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Bücher von Gurpreet Kaur

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  • 17% sparen
    von Gurpreet Kaur
    42,00 €

    A pioneering exploration into the forefront of horticulture and sustainable agriculture within the diverse landscapes of Northern India. Authored by distinguished experts in the field, this book presents a comprehensive perspective on the practical applications of plant growth regulators, the socio-economic impact of integrated farming models in Punjab, and inventive strategies for post-harvest loss management in Rosa species. The narrative delves into the intricacies of maintaining soil health for sustainable agriculture, navigating the challenges of adverse weather on apple production in Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir. It further addresses the impact of climate change on agricultural resilience, the complexities of crop-livestock diversification, and the management of insect populations amidst climate disruption. Readers embark on a journey through the realms of agriculture, from the enchantment of gene selection for plant cultivation to pioneering methods in food waste management. The book unfolds the intricacies and innovations in the global agricultural journey, covering insect genomics, biotechnology, emerging technologies in agriculture.

  • von Gurpreet Kaur
    30,00 €

    What is influence?Influence is the art of getting others to do what you want. It is the ability to persuade people to agree with your point of view and support your actions. Influence is a powerful tool that can be used in all areas of life, whether it be in personal relationships, the workplace, or politics.There are many different types of influence, but all types of influence are based on the principle that people are motivated by logic, emotion, and social influence. To effectively persuade people, you need to understand and use these three elements.Elements of influence· Logic: To persuade people using logic, you need to present a sound and logical argument. Your argument should have clearly defined premises and conclusions, and you should use evidence to support your premises.· Emotion: People often make decisions based on their emotions. To persuade people effectively, you need to touch their emotional strings. You can do this by appealing to their values, beliefs, and ideals, or by making them feel emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, or fear.· Social influence: People are influenced by the behavior of those around them. To persuade people effectively, you need to understand how social influences such as group pressure, reciprocity, and authority work. You can use these influences to persuade people to agree with your point of view.

  • 16% sparen
    von Gurpreet Kaur
    37,00 €

    Nell'ultimo decennio si è assistito a un'evoluzione verso una natura inesorabilmente universale, in cui le strutture di registrazione convincenti e di minimo sforzo sono senza dubbio coordinate nei telefoni cellulari, nelle automobili, negli strumenti terapeutici e in quasi tutte le parti della nostra vita. Il riconoscimento dei volti è un compito che le persone svolgono abitualmente e facilmente nella loro vita quotidiana. Il processo di riconoscimento dei volti prevede lo studio ispettivo dei tratti del viso in un'immagine, il riconoscimento di tali tratti e il confronto con uno dei tanti volti presenti nel database. Esistono molti algoritmi in grado di eseguire il riconoscimento dei volti, come ad esempio: Principal Component Analysis, Discrete Cosine Transform, metodi di riconoscimento 3D, metodo Gabor Wavelets, ecc. L'importanza dei sistemi di riconoscimento dei volti è cresciuta negli ultimi decenni.

  • 16% sparen
    von Gurpreet Kaur
    37,00 €

    En la última década se ha observado una tendencia hacia un carácter inexorablemente universal, en el que marcos de registro convincentes y de mínimo esfuerzo están, sin duda, coordinados en teléfonos móviles, automóviles, instrumentos terapéuticos y en casi todas las partes de nuestras vidas. El reconocimiento facial es una tarea que la gente realiza de forma rutinaria y sencilla en su vida cotidiana. El proceso de realización del reconocimiento facial implica el estudio de inspección de los rasgos faciales en una imagen, el reconocimiento de dichos rasgos y su comparación con uno de los muchos rostros de la base de datos. Existen muchos algoritmos capaces de realizar el reconocimiento facial; como: Análisis de Componentes Principales, Transformada Discreta del Coseno, métodos de reconocimiento 3D, método de Ondículas de Gabor, etc. La importancia de los marcos de reconocimiento facial ha aumentado en las dos últimas décadas.

