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Bücher von Jim Schnell

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  • von Jim Schnell
    60,90 €

    Die Anwendung von Fallstudien im theologischen Rahmen bietet die Möglichkeit, theologische Phänomene in einem natürlichen Umfeld besser zu verstehen. Solche theologischen Phänomene können sich auf einzigartige Weise manifestieren, wenn sie in angewandten Umgebungen beobachtet werden. Dieses Buch bietet eine Sammlung solcher Fallstudien, die die Relevanz theologischer Variablen veranschaulichen. Einige dieser Fallstudien sind recht explizit, während andere eher abstrakt sind. Zusammengenommen veranschaulichen sie, wie solche Fallstudien für das jeweilige Umfeld von Bedeutung sind und das Wissen über die mit der Theologie verbundenen Auswirkungen erweitern. Es handelt sich um eine sich entwickelnde Relevanz, die mit der organisatorischen, gruppenbezogenen und zwischenmenschlichen Ebene in Verbindung steht.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    50,00 €

    Las aplicaciones de estudios de casos dentro de marcos teológicos ofrecen la oportunidad de comprender mejor los fenómenos teológicos en entornos naturales. Dichos fenómenos teológicos pueden manifestarse de formas únicas cuando se observan en entornos aplicados. Este libro ofrece una colección de estudios de casos que ilustran la relevancia de las variables teológicas. Algunos de ellos son bastante explícitos, mientras que otros son más abstractos. En conjunto, ejemplifican la importancia de estos estudios para los entornos en cuestión y para aumentar el conjunto de conocimientos que tenemos sobre las ramificaciones asociadas a la teología. Se trata de una pertinencia en evolución que se asocia a los niveles organizativo, grupal e interpersonal.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    50,00 €

    As aplicações de estudos de caso no âmbito de quadros teológicos oferecem a oportunidade de compreender melhor os fenómenos teológicos em contextos naturais. Tais fenómenos teológicos podem manifestar-se de formas únicas quando observados em ambientes aplicados. Este livro oferece uma coleção de tais estudos de caso que ilustram a relevância das variáveis teológicas. Alguns destes estudos de caso são bastante explícitos, enquanto outros são mais abstractos. Em conjunto, exemplificam como esses estudos de caso têm relevância para os ambientes envolvidos e para aumentar o corpo de conhecimento que temos sobre as ramificações associadas à teologia. Trata-se de uma relevância em evolução que está associada aos níveis organizacional, grupal e interpessoal.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    50,00 €

    Les applications d'études de cas dans des cadres théologiques permettent de mieux comprendre les phénomènes théologiques dans des contextes naturels. Ces phénomènes théologiques peuvent se manifester de manière unique lorsqu'ils sont observés dans des environnements appliqués. Ce livre propose une collection d'études de cas qui illustrent la pertinence des variables théologiques. Certaines de ces études de cas sont assez explicites, tandis que d'autres sont plus abstraites. Prises ensemble, elles illustrent la pertinence de ces études de cas pour les environnements concernés et pour l'augmentation du corpus de connaissances que nous avons sur les ramifications associées à la théologie. Il s'agit d'une pertinence évolutive qui est associée aux niveaux de l'organisation, du groupe et des relations interpersonnelles.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    50,00 €

    Le applicazioni di casi di studio in ambito teologico offrono l'opportunità di comprendere meglio i fenomeni teologici in contesti naturali. Tali fenomeni teologici possono manifestarsi in modi unici quando vengono osservati in ambienti applicati. Questo libro offre una raccolta di casi di studio che illustrano la rilevanza delle variabili teologiche. Alcuni di questi casi di studio sono abbastanza espliciti, mentre altri sono più astratti. Nel loro insieme esemplificano come questi casi di studio siano rilevanti per gli ambienti coinvolti e per aumentare il corpo di conoscenze che abbiamo sulle ramificazioni associate alla teologia. Si tratta di una rilevanza in evoluzione che si associa ai livelli organizzativo, di gruppo e interpersonale.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    50,00 €

