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Bücher von Indu Khatri

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  • von Indu Khatri
    23,00 €

    W ci¿gu ostatnich wielu lat do rozwi¿zywania ró¿nych problemów biologicznych zastosowano ró¿ne modele obliczeniowe. Opracowano ró¿ne predykatory regionu transmembranowego do przewidywania wtórnej struktury biäek z ró¿nym poziomem dok¿adno¿ci. Ksi¿¿ka ta dostarcza Adaptacyjny Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) oparty na modelu do przewidywania helikalnego regionu transmembranowego poprzez pozyskiwanie informacji strukturalnych biäka docelowego bezpo¿rednio z danych jego sekwencji. Ponadto, opracowano system rozmytego wnioskowania przy u¿yciu tego samego zestawu testowego do porównywania wydajno¿ci modelu ANFIS. Najlepsza konfiguracja modelu ANFIS z RMSE i dok¿adno¿ci¿ odpowiednio 40,92% i 76,76% wydaje si¿ przewy¿szä model rozmyty, który osi¿gn¿¿ RMSE i dok¿adno¿¿ odpowiednio 54,45% i 70,37%. Sukces tego podej¿cia sugeruje, ¿e mo¿e ono znale¿¿ potencjalne zastosowania w innych problemach zwi¿zanych z analiz¿ sekwencyjn¿. Model opisany w tej ksi¿¿ce b¿dzie przydatny dla bioinformatyków opracowuj¿cych nowe, ambitne modele rozwi¿zywania ró¿nych problemów biologicznych.

  • von Indu Khatri
    22,00 €

    Master the Universal Energy to Unleash Your PotentialYou already have everything to transform your life into anything you desire.Do you believe it? The Law of Attraction is the power key to unlock your destiny, to consciously attract more of what you want and less of what you don't want. This book teaches you how to use the hidden energy within you to alter your life circumstances to create abundance of happiness and success. Once you read this book, there is no turning back. So grab your copy now and start manifesting your dreams into reality!Mitesh Khatri is an internationally trusted leadership trainer, motivational speaker and national-bestselling author of Awaken the Leader In You. He founded Guiding Light Consultants with his wife and co-author Indu Khatri.Indu Khatri is a bestselling author and principle content designer for Guiding Light's corporate training programs and executive coaching.

  • von Indu Khatri & Mitesh Khatri
    19,00 €

  • von Indu Khatri, Dr A K Sharma & A K SHARMA
    39,00 €

    Over last many years, various computational models have been applied for solving various biological problems. Various transmembrane region predictors have been developed for prediction of secondary structure of proteins with varying levels of accuracy. This book provides Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) based model for predicting helical transmembrane region by acquiring the structural information of target protein directly from its sequence data. Also, a Fuzzy Inference System was developed using the same test set for comparing the performance of ANFIS model. The best configuration of ANFIS model with RMSE and accuracy as 40.92% and 76.76%, respectively, seems to outperform the fuzzy model, which attained RMSE and accuracy as 54.45% and 70.37%, respectively. The success of this approach suggests that it can find potential applications in other sequence-based analysis problems. The model decsribed in this book will be useful to bioinformaticians developing new and challenging models for solving different biological problems.

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