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Bücher von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale

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  • 11% sparen
    von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale
    24,00 €

    T¿o Nowej JerozolimyTekst Apokalipsy 21: 1-22: 5 jest uwäany za cz¿¿¿ tradycyjnego kanonu Pisma ¿wi¿tego. Tak wi¿c istnieje zäo¿enie objawienia progresywnego (Ksi¿ga Rodzaju do Objawienia) i stäo¿ci "natchnienia" (2 Tm 3,15). Podczas gdy krótkie i pobie¿ne wyjänienie zostanie dokonane na pewnych kluczowych elementach wybranego tekstu, zastosowana metoda b¿dzie znacznie bardziej biblijna teologiczna, gdzie odpowiednie fragmenty Pisma ¿wi¿tego s¿ zaangäowane w rozwój my¿li teologicznej, poniewä tekst jest zaangäowany gramatycznie, historycznie i teologicznie. Nie b¿dzie to bezpo¿redni zwi¿zek z tysi¿cletnimi tradycyjnymi modelami eschatologii. Jednak¿e implikacje dla wszystkich tych pogl¿dów b¿d¿ oczywiste dla osób czytaj¿cych ten artyku¿ z perspektywy któregokolwiek z tych modeli. Podej¿cie to b¿dzie miäo o wiele bardziej eklektyczny charakter, pozwalaj¿c na interakcj¿ tekstu i tekstu, aby stworzy¿ now¿ i pe¿n¿ wyzwä perspektyw¿ poprzez ten eschatologiczny temat z jego implikacjami dla ¿ycia (2P 3,11).

  • 11% sparen
  • 11% sparen
    von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale
    24,00 €

    MY¿LENIE -AT CROSS ROADS? Na skrzy¿owaniu jest punktem decyzyjnym lub krytycznym, jak w zwi¿zku z proponowanym po¿¿czeniem, spó¿ka stoi na skrzy¿owaniu. Sformu¿owanie to, oparte na znaczeniu, jakie od czasów staro¿ytnych przypisuje si¿ skrzy¿owaniu dwóch dróg, jest równie¿ u¿ywane w przeno¿ni mniej wi¿cej tak samo d¿ugo, w punkcie, w którym nale¿y dokonä wyboru; w punkcie zmiany. Po zdobyciu stopnia naukowego jestem na rozdro¿u. Musz¿ si¿ dowiedzie¿, w którym kierunku powinno zmierzä moje ¿ycie. Jako firma znajdujemy si¿ na rozdro¿u. Mo¿emy kontynuowä dziäalno¿¿ jak zwykle, albo podj¿¿ ryzyko i próbowä si¿ rozwijä. ¿ycie na rozdro¿u Bez w¿tpienia kädy z nas znalaz¿ si¿ w ¿yciu na pewnym rozdro¿u, gdzie musieli¿my zdecydowä, w któr¿ stron¿ pod¿¿amy. Istniej¿ rozdro¿e kariery, rozdro¿e zwi¿zków, rozdro¿e finansowe i duchowe, by wymieni¿ tylko kilka z nich. Niewiele mija dni, kiedy nie mamy do czynienia z jak¿¿ decyzj¿, która mo¿e mie¿ wp¿yw na ten dzie¿, tydzie¿ lub miesi¿c, ale wybory, których dokonujemy, a które naprawd¿ powoduj¿, ¿e idziemy inn¿ drog¿, to te, o których chc¿ porozmawiä. Kiedy twoje ¿ycie znajduje si¿ na rozdro¿u, czy wiesz o tym - i sk¿d to wiesz? A jak dokonasz w¿äciwego wyboru, b¿dziesz potrzebowä g¿¿bokiego zastanowienia...

  • 11% sparen
    von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen
  • von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale
    26,90 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale
    24,00 €

