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Bücher von Howell Leonard

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  • - Make Huge Profits by Selling Killer Products with this Foolproof Stepby-step Social Media Marketing Method
    von Howell Leonard
    22,00 €

    Are you one of those people who dream about creating a name for yourself through a business, but do not know where to begin?Have you always wanted to have a passive source of income to boost your current job?Or simply do you shy away from investment because you don''t have "enough" capital to start a business?If you have answered yes to any of these questions, dropshipping is the business for you. It is the only low-risk business that allows you to make to a 6 figure income a month from the comfort of your house with just a few hundred dollars as a capital.You''ll play the role of intermediary as a dropshipper, initiating the order process for your customers without personally managing any product. And you''ll be able to simplify your company with dropshipping automation software so that your shop can run itself and make money with little or no effort on your end.This flawlessly written guidebook by Howell Leonard is your full guide to developing and operating a prosperous and productive dropshipping business. This book will kick-start your ability to make a massive deal of money via the internet. The great thing about dropshipping is it''s a company that you can develop completely on your own timetable and.To guide lays out the finer points of establishing a dropshipping business from A to Z.The topics featured in this book include:Understanding how dropshipping worksThe benefits and drawbacks that come along with itThe mindset you need to run a successful dropshipping market and how to start off your own dropshipping businessFinding a suitable nicheUnderstanding the power of social Media marketingMaking money with Affiliate marketing and Amazon FBAMarketing using Shopify, Amazon, eBay and Alternative ChannelsAnd so much more!!Although there are many books on the market regarding this subject, it has been written by an experienced dropshipping consultant with years of success in the industry, and what more can one ask for than a steady hand to guide you through the oft-tempestuous journey to profitability.From selecting a niche product to proving strategies you can use to destroy the competition, this book is the ultimate dropshipping guide that every dropshipper should read.So what are you waiting for? Do yourself a favor today and grab a copy to start now the 6 figure business you have always desired.

  • - La Trilogia Definitiva de $10,000/mes Genera ingresos pasivos en linea vendiendo productos y servicios utilizando las tecnicas efectivas del Marketing de Afiliados, Amazon FBA y el Blogging
    von Howell Leonard
    24,00 €

  • - Foolproof Strategies to Quick Start your Online Business with little money and make Killer Profits in a matter of Weeks
    von Howell Leonard
    22,00 €

  • von Howell Leonard
    21,00 €

  • - How to Grasp clients' attention on Social Media and make Any Offer Inviting Using enticing Words
    von Howell Leonard
    21,00 €

    Are you looking to find an effective way to advertise your products? Do you wish to develop better skills to convince your clients into buying your product or service? Do you want to learn how to master copywriting?If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then keep reading...Selling goods and services has turned into a laborious task in this day and age of relentless competition. With so much chaos, it can seem like a very daunting task to advertise your product and get the message to the masses. People, these days, have turned very smart and trying to fool them or taking their negligence for granted can be a big mistake. The average Joe is now technology savvy and can easily know if someone is fooling him, just by hitting a few buttons on the keyboard.For anyone who writes or agrees to copy this is just the book you require: copywriters, multichannel marketers, creative directors, freelancers, as well as owners of small businesses. It reveals dozens of copywriting techniques that can help you write clear, persuasive content to sell more products - both print and online advertisements, emails and websites.Copywriting refers to creating ads and sales letters for products and services, to effectively sell it to people. These people need not even be potential customers, but the company strives to grab their attention and get their products off of their shelves.This book covers the following topics:What copywriting is all aboutAn explanation of the main purpose of copywriting and giving away some secrets that some of the most successful copywriters in the world employ to sell their products.Writing attention-grabbing headlines to generate more sales and profitsTips for boosting landing page conversion rates as well as techniques to ensure your emails get high open and click-through ratesReviewing the "4 S" formula for simple, succinct, and convincing copyingPsychologically advanced copywriting tricksThe "Motivating Sequence" in 5 phases to produce further revenue and incomeGetting your grip around building strong ''lead magnets'' to obtain double the reaction rates...And much moreThis book will explore the dynamics of copywriting and also give you a glimpse into the world of a copywriter. The extensively revised fourth edition contains all the latest critical knowledge required to master copywriting in the modern age, including tips on web marketing, multimedia videos, and landing pages with high conversion, as well as completely updated tools.Time to get started then? Scroll up and click the "BUY NOW" button to get your copy now!

