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Bücher von Ivan Marovic

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  • von Ivan Marovic
    30,00 €

    The Path of Most Resistance: A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning Nonviolent Campaigns is a practical guide for activists and organizers of all levels, who wish to grow their resistance activities into a more strategic, fixed-term campaign. It guides readers through the campaign planning process, breaking it down into several steps and providing tools and exercises for each step. Upon finishing the book, readers will have what they need to guide their peers through the process of planning a campaign. This process, as laid out in the guide, is estimated to take about 12 hours from start to finish.The guide is divided into two parts. The first lays out and contextualizes campaign planning tools and their objectives. It also explains the logic behind these tools, and how they can be modified to better suit a particular group''s context. The second part provides easily reproducible and shareable lesson plans for using each of those tools, as well as explores how to embed the tools in the wider planning process.

  • - Um Guia Passo a Passo para o Planejamento de Campanhas Nao Violentas: Um Guia Passo a Passo para o Planejamento de Campanhas NaoViolentas
    von Ivan Marovic
    27,00 €

    The Path of Most Resistance: A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning Nonviolent Campaigns is a practical guide for activists and organizers of all levels, who wish to grow their resistance activities into a more strategic, fixed-term campaign. It guides readers through the campaign planning process, breaking it down into several steps and providing tools and exercises for each step. Upon finishing the book, readers will have what they need to guide their peers through the process of planning a campaign. This process, as laid out in the guide, is estimated to take about 12 hours from start to finish.The guide is divided into two parts. The first lays out and contextualizes campaign planning tools and their objectives. It also explains the logic behind these tools, and how they can be modified to better suit a particular group''s context. The second part provides easily reproducible and shareable lesson plans for using each of those tools, as well as explores how to embed the tools in the wider planning process.

  • - Un guide etape par etape pour la planification des campagnes non violentes
    von Ivan Marovic
    27,00 €

    La voie de la plus grande r├⌐sistance: un guide ├⌐tape par ├⌐tape pour la planification des campagnes non violentes est destin├⌐ aux activistes et organisateurs de tous niveaux, qui souhaitent faire ├⌐voluer leurs activit├⌐s de r├⌐sistance non violente vers des campagnes plus strat├⌐giques ├á dur├⌐e d├⌐termin├⌐e. Il guide ses lecteurs ├á travers le processus de planification d''une campagne. Il en explique les diff├⌐rentes ├⌐tapes et propose pour chacune d''elles des outils et des exercices. Au terme du Guide, les lecteurs auront acquis ce dont ils ont besoin pour conduire leurs pairs ├á travers le processus de planification d''une campagne. Tel qu''il est expliqu├⌐ dans le guide, ce processus devrait prendre environ 12 heures du d├⌐but ├á la fin. Ce guide comprend deux parties. La premi├¿re pr├⌐sente et contextualise les outils de planification d''une campagne et leurs objectifs. Elle explique ├⌐galement la logique qui sous-tend ces outils et la mani├¿re dont on peut les modifier pour les adapter au contexte d''un groupe particulier. La seconde partie fournit des fiches p├⌐dagogiques faciles ├á reproduire et ├á partager pour utiliser chacun de ces outils, et explique comment int├⌐grer ces outils dans le processus de planification.

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