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Bücher von Jean Pierre Aristote Nziragutinya

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  • 17% sparen
    von Jean Pierre Aristote Nziragutinya
    42,00 €

    Investigación realizada en 2007 y 2008 en África subsahariana - Región de los Grandes Lagos, depositada en bibliotecas universitarias locales y en la biblioteca del Tribunal Penal Internacional para Ruanda (Kigali), distribuida a ciertos altos funcionarios gubernamentales y no gubernamentales; Este libro pone de relieve los obstáculos con que tropiezan los niños no acompañados durante los conflictos armados, tanto nacionales como internacionales, y propone un marco jurídico y otros remedios que las partes en conflicto deberían cumplir para estar en buenos términos con el derecho internacional humanitario. El autor también propone remedios que pueden aplicarse incluso en tiempos de paz. Por último, el autor es consciente de que los conflictos armados forman parte de la historia de las relaciones internacionales y no son más que un periodo transitorio de las mismas, por lo que no deben llevarse a cabo de manera que hagan imposible la paz.

  • 17% sparen
    von Jean Pierre Aristote Nziragutinya
    42,00 €

    Investigação realizada em 2007 e 2008 na África Subsariana - Região dos Grandes Lagos, depositada em bibliotecas universitárias locais e na biblioteca do Tribunal Penal Internacional para o Ruanda (Kigali), distribuída a alguns altos funcionários governamentais e não governamentais; Este livro destaca os obstáculos com que se deparam as crianças não acompanhadas durante os conflitos armados, tanto nacionais como internacionais, e propõe um quadro jurídico e outras soluções que as partes em conflito devem respeitar para estarem em conformidade com o direito internacional humanitário. O autor propõe igualmente soluções que podem ser aplicadas mesmo em tempo de paz. Por último, o autor reconhece que os conflitos armados fazem parte da história das relações internacionais e constituem apenas um período transitório dessas relações, pelo que não devem ser conduzidos de forma a impossibilitar a paz.

  • 17% sparen
    von Jean Pierre Aristote Nziragutinya
    42,00 €

    Research carried out in 2007 and 2008 in Sub-Saharan Africa - Great Lakes Region, deposited in local university libraries and in the library of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (Kigali), distributed to certain senior governmental and non-governmental officials; This book highlights the obstacles encountered by unaccompanied children during armed conflicts, both national and international, and proposes a legal framework and other remedies with which parties to the conflict should comply in order to be on good terms with international humanitarian law. The author also proposes remedies that can be applied even in peacetime. Finally, the author realises that armed conflicts are part of the history of international relations and are only a transitional period in those relations, and therefore should not be conducted in such a way as to make peace impossible.

  • 17% sparen
    von Jean Pierre Aristote Nziragutinya
    42,00 €

    Ricerca condotta nel 2007 e 2008 nell'Africa subsahariana - Regione dei Grandi Laghi, depositata nelle biblioteche universitarie locali e nella biblioteca del Tribunale penale internazionale per il Ruanda (Kigali), distribuita ad alcuni alti funzionari governativi e non governativi; Questo libro mette in evidenza gli ostacoli incontrati dai bambini non accompagnati durante i conflitti armati, sia nazionali che internazionali, e propone un quadro giuridico e altri rimedi che le parti in conflitto dovrebbero rispettare per essere in regola con il diritto internazionale umanitario. L'autore propone anche rimedi che possono essere applicati anche in tempo di pace. Infine, l'autore si rende conto che i conflitti armati fanno parte della storia delle relazioni internazionali e sono solo un periodo di transizione in tali relazioni, e quindi non dovrebbero essere condotti in modo tale da rendere impossibile la pace.

  • von Jean Pierre Aristote Nziragutinya
    50,90 €

    2007 und 2008 in Afrika südlich der Sahara - Region der Großen Seen durchgeführt, in lokalen Universitätsbibliotheken und in der Bibliothek des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs für Ruanda (Kigali) hinterlegt, an leitende Regierungs- und Nichtregierungsbeamte verteilt; Dieses Buch beleuchtet die Hindernisse, denen unbegleitete Kinder in nationalen und internationalen bewaffneten Konflikten begegnen, und schlägt einen Rechtsrahmen und andere Rechtsmittel vor, die Konfliktparteien einhalten sollten, um mit dem humanitären Völkerrecht in Einklang zu kommen. Darüber hinaus schlägt der Autor Abhilfemaßnahmen vor, die auch in Friedenszeiten anwendbar sind. Schließlich erkennt der Autor, dass bewaffnete Konflikte Teil der Geschichte der internationalen Beziehungen sind und nur eine Übergangszeit dieser Beziehungen darstellen und daher nicht so geführt werden sollten, dass sie den Frieden unmöglich machen.

  • 15% sparen
    von Jean Pierre Aristote Nziragutinya
    33,00 €

    This research study highlights the obstacles that face unaccompanied children during both national and international armed conflicts and proposes a legal framework and other remedies that parties in conflict should comply with in order to be on good terms with international humanitarian law and other laws. In addition, the author proposes remedies applicable even in times of peace. The author realizes finally that armed conflicts are part of the history of international relations and are only a transitional period for these relations and therefore, they should not be conducted in such a way that they make peace impossible.

  • 17% sparen
    von Jean Pierre Aristote Nziragutinya
    42,00 €

    Recherche menée en 2007 et 2008 étant en Afrique sub-saharienne-Région des Grands Lacs, déposée dans les bibliothèques universitaires locales et dans la bibliothèque du Tribunal Pénal International pour le Rwanda (Kigali), distribuée à certains cadres supérieurs gouvernementaux et non gouvernementaux; Ce livre met en lumière les obstacles rencontrés par les enfants non accompagnés pendant les conflits armés tant nationaux qu' internationaux et propose un cadre juridique et d'autres voies de recours auxquels les parties au conflit devraient se conformer pour être en bons termes avec le droit international humanitaire. En outre, l'auteur propose des remèdes applicables même en temps de paix. L'auteur réalise enfin que les conflits armés font partie de l'histoire des relations internationales et ne sont qu'une période transitoire de ces relations et par conséquent qu'ils ne devraient pas être conduits de telle sorte qu'ils rendent la paix impossible.

  • 15% sparen
    von Jean Pierre Aristote Nziragutinya
    39,00 €

    The book discusses whether it is illegal for Iran, NPT active member state and signatory of IAEA agreement, to produce & develop a nuclear program and whether sanctions imposed on Iran have legal grounds. The concept is that if sanctions could be attributed to a country because of production of Uranium or development of its nuclear power while it is not signatory of NPT, there is no legal basis to impose sanctions or while a country build its capacity in nuclear for peaceful purposes "NPT Article IV". Concerning this case study, sanctions are highly motivated by the agreement ratified by Iran. Iran did not comply with "NPT" and non-compliance with IAEA agreement. Through this book, you will mainly learn whether the right to development and self defense should apply to challenge UN sanctions, the historical perspective & the politics of Iran Nuclear weapons, Legal Concept,UN's efforts to handle an issue& the legal basis to impose sanctions. The experience on Iran is that every state must be bound by the treaty it has ratified and must respect all UN Resolutions to ensure compliance with the UN Charter. As a result, each human being will find himself living a world without conflict.

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