    Case study applications within theological frameworks offer opportunity to better understand theological phenomena in natural settings. Such theological phenomena can manifest themselves in unique ways when observed in applied environments. This book offers a collection of such case studies that illustrate the relevance of theological variables. Some of these case studies are fairly explicit while others are more abstract. Taken together they exemplify how such case studies have relevance for the environments involved and in augmenting the body of knowledge we have about the ramifications associated with theology. It is an evolving relevance that has association with the organizational, group and interpersonal levels.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    50,00 €

    Las nociones de espiritualidad en contraste con la religión en la sociedad estadounidense están ganando relevancia. Por lo general, adquieren mayor relevancia cuando pueden reconocerse en entornos aplicados. Este libro ofrece una colección de aplicaciones que ilustran la relevancia de las perspectivas espirituales en entornos aplicados. Algunas de estas aplicaciones son bastante explícitas, mientras que otras son más abstractas. En conjunto, ejemplifican la relevancia de estas aplicaciones para los entornos implicados y para aumentar el conjunto de conocimientos que tenemos sobre las ramificaciones asociadas a la espiritualidad. Se trata de una relevancia en evolución que se asocia a los niveles organizativo, grupal e interpersonal.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    50,00 €

    Notions of spirituality in contrast with religion in American society are gaining relevance. They generally grow in significance when they can be recognized in applied environments. This book offers a collection of applications that illustrate the relevance of spiritual perspectives in applied environments. Some of these applications are fairly explicit while others are more abstract. Taken together they exemplify how such applications have relevance for the environments involved and in augmenting the body of knowledge we have about the ramifications associated with spirituality. It is an evolving relevance that has association with organizational, group and interpersonal levels.

  • von Jim Schnell
    60,90 €

    Vorstellungen von Spiritualität im Gegensatz zu Religion gewinnen in der amerikanischen Gesellschaft an Bedeutung. Sie gewinnen in der Regel dann an Bedeutung, wenn sie sich in angewandten Umgebungen wiederfinden lassen. Dieses Buch bietet eine Sammlung von Anwendungen, die die Relevanz spiritueller Perspektiven in angewandten Umgebungen illustrieren. Einige dieser Anwendungen sind recht explizit, während andere eher abstrakt sind. Zusammengenommen veranschaulichen sie, wie solche Anwendungen für die betreffenden Umgebungen und für die Erweiterung des Wissens über die mit der Spiritualität verbundenen Auswirkungen von Bedeutung sind. Es handelt sich um eine sich entwickelnde Relevanz, die mit organisatorischen, gruppenspezifischen und zwischenmenschlichen Ebenen verbunden ist.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    50,00 €

    As noções de espiritualidade em contraste com a religião na sociedade americana estão a ganhar relevância. Geralmente crescem em importância quando podem ser reconhecidas em ambientes aplicados. Este livro oferece uma coleção de aplicações que ilustram a relevância das perspectivas espirituais em ambientes aplicados. Algumas destas aplicações são bastante explícitas, enquanto outras são mais abstractas. No seu conjunto, exemplificam como essas aplicações são relevantes para os ambientes envolvidos e para aumentar o corpo de conhecimentos que temos sobre as ramificações associadas à espiritualidade. Trata-se de uma relevância em evolução que está associada aos níveis organizacional, grupal e interpessoal.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    50,00 €

    Les notions de spiritualité, par opposition à la religion, gagnent en importance dans la société américaine. Elles gagnent généralement en importance lorsqu'elles peuvent être reconnues dans des environnements appliqués. Ce livre propose une collection d'applications qui illustrent la pertinence des perspectives spirituelles dans les environnements appliqués. Certaines de ces applications sont relativement explicites, tandis que d'autres sont plus abstraites. Prises ensemble, elles illustrent la pertinence de ces applications pour les environnements concernés et pour l'augmentation du corpus de connaissances que nous avons sur les ramifications associées à la spiritualité. Il s'agit d'une pertinence évolutive qui est associée aux niveaux organisationnel, collectif et interpersonnel.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    50,00 €

    Le nozioni di spiritualità in contrasto con la religione nella società americana stanno acquistando importanza. In genere acquistano importanza quando possono essere riconosciute in ambienti applicati. Questo libro offre una raccolta di applicazioni che illustrano la rilevanza delle prospettive spirituali negli ambienti applicati. Alcune di queste applicazioni sono abbastanza esplicite, mentre altre sono più astratte. Nel loro insieme esemplificano come tali applicazioni siano rilevanti per gli ambienti coinvolti e per aumentare il corpo di conoscenze che abbiamo sulle ramificazioni associate alla spiritualità. Si tratta di una rilevanza in evoluzione che si associa ai livelli organizzativo, di gruppo e interpersonale.

