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Bücher von Janos Talaber

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  • von Janos Talaber
    17,95 €

    Scientific Study from the year 2018 in the subject Medicine - Hospital Environment, Clinical Medicine, grade: 10, University of Hertfordshire (Paramedic Science), language: English, abstract: This study is concerned with the legal possibilities of how paramedics could be employed and get involved into medical care at emergency hospital units with a specific focus on the situation in Hungary.It is obvious that there is of lack medical doctors, nurses and other high trained staff not only in hospital wards, but also in emergency care in Hungary. To overlap this lack and hiatus, it was several times noted in Hungary that as for competency reasons, the closest medical staff to be involved in emergency medical treatments is the paramedics.The accurate scopes of Paramedics, competency and other conditions vary differently in the World, therefore there is not a consequent and primarily accepted competency. However, serving the streets and responding to dispatches is pretty much similar in all over the World, therefore, the main streams are almost totally related.Throughout this study there will therefore be focus on the scopes and competencies as well as the education strategies of paramedic trainings in Canada, the USA and within the European Union.

  • von Janos Talaber, Peter Antaloczy & Attila Keszthelyi
    15,95 €

  • von Janos Talaber
    52,95 €

    Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation from the year 2002 in the subject Theology - Miscellaneous, grade: cum laude, Pazmany Peter Catholic University and American National College (Regnum-M educational Co. / Kirchenrecht), language: English, abstract: Many would consider Codex Iuris Canonici to be the best choice of triggering out a new, acceptable, modern legislation in the Catholic Church1, the origin source of maintaining the unique spells of Christ, of which faithful had to be given an up-to-date book of church disciplinae. However, in many fields the duties and rights are somehow violated, even do obstacles lie in front of them. The intent purpose of this essay, therefore, is to deal with obstacles lying before the acceptable fulfillment of duties of the christian believers in the field of catholic education. When our dealing with the topic of catholic education, canons 793-821 are put into view. We would not, however, state that all duties are violated, and that the purpose of the editors of the code has not reached its aims. Our wish is to highlight those fields in the civil legislations where, practically proved, there are some significant obstacles preventing the faithful from giving the most proper education to their offspring. Thus, we cannot apart from drawing the historical as well as legal backgrounds to make out obvious and provable evidences.(c) Talabér János doktori értekezés, Doctoral Essay: ABSTRACT (c)

  • von Janos Talaber
    14,99 €

  • - Psychology and Paradox in Hemmingway's Life and Death
    von Janos Talaber
    15,95 €

  • von Janos Talaber
    15,95 €

  • von Janos Talaber, Peter Antaloczy & Attila Keszthelyi
    15,95 €

  • - A comparative legal study
    von Janos Talaber & Peter Antaloczy
    17,95 €

    Scientific Essay from the year 2012 in the subject Politics - Region: Eastern Europe, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, language: English, abstract: In this short essay, the authors would intend to present the possible opportunities of religious education in the frame of the state legislation. Based on the current legislative issues, every faithful is entitled to get the proper religious education related to his/her own belief. However, the scale of the religious congregations might be very wide, hence the state must create a frame to fit the small churches into it. On the other hand, only the historical churches are based upon appropriate hierarchical legal structures, which of course, could be fitted into the legal frames. Therefore, it is highly recommended to deal with the Catholic legislation, and then opening up the scope towards the other historical as well as smaller churches.

  • von Janos Talaber
    42,95 €

    Scientific Essay from the year 2011 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Linguistics, University of Debrecen (Regnum-M Educational Co. / University of Debrecen), course: English Language and Literature Studies - Linguistics, language: English, abstract: It is obvious that second language acquisition is a very inevitable phenomenon in language learning procedure, hence there is a whole library of books dealing with SLA. Contemporary findings (Pléh, 2010) have also showed that LA is one of the most important processes in our life, determining the whole procedure of language learning, not only in the case of second language, but also in the case of our mother tongue. Moreover, the whole process includes memorizing things, conceptualization, connecting cognitive information and eventual accuracy in the use of language. Interestingly enough, contemporary findings have also proved (Deb K. Roy et al., 2002) that first language acquisition begins even before the birth of the child, which means that the adaptation to the new circumstances and verbalcommunication starts in the mother¿s uterus. These new researches and our devotion to medical disciplines1 have made us compose an essay on the biological factors of Second Language Acquisition. No doubt, biological and neurobiological factors are very severely important parts of LA procedures, however, they are not really put into the focus of linguistic experts. The reason for this might be traced in several things: there are some (Birnbaum, 1996) who think that biological factors are not so important, since linguistic experts are supposed to be dealing with the technical and mechanical factors of language acquisition (e.g. how we learn the things, what methodology or approaches we need to master the language properly, etc.). Others note (Clark, 1997) that even when biological factors are very determining, linguistics are obliged to stick to the main stream of language acquisition, which is ¿ beyond any questions ¿ not a biological but a psychological factor.However, there are a lot more others who support biological factors and dealing with neurobiology deeply in contemporary writings. These opinions all encouraged us to write an essay onbiological factors, emphasizing that biology and neurobiology are very important in Language Acquisition. Furthermore, in accordance with the new scientific findings and surveys, we were really given the suggestion that there is a great need for dealing and utilizing neurobiology in the frame of linguistics.

  • - Watching and analyzing a movie in aspects of language teaching
    von Janos Talaber
    17,95 €

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