  • von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale
    20,00 €

    Aby przywróci¿ upad¿ego brata potrzebujemy wiary w Boga, który jest zarówno odwäny i pokorny. ¿miäo¿¿ i pokora mo¿e wydawä si¿ antytetyczne, ale nie s¿ one. Sk¿adaj¿ si¿ one na biblijn¿ cech¿ ¿agodno¿ci lub delikatno¿ci. Zwykle my¿limy o ¿agodno¿ci jako o s¿abo¿ci, ale biblijna ¿agodno¿¿ jest si¿¿ pod kontrol¿. Cz¿owiek cichy jest silny, ale uleg¿y Panu. Jest on jak pot¿¿ny, ale dobrze wytrenowany ko¿, który mo¿e szar¿owä do walki, ale jest tak wräliwy i uleg¿y, ¿e zatrzyma si¿ lub obróci przy najmniejszym dotkni¿ciu swego pana. Taka pokorna ¿miäo¿¿ jest owocem Ducha, który naznacza bosk¿ osob¿. Abram miä tak¿ odwän¿, pokorn¿ wiar¿ w Boga. W rozdziale 13, pokornie poddä si¿ Lotowi i dä mu pierwszy wybór ziemi. Kiedy Lot wybrä najbardziej ¿yzn¿ ziemi¿, a nast¿pnie zostä wzi¿ty do niewoli, Abram nie powiedziä: "S¿u¿y mu to dobrze!" Odwänie poszed¿ i uratowä Lota. Potem pokornie uk¿oni¿ si¿ przed Melchizedekiem, ale odwänie opar¿ si¿ ofercie króla Sodomy. Wiedziä, kiedy by¿ odwänym i kiedy si¿ poddä.1. ¿miäa wiara idzie do walki, aby przywróci¿ upad¿ego brata (14:1- 16).przygotowanie jest kluczem do ratowania upad¿ego brata.

  • von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale
    20,00 €

    Survival of the fittest" to sformu¿owanie wywodz¿ce si¿ z darwinowskiej teorii ewolucji jako sposób opisania mechanizmu selekcji naturalnej. Biologiczne poj¿cie kondycji jest definiowane jako sukces reprodukcyjny. W terminologii darwinowskiej fraza ta jest najlepiej rozumiana jako "Przetrwanie formy, która pozostawi po sobie najwi¿cej kopii w kolejnych pokoleniach".Herbert Spencer po raz pierwszy u¿y¿ tego sformu¿owania, po przeczytaniu ksi¿¿ki Charlesa Darwina O pochodzeniu gatunków, w swoich Zasadach Biologii (1864), w których nakre¿li¿ podobie¿stwa mi¿dzy w¿asnymi teoriami ekonomicznymi a darwinowskimi biologicznymi: "Przetrwanie najsilniejszych, co staräem si¿ tutaj wyrazi¿ w kategoriach mechanicznych, jest tym, co pan Darwin nazwä "naturaln¿ selekcj¿", czyli zachowaniem preferowanych ras w walce o ¿ycie." Darwin odpowiedziä pozytywnie na sugesti¿ Alfreda Russela Wallace'a, aby u¿y¿ nowego zwrotu Spencera "przetrwanie najsilniejszych" jako alternatywy dla "naturalnej selekcji" i przyj¿¿ zwrot w "Wariacji na temat zwierz¿t i ro¿lin pod udomowieniem" opublikowanej w 1868 roku. W O pochodzeniu gatunków wprowadzi¿ sformu¿owanie w pi¿tym wydaniu opublikowanym w 1869 r., maj¿c na my¿li "lepiej zaprojektowane dla bezpo¿redniego, lokalnego ¿rodowiska".

  • von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale
    20,00 €

    This manuscript depicts Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego as encouraging us to be bold in faith and to stand firm when the struggle is real, or real hot like in their case. But it¿s this very faith that gets them thrown into the blazing furnace. It¿s a hard truth to accept but even with unshaken faith there are still struggles we will have to walk through.However, in today¿s study we learn that when God goes through the fire with us miracles happen. We learn that the very fire the enemy meant to destroy us will be the very thing God uses to free, promote and bless us. James 1:2 tells us to:¿Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,¿I think James knew that as believers in Christ, when we go through the fire with faith in God and Him with us, we come out unbound, unharmed and unshaken; just like our good friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.To conclude our Unshaken series I want to read the final part of this studies text starting at Daniel 3:19:Then Nebuchadnezzar was furious with Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and his attitude toward them changed. He ordered the furnace to be increased seven times and be thrown in it..they remained unfazed.

  • von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale
    22,00 €

    The book is all about the steadfastness of the Church and Christians in the face of challenges in the forms various pandemics, Christians and believers came across.The example is the Church as described in the book of Revelations. The term triumphant Latin: triumphant, means exulting, rejoicing exceedingly, taken from a figurative usage of triumph us, originally designating the Roman triumph.[9] Those who constitute the Church Triumphant rejoice eternally in the glory of God, to whom they are united in the beatific vision.1 Peter 5:8, 9; 1 John 5:4; cf. 1 John 4:4). If this side of the Lord's return the church is the militant church, the church of the New Jerusalem is the triumphant church. ... The church becomes the Church Triumphant only after the second coming of Christ.Definition of church triumphant. : members of the church who have died and are regarded as enjoying eternal happiness through union with God ¿ compare church militant, church suffering. The church triumphant is made up of believers who have run their course and gone to be with the Lord. In the midst of battle, it is easy to get discouraged by the bumps, bruises, and wounds that we suffer.

