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Bücher von H. G. Wells

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  • von H. G. Wells
    9,99 - 15,90 €

  • von H. G. Wells
    15,90 €

    En verdad, el dominio de la navegación aérea se debe al esfuerzo de miles de hombres: éste sugiere una idea y aquel otro realiza un experimento, hasta que, finalmente, sólo fue necesario un potente esfuerzo intelectual para concluir la empresa. Pero la inexorable injusticia del sentir popular ha decidido que de todos esos miles de hombres, sólo uno, y en este caso un hombre que nunca voló, fuera elegido como el inventor, del mismo modo que decidió honrar a Watt como descubridor del vapor y a Stephenson de la locomotora. Y, seguramente, de todos estos nombres reverenciados, ninguno lo ha sido de forma tan grotesca y trágica como el del pobre Filmer, la tímida e intelectual criatura que resolvió el problema que había sumido en la perplejidad y en el temor a tantas generaciones, el hombre que apretó el botón que ha modificado la paz y la guerra, y casi todas las condiciones de la felicidad y vida humanas. El repetido prodigio de la pequeñez del científico que se enfrenta a la grandeza de su ciencia jamás ha encontrado una ejemplificación tan asombrosa. Gran parte de los datos referentes a Filmer permanecen en una profunda oscuridad, y así han de quedar ¿los Filmer no atraen a los Boswell¿, pero los hechos esenciales y la escena final son suficientemente claros, y existen cartas, notas y alusiones casuales que nos ayudan a ensamblar las diferentes piezas del rompecabezas final. Y esta es la historia que se obtiene, juntando una pieza con otra, sobre la vida y muerte de Filmer.

  • von H. G. Wells
    36,00 €

  • von H. G. Wells
    24,00 €

    The War of the Worlds is a science written by H. G. Wells. It was first published serially in the UK and the USA. Considered a landmark work of science fiction, this novel details a cataclysmic conflict between humans and extraterrestrial ?Martians.? Since its publication, The War of the Worlds has inspired numerous adaptations and imitations. Based on the experience of an unidentified male narrator and his brother, the novel records the events of a Martian invasion. The narrator sees flashes of light on the surface of Mars through a telescope at an observatory in Ottershaw, England.This happens when Mars comes closer to the Earth. This is conveyed to, Ogilvy, his companion, who is a well-known astronomer. Ogilvy, however, dismisses the idea that the flashes are an indication of life on Mars. According to Ogilvy, chances against anything manlike on Mars are a million to one even though the flashes continue for several nights. Questions of order and hierarchy are the key issues around which The War of the Worlds revolves.

  • von H. G. Wells
    18,00 €

    La guerre des mondes est un récit passionnant qui relate l'invasion de la Terre par des Martiens. C'est un témoin extérieur qui nous montre le désarroi et la lutte désespérée des hommes face à un cataclysme directement sorti de l'enfer. Si les Martiens sont d'abord présentés comme des êtres faibles (la gravité terrestre, trois fois plus forte que celle de Mars, les empêche effectivement de se mouvoir rapidement), ils ne vont pas tarder à dévoiler leur puissance, qui n'aura d'égale que leur cruauté.Chef-d'¿uvre de la science-fiction moderne, ce roman est le premier à décrire des extraterrestres à l'identité propre, intelligents et totalement inhumains. La guerre des mondes fait partie de ces textes qui traversent le temps, et il a inspiré un film à Steven Spielberg. La Guerre des mondes (The War of the Worlds) est un roman de science-fiction écrit par H. G. Wells, publié en 1898. C'est une des premières ¿uvres d'imagination dont le sujet est l'humanité confrontée à une race extraterrestre hostile, en plus d'être le reflet de l'angoisse de l'époque victorienne et de l'impérialisme.Le roman est adapté plusieurs fois : pour la radio (dont une version d'Orson Welles qui a défrayé la chronique en 19383), en jeux de rôle, en bande dessinée, en quatre longs-métrages et plusieurs séries4.Résumé« [¿] Par-delà le gouffre de l¿espace, des esprits qui sont à nos esprits ce que les nôtres sont à ceux des bêtes qui périssent, des intellects vastes, calmes et impitoyables, considéraient cette terre avec des yeux envieux, dressaient lentement et sûrement leurs plans pour la conquête de notre monde [¿] »1894. Des astronomes sont témoins d'étranges activités à la surface de Mars, comme des éclairs ou des explosions de gaz incandescent. L'étonnant phénomène se répète pendant les dix nuits suivantes puis cesse. Des météores venant de la planète rouge se dirigent bientôt vers la Terre. Le premier s'écrase en Angleterre, dans le Surrey : il s'agit d'un objet ayant la forme d'un cylindre de vingt-cinq à trente mètres. Les curieux se rassemblent autour du cratère formé par la chute du projectile, mais ils sont bientôt tués par un « Rayon Ardent » projeté par une machine gigantesque à trois énormes jambes sortie du cylindre.Par la suite, les autres cylindres envoyés depuis Mars s'écrasent et libèrent d'autres engins mécaniques contrôlés par des créatures tentaculaires installées à l'intérieur. Ces tripodes, armés de leur Rayon Ardent et d'un gaz toxique appelé « Fumée noire » (black smoke), se dirigent vers Londres en désintégrant tout sur leur passage. L'armée britannique réplique. Mais rapidement, la lutte tourne à l'avantage des envahisseurs. Les populations terrifiées fuient cet ennemi implacable qui pompe le sang des malheureux qu'il capture et sème partout une mystérieuse herbe rouge qui étouffe toute végétation. Commence alors pour le narrateur, une fuite dans un monde ravagé, où il ne croise plus que des êtres humains isolés à la limite de la folie. Puis il se rend compte que les Martiens cessent soudain toute activité : les microbes terriens, contre lesquels ils n'étaient pas immunisés, les ont exterminés.

