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Bücher von Imran Khan

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  • 16% sparen
    von Imran Khan
    42,00 €

    Les circuits logiques simples indépendants du temps qui sont mis en ¿uvre à l'aide de portes logiques dont la valeur de sortie dépend uniquement des valeurs logiques d'entrée peuvent être appelés circuits logiques combinatoires. Contrairement aux circuits séquentiels synchrones, dans les circuits combinatoires, les modifications de la sortie se produisent en réponse directe à la modification du signal d'entrée. Dès que les entrées sont modifiées, les informations relatives aux entrées précédentes sont perdues, ce qui signifie que les circuits logiques combinatoires n'ont pas de mémoire. La conception des circuits combinatoires est très simple. Les différents types de circuits logiques sont passés en revue au début du livre. Ce livre décrit l'analyse des circuits combinatoires à l'aide d'exemples. Différents types de circuits combinatoires sont également conçus. Diverses fonctions logiques sont également mises en ¿uvre à l'aide de différents types de circuits combinatoires dans ce livre.

  • 16% sparen
    von Imran Khan
    42,00 €

    I circuiti logici semplici e indipendenti dal tempo, implementati utilizzando porte logiche il cui valore di uscita dipende solo dai valori logici di ingresso, possono essere chiamati circuiti logici combinazionali. A differenza dei circuiti sequenziali sincroni, nei circuiti combinazionali le variazioni dell'uscita avvengono in risposta diretta alla variazione del segnale di ingresso. Non appena gli ingressi vengono modificati, l'informazione sugli ingressi precedenti viene persa, il che significa che i circuiti logici combinazionali non hanno memoria. La progettazione dei circuiti combinazionali è molto semplice. All'inizio del libro vengono esaminati diversi tipi di circuiti logici. Questo libro descrive l'analisi dei circuiti combinazionali con esempi. Vengono inoltre progettati diversi tipi di circuiti combinazionali. In questo libro vengono anche implementate varie funzioni logiche utilizzando diversi tipi di circuiti combinazionali.

  • 16% sparen
    von Imran Khan
    42,00 €

    Los circuitos lógicos simples independientes del tiempo que se implementan utilizando puertas lógicas cuyo valor de salida depende sólo de los valores lógicos de entrada pueden denominarse circuitos lógicos combinacionales. A diferencia de los circuitos secuenciales síncronos, en los circuitos combinacionales los cambios en la salida se producen en respuesta directa al cambio en la señal de entrada. En cuanto se cambian las entradas, se pierde la información sobre las entradas anteriores, lo que significa que los circuitos lógicos combinacionales no tienen memoria. El diseño de circuitos combinacionales es muy sencillo. Al principio del libro se revisan diferentes tipos de circuitos lógicos. Este libro describe el análisis de los circuitos combinacionales con ejemplos. También se diseñan diferentes tipos de circuitos combinacionales. También se implementan varias funciones lógicas utilizando diferentes tipos de circuitos combinacionales en este libro.

  • von Imran Khan
    49,90 €

    Die einfachen zeitunabhängigen Logikschaltungen, die mit Logikgattern implementiert werden, deren Ausgangswert nur von den logischen Eingangswerten abhängt, können als kombinatorische Logikschaltungen bezeichnet werden. Im Gegensatz zu synchronen sequentiellen Schaltungen erfolgt bei kombinatorischen Schaltungen die Änderung des Ausgangswerts als direkte Reaktion auf die Änderung des Eingangssignals. Sobald die Eingänge geändert werden, geht die Information über die vorherigen Eingänge verloren, d.h. kombinatorische Logikschaltungen haben keinen Speicher. Der Entwurf von kombinatorischen Schaltungen ist sehr einfach. Zu Beginn des Buches werden verschiedene Arten von Logikschaltungen besprochen. Dieses Buch beschreibt die Analyse von kombinatorischen Schaltungen mit Beispielen. Es werden auch verschiedene Arten von kombinatorischen Schaltungen entworfen. Verschiedene logische Funktionen werden in diesem Buch auch mit verschiedenen Arten von kombinatorischen Schaltungen implementiert.

  • 16% sparen
    von Imran Khan
    42,00 €

    Os circuitos lógicos simples independentes do tempo que são implementados utilizando portas lógicas cujo valor de saída depende apenas dos valores lógicos de entrada podem ser designados por circuitos lógicos combinacionais. Ao contrário dos circuitos sequenciais síncronos, nos circuitos combinacionais, as alterações na saída ocorrem em resposta direta à alteração do sinal de entrada. Assim que as entradas são alteradas, a informação sobre as entradas anteriores perde-se, o que significa que os circuitos lógicos combinacionais não têm qualquer memória. A conceção de circuitos combinacionais é muito simples. No início do livro, são analisados diferentes tipos de circuitos lógicos. Este livro descreve a análise dos circuitos combinacionais com exemplos. Também são projectados diferentes tipos de circuitos combinacionais. Neste livro, são também implementadas várias funções lógicas utilizando diferentes tipos de circuitos combinacionais.