  • von Gurpreet Kaur
    43,90 €

    In den letzten zehn Jahren hat sich eine Entwicklung hin zu einer unaufhaltsamen Universalität vollzogen, bei der zwingende und mühelose Erfassungssysteme zweifellos in Mobiltelefonen, Autos, therapeutischen Instrumenten und in fast allen Bereichen unseres Lebens eingesetzt werden. Die Erkennung von Gesichtern ist eine Aufgabe, die Menschen routinemäßig und einfach in ihrem täglichen Leben ausführen. Der Leistungsprozess der Gesichtserkennung beinhaltet die Untersuchung von Gesichtsmerkmalen in einem Bild, die Erkennung dieser Merkmale und den Vergleich mit einem der vielen Gesichter in der Datenbank. Es gibt viele Algorithmen, die in der Lage sind, eine Gesichtserkennung durchzuführen, wie zum Beispiel: Hauptkomponentenanalyse, Diskrete Kosinustransformation, 3D-Erkennungsmethoden, Gabor-Wavelets-Methode usw. Die Bedeutung von Gesichtserkennungssystemen hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark zugenommen.

  • 16% sparen
    von Gurpreet Kaur
    37,00 €

    La dernière décennie a vu une évolution vers une nature inexorablement universelle, où des cadres d'enregistrement convaincants et minimes sont sans aucun doute coordonnés dans les téléphones cellulaires, les voitures, les instruments thérapeutiques et presque tous les aspects de notre vie. La reconnaissance des visages est une tâche que les gens accomplissent régulièrement et facilement dans leur vie quotidienne. Le processus de reconnaissance des visages implique l'étude des caractéristiques faciales d'une image, la reconnaissance de ces caractéristiques et leur comparaison avec l'un des nombreux visages de la base de données. Il existe de nombreux algorithmes capables d'effectuer la reconnaissance faciale, tels que : L'analyse en composantes principales, la transformée en cosinus discrète, les méthodes de reconnaissance 3D, la méthode des ondelettes de Gabor, etc. L'importance des cadres de reconnaissance des visages s'est accrue au cours des dernières décennies.

  • von Gurpreet Kaur
    19,00 €

    V poslednee desqtiletie nablüdaetsq tendenciq k neumolimomu uniwersal'nomu harakteru, kogda ubeditel'nye i trebuüschie minimal'nyh usilij sistemy registracii, bez somneniq, koordiniruütsq w mobil'nyh telefonah, awtomobilqh, terapewticheskih instrumentah i pochti w kazhdoj chasti nashej zhizni. Raspoznawanie lic - äto zadanie, kotoroe lüdi wypolnqüt regulqrno i legko w swoej powsednewnoj zhizni. Process raspoznawaniq lic wklüchaet w sebq izuchenie chert lica na izobrazhenii, raspoznawanie ätih chert i srawnenie ih s odnim iz mnozhestwa lic w baze dannyh. Suschestwuet mnozhestwo algoritmow, sposobnyh wypolnqt' raspoznawanie lic, takih kak: Analiz glawnyh komponent, Diskretnoe kosinusnoe preobrazowanie, metody 3D raspoznawaniq, metod wejwletow Gabora i t.d. Znachimost' sistem raspoznawaniq lic wozrosla w poslednie neskol'ko desqtiletij.

  • 16% sparen
    von Gurpreet Kaur
    37,00 €

    Na década mais recente, assistiu-se a uma evolução para uma natureza inexoravelmente universal, em que as estruturas de registo de esforço mínimo e convincente são, sem dúvida, coordenadas em telemóveis, automóveis, instrumentos terapêuticos e em quase todas as partes das nossas vidas. O reconhecimento facial é uma tarefa que as pessoas executam de forma rotineira e fácil na sua vida quotidiana. O processo de desempenho do reconhecimento facial envolve o estudo de inspeção das características faciais numa imagem, reconhecendo essas características e comparando-as com uma das muitas faces da base de dados. Existem muitos algoritmos capazes de efetuar o reconhecimento facial; tais como: Análise das componentes principais, transformada discreta do cosseno, métodos de reconhecimento 3D, método das ondulações de Gabor, etc. A importância das estruturas de reconhecimento de rostos tem vindo a aumentar nas últimas décadas.

