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Bücher von Jack Kerouac

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  • von Jack Kerouac
    10,48 - 18,00 €

    On the Road swings to the rhythms of 1950s underground America, jazz, sex, generosity, chill dawns and drugs, with Sal Paradise and his hero Dean Moriarty, traveller and mystic, the living epitome of Beat. Now recognized as a modern classic, its American Dream is nearer that of Walt Whitman than Scott Fitzgerald, and it goes racing towards the sunset with unforgettable exuberance, poignancy and autobiographical passion.Contains an introduction by Ann Charters, as well as suggestions for further reading of acclaimed criticisms and references.

  • von Jack Kerouac
    11,00 €

    The Subterraneans haunt the bars and clubs of San Francisco, surviving on a diet of booze and benzedrine, Proust and Verlaine. Living amongst them is Leo, an aspiring writer, and Mardou, half-Indian, half-Negro, beautiful and neurotic. Their bitter-sweet and ill-starred love affair sees Kerouac at his most evocative. Many regard this as being Kerouac's most touching and tender book.

  • von Jack Kerouac
    22,00 €

    Big Sur, first published in 1962, was written by author and poet Jack Kerouac in the fall of 1961 over a ten-day period. This Penguin edition reprint recounts Kerouac's (here known by the name of his fictional alter-ego Jack Duluoz) three brief stays at a cabin in Bixby Canyon, Big Sur, California, owned by Kerouac's friend and Beat poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti. The novel depicts Jack Duluoz's mental and physical deterioration. Despite his mainstream success with his earlier novels, Duluoz is unable to cope with his new-found fame and advancing alcoholism. He attempts to recover first in solitude in the cabin at Big Sur, and later in a relationship with Billie, the mistress of his long-time friend Cody Pomeray (in real life Neal Cassady). Duluoz is driven by loneliness to return to the city and resumes drinking heavily. An addendum to the book contains a free-verse poem by Kerouac: "Sea: Sounds of the Pacific Ocean at Big Sur", written from the perspective of the Pacific Ocean. A film adaptation of Big Sur, directed by Michael Polish, was released in 2013.

  • von Jack Kerouac
    19,90 €

    Réussissez votre bac de français 2024 grâce à notre fiche de lecture du roman Sur la route de Jack Kerouac !Validée par une équipe de professeurs, cette analyse littéraire est une référence pour tous les lycéens.Grâce à notre travail éditorial, les points suivants n'auront plus aucun secret pour vous : la biographie de l'écrivain, le résumé du livre, l'étude de l'oeuvre, l'analyse des thèmes principaux à connaître et le mouvement littéraire auquel est rattaché l'auteur.

  • von Jack Kerouac
    19,90 €

    Succeed all your 2024 exams with our literary analysis of the novel of Jack Kerouac¿s On the road! Endorsed by a team of professors, this study guide is a go-to resource for all students. Thanks to our editorial work, the following aspects will no longer be a mystery to you: the author¿s biography, the book¿s summary, the in-depth study of the work, the analysis of the key themes to know and the literary movement to which the author is affiliated.

  • von Jack Kerouac
    16,00 €

  • von Jack Kerouac
    18,00 €

    2019 Reprint of 1961 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition software. The Book of Dreams is a description of what Kerouac saw in his sleep as actual dreams, not his daydreams or waking reveries. The dreams are strung together in loose narrative form in an effort to convey their content to the reader. The dreams also provide the raw poetic material from which the author drew to create his more well-known works of poetry and prose. They provides a fascinating insight into the raw emotional life of this celebrated Beat author.

  • von Jack Kerouac
    22,00 €

    2019 Reprint of 1959 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition software. "Set in the close-knit working-class French-Canadian community of Lowell, Massachusetts, Maggie Cassidy is a semi-autobiographical account of Kerouac's adolescence. The story is recounted through the teenage mind of the author's alter ego, Jack Duluoz, a high school athletics and American football star. Maggie Cassidy is a meditation on being in love and youthful innocence. A memoir of the fantasy-filled memories of adolescent years spent male bonding with his 'corner boys', recollecting on his mother's expectations and time spent with his father, it is above all an account of his first love, high-school sweetheart, Maggie Cassidy. The romantic relationship is adeptly portrayed as a pure, passionate, exuberant love, narrated with deep and profound insights. Towards the end of the book Jack moves to a school in New York on a sports scholarship, leaving Maggie behind in Lowell. The culmination of the story comes three years later when Jack, now a man, visits her there. With the passage of time and the resulting altered motives and desires, the innocence has been lost and the resulting liaison is unfulfilled. Perhaps the ending is illustrative of the nature of Kerouac's own adulthood relationships." Guy Portman's Blog.Though one of the author's less well known books, Maggie Cassidy is a captivating work that utilizes long sentences and a fluid narrative style - the hallmark of the experimental, spontaneous writing form, pioneered by Kerouac, the reluctant leader of The Beat Generation.