  • von Imran Khan
    17,00 €

    ""When confusion strikes, and concussion bites ... what choice does one have except to ascend to great heights?The inner world is a complex place. A unique space. Imran often struggles to find the words to describe what he feels and his sentences are just a means to articulate something deeper. In constantly typing, writing, drafting, refining, redrafting, rewriting, and reviewing ... Imran attempts to express through poetry and prose, from an inner dimension beyond what he knows.""

  • von Imran Khan
    31,00 €

    Every book has its own individual message and goal in the broad world of literature. The theme and aim of a book serve as its basis, defining the narrative, characters, and ideas within its pages. Our investigation delves into the fascinating world of themes and goals, illuminating their significance in the realms of narrative and information transfer. Theme StatementThe central idea or feeling that drives the story forward is known as the book's theme. It's the story's driving force, the thing everyone is talking about. Love, friendship, courage, redemption, societal conflicts, and existential musings are just a few examples of possible themes. The story's essence can be better grasped when the story's theme is clearly articulated and serves as a lens through which the story's events and characters can be interpreted. Discovering MeaningWhile a book's topics are its intellectual and emotional backbone, the book's purpose is what drives its creation. Authors embark on their creative travels with various purposes, be it to entertain, educate, provoke thinking, challenge society conventions, or push for change. When readers know why they're reading a book, they're better able to analyze it critically and get fully invested in the subject matter. The Reflective Power of Literature on CultureIn many ways, literature is a reflection of the times in which it was produced. They are powerful means of commenting on society and illuminating the issues, ideas, and cultural nuances of the time. Authors illustrate the nuances of the human experience via skillfully weaved ideas and deliberate storytelling, evoking empathy and compassion in their readers. Literature thus serves as a unifying force in the face of cultural and generational differences. Purpose and Central Ideas across GenresThematic and functional questions can be probed in a variety of ways, depending on the genre. To keep readers on the edge of their seats, a mystery novel's central theme could center on the search for truth and justice. Science fiction explores ideas of the future and frequently considers the moral implications of new technologies. Romance books delve into the nuances of interpersonal relationships and center on universal themes like love, trust, and fortitude. Authors can appeal to a wider range of readers with different expectations and tastes by tailoring their work to various genres. Empowering Readers and Igniting Change Books offer the potential to inspire change. Authors who skillfully weave stories around issues of social injustice, equality, or environmental conservation can spark debate, confront biases, and galvanize audiences to take action. Literature can serve as a catalyst for social advancement when its themes and goals are in harmony, prompting its readers to examine their own values and consider how they might make a good difference in the world.

  • von Imran Khan
    24,00 €

    Meet Malek Khalil, a brilliant reporter with decades of experience in the field, and a man on the edge. Where there is war, natural disaster or political crisis, Malek is in the midst of it, but years of conflict reporting have taken their toll and he is slowly unravelling. Born a Muslim but an atheist to his core, Malek's voyage takes him around the world and back in time to ancient Babylon as he finds himself arguing with a God in whom he doesn't believe. A keen reader, his 'madness' is heightened by a strange book that keeps appearing on his Kindle, telling the stories of people he has briefly encountered during his career.In Truth, Madness takes place throughout the Middle East, South Asia and London against a backdrop of war, religion, political skullduggery and emerging love, taking the reader on a tumultuous journey through the most dangerous arenas of modern culture and the ancient world. Is Malek losing his mind, or is he experiencing an astonishing kind of truth?

  • 15% sparen
    von Imran Khan
    34,00 €

    A biomecânica é a disciplina da biologia e da mecânica da engenharia. Utiliza as ferramentas da física, matemática e engenharia para descrever quantitativamente as propriedades dos materiais biológicos. Para compreender a influência das cargas mecânicas na estrutura, propriedades e função dos seres vivos, a biomecânica é a ferramenta mais desenvolvida da mecânica. A biomecânica trata da concepção e análise, cada uma das quais é a base da engenharia.

