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Bücher von Jerome Martin

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  • von Jerome Martin
    13,00 €

    Did you know that mammoths and pharaohs walked the earth at the same time? Or that over 30 types of gladiators fought in ancient Rome? This fascinating book is filled with 100 historical facts, bright, infographic-style illustrations, a glossary and index. There are also links to specially selected websites with video clips and more information.

  • von Jerome Martin
    15,00 €

    How could plastic-eating bacteria help reduce waste? Can a river be given human rights? How do woolly sweaters help penguins in peril? Find the answers to these questions and more in this bold, graphic and exciting book, full of big, small and unexpected ways to save the planet.

  • von Jerome Martin
    13,00 €

    Did you know that rain sometimes falls red? Or that the equivalent of one truckload of plastic is dumped in our oceans every minute? This visually stunning book is filled with 100 fascinating facts, bright, infographic illustrations, information on ways we can help our planet and links to specially selected websites to find out more.

  • von Jerome Martin
    13,00 €

    How do blind athletes tell between silver and gold medals? How did a Finnish architect accidentally invent skateboarding? Why do footballers wear logos on their kit? From equipment and engineering to amazing sporting achievements, find 100 quirky and surprising sport-themed facts in this book. Perfect for sharing with family and friends.Ideal for fact loving readers aged 8+.Each book in this best-selling, award-winning series presents 100 bite-sized topics, with bold, graphic illustrations and clear text. Perfect for dipping in and out of, and for sharing with family and friends.Discover all the titles in the 100 Things to Know series:1. 100 Things to Know About Science2. 100 Things to Know About Saving the Planet3. 100 Things to Know About Music4. 100 Things to Know About Numbers, Computers & Coding5. 100 Things to Know About Food6. 100 Things to Know About the Human Body7. 100 Things to Know About Space8. 100 Things to Know About the Oceans9. 100 Things to Know About Planet Earth10. 100 things to Know About History11. 100 things to Know about the Unknown12. 100 things to Know about Sport

  • von Jerome Martin
    24,50 €

  • von Jerome Martin
    13,00 €

    Dieses Buch versammelt 100 faszinierende, spannende und kuriose Fakten rund um das Thema Musik - altersgerecht erklärt und anschaulich illustriert. Auf welchem Instrument spielten Menschen in der Steinzeit? Kann ein Schwarzes Loch singen? Und hilft Musik Pflanzen beim Wachsen? Mit Worterklärungen und Stichwortverzeichnis.

  • von Jerome Martin
    12,95 €

    100 erstaunliche Fakten über unseren Planeten werden in diesem Buch leicht verständlich erklärt. Mit vielen anschaulichen Illustrationen und spannenden Informationen rund um die Erde sowie einem umfangreichen Stichwortverzeichnis.

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