  • 12% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    22,00 €

    This book details the progression of Lyman F. (Fred) Schnell from rural farm boy to student at Ohio State University to decorated naval aviator to innovator/pilot in the beginnings of corporate aviation. This includes focus on U.S. Navy Lieutenant Schnell during service in the South Pacific & China during World War II and corporate pilot Schnell during his 30 years as Chief Pilot for Abbott Laboratories & subsidiaries. This back cover photo features his war time era service (upper left) and early years as a corporate pilot flying a Beechcraft Bonanza--Fred stands on the wing by the door and Dick Ross (Abbott Laboratories Board of Directors) stands foreground.

  • 17% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    61,00 €

    NOTES TO BRIAN: ON COMING OF AGE IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM offers a sociological interpretation of the evolution of an American boy between 1999-2017. It highlights his progression from birth, through early childhood & adolescence, and into adulthood. It celebrates the meaning of life's daily routines by providing context for what they represent within the larger panorama of living. The reader can follow Brian's development with the understanding that Brian's story captures a point in time within American culture. That point in time reflects the blessings, challenges, celebrations, heartaches, anger, & frustrations inherit in the loving relationship between father and son. It unblinkingly addresses the wide range of emotions associated with family relations, socioeconomic class, peer influences, spirituality, maturation, social indoctrination, divorce, materialism and what it means to be human. It offers lessons from the past, insights about the present and hope for the future.

  • 16% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    42,00 €

    This report provides cultural framing for the 20th century Schnell family of Gahanna (Columbus), Ohio in the United States. A historical context is detailed whereby elements and dynamics associated with family life are conveyed. A wide range of variables, associated with family life of that period, are listed and illustrated. The reader can see how a period in time is captured and, from this depiction, gain an understanding for how the evolving American culture offers a myriad of sociological factors for consideration having to do with various social institutions. Such social institutions include, but are not limited to, the family, church, education, community, politics, death, marriage, gender roles, sexuality and, ultimately, what it means to be human. During the period of analysis, the community of Gahanna, Ohio evolves from isolated small town to thriving suburb of Columbus. This evolution played out in similar fashion, with other small towns, across the United States during the 20th century. The life of the author is used as illustration for representative reporting.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    59,00 €

    This book addresses the operationalization of culture in U.S. military intelligence. It draws from the expertise developed by Dr. Jim Schnell¿s 35 years in the military intelligence community, most notably serving as a HUMINT officer in the U.S. Defense Attache System (retiring at the rank of Colonel) and as the Lead Social Scientist, U.S. Army Culture & Foreign Language Office (as a civilian). This practitioner experience is enhanced via his theoretical background in civilian higher education. Schnell¿s Ph.D. (Ohio University, 1982) in human communication processes and relevant scholarly publications, focusing on cross-cultural relations, provide ample context for analyzing U.S. military intelligence operations. His work as a Fulbright Scholar and multiple fellowships at the East-West Center (Honolulu) has served to cultivate insights relevant for the civilian academic community and military intelligence professionals. He has held teaching posts at Beijing Jiaotong University, Ohio State University, Royal University of Phnom Penh, University of Cincinnati and Ohio Dominican University.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    63,00 €

    This book addresses U.S. Army cultural foundations that will impact future military intelligence planning. It draws from the expertise developed by Dr. Jim Schnell¿s 35 years in the military intelligence community, most notably serving as a HUMINT officer in China under the auspices of his Assistant Air Attache assignment in Beijing. This practitioner experience is enhanced via his theoretical background in civilian higher education. Schnell¿s Ph.D. (Ohio University, 1982) in human communication processes and relevant scholarly publications, focusing on China and cross-cultural relations, provide ample context for analyzing future intelligence operations. His work as a Fulbright Scholar and multiple fellowships at the East-West Center (Honolulu) has served to cultivate insights relevant for the civilian academic community and military intelligence professionals. Schnell's 20-plus trips to China have helped keep his perspective current. He has held teaching posts at Beijing Jiaotong University, Ohio State University, Royal University of Phnom Penh, University of Cincinnati and Ohio Dominican University.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    50,00 €