  • 15% sparen
    von Imran Khan
    34,00 €

    La bio-mécanique est la discipline de la biologie et de l'ingénierie mécanique. Elle utilise les outils de la physique, des mathématiques et de l'ingénierie pour décrire quantitativement les propriétés des matériaux biologiques. Pour comprendre l'influence des charges mécaniques sur la structure, les propriétés et la fonction des êtres vivants, la bio-mécanique est l'outil le mieux développé de la mécanique. La bio-mécanique traite de la conception et de l'analyse, qui sont toutes deux des fondements de l'ingénierie.

  • 15% sparen
    von Imran Khan
    34,00 €

    La bio-meccanica è la disciplina della biologia e dell'ingegneria meccanica. Utilizza gli strumenti della fisica, della matematica e dell'ingegneria per descrivere quantitativamente le proprietà dei materiali biologici. Per comprendere l'influenza dei carichi meccanici sulla struttura, le proprietà e la funzione degli esseri viventi, la bio-meccanica è lo strumento meglio sviluppato della meccanica. La bio-meccanica si occupa di progettazione e analisi, ognuna delle quali è alla base dell'ingegneria.

  • 15% sparen
    von Imran Khan
    34,00 €

    La biomecánica es la disciplina de la biología y la ingeniería mecánica. Utiliza las herramientas de la física, las matemáticas y la ingeniería para describir cuantitativamente las propiedades de los materiales biológicos. Para comprender la influencia de las cargas mecánicas en la estructura, propiedades y función de los seres vivos, la biomecánica es la herramienta mejor desarrollada de la mecánica. La biomecánica se ocupa del diseño y el análisis, cada uno de los cuales es la base de la ingeniería.

  • von Imran Khan
    39,90 €

    Die Biomechanik ist eine Disziplin der Biologie und der technischen Mechanik. Um den Einfluss mechanischer Belastungen auf die Struktur, die Eigenschaften und die Funktion von Lebewesen zu verstehen, ist die Biomechanik das am besten entwickelte Werkzeug der Mechanik. Die Biomechanik befasst sich mit der Konstruktion und der Analyse, die jeweils die Grundlage des Ingenieurwesens bilden.

  • 18% sparen
  • 16% sparen
  • 14% sparen
  • 16% sparen
    von Imran Khan
    42,00 €

    Steganography is the art of secret communication between two parties that not only conceals the contents of a message, but also its existence. Steganography can be used in many applications. In commercial sector, data hiding techniques can be used to enforce copyright on a digital medium. The access control information can be embedded inside the digital medium which can eventually be verified by the media player before playing the file.

  • 15% sparen
    von Imran Khan
    34,00 €

    The significance of Muslim freedom fighters on driving British out of theNational fences, is always one thing which to be kept in every individual¿s heart. Somehow Northern Muslims¿ short history stored in some handful textbooks. Southern Muslims, who laid their lives in the emancipation of state from English Aliens, went with no fame in the chapters of history. Why it has not been mentioned is yet to be discussed one, and in naming it is an arbitrary and capricious exercise by historians, makes anuncertain vacuum. Tipuu Sultan with his extraordinary intellectual and physical abilities emerged as the first ruler to weaken the English forces. While Nizam Ali Khan hold firmly the sleeves of Western troops in the fear of losing his capital and territory, and this followed by his Successors too. Nizam¿s notion altered the shape of Hyderabad in unique. The Malabar Muslims¿ role in independence would have to be written in the annals of history, at the same time a joint clarion call to defend BRITSH from the borders of Malabar which laid down by Ulamas, added gold upon silver.

  • 15% sparen
    von Imran Khan
    34,00 €

    Bio-mechanics is the disciplines of biology and engineering mechanics. It utilizes the tools of physics, mathematics, and engineering to quantitatively describe the properties of biological materials.For understanding the influence of mechanical loads on the structure,properties and function of living things, bio-mechanics is the best developed tool of mechanics. Bio-mechanics deals on design and analysis, each of which is foundation of engineering.

  • 18% sparen
    von Imran Khan
    51,00 €

    Over the last few years, the activity of begging has increased and has become a serious social problem for all over the world. It has observed as a more crucial social issue in urban centers of developing countries. It has been considered a result of several social problems such as poverty, unemployment, migration, homelessness, lack of education, the breakage of a family and so on. The present study aims to analyze the impact of land use on spatial variations of begging in District Lahore, Pakistan. This study is based on primary as well as secondary data, but the main focus was on primary data. Primary data were collected from beggars through questionnaires. This study indicates that the majority of beggars prefer to go for begging on transport routes, commercial and religious centers. The study reveals that a large number of beggars were found illiterate and lived in a rented house. The socioeconomic characteristics indicate that begging is more prevalent among male, illiterate, married and aged people, while socio-cultural characteristics indicate that it is more prevalent among Muslims as Muslims were found more generous than non-Muslims.

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