftmals melden sich auch die Tiere, die uns im Lebennahestanden.In diesem außergewöhnlichen Buch erzählt er von unglaublichen Erfahrungen,die Menschen mit ihren Tiergefährten machen wie Berichteüber Hunde, die intuitiv wissen, wann ihr Besitzer nach Hause kommt,ihren Menschen das Leben retten oder getreuen Gefährten, die überden Tod hinaus nahe bei ihren Familien sind. Darüber hinaus erzähltGordon Smith von seinem Springerspaniel "Frechdachs"-Charlie, derunerwartet in sein Leben trat, es komplett durcheinanderwirbelte undihm mit Vertrauen, Geduld und bedingungsloser Liebe eine neueemotionale Qualität eröffnete.Ein Buch, das auf eindrucksvolle Weise zeigt, wie tief die Verbundenheitder Tiere zu ihren Familien ist und wie groß das Verständnis für dieWelt, die sie umgibt.

  • von Gordon Smith
    19,90 €

    Mediale Menschen, die "Botschaften aus dem Jenseits" übermitteln, gibt es nicht wenige. Doch wie können wir entscheiden, was echt und wahr ist - und was Fantasie, Wunschvorstellung oder ausgedachtes Drama?Gordon Smith warnt in seinem Buch vor Irrwegen und fordert uns auf, als Erstes unseren rastlosen eigenen Geist kennenzulernen, ihn still werden zu lassen - und erst dann "auf Empfang" zu gehen. So sind wir offen für authentische Botschaften und heilende Energien. Auf Basis seiner über 30jährigen Praxis zeigt Smith detailiert, wie wir mit der "Anderen Welt" kommunizieren, und unsere medialen Fähigkeiten entfalten und vertiefen können. Nicht für nur unser eigenes Wohl, sondern zum Wohle aller, des Lebens, der Liebe.

  • von Gordon Smith, Donald A Bertke & Don Kindell
    64,00 €

  • - Additions & Corrections August 1939 - February 1941
    von Gordon Smith, Donald A Bertke & Don Kindell
    66,00 €

  • von Gordon Smith, Donald A Bertke & Don Kindell
    65,00 €

  • - Lingayen Gulf, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and the Attack of the Kamikaze
    von Don Kindell, Donald A Bertke & Gordon Smith
    81,00 €

  • - Guam, Tinian, Southern France, Peleliu and Morotai
    von Donald A Bertke, Don Kindell & Gordon Smith
    76,00 €

    The Allies advance against the Germans and the Japanese. Major events during this period: The continuing naval battle in the English Channel; attempted assassination of Adolf Hitler in East Prussia; arrival of Brazilian Expeditionary Force to join the Allies in Italy; the landing in southern France by US and French troops; the surrender of Finland and Bulgaria; liberation of French ports along the Atlantic and Mediterranean; the liberation of Guam by US Army and Marine troops; capture of Tinian Island by US marines; landing on Morotai Island by US troops; capture of Peleliu, Angaur Island and Ulithi Atoll by US forces; withdrawal of the defeated Japanese Army from Kohima and Imphal, India, back to Burma; the landing at Noemfoor, New Guinea, by US and Australian troops; resignation of the Tojo government in Japan; operations of USN Wolfpacks in the Pacific Ocean; USN air attacks on the Philippine Islands.

  • von Gordon Smith
    25,00 €

  • von Gordon Smith
    32,00 €

    Prior to the Second World War, Japan and Australia had been successful trading partners, but after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbour, Australia was soon at war with Japan. Various attacks by Japan soon followed and the citizens of Australia became afraid and were ready to bolt inland from the coastal regions. In 1942, General McArthur set up his headquarters for the Pacific in Brisbane and, as a result, the city needed a civilian population to ensure the smooth operation of its essential services. t was obvious, although the invasion of these cities by the Japanese would be remote, a plan was soon hatched to make newsreel films and articles that would not only reassure Australia's civilians that they would be safe from Japanese threat

  • von Gordon Smith
    25,00 €

    The Family that went to War"e; is set back in the early 1900's during wartime. The story follows six Australian family members as they each choose to go and fight for varying personal reasons. The book recounts their highs, lows, struggles as well as triumphs. It is both inspiring and heartbreaking about what these people were leaving behind (including families and children) and what hardships they faced on their journeys. The story covers their journeys through the war in Europe and explores some of their complex characteristics and the summary of the lives of the three who returned. It also highlights the anguish of the mother whose son was lost on the battlefields of Fromelles and whose body still as not been identified one hundred years later'Six family members went to war. Only three returned!

  • - A Guide to Christian Spirituality
    von Gordon Smith
    21,00 €

    Imagine you're longing for a cool refreshing drink of water . . . And there, right in front of you, is a full glass, crystal clear, just waiting to be picked up. You study the tantalizing trail of droplets as they work their way down the side. You talk to people who have drunk from the glass and even tell others how wonderful it looks. You're convinced that this water will be deeply satisfying. You've done everything short of bringing the glass to your lips and drinking for yourself. Your longing continues for a cool, refreshing drink of water.Everyone is thirsty spiritually. "My soul thirsts for God," says the psalmist. And Jesus, knowing our longing, offers us Living Water. But how do we actually drink this water so that it can begin to satisfy our souls?For centuries, Christians have practiced spiritual disciplines to develop a deeply satisfying relationship with God. These disciplines are like the glass, bringing Living Water to our parched souls. Gordon Smith recognizes that authentic spirituality often looks dramatically different from one believer to the next. Still, there are certain disciplines that are essential for any Christian who wants a deeper, more satisfying relationship with God. ON THE WAY will help readers identify those essentials and develop a spirituality that encompasses every area of life such as work, friendships, and recreation.

  • von Gordon Smith
    14,00 €

    "A personal day of prayer is a wonderful opportunity to find two things: renewed focus and clarity to our lives and renewed joy and peace in Christ. It comes to us as a gift in the midst of the challenges, opportunities and perplexities of our lives. As opportunity and gift, the day of prayer enables us to find spiritual and emotional space for an intentional encounter with Christ. Through this encounter we come to a renewed experience of the presence of the Spirit in our lives."This small booklet is intended to teach Christians how to spend a full day in the presence of Christ. Readers are given the opportunity to practise various spiritual disciplines and then to journal what God is speaking to them.Gordon T. Smith is president of Overseas Council Canada, which works with other Overseas Council affiliates to support and enable excellence in theological education in the developing world. He previously served as the dean and associate professor of spiritual theology at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia.

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