  • - Construye tu blog y genera ingresos pasivos aprovechando las tecnicas secretas de SEO y los consejos de los profesionales del marketing de afiliados
    von Howell Leonard
    21,00 €

    ┬┐Sabes que puedes ganar dinero online como si tuvieras un embudo de ingresos pasivo o activo desde la comodidad de tu casa? ┬┐Piensas empezar un blog, pero siempre lo pospones porque te asustan las cosas tecnol├│gicas? ┬┐Te gustar├¡a aprender t├ícticas probadas para hacer que tu blog sea rentable, utilizando las mejores pr├ícticas de marketing de afiliados y aprovechando su contenido en las redes sociales?Si eres un freelance o propietario de un negocio tratando de difundir la palabra sobre tus productos y servicios de Internet y sue├▒as con aprovechar las plataformas de redes sociales para impulsar las clasificaciones y obtener una gran cantidad de tr├ífico libre a tu sitio, entonces este es el libro para ti.Los blogs, el marketing de afiliados y las redes sociales van de la mano. Uno puede crear una audiencia masiva d├índoles la informaci├│n que necesitan, educaci├│n, entretenimiento o una combinaci├│n de todo lo anterior. A su vez, el p├║blico que se re├║ne detr├ís de ti puede ser utilizado para crear ingresos y generar un negocio online de 6 cifras, ┬íde manera pasiva!Dar contenido de calidad en los enlaces de los afiliados es volver al principio b├ísico del blogging que es el de proporcionar buena redacci├│n e informaci├│n de calidad. Es probable que obtengas m├ís conversiones si te anuncias en las redes sociales en comparaci├│n con cualquier otra plataforma de medios, incluso con un peque├▒o presupuesto de publicidad. No hay mejor manera de hacer que la gente haga clic en tus imanes principales que crear anuncios pegadizos y dirigidos en las redes sociales."Blogging 2020" ofrece m├⌐todos claros y sencillos para crear, dise├▒ar y optimizar tu blog para obtener el mayor beneficio.Al final de este libro, descubrir├ís:Las estrategias secretas que se deben emplear para elegir qu├⌐ productos y servicios vender a trav├⌐s del marketing de afiliadosT├⌐cnicas secretas de SEO para optimizar tus clasificaciones en Google y conducir un flujo constante de tr├ífico libre a tu sitioConsejos para el marketing de afiliadosFormas de crear consistentemente contenido atractivo, estimulante y ├║til para tu blogFormas de implementar efectivamente la publicidad en tu blogC├│mo mantener un blog para un negocio exitoso┬íY mucho m├ís!Hay un sinf├¡n de libros en el mercado, pero esta gu├¡a proporcionar├í los conocimientos esenciales para poder construir tu blog en cuesti├│n de horas y empezar a trabajar en la consecuci├│n de ese ingreso pasivo que has estado anhelando.As├¡ que, si├⌐ntate y prep├írate para transformar tu vida con un simple clic en el bot├│n "COMPRAR AHORA" hoy mismo!

  • - Programa de refuerzo de $10.000/mes. Obten grandes beneficios vendiendo productos siguiendo estos metodo y estrategias paso a paso
    von Howell Leonard
    21,00 €

