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Bücher von Gunther Schmidt

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  • von Gunther Schmidt
    59,99 €

    Äußerungen zur Mathematik verbinden diese immer wieder mit Kunst, Dichtung, Phantasie und Divination. Sie beklagen aber auch wortreich die Kärrnerarbeit des Rechnens ¿ dann mutieren rechnende Mathematiker schnell zu phantasielosen Plunderköpfen, die den Henker nicht taugen.Dieses Buch präsentiert eine einmalige Sammlung derartiger Äußerungen aus berühmtesten Quellen. Einbindung der Mathematik in die Gesellschaft begann mit mittelalterlicher Rechenmeisterei und wurde zur Grundlage der Naturwissenschaft. Der eine oder andere rät, die Eleganz der erzielten Resultate der Beurteilung von Schneidern und Schustern zu überantworten ¿ die Logik sei aber nötig, um die Feldzüge der Intuition abzusichern.

  • von Gunther Schmidt, Franz Freyberger & Uwe Hanebeck
    54,99 €

  • - International Workshops of COST Action 274, TARSKI, 2002-2005, Selected Revised Papers
    von Harrie de Swart
    50,00 €

    This book is a follow-up of LNCS volume 2929 with the same title, and presents the major results of COST action 274 (2002-2005), TARSKI: Theory and - plications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments. Relational structures abound in the daily environment: relational databases, data-mining, scaling procedures, preference relations, etc. Reasoning about, and with, relations has a long-standing European tradition, which may be divided into three broad areas: 1. Algebraic Logic: algebras of relations, relational semantics, and algebras and logics derived from information systems. 2. Computational Aspects of Automated Relational Reasoning: decidability and complexity of algorithms, network satisfaction. 3. Applications: social choice, AI, linguistics, psychology, economics, etc. The main objective of the ?rst TARSKI book (LNCS 2929) was to advance the understanding of relational structures and the use of relational methods in applicable object domains. There were the following sub-objectives: 1. Tostudythesemanticalandsyntacticalaspectsofrelationalstructuresarising from 'real world' situations 2. To investigateautomatedinference for relationalsystems, and, wherepossible or feasible, develop deductive systems which can be implemented into industrial applications, such as diagnostic systems 3. To develop non-invasive scaling methods for predicting relational data 4. To make software for dealing with relational systems commonly available We are con?dent that the present book will further the understanding of int- disciplinary issues involving relational reasoning. This book consists of papers which give a clear and self-contained overview of the results obtained by the TARSKI action, typically obtained by di?erent persons from di?erent work - eas.

  • - COST Action 274, TARSKI, Revised Papers
    von Harrie de Swart
    52,00 €

    Relational structures abound in our daily environment: relational databases, data mining, scaling procedures, preference relations, etc. As the documentation of scientific results achieved within the European COST Action 274, TARSKI, this book advances the understanding of relational structures and the use of relational methods in various application fields.The 12 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected for presentations. The papers are devoted to mechanization of relational reasoning, relational scaling and preferences, and algebraic and logical foundations of real world relations.

  • von Rudolf Berghammer & Gunther Schmidt
    49,00 - 50,00 €

  • von Gunther Schmidt & Thomas Ströhlein
    54,99 €

  • von Gunther Schmidt & Franz Freyberger
    54,99 €

  • von Gunther Schmidt
    54,99 €

    Jura lernt man von Juristen und Medizin bei Medizinern. Von wem aber haben die beginnenden Informatiker aus den 1960er Jahren gelernt? Grenzüberschreitend natürlich von Pionieren unter Mathematikern, Physikern und Elektroingenieuren, doch auch von gänzlich anderen unerwartet zum Fach gewechselten. Das macht es so spannend, die Anfänge der Informatik zu verfolgen.Dieses Buch präsentiert eine einmalige Sammlung von Dokumenten, Fotos und vielgestaltigen Informationen. Es illustriert damit, wie sich die Münchner Informatik aus dem Nichts heraus entwickeln konnte.

  • von Gunther Schmidt
    39,95 €

  • von Michael Winter & Gunther Schmidt
    50,00 €

    This book introduces and develops new algebraic methods to work with relations, often conceived as Boolean matrices, and applies them to topology.

  • - A Modelling and Mapping Approach
    von Gunther Schmidt, Simon Schoenrock & Winfried Schroeder
    50,00 €

    The investigations refer to the development of plant phenology since the 1960s in Germany. It could be shown that there already is a distinct shift of phenological onset towards the beginning of the year of up to two weeks.

  • - A Risk Assessment Approach Coupling Epidemiologic and Geostatistical Measures
    von Gunther Schmidt & Winfried Schroeder
    49,00 €

    This book investigates the spatial distribution of potential temperature-driven malaria transmissions, using the basic reproduction rate (R0) to model the reproduction of the malaria pathogen Plasmodium vivax.

  • 14% sparen
    - Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists
    von Gunther Schmidt & Thomas Stroehlein
    92,00 €

    Relational methods can be found at various places incomputer science, notably in data base theory, relationalsemantics of concurrency, relationaltype theory, analysisof rewriting systems, and modern programming languagedesign. Itexplains how to use relational and graph-theoretic methodssystematically in computer science.

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