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Bücher von Ian Morris

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  • - The Patterns of History and what they reveal about the Future
    von Ian Morris
    17,00 €

    Why does the West rule? This title answers this provocative question, drawing on 15,000 years of history and archaeology, and the methods of social science.

  • von Ian Morris
    32,00 €

    Wer sind wir, wo leben wir, was haben wir, wie schützen wir uns und wer macht die Regeln? Diese Fragen treiben die Menschheit seit jeher um,und sie alle werden von der geographischen Lage bestimmt. Das zeigt Historiker, Archäologe und Bestsellerautor Ian Morris mit Blick auf Großbritannien, das einstige Imperium. Er erzählt die Geschichte seiner sich wandelnden Beziehungen zu Europa und der Welt, von der physischen Trennung am Ende der Eiszeit bis zu den ersten Anfängen des Vereinigten Königreichs, den Kämpfen um den Atlantik und dem Aufstieg der Pazifikregion.Anhand von Landkarten, Bildern und neuesten archäologischen Funden untersucht Morris, wie Geographie, Migration, Politik und neue Technologien zusammenwirkten und Ungleichheiten hervorbrachten, die bis in die Gegenwart prägend sind. Wo steht Großbritannien und wo steht Europa, wenn sich die Weltbühne in Zukunft weiter nach Osten neigt? Eine weltumspannende Herausforderung, gezeigt wie in einem Brennglas.»Ian Morris gilt als Vorreiter, wenn es darum geht, Weltgeschichte interessant und verständlich zu machen.«Jared Diamond

  • von Ian Morris
    26,00 €

    Was haben Ölplattformen mit unseren Wertvorstellungen zu tun?Die meisten Menschen heutzutage halten Demokratie und Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter für eine gute Sache und sprechen sich gegen Gewalt und Ungleichheit aus. Aber bevor sich solche Auffassungen und die damit verbundenen Wertvorstellungen allmählich im 19. Jahrhundert herausbildeten, galten 10000 Jahre lang genau gegenteilige grundsätzliche Annahmen und andere Werte. Woran liegt das? An unseren Energiequellen, sagt Ian Morris in seinem neuen großen Wurf, diese formen unsere Gesellschaft wie nichts sonst. Was kommt auf die Menschheit nach dem Ende der fossilen Ära zu? In seiner Bedeutung vergleichen führende Historiker »Beute, Ernte, Öl« mit Jared Diamonds »Kollaps« und Steven Pinkers »Gewalt«.

  • - How Human Values Evolve
    von Ian Morris
    28,00 €

    The best-selling author of Why the West Rules-for Now examines the evolution and future of human values Most people in the world today think democracy and gender equality are good, and that violence and wealth inequality are bad. But most people who lived during the 10,000 years before the nineteenth century thought just the opposite. Drawing on archaeology, anthropology, biology, and history, Ian Morris explains why. Fundamental long-term changes in values, Morris argues, are driven by the most basic force of all: energy. Humans have found three main ways to get the energy they need-from foraging, farming, and fossil fuels. Each energy source sets strict limits on what kinds of societies can succeed, and each kind of society rewards specific values. But if our fossil-fuel world favors democratic, open societies, the ongoing revolution in energy capture means that our most cherished values are very likely to turn out not to be useful any more. Foragers, Farmers, and Fossil Fuels offers a compelling new argument about the evolution of human values, one that has far-reaching implications for how we understand the past-and for what might happen next. Originating as the Tanner Lectures delivered at Princeton University, the book includes challenging responses by classicist Richard Seaford, historian of China Jonathan Spence, philosopher Christine Korsgaard, and novelist Margaret Atwood.

  • 13% sparen
    - The role of conflict in civilisation, from primates to robots
    von Ian Morris
    17,00 €

    A bold and controversial rethinking of the role of war in human history and how it will shape our future, sure to provoke debate, from the bestselling author of Why the West Rules - For Now.

  • - How Social Development Decides the Fate of Nations
    von Ian Morris
    30,00 €

    In the last thirty years, there have been fierce debates over how civilizations develop and why the West became so powerful. The Measure of Civilization presents a brand-new way of investigating these questions and provides new tools for assessing the long-term growth of societies. Using a groundbreaking numerical index of social development that compares societies in different times and places, award-winning author Ian Morris sets forth a sweeping examination of Eastern and Western development across 15,000 years since the end of the last ice age. He offers surprising conclusions about when and why the West came to dominate the world and fresh perspectives for thinking about the twenty-first century. Adapting the United Nations' approach for measuring human development, Morris's index breaks social development into four traits--energy capture per capita, organization, information technology, and war-making capacity--and he uses archaeological, historical, and current government data to quantify patterns. Morris reveals that for 90 percent of the time since the last ice age, the world's most advanced region has been at the western end of Eurasia, but contrary to what many historians once believed, there were roughly 1,200 years--from about 550 to 1750 CE--when an East Asian region was more advanced. Only in the late eighteenth century CE, when northwest Europeans tapped into the energy trapped in fossil fuels, did the West leap ahead. Resolving some of the biggest debates in global history, The Measure of Civilization puts forth innovative tools for determining past, present, and future economic and social trends.

  • - Learning To Ride Elephants
    von Ian Morris
    35,00 €

  • - The Rise of the Greek City-State
    von Ian Morris
    64,00 €

    This study of the changing relationships between burial rituals and social structure in Early Iron Age Greece draws upon the ancient literary evidence and the relevant historical and anthropological comparisons to explain the transition to the city-state. It will be an invaluable resource for all archaeologists working with burial evidence, in whatever period.

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