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Bücher von Jean Ure

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  • von Jean Ure
    41,00 €

    Three of Jean Ure's best-loved stories in a bumper 3-in-1 edition ? PASSION FLOWER, SHRINKING VIOLET and PUMPKIN PIE. In PASSION FLOWER, Stephanie, a hip fourteen year old, and Samantha, her ten-year-old sister, are stuck in the middle of their parents' arguments. When Dad suggests going on a summer holiday, they jump at the chance. In SHRINKING VIOLET, twins Violet and Lily lead very different lives; Lily has friends and goes to parties and Violet stays at home, writing to her pen pal. But when Violet borrows bits of Lily's life to make herself sound more interesting, it's bound to lead to trouble... In PUMPKIN PIE, Polly is stuck in the middle of a beautiful, fashion-conscious older sister and a high-achieving younger brother grabbing all the attention. Polly never wanted to turn food into her enemy, but when Dad starts calling her Plumpkin she doesn't have a choice...

  • von Jean Ure
    21,00 €

    Rags to riches story of a young orphan who becomes a famous actress. A Roaring Good Read launch title. Daisy is brought up in a foundling's hospital in Victorian times. At ten she is sent into service as a skivvy at the Dobell Academy.There she watches all the pupils learning how to be young ladies, wearing fine clothes and learning how to read, write and... dance. Daisy dreams of being like them one day and painstakingly teaches herself to read with the help of one kind teacher. She is caught dancing in one of the piano rooms and is and reproved for having 'ideas above her station', but undaunted she perseveres with her dream to be a 'beautiful lady on the stage.' Daisy even makes up a stage name ? Marguerite Dobell. One night, in her attic bedroom, she sees a ghost ? an old lady sitting in a rocking chair looking through a scrapbook of photos and theatre programmes. The woman is strangely familiar.When the young ladies of Dobell Academy put on their end of term dancing display, Daisy risks being caught again and does her own dance in the corridor -spotted by two late-comers who realise that Daisy is the perfect little dancer to play the part of Dolly in their production Little Dolly Daydream. That night, in her attic bedroom, Daisy is revisited by her ghost looking in old theatre programmes ? she spots the name of the production, it is Little Dolly Daydream and there in the cast list is the name Marguerite Dobell. Daisy has seen into the future, the ghost is none other than herself as an elderly and once famous actress. Her dream will come true. A wonderful unashamedly sentimental rags- to-riches story which young readers from 7 and upwards will adore, and one which will be timeless and backlist well. My Fair Lady meets The Little Match Girl from a prize-winning author.

  • von Jean Ure
    21,00 €

    Four stray dogs all with a story to tell of their rescue and how they came to live at Munchy Flats Cottage with their people, Flossie and Jo. The second title in this new series. Bella is a pedigree ? her real name being Princess Isadora of Bude! She's a lapdog and spoilt rotten by her elderly owner. When her owner is taken into hospital, Bella has to go and live with another family and is bullied and teased by the other dogs. Bella's hair gets matted, her ribbon torn and she's very unhappy. She runs back to the hospital where she thinks her owner is, but sadly her owner has died. Bella has to learn to live with her new bullying siblings. One day, out in the park Bella is bullied by a pack of dogs and is left cowering in the bushes. Her new owners decide that they must find Bella a new home and they take her to Munchy Flats Cottage where she settles in nicely with Buster... A heartwarming ending to a story about bullying dogs.

  • von Jean Ure
    21,00 €

    Four stray dogs, all with a story to tell of their rescue and how they came to live at Munchy Flats Cottage, with their people Flossie and Joe. The Third Chums title in which Bouncer comes to live at Munchy Flats with Buster and Bella. Bouncer is a very lively little Jack Russell terrier. He's a cheeky young whipper snapper and Buster doesn't like it when he starts digging up his garden! Bouncer is just a nuisance to the other dogs and Buster decides he needs taking down a peg or two. However, he doesn't need to because a farmer ? with a gun ? does it for him. Bouncer has the shock of his young life when the gun goes off but he is still too lively for his owner. Bouncer turns up again at Munchy Flats Cottage with a label round his neck 'My name is Bouncer and I have been a naughty boy. But I am not a bad boy at heart. Please give me a second chance.'! So Bouncer joins Bella and Buster at Munchy Flats Cottage ? where he is a good boy, at heart!

