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Bücher von Grady Lynch

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  • von Grady Lynch
    28,00 €

    Altum is a world of secrets. A place where celestial gods look over a world of magic built above the remnants of forgotten high technology. A world of fair-skinned Novare and purple-skinned, double-tailed Xol. A world of ogres and wizards, monsters and ancient fairies, where reality is a Fabric that can be folded by skilled sewers.At the centre of Altum is a great mountain range, and at its heart lies Zenidow, the mountain without peak, untouched by mortal hands for as long as the world has held life. Now, however, opposing forces are being drawn to it.On one side, Ogwold, a simple but virtuous ogre touched by the gods and immune to the poisonous sea. On the other, Zelor, an unstoppable Xol sorcerer in the grip of an insatiable evil presence from beyond the stars.While the Novare and Xol fight an increasingly desperate war of attrition, these two and their allies fight to claim, or protect, the secret Zenidow holds, the only thing that can save Altum from the invading darkness Zelor heralds--the Alium.

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