    As empresas americanas perdem anualmente milhares de milhões de dólares de inovação tecnológica para a China. Em média, o FBI abre uma nova investigação de contra-informação relacionada com a China a cada 12 horas. Há mais de 2.000 investigações deste tipo em curso. Um desses casos centrou-se em Yanjun Xu, um alegado oficial do aparelho de inteligência do MSS chinês (Ministério da Segurança do Estado). Foi acusado de procurar roubar a tecnologia de motores a jacto General Electric/Aviation. Uma característica única do seu caso é que alegadamente o fez sem nunca pôr os pés nos Estados Unidos. Durante a investigação, o FBI atraiu Xu para a Bélgica em 2018 e foi extraditado para os EUA. Em Outubro de 2021, foi condenado por duas acusações de conspiração e tentativa de espionagem económica. Xu foi também condenado por conspiração para cometer roubo de segredos comerciais e duas acusações de tentativa de roubo de segredos comerciais. Foi defendido pelo escritório de advogados Taft em Cincinnati, Ohio. Jim Schnell foi contratado pelo escritório de advogados Taft para servir como consultor de litígios no caso e isto dá-lhe a oportunidade de partilhar variáveis culturais relevantes associadas ao caso sem revelação de informações confidenciais.

  • von Jim Schnell
    60,90 €

    Amerikanische Unternehmen verlieren jedes Jahr technologische Innovationen im Wert von Milliarden von Dollar an China. Im Durchschnitt leitet das FBI alle 12 Stunden eine neue Untersuchung zur Spionageabwehr in China ein. Derzeit laufen über 2.000 solcher Ermittlungen. In einem dieser Fälle ging es um Yanjun Xu, einen mutmaßlichen Offizier des chinesischen Geheimdienstapparats MSS (Ministerium für Staatssicherheit). Ihm wurde vorgeworfen, versucht zu haben, Triebwerkstechnologie von General Electric/Aviation zu stehlen. Das Besondere an seinem Fall ist, dass er dies angeblich tat, ohne jemals einen Fuß in die Vereinigten Staaten gesetzt zu haben. Während der Ermittlungen lockte das FBI Xu 2018 nach Belgien, wo er an die USA ausgeliefert wurde. Im Oktober 2021 wurde er in zwei Fällen wegen Verschwörung und versuchter Wirtschaftsspionage verurteilt. Xu wurde außerdem wegen Verschwörung zum Diebstahl von Geschäftsgeheimnissen und in zwei Fällen wegen versuchten Diebstahls von Geschäftsgeheimnissen verurteilt. Er wurde von der Anwaltskanzlei Taft in Cincinnati, Ohio, verteidigt. Jim Schnell wurde von der Anwaltskanzlei Taft angeheuert, um in diesem Fall als Prozessberater zu fungieren, was ihm die Möglichkeit gibt, über relevante kulturelle Variablen im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall zu berichten, ohne vertrauliche Informationen preiszugeben.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    50,00 €

    Las empresas estadounidenses pierden cada año miles de millones de dólares en innovación tecnológica a manos de China. De media, el FBI abre una nueva investigación de contrainteligencia relacionada con China cada 12 horas. Hay más de 2.000 investigaciones de este tipo en curso. Uno de estos casos se centró en Yanjun Xu, un presunto funcionario del aparato de inteligencia del Ministerio de Seguridad del Estado chino. Se le acusó de intentar robar tecnología de motores de reacción de General Electric/Aviation. Una característica única de su caso es que supuestamente lo hizo sin poner nunca un pie en Estados Unidos. Durante la investigación, el FBI atrajo a Xu a Bélgica en 2018 y fue extraditado a EE.UU. En octubre de 2021 fue condenado por dos cargos de conspiración e intento de espionaje económico. Xu también fue condenado por conspiración para cometer robo de secretos comerciales y dos cargos de intento de robo de secretos comerciales. Fue defendido por el bufete de abogados Taft de Cincinnati, Ohio. Jim Schnell fue contratado por el bufete de abogados Taft para actuar como consultor de litigios en el caso, lo que le permite compartir variables culturales relevantes asociadas al caso sin revelar información confidencial.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    50,00 €

