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Bücher von Ian Watson

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  • - Musculo-skeletal Problems
    von Ian Watson
    17,00 €

    A complete transcript from the original seminar recorded in California in 1997. Contains homeopathic therapeutic information for a wide range of musculo-skeletal problems commonly seen in clinical practice. Full of practical hints and tips for homeopaths, bodyworkers and all those interested in natural healing.

  • von Ian Watson
    11,90 €

    »Bremen erlesen« ist ein Stadtführer der be-sonderen Art, der uns über die herkömmlichen touristischen Pfade hinaus auf verschlungene Wege und Abwege schickt. Der irische Autor Ian Watson, der schon etliche Jahrzehnte in Bremen lebt und arbeitet, lässt uns »seine« Stadt mit anderen Augen sehen: Das eine Auge ist irisch, das andere bremisch. Das gibt dem Buch seinen eigenen Reiz, lässt Fremdes vertraut erscheinen und Vertrautes fremd. Dieser einzigartige Blick auf die Hansestadt ist eine Liebeserklärung mit Augenzwinkern und eine Gebrauchsanweisung für Bremen-Besucher und Bremer mit Besuch, für Studenten, Neu-Bremer und alle, die die Stadt und ihre Bewohner kennenlernen möchten und - zu kennen glauben. Also: Los geht's!Stadt am Fluss, Stadt in FlussAls Nicht-nur-in-Bremen-nicht-Geborener, sondern sogar Nicht-mal-Deutscher wirft der irische Autor Ian Watson einen liebevoll-ironischen Blick auf seine zweite Heimat an der Weser. Nachdem er seit über 40 Jahren diese »schmucke, schmuddelig-liebenswerte Freie Hansestadt Bremen« mit seinen Steuern fast eigenhändig finanziert, ist er durchaus berechtigt und imstande, die Geheimnisse dieser allzu oft unterbewerteten Stadt zu lüften. Alles, was man außer den Stadtmusikanten und dem SV Werder nicht kennt, sind zentrale Bestandteile seines Bremens: eine Exzellenz-Universität, eine Stadtbibliothek als Hausbesetzerin des Polizeihauptquartiers, ein Hafenspeicher ohne Hafenbecken, Biersorten ohne Apostroph, ein Blindengarten, eine lange und lebendige Kaffeetradition, eine Stadt, die sich ständig neu erfinden musste, ein faszinierendes Bus- und Straßenbahnnetz, mit dem Besucher alles entdecken können, was die konventionellen Reiseführer ignorieren. Dazu gehören schöne Wohnviertel abseits von Roland, Rathaus und Schnoor - aber auch der zauberhafte Marktplatz erhält von ihm ein Liebeslied.

  • von Chris Beckett & Ian Watson
    18,00 €

    Award winning science fiction and fantasy magazine, featuring new short stories, articles, artwork, poetry, book reviews and more. The Silent Woods - Tony Ballantyne and Chris BeckettWe are Still Here - Anya OwSingularity - Davide ManaStay, Conscience - Gregory A. AustinBlank Slates - H├╗w SteerThe Ghostlands - Mariah MontoyaA Cracked Teapot - Sherry ShahanThe Cyclops - Teika Marija SmitsWe Fall Like Leaves Fall - Raman MundairWhere would our eternal Roman Empire be without coffee? - Ian Watson2020 Shoreline of Infinity Flash Fiction Competition - the prize winning storiesTales of the Beachcomber- Mark TonerNoise and Sparks: A YA Revolutionary''s Guide To the Pandemic - Ruth EJ BoothBiopolis: building the stories - Jane McKie & Gavin InglisSF Caledonia: Laura Lam- in Goldilocks Country - Pippa GoldschmidtSF Poetry - F. J. Bergmann, Karen Dennison, Finola ScottQuadrant - report from our Book Group review of Docile bu K.M. SzparaOther Book ReviewsHappiness for Humans by P.Z. ReizinOne Love Chigusa Soji Shimada (Author), David Warren (Translator)To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher PaoliniThe Doors of Eden by Adrian TchaikovskyThe Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones

  • von Elia Barceló, Ian Watson, Dave Hutchinson, usw.
    22,00 €

  • - A Memoir
    von Ian Watson
    24,00 - 33,00 €

  • von Ian Watson & Andy West
    31,00 €

  • - Homage to Arthur C. Clarke's Tales from the White Hart
    von Neil Gaiman, James Lovegrove, Stephen Baxter, usw.
    22,00 €

