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Bücher von ICRP

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  • von ICRP
    312,00 €

    Radiation detriment is a concept developed by the International Commissionon Radiological Protection to quantify the burden of stochastic effects from lowdoseand/or low-dose-rate exposures to the human population. It is determined fromthe lifetime risks of cancer for a set of organs and tissues and the risk of heritableeffects, taking into account the severity of the consequences. This publication providesa historical review of detriment calculation methodology since ICRPPublication 26, with details of the procedure developed in ICRP Publication 103,which clarifies data sources, risk models, computational methods, and rationale forthe choice of parameter values. A selected sensitivity analysis was conducted toidentify the parameters and calculation conditions that can be major sources ofvariation and uncertainty in the calculation of radiation detriment. It has demonstratedthat sex, age at exposure, dose and dose-rate effectiveness factor, doseassumption in the calculation of lifetime risk, and lethality fraction have a substantialimpact on radiation detriment values. Although the current scheme of radiationdetriment calculation is well established, it needs to evolve to better reflect changes inpopulation health statistics and progress in scientific understanding of radiationhealth effects. In this regard, some key parameters require updating, such as thereference population data and cancer severity. There is also room for improvementin cancer risk models based on the accumulation of recent epidemiological findings.Finally, the importance of improving the comprehensibility of the detriment conceptand the transparency of its calculation process is emphasised.

  • - Doses to Infants from Ingestion of Radionuclides in Mother's Milk
    von ICRP
    482,00 €

    In the present report, ICRP provides information on radiation doses to the infant due to intakes of radionuclides in maternal milk. As in Publication 88 on doses to the embryo and fetus following intakes of radionuclides by the mother, intakes by female members of the public and female workers are addressed. This book deals with this report.

  • - Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceuticals: a Compendium of Current Information Related to Frequently Used Substances
    von ICRP
    274,00 €

    Provides information relating to radiation dose to patients, including biokinetic models, biokinetic data, dose coefficients for organ and tissue absorbed doses. This report includes new information for 82Rb-chloride, iodide (123I, 124I, 125I, and 131I) and 123I labelled 2ss-carbomethoxy 3ss-(4-iodophenyl)-N-(3-fluoropropyl) nortropane (FPCIT).

  • - Application of the Commission's Recommendations to the Protection of Individuals Living in Long Term Contaminated Areas after a Nuclear Accident or a Radiation Emergency
    von ICRP
    152,00 €

    A report, in which the Commission provides guidance for the protection of people living in long-term contaminated areas resulting from either a nuclear accident or a radiation emergency. It considers the effects of such events on the affected population.

  • - Adult Reference Computational Phantoms
    von ICRP
    227,00 €

    Describes the development and intended use of the computational phantoms of the Reference Male and Reference Female. This title deals with the methods used for this process and the characteristics of the resulting computational phantoms.

  • - Protection of the Environment under Different Exposure Situations
    von ICRP
    244,00 €

    In this report the Commission describes its framework for protection of the environment and how it should be applied within the Commission's system of protection.

  • - Radiological Protection in Geological Disposal of Long-Lived Solid Radioactive Waste
    von ICRP
    147,00 €

    Consolidates previous recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) related to solid waste disposal. This book explains how the ICRP system of radiological protection described in Publication 103 can be applied in the context of the geological disposal of long-lived solid radioactive waste.

  • - Environmental Protection: Transfer Parameters for Reference Animals and Plants
    von ICRP
    146,00 €

    A title, in which, the commission includes a section on the protection of the environment, and indicated that it would be further developing its approach to this subject by way of a set of Reference Animals and Plants (RAPs) as the basis for relating exposure to dose, and dose to radiation effects, for different types of animals and plants.

  • - Assessment of Radiation Exposure of Astronauts in Space
    von ICRP
    179,00 €

    Describes the terms and methods used to assess the radiation exposure of astronauts, and provides data for the assessment of organ doses.

  • - Conversion Coefficients for Radiological Protection Quantities for External Radiation Exposures
    von ICRP
    572,00 €

    Gives fluence to dose conversion coefficients for both effective dose and organ absorbed doses for various types of external exposures, consistent with the 2007 Recommendations of the ICRP.

  • - Low-Dose Extrapolation of Radiation-related Cancer Risk
    von ICRP
    227,00 €

    A report that considers the evidence relating to cancer risk associated with exposure to low doses of low linear energy transfer radiation, and particularly doses below current recommended limits for protection of radiation workers and the general public.

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