  • von Jean Ure
    21,00 €

    Four stray dogs all with a story to tell of their rescue and how they came to live at Munchy Flats Cottage with their people Flossie and Jo. Buster is the boss dog, and he tells the stories... The first of four titles, each one told through the voice of a rescued dog.Buster the Bitsa is the star of this first book. He's a mongrel ? a bit of this and a bit of that. He's the boss dog, the one who arrived at Munchy Flats cottage first. When Buster was a puppy he had a lovely warm and loving home. Being an adventurous little soul, he got out of the garden one day and was dognapped by a rogue. He was taken to live with a family who didn't care for him but he managed to escape. Roaming the woods and fields he rescues a dear little lapdog and becomes a hero ? with his picture in all the papers. His People recognise him and there's a joyful reunion.

  • von Jean Ure
    21,00 €

    A woolly dog and a fluffy cat live together in perfect harmony - until the arrival of a tiny kitten. Heartwarming story from a renowned author.Woffles is a dog. Very big and woolly.Stretch is a cat. Very smooth and slinky.But one day, this contented pair have a new addition to their family. A big ball of black fluff in the form of a very naughty kitten - Muffy - who holds up her claws with her nails sticking out so they look like pins on a pin cushion. And Muffy decides to play tricks on Woffles and mayhem ensues. It's up to Stretch to restore harmony to the household . He does so by introducing Muffy to a monster - her own reflection in a long mirror in the upstairs bedroom. Muffy is tamed. Meanwhile Woffles, thinking there is a monster in the upstairs bedroom refuses to go anywhere near it, until persuaded to by Stretch to be brave. What confronts Woffles is a big and woolly dog. So Muffy the kitten seeks protection from the monster in the mirror from Woffles; And Woffles knows that he will be protected by the big woolly dog in the mirror!

  • von Jean Ure
    21,00 €

    Danny loves dancing, but not the funky, popular variety that would have his friends green with envy; no, Danny loves Ballet. A 'Billy Elliot' for younger readers by this renowned ballet-loving author.Danny loves ballet, but he daren't admit it to his mates. But one of his teacher's knows, and she casts Danny in the starring ballet role in the end of term show at school. But Danny is also in the school football team and the rehearsals for the show clash with team nights. How can be maintain his cool with his peers and still star in the performance. Mixups and mayhen ensue as several fibs are told to parents, friends and siblings. But at the end of the day, is Danny sick as a parrot or over the moon? On performance night, Danny is simply DAZZLING!

  • von Jean Ure
    21,00 €

    A humorous, poignant and heartwarming story of four girls and their exasperating parents, from the Queen of Tween, Jean Ure."e;People always fall out after they're married. I'm going to stay single."e;Jasmine, Laurel, Rose and Daisy. Four very different sisters, four very different attitudes! As if living with each other wasn't bad enough, living with their parents is worse - particularly parents who are both actors. Please!But after the Great Row, the girls find themselves living with Mum, while Dad has gone to America to find work. How are the sisters going to achieve their own personal ambitions: become an actress, model, writer, vet... when they can't even achieve their joint ambition - to reunite parents who are on different continents?

  • von Jean Ure
    21,00 €

    Another brilliant story containing comedy, calamity and cool characters by acclaimed writer Jean Ure.Even though Tash and Emily go to a nunnery (well, an all girls' school, which amounts to the same thing!), they are into boys in a BIG WAY. They're also stepsisters and the hugest of best friends. So when their mum and dad have to go Peru for work for a couple of months, leaving the girls in their own flat in Aunty Jay's house, they are seriously excited.Of course they've got to take their weird elder sister, Ali, hundreds of her Star Trek videos and Fat Man the cat, but apart from that they are INDEPENDENT GIRLS. And when they find out that there's a dishy boy living in the flat downstairs, they just can't believe their luck...

  • von Jean Ure
    21,00 €

    One of the brilliant titles in Jean Ure's acclaimed series of humorous, delightful and poignant stories written in the form of diaries and letters which make them immediately accessible to children.Lily and Violet are twins - physically identical but quite opposite in character. Lily is brash, up-front and in your face. Lily Loudmouth, her dad calls her. Violet is timid and shy. She lives very much in Lily's shadow - a shrinking violet.Finding it difficult to make friends, Violet finds the perfect solution in Katie, her new pen pal. Soon the two are writing at a fast and furious pace and become very attached to each other. That is, until Katie suggests that they meet...

  • von Jean Ure
    22,00 €

    A classic Jean Ure story for girls AND boys, about a boy who's driving girls wild...Dorian Jones is an 11-year-old boy who is having 'terrible trouble with girls'. They just won't leave him alone.Girls at school and his annoying younger sisters' friends have massive crushes on him, but Dory's passion is for dinosaurs and he is happiest excavating his back garden. His best friend at school is Aaron and his best friend out of school is a girl called the Herb. How will Dory stop girls throwing themselves at him? Why is Aaron holding hands with Sophy Timms? And why is the Herb acting so strange around Dory all of a sudden...

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