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Bücher von Jen Sincero

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  • 17% sparen
    - How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
    von Jen Sincero
    12,00 €

    YOU ARE A BADASS IS THE SELF-HELP BOOK FOR PEOPLE WHO DESPERATELY WANT TO IMPROVE THEIR LIVES BUT DON'T WANT TO GET BUSTED DOING IT.In this refreshingly entertaining how-to guide, bestselling author and world-traveling success coach, Jen Sincero, serves up 27 bitesized chapters full of hilariously inspiring stories, sage advice, easy exercises, and the occasional swear word, helping you to: - Identify and change the self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviours that stop you from getting what you want.- Create a life you totally love. And create it NOW!- Make some damn money already. The kind you've never made before. By the end of You Are a Badass, you'll understand why you are how you are, how to love what you can't change, how to change what you don't love, and how to use The Force to kick some serious ass.

  • 14% sparen
    - Master the Mindset of Wealth: Learn how to save your money with one of the world's most exciting self help authors
    von Jen Sincero
    12,00 €

    From the author of You Are A Badass, the New Your Times bestselling book everyone is talking about.YOU ARE A BADASS AT MAKING MONEY is the book you need if you've spent too much time watching money land in your bank account and then roll through your fingers. Jen Sincero went from living in a converted garage to traveling the world in 5-star luxury in a matter of years, and knows all too well the layers of BS one can get wrapped up in around money, as well as what it takes to dig your way out. In this funny, fascinating and practical book she goes in-depth on how powerful our thoughts are and how our bank accounts are mirrors for our beliefs about money. YOU ARE A BADASS AT MAKING MONEY combines laugh out loud comedy with life-changing concepts, all boiled down into manageable, bite-sized tips so that YOU can put them into practice and get life changing results.

  • 17% sparen
    - How to Keep Your Motivation Strong, Your Vibe High, and Your Quest for Transformation Unstoppable
    von Jen Sincero
    12,00 €

    From the #1 New York Times bestselling author, pocket-size inspiration and guidance to keep your transformation on track

  • 17% sparen
    von Jen Sincero
    12,00 €

    New York Times best-selling author Jen Sincero gets to the core of transformation: habits - breaking, making, understanding, and sticking with them like you've never stuck before.Badass Habits is a eureka-sparking, easy-to-digest look at how our habits make us who we are, from the measly moments that happen in private to the resolutions we loudly broadcast (and, erm, often don't keep) on social media. Habit busting and building goes way beyond becoming a dedicated flosser or never showing up late again--our habits reveal our unmet desires, the gaps in our boundaries, our level of self-awareness, and our unconscious beliefs and fears. Badass Habits features Jen's trademark hilarious voice and offers a much-needed fresh take on the conventional wisdom and science that shape the optimism (or pessimism?) around the age-old topic of habits. The book includes enlightening interviews with people who've successfully strengthened their discipline backbones, new perspective on how to train our brains to become our best selves, and offers a simple, 21 day, step-by-step guide for ditching habits that don't serve us and developing the habits we deem most important. Habits shouldn't be impossible to reset--and with healthy boundaries, knowledge of--and permission to go after--our desires, and an easy to implement plan of action, we can make any new goal a joyful habit.

  • 12% sparen
    von Jen Sincero
    22,00 €

    Badass Habits: Cultivate The Awareness, Boundaries, and Daily Upgrades You Need toMake Them Stick. Ljubov' k lukovym kol'cam i zharenomu mjasu ne pomeshala Dzhen Sinsero napisat' odnu iz samyh genial'nyh knig pro privychki. Mozhno dolgo pytat'sja, no tak i ne nauchit'sja vstavat' v pjat' utra, delat' zarjadku i ispol'zovat' zubnuju nit'. Odnako fenomenal'nyj talant avtora jetoj knigi zapuskaet moshhnyj transformacionnyj process: vy sami ne zamechaete, kak nachinajut menjat'sja vashi ezhednevnye dejstvija i mysli. Jeta kniga - 21-dnevnyj marafon po zamene plohih privychek horoshimi. On rabotaet po principu snezhnogo koma: kazhdyj den' vy vvodite novoe dlja sebja uprazhnenie i prodolzhaete vypolnjat' ego do konca otvedennogo sroka. V rezul'tate ne tol'ko perestraivaete svoju zhizn', no i poluchaete beshenyj zarjad jenergii. A eshhe prekrashhaete rugat' sebja za malen'kie slabosti.

