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Bücher von Himanshu Sharma

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  • 16% sparen
    von Himanshu Sharma
    42,00 €

    O desporto é essencial para todos e em todas as idades. É útil para desfrutar da saúde e do vigor da vida. Para efeitos de preparação física, os treinadores concebem programas de aptidão motora. Os treinadores devem ter pleno conhecimento dos instrumentos cinantropométricos para poderem identificar os jogadores talentosos. Este estudo apresenta as características cinantropométricas e as componentes da aptidão motora das jogadoras de softbol e compara estas características com as de outras jogadoras de softbol a nível universitário e universitário.

  • 16% sparen
    von Himanshu Sharma
    42,00 €

    Le sport est essentiel pour tout le monde et à tout âge. Il permet de profiter de la santé et de la vigueur de la vie. À des fins de remise en forme, les entraîneurs conçoivent des programmes d'entraînement moteur. Les entraîneurs doivent avoir une connaissance approfondie des outils kinanthropométriques afin d'identifier les joueurs talentueux. Cette étude présente les caractéristiques kinanthropométriques et les composantes de la condition motrice des joueuses de softball et compare ces caractéristiques à celles d'autres joueuses de softball de niveau collégial et universitaire.

  • 16% sparen
    von Himanshu Sharma
    42,00 €

    Lo sport è essenziale per tutti e a tutte le età. È utile per godere della salute e del vigore della vita. Ai fini della forma fisica, gli allenatori elaborano programmi di fitness motorio. Gli allenatori dovrebbero avere una conoscenza completa degli strumenti cinetometrici per identificare i giocatori di talento. Questo studio presenta le caratteristiche cinantropometriche e le componenti di fitness motorio delle giocatrici di softball e confronta queste caratteristiche con quelle di altre giocatrici di softball a livello universitario e di college.

  • 16% sparen
    von Himanshu Sharma
    42,00 €

    El deporte es esencial para todos y a cualquier edad. Es útil para disfrutar de la salud y el vigor de la vida. Para estar en forma, los entrenadores diseñan programas de aptitud motriz. Los entrenadores deben tener pleno conocimiento de las herramientas cinantropométricas para poder identificar a los jugadores con talento. En este estudio se presentan las características cinantropométricas y los componentes de la aptitud motriz de las jugadoras de softball y se comparan estas características con las de otras jugadoras de softball de nivel colegial y universitario.

  • 11% sparen
    von Himanshu Sharma
    22,00 €

    Sport neobhodim wsem i w lübom wozraste. On pomogaet naslazhdat'sq zdorow'em i bodrost'ü zhizni. Dlq podderzhaniq fizicheskoj formy trenery razrabatywaüt programmy dwigatel'noj podgotowlennosti. Trenery dolzhny imet' polnoe predstawlenie o kinantropometricheskih instrumentah, chtoby wyqwlqt' talantliwyh igrokow. V dannom issledowanii predstawleny kinantropometricheskie harakteristiki i komponenty dwigatel'noj podgotowlennosti igrokow zhenskogo softbola i prowedeno srawnenie ätih harakteristik s harakteristikami drugih igrokow zhenskogo softbola na urowne kolledzha i uniwersiteta.

  • von Himanshu Sharma
    49,90 €

    Sport ist für jeden Menschen und in jedem Alter wichtig. Er ist hilfreich, um die Gesundheit und die Lebenskraft zu genießen. Zum Zwecke der Fitness entwickeln Trainer motorische Fitnessprogramme. Die Trainer sollten die kinanthropometrischen Instrumente genau kennen, um die talentierten Spieler zu identifizieren. In dieser Studie werden die kinanthropometrischen Merkmale und die motorischen Fitnesskomponenten der Softballspielerinnen vorgestellt und mit denen anderer Softballspielerinnen auf College- und Universitätsniveau verglichen.

  • 14% sparen
  • 16% sparen
  • 14% sparen
    von Himanshu Sharma
    31,00 €

    Solar energy and wind energy are the two most viable renewable energy resources in the world. Germany Breaks A Solar Record ¿ Gets 85% Of Electricity From Renewable on May 8th, 2017. India and China are increasing the wind and solar capacities eight-fold to 2040. China solar¿wind to attract $780 billion investment by 2030. The future will be dominated by these renewable energies than the non-renewable energies. In order to extract these energies fully, the controlling strategies play a very crucial role to control the output power. In the controlling strategies, the charge controller regulator controls the flow of electricity in the electric batteries and main grid. If the power generation sources produce more energy than the one required by the loads, the surplus energy can be used either to charge the battery or to provide a dump load. Also, in the case where the amount of energy demand is higher than the one produced, the battery will release energy to cover the load requirements until the battery is fully discharged. In this book, the developed strategy shows the control flowchart of hybrid power generation system.

  • von Himanshu Sharma
    17,00 €

  • - Kiski Jeet, Kiski Har?
    von Himanshu Sharma
    16,00 €

  • - The subtle art of using Metasploit 5.0 for web application exploitation
    von Himanshu Sharma & Harpreet Singh
    65,00 €

    Metasploit is one of the best frameworks used for enumeration and exploitation of vulnerabilities. This book will not only give you a practical understanding of Metasploit but will also cover some less known modules and auxiliaries for pentesting Web Applications.

  • von Himanshu Sharma
    16,00 €

  • - A practical guide to mastering Red Team operations
    von Himanshu Sharma & Harpreet Singh
    57,00 €

    Red teaming is a process in which you use an attacker-like approach to secure your system, data, and network from getting breached. The main goal of the book is to equip the readers with the means to a smooth transition from a pen tester to a red teamer by focusing on the uncommon yet effective methods in a red teaming activity.

  • von Himanshu Sharma
    61,00 - 63,00 €

  • von Himanshu Sharma
    56,00 €

    The role of maths and statistics in the world of web analytics is not clear to many marketers. Not many talk or write about the usage of statistics and data science in conversion optimization. This book has been written to fill this knowledge gap.This expert guide will teach you exactly what you need to know. It will teach you how to leverage the knowledge of maths and statistics in order to accurately interpret data and take actions which can quickly improve the bottom-line of your online business. Every topic covered in this book has something to do directly with your day to day job. You don't need a math or stats background in order to understand this book. Every topic has been explained in plain english. This book covers vital topics on maths and statistics which every internet marketer/web analyst should get familiar with in order to achieve optimum results from their analysis, marketing campaigns and conversion optimization efforts. It explains some of the most useful statistics terms/concepts one by one and will also show you their practical use in web analytics and conversion optimization, so that you can take advantage of them straightaway.

  • 19% sparen
    von Himanshu Sharma & Ashwani (Government of Uttar Pradesh India) Kumar
    64,00 €

    The history of medicinal plants is intimately connected with the history of botany. Primitive man lived at the mercy of nature, in constant terror of diseases. Natural health care is getting important world over as the human race is suffering from life style diseases. In India, the ayurvedic system of medicine has been in use for over three thousand years. Ethnopharmacognosyincludes the study of traditional concepts or methods for distinguishing between various plant parts such as bark, leaves, seeds, tubers, etc. and indigenous ways of distinction, if any, between the quality of such products from collections in different seasons or situations.Medicinal plants with anti-tumour potential elaborated : Ageratum conyzoides Aloe vera Curcuma longa Vinca rosea Taxus baccataMedicinal plants with anti-HIV potential have been presented. The book will be extremely useful for students , teachers, researchers and medical practitioners and and industry

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