  • von H. G. Wells
    22,90 €

    La mayoría de la gente de este mundo parece vivir según un papel establecido; tienen un principio, un intermedio y un final, que son congruentes entre sí y fieles a las reglas de su colectivo. Se puede decir que esas personas son de un tipo o de otro. Son, como diría la gente de teatro, ni más ni menos que «actores de un papel». Tienen una clase, tienen un lugar, saben lo que son y lo que les corresponde, y el tamaño de la lápida dice al final lo adecuadamente que han interpretado este papel. Pero hay también otro tipo de vida que no es tanto vivir como saborear una miscelánea de vidas. Uno es golpeado por alguna inesperada fuerza transversal, arrojado fuera de su estrato y vive de través durante el resto del tiempo, y, por decirlo así, en una sucesión fragmentaria de experiencias. Este ha sido mi caso, y eso es lo que me ha impulsado a escribir algo de una naturaleza similar a una novela. He sido objeto de una inusual serie de impresiones que deseo contar sin más dilación. He visto la vida desde niveles muy distintos, y en todos ellos la he observado con una especie de familiaridad y con buena fe.

  • von H. G. Wells
    32,00 €

    Der junge Edward Prendick erleidet im Südpazifik Schiffbruch. Auf offener See wird er von dem Arzt Montgomery aufgelesen, der mit einer Ladung seltsamer Tiere zu einer einsamen Insel unterwegs ist, wo er unter der Leitung eines gewissen Doktor Moreau eine biologische Forschungsstation betreibt. Schon kurz nach ihrer Ankunft merkt Prendick, dass auf der Insel merkwürdige Dinge vor sich gehen. Die markerschütternden Schreie eines Pumas, den Montgomery auf die Insel gebracht hatte, verstören ihn so sehr, dass er von der Station in den Dschungel flieht. Dort trifft er auf eine Reihe von monströsen Tiermenschen, die Moreau in seinem Labor erschaffen hat. Brutale Gesetze sollen die Geschöpfe daran hindern, in ihre Tiernatur zurückzufallen. Aber dann wird eines dieser Gesetze gebrochen, und Moreau unternimmt eine folgenschwere Strafexpedition ins Dorf des Tiervolks ...H.G. Wells' Klassiker wurde von einem der besten Grafikkünstler der Gegenwart illustriert. Meisterhaft haucht Bill Sienkiewicz Wells' skandalumwittertem Roman über menschliche Chimären und wissenschaftlichen Wahnsinn neues Leben ein - und unterstreicht damit, wie erschreckend aktuell die Fragen sind, die der Autor vor über hundert Jahren stellte.

  • von H. G. Wells
    22,00 €

    Little Wars; a game for boys from twelve years of age to one hundred and fifty and for that more intelligent sort of girl who likes boys' games and books., has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future generations. This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.

