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Bücher von Henry Ford

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  • von Henry Ford
    22,00 €

    "My Life and Work" is an autobiographical account penned by the iconic American industrialist, Henry Ford. Published in 1922, the book offers readers an intimate glimpse into the life, philosophy, and business principles that shaped one of the most influential figures in the history of industrialization.Henry Ford, born on July 30, 1863, in Greenfield Township, Michigan, rose to prominence as the founder of the Ford Motor Company. In "My Life and Work," Ford reflects on his journey from a young farm boy with a passion for machines to the driving force behind the assembly line and mass production revolution in the automotive industry.The narrative delves into Ford's innovative mindset, outlining his vision for making automobiles affordable and accessible to the average American. At the core of his success was the revolutionary assembly line technique, which not only transformed the manufacturing process but also had a profound impact on industrial practices worldwide. Ford's introduction of the Model T, the "car for the great multitude," revolutionized transportation and played a pivotal role in shaping modern society.Beyond the industrial realm, "My Life and Work" delves into Ford's broader philosophy on business, labor, and societal progress. Ford shares his thoughts on the importance of fair wages, employee welfare, and the need for a strong middle class to drive economic prosperity. His ideas on efficiency, standardization, and mass production not only reshaped the automotive industry but also influenced manufacturing practices across various sectors.Ford's narrative is characterized by his strong opinions and distinctive voice. He discusses the challenges he faced, his views on success, and the principles that guided his decision-making. The book offers readers a firsthand account of Ford's commitment to innovation, work ethics, and the belief that well-managed industry could improve the quality of life for everyone.In "My Life and Work," Henry Ford leaves a lasting legacy, not just as an industrial titan but as a visionary whose ideas continue to resonate in the realms of business, technology, and social progress. His autobiography provides a unique perspective on the man behind the assembly line and the profound impact he had on the 20th-century industrial landscape.

  • von Henry Ford
    24,00 €

    "My Life and Work" is an autobiographical book written by Henry Ford, the famous American industrialist and founder of the Ford Motor Company. The book was first published in 1922 and provides a unique and insightful perspective on Ford's life, his philosophy, and his experiences in the early automotive industry. In the book, Henry Ford discusses a wide range of topics, including: Early Life: Ford starts by sharing details about his upbringing and early life on a farm in Michigan. He reflects on his childhood and the values instilled in him by his family. Invention of the Model T: Ford talks about his groundbreaking achievement, the development and mass production of the Model T automobile, which played a pivotal role in making automobiles affordable and accessible to the average American. Business Philosophy: Ford outlines his business principles and management methods, including the introduction of the assembly line and the standardization of processes, which significantly increased efficiency and reduced costs in manufacturing. Labor and Wages: The book also discusses Ford's perspective on labor and wages, including his implementation of the $5 a day wage for factory workers, which was considered a significant and progressive move at the time. Societal Views: Ford shares his views on various societal issues, such as consumerism, technology, and the role of business in society. He emphasizes the importance of making products that serve the common good and are affordable to all. Innovations and Challenges: The book touches on Ford's ongoing innovations and challenges in the automotive industry, as well as his vision for the future of transportation. Personal Values: Throughout the book, Ford emphasizes the importance of hard work, innovation, and the need for individuals to contribute to the betterment of society. "My Life and Work" is not just a memoir but also a reflection of Ford's pioneering ideas and the impact he had on both the automotive industry and American society. It provides valuable insights into the mind of one of the most influential figures in the history of American industry and manufacturing. While some of Ford's views and practices have been subject to criticism and controversy, the book remains an important historical document that sheds light on the industrial and entrepreneurial spirit of the early 20th century.

  • von Henry Ford
    59,90 - 79,90 €

  • von Henry Ford
    43,00 €

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • von Henry Ford
    29,00 €