  • von Jack Kerouac
    12,00 €

    2018 Reprint of 1960 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition software. The Scripture of the Golden Eternity is a book of 66 prose poems written by Kerouac and first published in 1960 by Corinth Books, New York City. The book is Kerouac's sutra on Buddhist philosophy, in which he describes a "Golden Eternity" that is paradoxically everything and nothing.The 66 prose poems or "meditations" deal mainly with the nature of consciousness and the impermanence of existence. The main influence is Buddhism, but the use of the word "scripture" in the title alludes to Kerouac's Catholic upbringing and influences, evident in this work and others.

  • von Jack Kerouac
    17,00 €

    2018 Reprint of 1960 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition software. Tristessa is a novella by Beat Generation writer Jack Kerouac set in Mexico City. It is based on his relationship with a Mexican prostitute (the title character). The woman's real name was Esperanza ("hope" in Spanish); Kerouac changed her name to Tristessa ("tristeza" means sadness in Spanish and Portuguese). Allen Ginsberg, in describing the book, wroteof the book as "...a narrative meditation studying a hen, a rooster, a dove, a cat, a dog, family meat, and a ravishing, ravished junkie lady". In Tristessa Kerouac attempts to sketch for the reader a picture of quiet transcendence in hectic and sometimes dangerous circumstances. He chronicles Tristessa's addiction to morphine and impoverished life with descriptions tinged with elements of her saintly beauty and her innocence.Early in the novel, Kerouac attempts to communicate his Buddhist beliefs. These beliefs become entangled as a metaphor in the unfamiliar culture and language that Kerouac tries to grasp and connect with in the story. The contrast between the initial reaction that the reader may have of the impoverished, marginalized life of Tristessa and the self-destructive nature of her addiction contrast with the beauty of Kerouac's descriptions.

  • von Jack Kerouac
    22,00 €

    2019 Reprint of 1962 Edition. Coming down from his carefree youth and unwanted fame, Jack Kerouac undertakes a mature confrontation of some of his most troubling emotional issues: a burgeoning problem with alcoholism, addiction, fear, and insecurity. He dutifully records his ever-changing states of consciousness, which culminate in a powerful religious experience. Big Sur was written sometime after Jack Kerouac's best-known works, following a visit to northern California and the first feelings of midlife crisis. Kerouac stayed for several weeks in a cabin in Big Sur, California, and with friends in San Francisco. Upon returning home, he wrote this account in a two-week period. Critic Richard Meltzer referred to Big Sur as Kerouac's 'masterpiece, and one of the great, great works of the English language."

  • von Bill Morgan, Allen Ginsberg & Jack Kerouac
    37,00 €

  • von Jack Kerouac
    29,00 €

  • von Jack Kerouac
    27,00 €

  • von Jack Kerouac
    37,00 €

  • von Jack Kerouac
    35,00 €

  • von Jack Kerouac
    29,00 €

  • von Jack Kerouac
    36,00 €

  • von Jack Kerouac
    36,00 €

  • von Jack Kerouac
    27,00 €

    "When someone asks 'Where does [Kerouac] get that stuff?' say: 'From you!' He lay awake all night listening with eyes and ears. A night of a thousand years. Heard it in the womb, heard it in the cradle, heard it in school , heard it on the floor of life's stock exchange where dreams are traded for gold." -Henry MillerOne of the dozen books written by Jack Kerouac in the early and mid-1950s, Maggie Cassidy was not published until 1959, after the appearance of On the Road had made its author famous overnight, Long out of print, this touching novel of adolescent love in a New England mill town, with its straight-forward narrative structure, is one of Kerouac's most accesible works. It is a remarkable , bittersweet evocation of the awkwardness and the joy of growing up in America.

