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Bücher von Jeff Ashworth

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  • von Jeff Ashworth
    25,00 €

    As most TTRPG fans know, one of the most exciting elements of any roleplaying game is that the story can go anywhere at any time. Unfortunately, Game Masters can't possibly prepare for every unpredictable request, unfortunate die roll or unbelievably bad player decision that might unfold at their table. That's where this book comes in: Featuring more than 500 more maps, roll tables and story hooks, The Game Master's Book of More Random Encounters will save readers hours of planning by providing all new enchanting adventure maps, perilous plot twists and unexpected NPCs that they've come to expect from the Game Master series in an easy-to-follow format that's compatible with all their 5e adventures.Featuring plenty of practical places like taverns, inns and alchemist's labs as well as unexpected locations in far-off realms, farther-off planes and even the farthest reaches of the galaxy, The Game Master's Book of More Random Encounters is everything readers loved about the first book in the series-but EVEN MORE. Whether they're assigning a destination following a teleportation mishap, wondering what it would be like to dine at chain restaurant in the Abyss or looking for a simple spot for their players to kick their feet up for a few hours (careful, that coffee table is a realm unto itself), this action-packed tome is the remedy for maladies Game Masters didn't even know they had.Includes:· Dozens of plug-and-play encounter locations suitable for most fantasy settings· Variant roll tables to mix up the action for every map· Three one-shot adventures to flow into your own campaigns· and more!

  • von Jeff Ashworth
    25,00 €

    The Unofficial Yellowstone Puzzles Collection is a celebration of America's favorite show. Yellowstone, in all its grit and glory, is a modern successor to that long and proud tradition. Inside you'll find trivia, brainteasers, puzzles and much, much more! Enjoy sweeping Western vistas and classic Yellowstone moments as you test yourself with the finest brain teasers this side of the Mississippi.

  • von Jeff Ashworth
    20,00 €

    Weil es gar nicht schwierig sein muss, die Spielrunde vor Herausforderungen zu stellen ... Der Quest war zu einfach? Die Fallen zu offensichtlich? Schluss damit! The Game Master's Book: Fallen, Rätsel und Dungeons sorgt dafür, dass zuk¿nftige Dungeon Crawls, Tempelplünderungen oder Einbrüche in Festungen zu spektakulären und unvergesslichen Erlebnissen werden. Mit über 60 herausfordernden Rätseln, zahlreichen einzigartigen Fallen und 50 modularen Dungeon-Kammern stehen Spielleiter*innen in Zukunft unzählige Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung, um das Spielvergnügen auf eine neue Ebene und die Spieler*innen mit unberechenbaren Challenges an ihre Grenzen zu bringen. Noch mehr Spaß und Nervenkitzel für das nächste Rollenspiel-Abenteuer bietet zusätzliches Material wie aufwendige Illustrationen, beschriftete Lagepläne und drei One-Shot-Abenteuer. Enthalten sind: Qualvolle, tödliche, hinderliche und komplizierte Fallen in verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsgraden Reimrätsel, knifflige Chiffren und anspruchsvolle Torprüfungen Unvergessliche Dungeon-Kammern und One-Shot-Abenteuer

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