    Entrez dans le monde extraordinaire de l'innovation et de la détermination avec "Ma vie, Mon ¿uvre" du légendaire Henry Ford. Ces mémoires captivantes vous emmènent dans un voyage exaltant à travers la vie remarquable et les réalisations révolutionnaires de l'un des plus grands visionnaires de l'histoire. Dans ce chef-d'¿uvre intemporel, Henry Ford, l'industriel pionnier et fondateur de la Ford Motor Company, ouvre les portes de ses expériences personnelles et professionnelles captivantes. Avec une honnêteté inébranlable et un style de narration captivant, Ford partage son parcours transformateur, de ses humbles débuts jusqu'à devenir une icône de l'industrie américaine.Au fil des pages, Ford raconte les épreuves et les triomphes auxquels il a été confronté en révolutionnant le processus de fabrication et en présentant au monde la légendaire automobile Model T. Sa chaîne de montage révolutionnaire a permis d'améliorer la production, de rendre les automobiles accessibles au plus grand nombre et de changer à jamais le paysage des transports. Mais "Ma vie, Mon ¿uvre" est bien plus qu'une simple chronique de ses réalisations. Ford partage sa philosophie intemporelle et ses idées novatrices sur la gestion, le leadership et les principes à l'origine de son succès. Découvrez le génie qui se cache derrière les techniques révolutionnaires de Ford, telles que le concept de "fordisme" et son engagement à payer un salaire équitable aux travailleurs, qui l'ont propulsé au rang de l'une des figures les plus influentes du XXe siècle.En parcourant les pages de ce livre remarquable, vous découvrirez le point de vue unique de Ford sur l'innovation, la persévérance et le pouvoir de penser différemment. Ses observations pointues sur le monde des affaires, l'industrie et la société. Que vous soyez un entrepreneur en herbe, un passionné d'histoire ou simplement en quête d'inspiration, ce livre enflammera votre imagination et vous incitera à repousser les limites du possible.Rejoignez Henry Ford dans cette extraordinaire aventure littéraire, où la passion, l'ambition et une détermination inébranlable s'unissent pour façonner le cours de l'histoire. Préparez-vous à être inspiré, motivé et changé à jamais par les mots d'un véritable visionnaire dans "Ma vie, Mon ¿uvre".

  • von Henry Ford
    21,00 €

    My Life and Work is the autobiography of Henry Ford. Written in conjunction with Samuel Crowther, My Life and Work chronicles the rise and success of one of the greatest American entrepreneurs and businessmen. Henry Ford and the Ford Motor Company will forever be identified with early 20th century American industrialism. The innovations to business and direct impact on the American economy of Henry Ford and his company are immeasurable. His story is brilliantly chronicled in this classic American biography.

  • von Henry Ford & Samuel Crowther
    59,90 - 79,90 €

  • von Henry Ford
    25,00 €

  • von Henry Ford & Samuel Crowther
    17,00 €

  • von Henry Ford
    57,00 €

    1884. This volume presents a fresh treatment upon business and finance, in the light of modern principles and methods, with recent statistics and examples to make clear the best precepts of business. Parts of this treatise is a revision of Thomas A. Davies' book. The whole constitutes the most complete and satisfactory discussion of the subject now before the public. It is hoped that it may be greatly useful in turning many of the struggling ones of earth to ways of competence, happiness and peace. It may be studied in all its parts to eminent advantage. The topic is thoroughly practical: its handling will be found equally so. Illustrated.

  • - A Popular Dictionary of Fine Art
    von Henry Ford
    41,00 €

    1883. This reference work contains a listing of the most prominent, and some rather obscure, artists, artwork and artistic places throughout history. It was hoped this dictionary would be useful in private study and for ready reference, and possibly find a place in the schools. Contents: artists of all the ages; great schools of art; academies and galleries of art; great artworks of the world; brief bibliography of fine art; glossary of terms.

  • von Henry Ford
    30,00 €

  • von Henry Ford
    19,00 €

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • von Henry Ford
    29,21 €

    Uma história de vida inspiradora de um grande homem, cujos princípios o guiaram a se tornar uma das figuras mais marcantes da história industrial norte-americana. Este livro, embora publicado há quase cem anos, dá uma receita ainda atual e oportuna do que é preciso para qualquer empresário ter sucesso e deve ser lido por qualquer pessoa interessada no que é necessário para fazer parte do verdadeiro sonho americano, uma noção que hoje se mantém apenas por um fio nos Estados Unidos. Uma obra que vai além das técnicas para o sucesso trata-se de como fazer uma diferença verdadeiramente positiva para o indivíduo, os funcionários e o país como um todo.