  • von Jack Kerouac
    27,00 €

  • von Jack Kerouac
    24,00 €

    Jack Kerouac zählt mit Allen Ginsberg und William S. Burroughs zu den führenden Stimmen der Beat Generation, die in den späten Fünfzigern des 20. Jahrhunderts eine der prägendsten subkulturellen Bewegungen der USA begründete. Unter dem damals zeitgemäßen Titel «Gammler, Zen und hohe Berge» in Deutschland berühmt geworden, schließt das im Original «The Dharma Bums» genannte Buch an Kerouacs Welterfolg «On the Road» an.Mal als blinder Passagier auf alten Güterzügen, mal zu Fuß in dünnen Stoffschuhen ist Ray Smith (Kerouac) unterwegs durch Kalifornien - ein wenig ziellos, bis er auf Japhy (Gary Snyder), den Dichterfreund und Zen-Buddhisten, trifft. Gemeinsam mit dem Jodler Morley brechen sie auf in die kaum berührte Natur der High Sierras, um die Lektion der Einsamkeit zu lernen. Sie dichten, sie wandern und meditieren, immer auf der Jagd nach dem Dharma und einem intensiven, sinnerfüllten Leben. Nur: Im wildromantischen San Francisco mit seinen Hipster-Partys, Poetry-Sessions, Trink-Marathons fällt es schwer, vom Weg der Askese nicht wieder abzukommen ...Abenteuerroman, antikonsumistisches Manifest und zugleich «nature writing» at its best. Ein Klassiker der Beat-Literatur, zu Jack Kerouacs hundertstem Geburtstag am 12.3.2022 in neuer Übersetzung.

  • von Jack Kerouac
    12,00 €

    «Lebensmischmasch eines selbständigen, gebildeten, mittellosen, nach allen Seiten offenen Lebemannes.» So hat Kerouac selbst das genannt, was diese acht berühmten Prosaskizzen beschreiben: ein rastloses Hetzen von Ort zu Ort, von Job zu Job, quer durch Nordamerika, durch Mexiko, Nordafrika, Paris, London. Ihre Sprachgewalt, ihre wilde Poesie, ihre Direktheit faszinieren Leser von heute genauso wie seine Zeitgenossen - und die Inhalte dieser autobiographischen Texte haben den Aussteigern und Alternativen ebenso viel zu sagen wie der Beat-Generation von damals.

  • von Jack Kerouac
    15,00 €

    Die Geschichte von Kerouacs Alter Ego Jack Duluoz erzählt von dessen Highschool-Erlebnissen in Massachusetts und seiner Zeit als Football-Stipendiat an der Columbia Universität. Gerade als Jack in sein glamouröses Erwachsenenleben ausbrechen will, bricht auch der Zweite Weltkrieg aus, Jack tritt der US Navy bei und bereist die Welt. Während er Erfahrungen sammelt, erkennt er die Grenzen seiner ursprünglichen Pläne und kehrt zurück nach New York, wo die Beat-Bewegung gerade ihren Anfang nimmt, zurück in einen Tumult aus Drogen, Sex und wahnhaftem Schreiben.

  • von Jack Kerouac
    12,00 €

    Jack Kerouac nannte Doctor Sax, die rätselhafte Figur, die die Phantasien seiner Jugend heimsuchte, seinen Geist, Schutzengel, persönlichen Schatten und geheimen Liebhaber. In diesem bemerkenswerten autobiographischen Roman über ein Aufwachsen in Lowell, Massachusetts, erzählt durch sein fiktives Alter Ego Jack Duluoz, verwebt er reale Menschen und Begebenheiten mit phantastischen Figuren zu dem Stoff, aus dem seine Kindheit gewebt war - Spielen am Fluss und an Eisenbahnschienen, das Mitansehen von Leben und Tod an den Straßenecken - bis der Leser glaubt, selbst dort gewesen zu sein.

  • von Jack Kerouac
    15,00 €

    Kleinstadtidylle und Großstadtwahnsinn: In seinem Erstlingsroman beschreibt Kerouac in Erinnerung an seine eigene Kindheit und Jugend das Leben einer Großfamilie, die zunächst in einer intakten Gemeinschaft auf dem Land, später in bedrückender Enge in New York lebt. Der durch eine unsoziale Umgebung bedingte Zerfall der Familie ist sein eigenes Schicksal. Genauso wie Peter Martin am Ende dieses Buches stand auch er als junger Mann mit erhobenem Daumen an der Straße, um auf seinen Trips quer durch die USA nach Maßstäben für das eigene Leben zu suchen.

  • von Jack Kerouac
    14,00 €

    THE BEAT GOES ON.Sie sind immer unterwegs, auf Trips quer durch den amerikanischen Kontinent. Sie berauschen sich an der Natur, an Drogen, am Jazz, am Sex. Atemlos erzählt Jack Kerouac in seinem autobiographischen Roman von der Suche nach dem Glück, nach Freiheit, nach der großen Liebe, nach der ultimativen Party. «On the Road» hat weltweit ganze Generationen inspiriert. Kerouac tippte das Manuskript in drei schlaflosen Wochen auf eine vierzig Meter lange Papierrolle. Es erschien stark überarbeitet, eingekürzt und anonymisiert. Nun liegt die Urfassung des legendären Beat-Romans endlich vollständig und neu übersetzt auf Deutsch vor.«Erst in der ursprünglichen Fassung entfaltet der Roman seinen ganzen unwiderstehlichen Sog und zeigt den neuartigen Prosa-Sound, um den Kerouac sich bemüht hatte.» NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG

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