  • 16% sparen
    von Gurpreet Kaur
    37,00 €

    The most recent decade has seen a pattern towards an inexorably universal nature, where compelling and minimal effort registering frameworks are, no doubt coordinated into cell telephones, autos, therapeutic instruments and very nearly every part of our lives. Face recognition is an assignment that people perform routinely and easily in their everyday lives. The performance process of face recognition involves the inspection study of facial features in an image, recognizing those features and comparing them to one of the many faces in the database. There are many algorithms capable of performing face recognition; such as: Principal Component Analysis, Discrete Cosine Transform, 3D recognition methods, Gabor Wavelets method etc. Significance of face acknowledgment frameworks have velocity up in the most recent couple of decades.

  • 14% sparen
  • 14% sparen
    von Gurpreet Kaur
    31,00 €

  • 14% sparen
  • 14% sparen
    von Gurpreet Kaur
    31,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von Simranjit Singh
    94,00 €

    This book discusses the role of optical networks in 3G, 4G, 5G and beyond. The authors discuss the evolution of the technologies, the research involved, and the applications with respect to optical communication systems. In addition, the book provides in-depth knowledge of broadband connectivity for future generation networks. More focus is given towards the front-, mid- and back- hauling of 5G and beyond. The authors present architecture for broadband connectivity and explain its potential in 5G and beyond applications. This book includes several architectures based on Hybrid Fiber-Wireless; Next Generation Passive Optical Networks Stage 1 and 2; millimeter wave over fiber; sub-THz wave over fiber; millimeter/sub-THz wave over multicore fiber; 6G fronthaul; 6G backhaul; GMPLS networks, and massive MIMO sub-Thz antenna. The contributors provide supplementary material such as simulations, analysis and experiments.

  • 18% sparen
  • 16% sparen
    von Gurpreet Kaur, Navneet Kaur & Shilpa Jaryal
    46,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Prasad B Shetty, Deepak Grover & Gurpreet Kaur
    31,00 €

    In 1892, Sir William Osler noted, ¿If it were not for the great variability among individuals medicine might as well be a science and not an art¿. This statement now a century old still embodies the influence of genetic variability on treatment outcomes both in Medicine and in Periodontics. Although, periodontitis does not follow Mendelian inheritance patterns, evidence is mounting of important hereditary influences. In fact, in developed countries, the strongest risk predictor of many common illness including diabetes, heart diseases and cancer is family history. Knowledge of hereditary influence of disease is not a new finding and it seems likely that oral cavity is excluded from genetic factors. An important problem related to research in the hereditary of periodontitis is that, whatever the cause of the disease, the symptoms are the same: deepening of periodontal pocket, loss of attachment and bone loss. The more susceptibility factors an individual has inherited, the greater the genetic predisposition and higher the chance for early development of periodontitis.

  • - A Narratological Study
    von Gurpreet Kaur
    20,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Gurpreet Kaur & Deepak Grover
    53,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Gurpreet Kaur, Vishakha Grover & Harleen Kaur
    46,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Gurpreet Kaur & Parvinder Singh Baweja
    34,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Gurpreet Kaur, Deepak Grover & Sumeet Singh
    56,00 €

    ¿From mobility to stability¿ is what every Periodontist aims at. For centuries dentists have been trying to stabilize loose teeth. The periodontally compromised dentition offers many opportunities to debate the efficacy of splinting. It frequently addresses the therapeutic goals of treatment, including patient comfort with mastication and retention of teeth after orthodontic intervention. Dental splints that are properly placed and contoured enable effective patient self-care and contribute to a positive prognosis. Continued success cannot occur without scrupulous patient self-care. With the combination of proficient clinical skill, appropriate dental material selection, good communication and comprehensive health education, both providers and patients can benefit from aesthetic, functional and healthy dental splints. We hope that these notes will provide a straightforward theoretical base on which the post-graduate and undergraduate may build knowledge on mobility and splinting and develop an interest in the speciality of Periodontics.

  • 18% sparen
    von Gurpreet Kaur, Deepak Grover & Sumeet Singh
    56,00 €

  • 17% sparen
    von Gurpreet Kaur & Surinder Mehta
    49,00 €

  • 19% sparen
    - A Means for Colon Targeting
    von Gurpreet Kaur, Dr Ashok K Tiwary & Ashok K Tiwary
    64,00 €

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