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Bücher von Jason Barlow

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  • von Jason Barlow
    31,00 €

    Guaranteed to rev the engines of car fans everywhere. Supercars are the purest and most extreme expression of automotive performance there is - and no one knows the territory better than the TopGear team.

  • - The Definitive History
    von Tbc Author
    28,00 €

    Live and let drive. Bond Cars: The Definitive History is a lavish celebration of the cars that also became the stars alongside the world's most famous fictional spy.

  • von Jason Barlow
    95,00 €

  • von Jason Barlow
    15,00 €

    How did everything come to be? What are the origins of life? In this volume, we will explore the many world views on origins. For a Christian, the foundation of our belief system is found in the Bible. More specifically, it begins with the book of Genesis. For it is with Genesis that one is shown the foundational doctrine of creation - which is the beginning of Christianity for all extents and purposes. In today's society, the world has accepted a different foundation - evolution. Belief in evolution can lead to different rules. There is no creator, no absolute authority, and man can make his own rules. Evolution has beenused as a scientific justification and/or excuse for non-Christian activities, but does science support evolution and other world views? The facts may surprise you as we explore ~ In The Beginning

  • von Jason Barlow
    13,00 €

    "Tis the season to be jolly" we are told. But what does God say regarding this time of year that we call Christmas? Is it just a silly tradition of family, friends, gifts, and of nativity scenes of a baby Jesus? In this publication we will explore the history and Biblical relationship of Christmas and help answer the question - Is Christmas Christian?

  • von Jason Barlow
    45,00 €

    In 25 Kapiteln taucht Barlow in das Bond-Universum ein und stellt die 160 legendären »Bond-Autos« vor. Dabei hatte er uneingeschränkten Zugang zum Set des neuesten Films »Keine Zeit zu sterben« sowie zu den Bond-Archiven. Der einzigartige Band präsentiert seltene Dokumente, darunter Storyboards, unveröffentlichtes Bildmaterial der Drehorte, technische Zeichnungen und Auszüge aus Originaldrehbüchern. Darüberhinaus gewähren Exklusivinterviews und Berichte aus erster Hand von Insidern - darunter Daniel Craig, die Produzenten Michael G. Wilson und Barbara Broccoli und Bond-Spezialeffekt-Veteran Chris Corbould - exklusive Einblicke in das Bond-Universum.

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