  • von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale
    20,00 €

    In life, you might face different situations when you would feel like giving up. A mature and wise man would never do so! Remember that nothing converts into a success right after the first attempt. All those successful personalities that you see around you today is none other than the ones who have never accepted failure. They might have failed in their lives a million times, but they didn¿t accept it even for a single time. They have always been the ones who kept on trying over and over again. Life is not a bed of roses, and in this trodden path, you may find difficulties, but successful are the ones who keep on walking through that same way despite all the hurdles that had come along that way. Persistence is an extremely important factor in determining whether or not you will be able to achieve success in your life. There would be times when you would feel like giving up, but the moment you give up, you accept your failure and refuse to stand up all over again. In accepting defeat, the game gets over right there and then. If you truly want to achieve success you have to learn to keep on going, no matter the challenges you face along the way.

  • von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale
    22,00 €

    GOD¿S LOVEFor God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God¿s one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.A Merciful God. If it was love that moved him to create us and covenant himself to us, it was mercy that moved him to sustain us and walk with us through the centuries. When he res¬cued them from slavery in Egypt, this God entered into a covenant with all of the people, not just Moses. He guided them through the dangers of the desert and made them a promise: ¿If you obey me completely"...

  • von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale
    20,00 €

    "What does the Bible say about second chances?"- God is not only the God of second chances; He is the God of another chance. This is good news because most of us mess up the second chance fairly quickly. One of the amazing facets of God¿s character is His incredible patience with us. Psalm 86:15 says it well: "But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness." Micah 7:18 says, "Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love."The Bible is full of people who received second chances, and even third and fourth chances: Peter, Jonah, Samson, David, and others. All trophies of God¿s grace.Just as God is patient and forgiving, He wants His children to be patient with and forgiving of others. "Therefore, as God¿s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience" (Colossians 3:12). He gives us second chances, and we must give the same to others. Jesus gives a stern warning to those who refuse to forgive-e.g. the lord's Prayer

  • von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale
    20,00 €

    God is forgiving.When we think that not long time ago, we discovered Peter¿s three denials of Jesus. We remember his anguish upon the hearing of the rooster crowing, because Jesus had prophesied of these denials. Today, we return to that story, but see the renewal of commitment. In Peter¿s story we are reminded that God loves to give a second chance.Text: After this, Jesus revealed Himself again to His disciples by the Sea of Tiberias. He revealed Himself in this way:2 Simon Peter, Thomas (called ¿Twin¿), Nathanael from Cana of Galilee, Zebedee¿s sons, and two others of His disciples were together.3 ¿I¿m going fishing,¿ Simon Peter said to them.¿We¿re coming with you,¿ they told him. They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.4 When daybreak came, Jesus stood on the shore. However, the disciples did not know it was Jesus.5 ¿Men,¿ Jesus called to them, ¿you don¿t have any fish, do you?¿¿No,¿ they answered.6 ¿Cast the net on the right side of the boat,¿ He told them, ¿and yoüll find some.¿ So they did, and they were unable to haul it in because of the large number of fish.( 7)Therefore the disciple, the one Jesus loved, said to Peter, ¿It is the Lord!¿

  • von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale
    20,00 €

    ¿WHY ¿THANK YOU¿ IS MORE THAN JUST GOOD MANNERS¿ According to positive psychologists, the words ¿thank yoü are no longer just good manners, they are also beneficial to the self. ¿To take the best known examples, studies have suggested that being grateful can improve well-being, physical health, can strengthen social relationships, produce positive emotional states and help us cope with stressful times in our lives.¿ But we also say thank you because we want the other person to know we value what they¿ve done for us and, maybe, encourage them to help us again in the future. ¿It¿s this aspect of gratitude that Adam M. Grant and Francesco Gino examine in a series of new studies published recently in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Grant & Gino, 2010).¿ They wanted to see what effect gratitude has on the person who is being thanked. Does it motivate and, if so, is it just by making people feel good, or is it more than that? ¿HOW GRATITUDE WORKS¿ The idea that saying thank you makes people more likely to help in the future is unsurprising, although the 100% increase is interesting, but what the researchers were interested in was why this happens. I want to thank you.

  • 11% sparen
    von Jacob Rapoo Tlhagale
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen

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