    A volume written as homage to Arthur C. Clarke's Tales from the White Hart, featuring original stories from many of today's top genre writers, including Neil Gaiman, Charles Stross, Stephen Baxter, James Lovegrove, Liz Williams, Adam Roberts, Eric Brown, Ian Watson, and David Langford.The Fountain: a traditional London pub situated in Holborn, just off Chancery Lane, where Michael, the landlord, serves excellent real ales and dodgy ploughman's, ably assisted by barmaids Sally and Bogna.The Fountain, in whose Paradise bar a group of friends - scientists, writers and genre fans - meet regularly on a Tuesday night to swap anecdotes, reveal wondrous events from their past, tell tall tales, talk of classified invention and, maybe, just maybe, save the world…1. Introduction - Peter Weston2. No Smoke without Fire - Ian Whates3. Transients - Stephen Baxter4. Forever Blowing Bubbles - Ian Watson5. On the Messdecks of Madness - Paul Graham Raven6. The Story Bug - James Lovegrove7. "And Weep Like Alexander" - Neil Gaiman8. The Ghost in the Machine - Colin Bruce9. The Hidden Depths of Bogna - Liz Williams10. A Bird in Hand - Charles Stross11. In Pursuit of the Chuchunaa - Eric Brown12. The Cyberseeds - Steve Longworth13. Feathers of the Dinosaur - Henry Gee14. Book Wurms - Andy West15. The Pocklington Poltergeist - David Langford16. The Last Man in Space - Andrew J Wilson17. A Multiplicity of Phaedra Lament - Peter Crowther18. The Girl With the White Ant Tattoo - Tom Hunter19. The 9,000,000,001st Name of God - Adam Roberts20. About the Authors

  • von Ian Watson
    24,00 €

    Ian Watson, author of the very first novels in the Warhammer 40K universe, makes a long-anticipated return to military SF with "In Golden Armour", one of three original stories in this fabulous new collection from the man who wrote the screen story to AI: Artificial Intelligence for Stanley Kubrick (later filmed by Steven Spielberg). The 1000 Year Reich boasts eighteen stories that showcase the multiple award-winning author at his best. Brimming with ingenuity and invention, the content varies from fast-paced action to thought-provoking conjecture, from wicked humour to chilling possibility, from the sublime to the outrageous."The brilliant Ian Watson remains the most stimulating and the least comfortable science fiction writer working today. Reading his short fiction reminds us why he is one of the genre's unassailable greats." - Adam RobertsContents1. Introduction by Justina Robson2. The 1000 Year Reich3. In Golden Armour4. How We Came Back From Mars: A Story That Cannot Be Told5. Blair's War6. The Name of the Lavender7. Forever Blowing Bubbles 8. The Tale of Trurl and the Great TanGent9. The Wild Pig's Collar 10. Beloved Pig-Brother of the Daughter of the Pregnant Baby: a Transgenic Story of Genius (with Roberto Quaglia)11. Red Squirrel 12. An Inspector Calls 13. Me and My Flying Saucer 14. Faith Without Teeth 15. The Travelling Raven Problem 16. The Arc de Triomphe Code 17. Spanish Fly 18. Having the Time of His Life 19. Breakfast in Bed

  • von Ian Watson
    23,00 €

  • von Steve Redwood
    28,00 €

    Twenty-seven unique stories that stretch the meaning of 'eclectic', bound together in one forbidden tome for the first time. Covering most genres, and moving from grim, cruel, and tragic: broken women living on shelves in a library, a Greek goddess and the monster she created meeting in a final showdown, an alien trapped in Patagonia nurturing itself on sickness and religious gullibility to survive and an exiled Martian fixated on Dana Scully. All this, with a few devils, saints, cloned messiahs, witches, and well-educated zombies thrown in for good measure. 'Bubbles of darkness trapped in fluid humour, like hashish suspended in golden wine, a heady and often disturbing brew.' -Rhys Hughes

  • - A Modern View
    von Ian Watson
    18,00 €

  • von Ian Watson
    20,00 €

    A concise and practical guide to the range of different ways of prescribing using homeopathy. Suitable for homeopathic students and practitioners at all levels, this revised edition has been updated with the addition of several new chapters. The material is illustrated with case histories throughout and contains many suggestions and ideas not found in any other homeopathic book.

  • - From the Dawn of Computing to Digital Consciousness
    von Ian Watson
    23,00 €

    The computer unlike other inventions is universal; In the future ubiquitous computing, AI, quantum and molecular computing could even make us immortal. In less than a single human life computers are transforming economies and societies like no human invention before.

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