  • 12% sparen
    von Jen Sincero
    22,00 €

    You Are a Badass Every Day: How to Keep Your Motivation Strong, Your Vibe High, and Your Quest for Transformation Unstoppable. Jeta kniga - vash lichnyj trener. Kazhdyj den' ona budet podnimat' boevoj duh i zarjazhat' na uspeh. Ee avtor, znamenitaja Dzhen Sinsero, prizyvaet ne sbavljat' oboroty na puti k uspehu i ezhednevno nakachivat' "myshcy krutosti" v Duhovnom trenazhernom zale. "Uspeh - jeto sposob sushhestvovanija, postojannoj adaptacii i rosta. Chem bol'she vy delaete dlja svoego uspeha, tem legche stanovitsja put'", - razdaetsja boevoj klich Sinsero. "NE TUPI" - jeto kniga-trening s uprazhnenijami i tehnikami dlja ezhednevnoj raboty nad soboj. S ego pomoshh'ju vy povysite uroven' jenergii i sohranite osoznannost' i motivaciju dazhe v samye trudnye vremena.

  • 12% sparen
    von Jen Sincero
    22,00 €

    You Are a Badass at Making Money. "Esli dazhe takaja nishhebrodskaja tushka, kak ja sumela popravit' svoe finansovoe polozhenie, smozhet kto ugodno!" - zajavljaet Dzhen Sinsero. I ej slozhno ne verit'. Do soroka s lishnem let ona zhila v peredelannom garazhe, odevalas' v sekond-hjende i ne mogla sebe pozvolit' vylechit' zuby. Sejchas Dzhen puteshestvuet po vsemu miru, ostanavlivajas' tol'ko v pjatizvezdochnyh oteljah. Ee kniga - jeto kvintjessencija metodik i strategij po perenastrojke finansovogo myshlenija. Ona ne tol'ko snimaet psihologicheskie bloki na puti k dostojnomu dohodu, no i otveshivaet jenergeticheskij pinok, kotoryj pridaet sil dlja dostizhenija samyh smelyh celej. Vtoraja kniga ot avtora iskrometnogo «NI SY. Bud' uveren v svoih silah i ne pozvoljaj somnenijam meshat' tebe dvigat'sja vpered» (v originale You are badass). Na zapade ona uzhe 80 nedel' derzhitsja v top-15 samyh prodavaemyh knig Ameriki. Russkojazychnaja versija, soglasno rejtingu «Chitaj-goroda», vhodit v top-3 knig po samorazvitiju. «NE NOJ» - nichut' ne ustupaet pervoj knige Dzhen Sinsero. V nej avtor provodit dlja chitatelej mental'nyj master-klass po uluchsheniju finansovogo polozhenija. Ona pomogaet vyjavit' skrytye ubezhdenija i strahi, kotorye meshajut uvelichit' svoj dohod, i predlagaet seriju neslozhnyh uprazhnenij. No dazhe esli vy uspeli reshit' denezhnye problemy, jetu knigu tem ne menee stoit prochitat'. Kak vse napisannoe Dzhen Sinsero, ona zastavljaet smejat'sja do slez, vyzyvaet priliv vdohnovenija i pridaet sil dlja global'nyh izmenenij v svoej zhizni.

  • von Jen Sincero
    19,00 €

    Was denken wir über Geld? Macht es uns glücklich? Oder sind wir ständig pleite? Erfrischend offen und unterhaltsam zeigt Jen Sincero Schritt für Schritt, wie wir unsere Einstellung gegenüber Geld positiv verändern und die Stolpersteine überwinden können, die bisher den finanziellen Erfolg verhindert haben.Dabei verrät sie auch anhand ihrer eigenen Geschichte, wie man es schafft, Schluss zu machen mit der Dauerpleite - und zwar nachhaltig: Heute reist Sincero um die Welt und wohnt in Luxushotels. >

  • 20% sparen
    von Jen Sincero
    13,98 €

    New York Times bestselling author Jen Sincero gets to the core of transformation: habits--breaking, making, understanding, and sticking with them like you've never stuck before.

  • - How to Keep Your Motivation Strong, Your Vibe High, and Your Quest for Transformation Unstoppable
    von Jen Sincero
    29,00 €

    From the #1 New York Times bestselling author, a book of mantras and meditations to fuel your badassery every dayFor anyone who has ever had trouble staying on track while trailblazing towards badassery, You Are a Badass Every Day is the companion to keep you fresh, grateful, scrappy, and driven. In this inspirational guide, bestselling author and world-travelling success coach Jen Sincero distills the big ideas behind her iconic books You Are a Badass and You Are a Badass at Making Money into bite-sized, daily exercises and reflections you need to stay sharp. Giving you permission to let go of missteps, the tools to keep yourself accountable, and the space and acceptance to celebrate like mad when you are kicking butt, You Are a Badass Every Day is organized to help you manuever through the challenges and maximize the advantages of our seasonal rhythms to power you past beliefs and behaviors that hold you back from greatness.

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