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Bücher von James Austin Vanderbilt

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  • von James Austin Vanderbilt
    19,00 €

    Discover the secrets of how your dog interprets the world around them and how they relate to you using their remarkable keen senses Have you ever wondered about the thoughts occurring inside your dog's brain? What goes through their mind when they're introduced to new people or other pets? It's so interesting to witness. Such intelligent creatures, they know to bring you their leash when they want to be walked around the neighborhood and how to get your attention if they need a potty break or even if they want a treat. Dogs know and adhere to our cues and commands like a first language in some cases. It's pretty incredible how much dog's and humans have learned to understand each other over the centuries. It's no wonder why our four pawed furry friends are referred to as "Man's Best Friend". They want to be by our side and we want to be by theirs. Almost 80 percent of dog owners would give their life for their pets. Many of us consider our pups to be our children or part of our family, so much so that even the law recognizes dogs as family. You can find the study of dog psychology and cognitive abilities dating back as far as 1964. Since it's conception there have been numerous studies in this field, expanding the mysterious and beautiful topic of a dog's brain innerworkings. In an article published in the New York Post of 2000 pet owners, 42% polled that household messes, bad behaviors and messy antics are the #1 reason for giving away their pets. Other key factors are attributed to boredom or just needing physical or mental stimulation according to Dr. Lisa Lippman, lead veterinarian at Fuzzy Pet Health. Luckily for us, dog psychology is well researched and is key in guiding anyone - yes even you - on the sensational and mysterious journey of a dogs mind. In The Mind of Your Dog, you'll discover:How to keep your dog calm, occupied and content while you're away during the dayThe traits of specific dog breeds and personalitiesHow your dog talks back to youThe dog and human relationship and how we benefit one anotherUnderstand the world from a dog's perceptionAnd much more! To benefit and guarantee the Human and Dog relationship aspirations for future triumphs and bonding, years of scientific training methods have been developed by studying the brains and psychology of dogs that has made this venture much easier-to-follow. Let's ensure you don't miss out on this great opportunity in unveiling the regal secrets of your dog's mind, simply scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button now!

  • von James Austin Vanderbilt
    21,00 €

  • von James Austin Vanderbilt
    19,00 €

    Cómo educar a un cachorro feliz y completo, sin sentirse abrumado o frustrado, sin fuerza (refuerzo positivo), incluso si ha fallado o ha perdido paciencia en el pasado. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué pasa por la mente de un perro cuando le das una orden o cuando se sienta y te mira mientras le masajeas la cabeza? Puedo recordar desde hace cuatro años cuánto deseaba un perro. Siempre les pedía uno a mis padres, con la esperanza de que algún día llegaría a casa y encontraría a mi propio cachorro peludo con patas esperándome. Por suerte, no tuve que esperar mucho más. Cuando tenía seis años mis padres me sorprendieron con un cachorro Jack Russell Terrier; tan pequeño y lindo. Todo su cuerpo era blanco, su oreja derecha negra y una mancha café sobre su ojo derecho. Me sorprendió y me enamoré al instante. Llamé a este paquete de energía pura: Jack. Fue aquí donde descubrí cuánto amaba de verdad a estos animales inteligentes entrenándolos de la mejor manera posible para un niño de 6 años. Jack me seguía a todas partes y cuando el día llegaba a su fin, dormía conmigo a los pies de mi cama. Me encantaba eso de él, era perfecto a mis ojos y siempre estaba ahí para mí. Jack era súper inteligente y astuto, sin importar cuántas veces hiciera lo que quería hacer. Más tarde descubrí que el JRT está equipado con una voluntad extremadamente fuerte. En retrospectiva pude ver cómo Jack ciertamente tenía esta cualidad infundida en su espíritu. Era un gran cachorro en todos los aspectos, pero había momentos en los que era travieso y hábilmente astuto. En un artículo publicado en el New York Post de 2000 dueños de mascotas, el 42 % encuestó que los desordenes domésticos, los malos comportamientos y las travesuras desordenadas son la razón número 1 para regalar a sus mascotas. Otros factores clave se atribuyen al aburrimiento o simplemente a la necesidad de estimulación física o mental, según la Dra. Lisa Lippman, veterinaria principal de Fuzzy Pet Health. Afortunadamente para nosotros, el entrenamiento de cachorros está bien investigado y es bastante predecible en algunos aspectos, así que si te mantienes al día con las últimas En Guía De Entrenamiento Para Cachorros, descubrirás:Cómo entrenar a su cachorro para ir al baño en menos de una semana utilizando un enfoque sin fuerzaCómo evitar los errores más comunes en el adiestramiento de cachorrosPor qué la relación humano-perro es tan importanteCómo seleccionar el cachorro perfecto para ti y tu familiaPor qué es importante llevar a tu perro a eventos socialesCómo implementar refuerzos positivos y elogios, incluso si su cachorro tiene un momento complicadoConsejos de adiestramiento canino que también pueden funcionar con tu pareja - jijiy mucho más… ¡Asegurémonos de que no se convierta en el dueño de un cachorro precipitado y fuera de control, simplemente desplácese hacia arriba y haga clic en el botón "Agregar al carrito"

  • von James Austin Vanderbilt
    21,00 €

    How to train a happy and well-rounded pup, without becoming overwhelmed or frustrated, in a force-free way (positive reinforcement), even if you've failed or have lost patients in the past. Have you ever wondered what goes through a dog's mind when you're giving a command or when they sit and gaze at you as you massage their head? I can remember as far back as four years old how much I wanted a dog. I'd always ask my parents for a one, hoping one day I would arrive home to find my very own furry pawed pup waiting for me.When I was six old my parents surprised me with a Jack Russell Terrier pup; so small and cute. His entire body was white, his right ear black, and a brown spot over his right eye. I was surprised and instantly in-love. I named this bundle of pure energy - Jack. It was here I discovered how much I truly loved these intelligent animals - training them the best way I could for a 6-year-old. Jack followed me everywhere and when the day came to an end, he'd sleep with me at the foot of my bed.Jack was super intelligent and clever, however many times he did what he wanted to do. I discovered later that the JRT is equipped with an extremely strong will. In retrospect I could see how Jack certainly had this quality infused in his spirit. He was an all-around great pup but there were moments when he was mischievous and cunning.Funny story and testament to his intellect. One night my parents had some friends over for a little soirée. After everyone settled-in, Jack grabbed a ball and left to the living room. Jacob - our neighbor, took Jack's cue and tossed the ball. In that moment, Jack pounced on the couch grabbed the candy bar next to Jacob and ran towards the ball as if his priority was to play fetch. Jacob had no clue what occurred and was shocked that a dog could calculate such a ruse the way Jack did.It was moments like this that made me realize Jack needed additional training. No one wants a pup that is frequently misbehaving, tearing up furniture, shoes, rugs or going through the garbage. In an article published in the New York Post of 2000 pet owners, 42% polled that household messes, bad behaviors and messy antics are the #1 reason for giving away their pets. Other key factors are attributed to boredom or just needing physical or mental stimulation according to Dr. Lisa Lippman, lead veterinarian at Fuzzy Pet Health.Luckily for us, puppy training is well-researched and pretty predictable in some aspects, so if you keep up with the latest news, you won't have to worry about unexpected surprises like drool in your shoes.In The Ultimate Puppy Training Book, you'll discover:How to potty train your puppy in less than a week using a force- free approachHow to avoid the most common mistakes in puppy trainingWhy the human-dog relationship is so importantHow to select the perfect puppy for you and your familyWhy its important to bring your dog to social events&a

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