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Bücher von Greg Steinmetz

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    - The Life and Times of Jacob Fugger
    von Greg Steinmetz
    16,98 €

    A colorful introduction to one of the most influential businessmen in history (The New York Times Book Review), Jacob Fuggerthe Renaissance banker who wrote the playbook for everyone who keeps score with money (Bryan Burrough, author of Days of Rage).In the days when Columbus sailed the ocean and Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa, a German banker named Jacob Fugger became the richest man in history. Fugger lived in Germany at the turn of the sixteenth century, the grandson of a peasant. By the time he died, his fortune amounted to nearly two percent of European GDP. In an era when kings had unlimited power, Fugger dared to stare down heads of state and ask them to pay back their loanswith interest. It was this coolness and self-assurance, along with his inexhaustible ambition, that made him not only the richest man ever, but a force of history as well. Before Fugger came along it was illegal under church law to charge interest on loans, but he got the Pope to change that. He also helped trigger the Reformation and likely funded Magellans circumnavigation of the globe. His creation of a news service gave him an information edge over his rivals and customers and earned Fugger a footnote in the history of journalism. And he took Austrias Habsburg family from being second-tier sovereigns to rulers of the first empire where the sun never set. Enjoyablereadable and fast-paced (The Wall Street Journal), The Richest Man Who Ever Lived is more than a tale about the most influential businessman of all time. It is a story about palace intrigue, knights in battle, family tragedy and triumph, and a violent clash between the one percent and everybody else. The tale of Fuggers aspiration, ruthlessness, and greed is riveting (The Economist).

  • von Greg Steinmetz
    26,99 €

    Jakob Fugger ist der reichste Mann, der (nicht nur in Mythen) jemals gelebt hat. 1459 als Enkel eines Bauern geboren, häufte er ein unvorstellbares Vermögen an, das selbst den legendären J. D. Rockefeller oder heutige Superreiche wie Bill Gates in den Schatten stellt.In einer Zeit, in der die Macht von Königen schier unbegrenzt war, legte Jakob Fugger den Grundstein für seinen unglaublichen Reichtum. Innovative Ideen, Verhandlungsgeschick und vor allem Nervenstärke zeichneten den Bankier aus, der dem Papst die Erlaubnis für Zinsgeschäfte abrang. Greg Steinmetz zeigt Jakob Fugger, wie man ihn noch nie gesehen hat.Visionär - er unterstützte die erste Weltumsegelung -, kämpferisch - er forderte Martin Luther heraus -, allgegenwärtig - Könige, Kaiser und Päpste, keiner kam an ihm vorbei. Greg Steinmetz enthüllt, mit welchen Methoden Fugger sein gigantisches Imperium aufbaute, Fürsten- und Königshäuser in die Abhängigkeit drängte und die europäische Politik maßgeblich mitprägte. Um unseren modernen Kapitalismus, wie wir ihn heute kennen, zu verstehen, muss man Jakob Fugger verstehen.Mit 8-seitigem, farbigen Bildteil

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