  • von Henry Ford
    12,99 €

    Ein Klassiker der Unternehmensliteratur in erweiterter Neuausgabe!Der eigentliche Quell des Reichtums liegt in jedem Menschen selbst. Durch das richtige Denken und Handeln kann er ihn zum Fließen bringen. Dabei sind nicht die materiellen Mittel ausschlaggebend, sondern der menschliche Geist.»Je intensiver wir denken, desto stärkere Anziehungskräfte gehen von uns aus. Wer ganz auf seine Arbeit konzentriert ist, der zieht in wachsendem Maß die Wesen, Dinge und Umstände an, die der Vollendung seines Werkes dienlich sind.«Im Gespräch mit dem Philosophen RALPH WALDO TRINE enthüllt HENRY FORD das Geheimnis seines Erfolgs. Er spricht über die innere Kraft, die ihm den Antrieb verliehen hat, seine großen Leistungen zu vollbringen, über Fragen der Gesundheit, den Stellenwert des Glaubens und die Wiedergeburt, aber auch darüber, dass weder Ruhm noch Reichtum der wahre Grund menschlichen Strebens ist.Ein Nachwort von CHARLES S. BRADEN zeigt, welchen Einfluss die Vertreter positiven Denkens jener Zeit auf seine Auffassungen genommen haben.Mit zahlreichen Fotos und einem Exkurs über das »Hanf-Auto«.HENRY FORD (1863-1947) war nicht nur ein erfolgreicher Erfinder, Konstrukteur und Geschäftsmann, sondern auch ein genialer Denker, dem die geistige Erneuerung des Menschen am Herzen lag. Seine Aussagen über den wahren Zweck eines Unternehmens sind heute noch eine Offenbarung für jeden Manager.

  • von Henry Ford
    22,99 €

    'Ich schildere die Entwicklung der Ford-Automobil-Gesellschaft nicht etwa aus persönlichen Gründen. Ich predige keineswegs: Gehe hin und tue desgleichen. Ich versuche nur, nachdrücklich darauf hinzuweisen, dass die heute üblichen Methoden, Geld zu verdienen, nicht die besten sind. Und meine Überlegungen hatten mich dahin gebracht, dass ich mich völlig von diesen Methoden abwenden konnte. Von dieser Zeit datiert der beispiellose Erfolg meiner Gesellschaft.'HENRY FORD gilt heute als Symbol für Amerikas Übergang vom Agrarstaat zur Industrienation. Wie schaffte es der Sohn eines Farmers, in wenigen Jahren zu einem der reichsten Männer der Welt zu werden? Seine Maxime lautete:Sobald man etwas im Geiste klar und deutlich vor sich sieht, beginnt es sich bereits zu gestalten. Die dadurch angeregten geistigen Energien wirken dann als Helferkräfte bei der Formgebung und Verwirklichung des innerlich Bejahten.MEIN LEBEN UND WERK wurde vom Time Magazine in die Liste der 100 wichtigsten Bücher des 20. Jahrhunderts aufgenommen. In seiner Autobiografie erklärt Henry Ford, wie man erfolgreich und fair ein Geschäft aufbaut - gerade heute wieder eine Offenbarung für jeden Manager und Unternehmensgrü Henry Ford (1863-1947) war ein Genie!. Dies ist eines der besten Business-Bücher, die je geschrieben wurden. Wenn Sie nach einem guten Buch über die Geschäftswelt oder einem guten Buch über Henry Ford suchen, dann haben Sie es jetzt gefunden.

  • - An Inspirational Saga Of The Automobile Giant Ford
    von Henry Ford
    28,00 €

  • von Henry Ford, Rose Wilder Lane & Samuel Crowther
    33,00 €

    FEW PEOPLE have had the transformative success as Henry Ford of Dearborn Michigan, USA. While his life-story transformed the nation and the world, the effects on its author are less understood. The purpose of this book is to explore his story as an additional study to Napoleon Hill's bestselling "Think and Grow Rich." In Hill's book, few individuals in it have more anecdotes used as examples than Ford - excepting Thomas Edison himself (who gave Ford an early boost in one of his companies.) In most days, people are challenged by their environment. They can rise to the challenge, or succumb to it. A rare few among them can see opportunity and seize it - creating a new world from a unique and unstoppable vision they hold. With Ford, we can also gain more insight into his philosophy of achievement, and how this affected Hill in his own studies. Even today, Ford's ideals have a great deal to say about how we can approach our own life. Now, it's over to you.

  • von Henry Ford
    21,00 €

  • von Henry Ford & Ford Henry Ford
    32,00 - 39,00 €

  • - The Man and His Work
    von Henry Ford
    44,00 €

    This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger Publishing's Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment to protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature. Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone!

  • - Commemorative Edition of Ford's 1926 Classic
    von Henry Ford
    73,00 €

    Reveals the thinking that changed the Ford Motor Company forever.

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