  • von H. G. Wells
    29,00 €

    The Sleeper Awakes is a dystopian novel written by H. G. Wells, it tells the story of a man, Graham, an Englishman, living in London who falls asleep in the year 1897 and wakes up 203 years later to find that the accumulated interest in his bank deposit has left him the richest man in the world and nominally its owner. He learns that he has inherited huge wealth and that the trustees of the "White Council" have used his wealth to establish a political and economic world order. His awakening sparks to present a personal struggle with confusion and a massive uprising that tries to overbalance the ruling elite. Therefore, Graham is forced to handle his renowned position in society as well as develop a leader to lead the revolution to adjust to the strange futuristic environment. So, this begins his instructive adventure as he discovers the unsettling policies of the ruling power and is forced to make a decision about whether to live up to his role as a rescuer or give up his voice to the existing power. The story is based on social class division, dehumanization, and awareness of the injustice practiced under authoritarian authority. To read this compelling and insightful piece of literature, you need to read the complete story!

  • von H. G. Wells
    25,00 €

    What is Coming?, a classic book first published in 1916, contains the futuristic theories and conceptions of H. G. Wells about the signs of things to come following the World War (1914-1918). The release of this book coincides with the Allied Forces' impending conflict with alleged cruel Germany. These forces consisted of Great Britain, France, Italy, Russia, and Japan. The author believes that in order to prevent further wars, there will need to be a shared World Peace upheld by a common state with a common peace agenda for all nations. The author makes it extremely obvious how the British people as a whole and people in other warring nations have suffered and will continue to suffer for decades even after the war, which will cause a significant shift in how all social strata think about and live. To know such predictions about time travel, alien invasion, invisibility, and biological engineering before these subjects were common in the genre.

  • von H. G. Wells
    23,00 €

  • von H. G. Wells
    16,00 €

    When the Time Traveller courageously stepped out of his machine for the first time, he found himself in the year 802,700-and everything had changed. In this unfamiliar, utopian age creatures seemed to dwell together in perfect harmony. The Time Traveller thought he could study these marvelous beings-unearth their secret and then return to his own time-until he discovered that his invention, his only avenue of escape, had been stolen.H. G. Wells's famous novel of one man's astonishing journey beyond the conventional limits of the imagination first appeared in 1895. It won him immediate recognition and has been regarded ever since as one of the great masterpieces in the literature of science fiction.

  • von H. G. Wells
    21,00 €

    The Invisible Man is a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells published in 1897.The novel depicts the life of a scientist named Griffin who has gone mad. Having learned how to make himself invisible, Griffin begins to use his invisibility for nefarious purposes, including murder. Written from a third-person point of view, the novel helped establish H. G. Wells as the "father of science fiction".

  • von H. G. Wells
    29,00 €

    Science fiction author H. G. Wells wrote a book titled The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth.In Book I, two new characters are introduced: Professor Redwood, who becomes interested in ""Growth"" after analysing response times, and Mr. Bensington, a research chemist with a focus on ""the More Toxic Alkaloids."" After a year of investigation and experimentation, he discovers how to produce what he initially refers to as ""the Food of the Gods"" but eventually refers to as Herakleophorbia IV. The material is given to kids, who then balloon to huge sizes.Albert Edward Caddles, Mrs. Skinner's grandson, is described in Book II as becoming into a symbol of ""the arrival of Bigness in the world."" Wells uses the opportunity to parody the Church of England clergy and the conservative rural nobility while illustrating life in a poor tiny community.Caddles, the protagonist, decides to see the world rather than spend his life working in a chalk pit. The relationship between the nameless princess and the young giant Redwood is sensitively depicted in Book III's epilogue. Just as Caterham undertakes a campaign to subdue the giants, their romance begins to flourish. The planet is on the edge of a protracted conflict between the ""small people"" and the Children of the Food as the book comes to an end.

  • von H. G. Wells
    9,00 €

    Londres, fin du XIXe siècle. Un groupe d'amis suit le récit des aventures de celui qui se prétend explorateur du temps. Créateur d'une machine fantastique à naviguer dans le temps, il a été visiter l'année 802 701. La Terre est alors habitée par des étranges êtres qui ressemblent aux humains, dans un éternel âge d'or où rien ne semble les troubler. Presque rien, car la nuit, les Morlocks sortent des profondeurs de la Terre et viennent kidnapper les êtres qui y vivent.Entre histoire fantastique et critique sociale de l'ère victorienne, la Machine à explorer le temps est la première à imaginer des futurs un peu sombres.Un des romans les plus fascinants de H. G Wells, un classique de la science fiction, recommandé par l'Éducation Nationale. Une édition en grands caractères pour une lecture plus facile.