    ┬┐Te gustar├¡a viajar alrededor del mundo mientras trabajas s├│lo un par de horas al d├¡a? ┬┐Has pensado alguna vez en tener un negocio real online con ingresos pasivos reales? ┬┐O simplemente buscas formar parte de un mercado online que permita a la gente com├║n entrar en un negocio relativamente barato y rentable pero sin saber por d├│nde empezar?Si has contestado "S├¡" entonces has venido al lugar correcto!En la ├║ltima d├⌐cada, Amazon ha tenido el per├¡odo de mayor crecimiento de la compa├▒├¡a, y este libro te ense├▒ar├í c├│mo usar esta plataforma para sacarle el m├íximo provecho.Dentro de esta gu├¡a de Howell Leonard, encontrar├ís conocimientos importantes, e incluso vitales, dise├▒ados para ayudarte a comprender primero los valores fundamentales del viaje en el que te est├ís embarcando. Tambi├⌐n puedes descubrir lo que es b├ísicamente la teor├¡a de la psicolog├¡a humana, y el siniestro enfoque de la misma. Tambi├⌐n aprofundizar├ís en la s├¡ntesis de las t├⌐cnicas.Con cada t├⌐cnica se elabora de manera concisa el enfoque y el impacto. Tendr├ís un precioso tesoro a tu disposici├│n, que se supone que te ayudar├í a comprender los oscuros misterios del universo psicol├│gico.Aqu├¡ tienes un resumen de lo que obtendr├ís de este libro:Que es Amazon y su log├¡sticaPor qu├⌐ y c├│mo vender en los marketplacesErrores a evitar y enfoques exitosos para la venta en AmazonPasos para crear una cuenta de vendedor de Amazon y registrarte en un negocio de Amazon FBAPuntos de venta ├║nicosY mucho m├ís...Es muy dif├¡cil elegir el mejor de los libros que hablen del marketing online entre los muchos que existen, pero creemos que este tiene un gran beneficio. Te ense├▒ar├⌐ t├ícticas no por definici├│n, te ense├▒ar├⌐ t├⌐cnicas que ya han sido usadas por otros empresarios eficaces para garantizar que este libro no te haga perder ni un segundo de tu tiempo con informaci├│n in├║til.Incluso si tienes una fuente de ingresos fiable y estable en este momento, siempre es bueno tener algo de dinero extra para gastar en lujos, ┬┐no?S├│lo tienes que desplazarte hacia arriba, hacer clic en "Comprar ahora" y comenzar tu propio ├⌐xito hacia la verdadera libertad financiera.

  • - Build Your Blog within hours and Make a Passive Income Fortune by taking Advantage of Secret SEO Techniques and Affiliate Marketing Pro Tips
    von Howell Leonard
    21,00 €

    Do you know you can make money online as a passive or active income funnel from the comfort of your home? Thinking about starting a blog, but always putting it off because you''re really frightened by tech stuff? Would you like to learn proven tactics to make a blog profitable, using the best practices in affiliate marketing and leveraging your content on social media?If you''re a freelancer or business owner trying to spread the word about your products and internet services and dream of taking advantage of social media platforms to boost rankings and get a huge amount of free traffic to your site, then this is the book for you.Blogging, affiliate marketing and social media go hand-in-hand. One can create a massive audience by giving them information they need, education, entertainment or a combination of all of the above. In turn, the audience you gather behind you can be used to create income and generate a 6-figure online business, the passive way!Giving quality content before affiliate links is going back to the basic blogging principle of providing good writing and quality information. You are bound to get more conversions if you advertise on social media compared to any other media platform, even with a small advertising budget. There is no better way to get people clicking on your lead magnets than creating catchy, targeted ads on social media networks."Blogging 2020 Booster Program" offers clear and simple methods for creating, designing and optimizing your blog for the greatest profit.By the end of this book, you will discover:The secret strategies to employ when choosing which products and services to sell through affiliate marketingSEO secret techniques to optimize your Google rankings and drive a steady stream of free traffic to your siteAffiliate Marketing pro tipsWays to consistently create engaging, stimulating and useful content for your blogWays to effectively implement advertising on your blogHow to maintain a blog for a successful businessAnd much more!There are endless books out there on the market but this bullet-proof guidebook will provide the essential know-how to be able to build your blog within hours and start working on achieving that passive income you''ve been yearning.So, sit back and get ready to transform your life with the simple click of the ''BUY NOW'' button today!

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