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Bücher von Innime Righteous

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  • von Innime Righteous
    43,90 €

  • von Innime Righteous
    35,00 €

  • von Innime Righteous
    35,00 €

  • von Innime Righteous
    35,00 €

  • von Innime Righteous
    32,00 €

    Several United Nations (UN) entities, instruments and regional organizations have different definitions of youth, which the United Nations secretariat recognizes. Definition of youth perhaps changes with circumstances, especially with the changes in demographic, financial, economic and socio-cultural settings; however, the definition that uses 15-24 age cohort as youth fairly serves its statistical purposes for assessing the needs of the young people and providing guidelines for youth development. Drug as defined by World Health organization is ¿any substance that when taken into the living organism may modify one or more of its functions¿. (WHO 2018).Drug is any solid or liquid substance other than food which when taken into the body, it alters the physiological or neurological functions of the human body (Matthew 2021 unpublished). Drug may be defined as any chemical that can change, influence or modify the physiological functioning of human and animal body when used or applied. Ezurike (1992) as cited in Ordu (2012).

  • von Innime Righteous
    32,00 €

    The paper reviewed the occupational health hazards and diseases of painters. Painting job includes applying of paint on surfaces, design and decoration which exposes painters to health hazards. The health hazards include physical hazards like falling from height, chemical hazards like inhaling of fumes and other substances when painting, biological hazards such as insect bites, snakes and exposure to other living organisms, mechanical/ergonomic hazards such as faulty tool/work place fault or musculoskeletal disorders and psychosocial hazards such as threats, bullying and so on. The paper also revealed that exposure to workplace hazards without the use of personal protective wears often lead to occupational diseases such as silicosis, asbestosis, among others. Moreso, safety measures for painters were reviewed among which are use PPW¿s and proper ventilation. Recommendations were also made that painters should adhere strictly to the use of appropriate PPW¿s while at work.

  • von Innime Righteous
    32,00 €

    BACK GROUND: Quality systems can help to manage change while maintaining a high quality of care. A new model of quality systems inspired by the works of Donabedian has three factors: structural quality (resources and administration), process (culture and professional co-operation), and outcome (competence development and goal achievement). The objectives of this study were to determine the capacity s of primary health care in Ahoada west local government area to render quality health care services.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The instrument for the study was a structural quality protested questionnaire on facilities and equipment¿s as predictors of effective health care delivery service and checklist of items on infrastructural quality and equipment.RESULTS: primary health care facilities (12.9%) were functional providing essential services ¿ out- patient, immunization, counseling/health promotion. outreach. Water and sanitation, essential drug list, have efficient record maintenance system, family planning, antenatal, infant welfare, delivery. These signified that equipment and human resources were statistically significant and predict effective health care delivery service.

  • von Innime Righteous
    18,00 €

  • von Innime Righteous
    32,00 €

  • von Innime Righteous
    39,90 €

  • von Innime Righteous
    32,00 €

    Chemical manufacturing creates products by transforming organic and inorganic raw materials with chemical processes. Chemicals generally are classified into two groups: commodity chemicals and specialty chemicals. In recent decades, important changes in the industrial structure of Nigeria have altered the profile of occupational exposures to respiratory hazards through the exposure of chemical manufacturing firms and therefore spread the burden of occupational respiratory diseases. In addition, the Nigerian workforce has changed: it has become older, reflecting ageing of the general population, and more ¿vulnerable¿ because of the increased prevalence of individuals with chronic respiratory diseases, both entering and remaining in the workforce, and of low-socioeconomic-status migrant workers. Finally, the leading preventive role of governmental organizations via legislative regulation and surveillance has progressively diminished in favour of an increased emphasis on the responsibility of both employers and employees.

  • von Innime Righteous
    39,90 €

  • von Innime Righteous
    18,00 €

  • von Innime Righteous
    32,00 €

    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) disease seems to have the major and most prevalent contributory factor to deformity and serious functional disability among patients, if not well managed (making the condition of a social significance). The disease is capable of developing in adults including adolescents and children ¿15 years which has given rise to juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis cases. Both males and females are predisposed to rheumatoid arthritis but the females are at a higher risk. Auto immune diseases, of which rheumatoid arthritis is one, are more common in women due to activities of some sort of hormone. It is the 4th leading cause of disability in women Sokka (2009). The disease development of Rheumatoid arthritis occurs through a complex interaction between genes, environmental factors, and immunity. For a substantial number of Rheumatoid arthritis patients, the disease is characterized by the occurrence of autoantibodies in serum, which are used to predict the disease course and treatment responds. Several environmental and life style factors are involved in the development of Rheumatoid arthritis.