  • von H. G. Wells
    12,00 €

    H. G. Wells trug sich erstmals 1918 mit dem Gedanken, eine Weltgeschichte zu schreiben. Er wollte die »Geschichte als die Geschichte vom Menschen« erzählen, entwarf so ein moralisches Programm, das von höchster Aktualität ist: »Wir wollen die Völker der Erde die Wahrheit lehren: daß sie alle einen gemeinsamen Ursprung haben, daß sie alle an einem gemeinsamen Werk beteiligt sind.«

  • von H. G. Wells
    13,00 €

    Par une soirée amère au coeur de l'hiver, un mystérieux étranger arrive dans le village anglais isolé d'Iping. Tout est étrange autour de lui : son comportement, son isolement, ses nombreux bandages qui cachent son apparence.Quand un premier vol survient dans la bourgade habituellement si calme, les soupçons se tournent vers lui. Mais l'attraper devient très difficile : en se déshabillant, il disparait et devient invisible. Chassé par les habitants, nu pour rester invisible, l'homme sombre dans l'excès et la paranoïa. Il vole, il blesse, il tue même.Histoire courte et rocambolesque, cynique et drôle, l'Homme Invisible est aussi un récit édifiant sur la cupidité et l'orgueil démesuré. Une oeuvre en grands caractères pour une lecture plus facile.

  • von H. G. Wells
    27,00 €

    H. G. Wells wrote a scientific romance titled The First Men in the Moon. It was a "great story," according to Wells. In the book, a businessman and an eccentric scientist set off on a mission to the moon. A London businessman who goes into seclusion in the country to compose a play serves as the narrator. In order to work quietly, Bedford hires a tiny cottage in the Kent town of Lympne. After two weeks Bedford accosts the man, who proves to be a reclusive physicist. Cavor convinces Bedford to travel to the moon even though he is confident there is no life there. They come across five-foot-tall "Selenites," "huge creatures," and "monsters of simple fatness," which they refer to as "mooncalves," caring for them. The Selenites of the Moon are imprisoning Mr. Bedford and Mr. Cavor, the major characters of "Mr. Bedford and Mr. Cavor in Infinite Space."According to Cavor, Selenites come in a variety of shapes and find fulfillment in performing the particular societal duty for which they were raised. The lunar commander and others who are listening to the conversation are "struck with awe" when Cavor, unfortunately, discloses humanity's predisposition for violence. Bedford implies that Cavor has been prohibited from transmitting to Earth in the future because of this.

  • von H. G. Wells
    25,00 €

    The science fiction novel The Invisible Man was written by H. G. Wells. Griffin is an optics researcher who develops a mechanism to change a body's refractive index to that of air so that it neither absorbs nor reflects light. Griffin is the scientist referred to as The Invisible Man in the title. He uses this procedure on himself to turn invisible, but he is powerless to reverse it. The English community of Iping, West Sussex, is visited by a mysterious figure known as "the stranger." He is very introverted, irascible, and withdrawn. He works with various chemicals and lab equipment in his rooms the majority of the day. Former medical student The Invisible Man is an albino who turned away from medicine to focus on optics. He created chemicals that can make bodies invisible, which he initially tested on a cat before using on himself. The Invisible Man kills a bystander while on the run after him after arming himself with an iron rod. He declares that Kemp will be the first person to die during the "Reign of Terror" the next day. The epilogue reveals that Marvel has kept Griffin's papers in secret and has built a prosperous business with the money that was stolen. He cannot understand the Greek and Latin of the coded notes; thus he is unable to interpret them.

  • von H. G. Wells
    32,00 €

    H. G. Wells wrote and published the book, Ann Veronica a modern love story in 1909. It talks of Ann Veronica Stanley's uprising against her middle-class father's strict patriarchal control as "a young woman of about two-and-twenty." The New Woman's issue in modern society is dramatized in the book. Except for a vacation to the mountains, it takes place in Victorian-era London and its surroundings. Ann Veronica provides snapshots of the British women's suffrage struggle and includes a chapter that was motivated by the suffragettes' failed effort to storm Parliament in 1908. The story revolves around her father who forbids her from attending a ball, she leaves home to live independently. She borrows money from an older man to study and falls in love with Capes, the laboratory's "demonstrator". Due to the heroine's feminist sympathies and the romance Wells was having with Amber Reeves, the woman who served as the inspiration for Ann Veronica, the book caused a sensation when it was released in the autumn of 1909. Even though the book now seems fairly mild-mannered, Ann Veronica was criticized as "capable of poisoning the minds of people who read it" by The Spectator in its day as being a scandalous work.

  • von H. G. Wells
    59,90 - 79,90 €

  • von H. G. Wells
    10,00 - 13,00 €

  • von H. G. Wells
    32,00 €

    H.G Wells, The war in the Air, describe the disasters of Bert Smallways, a cycle engineer from Bun Hill, England who luckily becomes the eye-witness to the German air attack against the United States, which created world war. Smallways incidentally trades places with Mr. Alfred Butteridge, who has different plans for a secret flying machine, by falling into Butteridge's balloon. The balloon floats to Germany, and during the journey, Smallways finds the complete drawings for Butteridge's flying machine. Smallways figures out how to land on the ground for the German air fleet, driven by Prince Karl Albert. The author's essential focus is an analysis of the immorality of man and the delicacy of modern society. He encourages a one-world government and sponsors education vs War, simultaneously he has an unbelievable insight into the future and air warfare.

  • von H. G. Wells
    22,00 €

    THE INSPIRATION FOR THE NEW MAJOR MOTION PICTURE!The Invisible Man is a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells.The Invisible Man to whom the title refers is Griffin, a scientist who has devoted himself to research into optics and who invents a way to change a body's refractive index to that of air so that it neither absorbs nor reflects light. He carries out this procedure on himself and renders himself invisible, but fails in his attempt to reverse it. A practitioner of random and irresponsible violence, Griffin has become an iconic character in horror fiction.The novel is considered influential, and helped establish Wells as the ""father of science fiction"".

  • von H. G. Wells
    32,00 €

    Marriage, has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future generations. This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.

  • von H. G. Wells
    26,00 €

    New Worlds For Old: A Plain Account of Modern Socialism, has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future generations. This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.

  • von H. G. Wells
    27,00 €

    The War of the Worlds' is a prominent science fiction novel that was published in the year 1897 by English author H. G. Wells. The anonymity of the narrator gives a firsthand record of the appearance of Martians in the regions around London and the demolition of central England. The Martin technology was above the other innovations where human development is pushed completely to the brink of collapse quickly. Albeit the Martians are entirely killed by earthbound bacteria before they can extend their decimation past Great Britain. Though various books have highlighted a threatening outsider attack previously, The War of the Worlds is the primary effective illustration of this genre and it still stays as a crucial novel in the sci-fi ordinance. American director Orson Welles restyled 'The War of the Worlds' and portrayed the popular radio station in 1938. Welles represented the imaginary episode as a news broadcast and purportedly prompted alarm among audience that Martians were attacking.

  • von H. G. Wells
    21,00 €

    A convincing sci-fi, The 'Time Machine is a direct record of a Time Traveler's excursion into the future. The lever gets pulled and the machine sends him to the year 802,701 when mankind has parted into two unusual races? the ethereal Eloi and the subterranean Morlocks. Here, his machine gets stolen and with the assistance of Weena, an Eloi he is saved from drowning, and the explorer can recover it. Zooming thirty million years further into the future, he discovers that the Earth is slowly dying, where the red sun sits still overhead and the main indication of life is a dark mass with tentacles. He returns to the Victorian time, overpowered, only three hours after he initially left. Credited with inventing the time machine in this novel, the provocative understanding of H. G. Wells keeps on enchanting the readers.

  • von H. G. Wells
    21,00 €

  • von H. G. Wells
    21,00 €

    The Time Machine is a science fiction novella by H. G. Wells, published in 1895. The work is generally credited with the popularization of the concept of time travel by using a vehicle or device to travel purposely and selectively forward or backward through time. The term "time machine", coined by Wells, is now almost universally used to refer to such a vehicle or device. Utilizing a frame story set in then-present Victorian England, Wells' text focuses on a recount of the otherwise anonymous Time Traveller's journey into the far future. A work of future history and speculative evolution, Time Machine is interpreted in modern times as a commentary on the increasing inequality and class divisions of Wells' era, which he projects as giving rise to two separate human species: the fair, childlike Eloi, and the savage, simian Morlocks, distant descendants of the contemporary upper and lower classes respectively. It is believed that Wells' depiction of the Eloi as a race living in plenitude and abandon was inspired by the utopic romance novel News from Nowhere (1890), though Wells' universe in the novel is notably more savage and brutal.

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