  • von Innime Righteous
    32,00 €

    A doença da artrite reumatóide (AR) parece ter o maior e mais prevalente fator contribuinte para a deformidade e incapacidade funcional grave entre os pacientes, se não for bem administrada (fazendo com que a condição tenha um significado social). A doença é capaz de se desenvolver em adultos, incluindo adolescentes e crianças ¿15 anos, o que deu origem a casos de Artrite Idiopática juvenil. Tanto homens como mulheres são predispostos à artrite reumatóide, mas as mulheres correm um risco maior. As doenças auto-imunes, das quais a artrite reumatóide é uma delas, são mais comuns nas mulheres devido a actividades de algum tipo de hormona. É a 4ª causa principal de incapacidade nas mulheres Sokka (2009). O desenvolvimento da doença da artrite reumatóide ocorre através de uma complexa interação entre genes, fatores ambientais e imunidade. Para um número substancial de pacientes com artrite reumatóide, a doença é caracterizada pela ocorrência de auto-anticorpos no soro, que são usados para prever o curso da doença e a resposta ao tratamento. Vários factores ambientais e de estilo de vida estão envolvidos no desenvolvimento da artrite reumatóide.

  • von Innime Righteous
    32,00 €

    La polyarthrite rhumatoïde (PR) semble être le facteur contributif le plus important et le plus répandu de déformation et d'incapacité fonctionnelle grave chez les patients, si elle n'est pas bien gérée (ce qui confère à cette maladie une importance sociale). La maladie est capable de se développer chez les adultes, y compris les adolescents et les enfants ¿15 ans, ce qui a donné lieu à des cas d'arthrite juvénile idiopathique. Les hommes et les femmes sont prédisposés à la polyarthrite rhumatoïde, mais les femmes ont un risque plus élevé. Les maladies auto-immunes, dont la polyarthrite rhumatoïde fait partie, sont plus fréquentes chez les femmes en raison de l'activité d'une hormone. C'est la quatrième cause d'invalidité chez les femmes Sokka (2009). Le développement de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde est le résultat d'une interaction complexe entre les gènes, les facteurs environnementaux et l'immunité. Pour un nombre important de patients atteints de polyarthrite rhumatoïde, la maladie se caractérise par la présence d'auto-anticorps dans le sérum, qui sont utilisés pour prédire l'évolution de la maladie et la réponse au traitement. Plusieurs facteurs environnementaux et liés au mode de vie sont impliqués dans le développement de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde.

  • von Innime Righteous
    32,00 €

    La malattia dell'artrite reumatoide (RA) sembra essere il principale e più prevalente fattore che contribuisce alla deformità e alla grave disabilità funzionale dei pazienti, se non ben gestita (rendendo la condizione di una rilevanza sociale). La malattia è in grado di svilupparsi negli adulti, compresi gli adolescenti e i bambini ¿15 anni che hanno dato origine a casi di artrite idiopatica giovanile. Sia i maschi che le femmine sono predisposti all'artrite reumatoide, ma le femmine sono più a rischio. Le malattie autoimmuni, di cui l'artrite reumatoide è una, sono più comuni nelle donne a causa di attività di qualche tipo di ormone. È la quarta causa principale di disabilità nelle donne Sokka (2009). Lo sviluppo della malattia dell'artrite reumatoide avviene attraverso una complessa interazione tra geni, fattori ambientali e immunità. Per un numero sostanziale di pazienti affetti da artrite reumatoide, la malattia è caratterizzata dalla presenza di autoanticorpi nel siero, che sono utilizzati per prevedere il decorso della malattia e le risposte al trattamento. Diversi fattori ambientali e di stile di vita sono coinvolti nello sviluppo dell'artrite reumatoide.

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