    Le aziende statunitensi perdono ogni anno miliardi di dollari di innovazione tecnologica a favore della Cina. In media, l'FBI apre una nuova indagine di controspionaggio sulla Cina ogni 12 ore. Sono oltre 2.000 le indagini in corso. Uno di questi casi riguarda Yanjun Xu, un presunto funzionario dell'apparato di intelligence cinese MSS (Ministero della Sicurezza di Stato). È stato accusato di aver cercato di rubare la tecnologia dei motori a reazione della General Electric/Aviation. Una caratteristica unica del suo caso è che l'avrebbe fatto senza mai mettere piede negli Stati Uniti. Nel corso delle indagini, l'FBI ha attirato Xu in Belgio nel 2018 ed è stato estradato negli Stati Uniti. Nell'ottobre 2021 è stato condannato per due capi d'accusa di cospirazione e tentativo di spionaggio economico. Xu è stato inoltre condannato per associazione a delinquere finalizzata al furto di segreti commerciali e per due capi d'accusa di tentato furto di segreti commerciali. È stato difeso dallo Studio legale Taft di Cincinnati, Ohio. Jim Schnell è stato assunto dallo Studio legale Taft come consulente per il contenzioso, il che gli consente di condividere le variabili culturali rilevanti associate al caso senza rivelare informazioni riservate.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    50,00 €

    Les entreprises américaines perdent chaque année des milliards de dollars d'innovations technologiques au profit de la Chine. En moyenne, le FBI ouvre une nouvelle enquête de contre-espionnage liée à la Chine toutes les 12 heures. Il y a plus de 2 000 enquêtes de ce type en cours. L'une d'entre elles portait sur Yanjun Xu, un agent présumé de l'appareil de renseignement du MSS (ministère de la Sécurité d'État) chinois. Il était accusé d'avoir cherché à voler la technologie des moteurs à réaction de General Electric/Aviation. L'une des particularités de cette affaire est qu'il aurait agi sans jamais mettre les pieds aux États-Unis. Au cours de l'enquête, le FBI a attiré Xu en Belgique en 2018 et il a été extradé vers les États-Unis. En octobre 2021, il a été reconnu coupable de deux chefs d'accusation pour conspiration et tentative d'espionnage économique. Xu a également été reconnu coupable de conspiration pour commettre un vol de secrets commerciaux et de deux chefs d'accusation de tentative de vol de secrets commerciaux. Il a été défendu par le Taft Law Firm à Cincinnati, Ohio. Jim Schnell a été engagé par le Taft Law Firm pour servir de consultant en litige dans cette affaire, ce qui lui donne l'occasion de partager les variables culturelles pertinentes associées à l'affaire sans révéler d'informations confidentielles.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    50,00 €

    U.S. corporations lose billions of dollars worth of technological innovation each year to China. On average, the FBI opens a new China related counterintelligence investigation every 12 hours. There are over 2,000 such investigations underway. One such case focused on Yanjun Xu, an alleged officer in the Chinese MSS (Ministry of State Security) intelligence apparatus. He was accused of seeking to steal General Electric/Aviation jet engine technology. A unique feature of his case is that it he allegedly did so without ever setting foot in the United States. During the investigation the FBI lured Xu to Belgium in 2018 and he was extradited to the U.S. In October, 2021 he was convicted of two counts of conspiring and attempting to commit economic espionage. Xu was also convicted of conspiracy to commit trade secret theft and two counts of attempted theft of trade secrets. He was defended by the Taft Law Firm in Cincinnati, Ohio. Jim Schnell was hired by the Taft Law Firm to serve as a litigation consultant in the case and this affords him the opportunity to share relevant cultural variables associated with the case without revelation of confidential information.

  • 18% sparen
    von Jim Schnell
    51,00 €

    This book addresses interpersonal communication skills within HUMINT (Human Source Collection Intelligence). It draws from the expertise developed by Dr. Jim Schnell¿s 35 years in the military intelligence community, most notably serving as a HUMINT officer in China under the auspices of his Assistant Air Attache assignment in Beijing. This practitioner experience is enhanced via his theoretical background in civilian higher education. Schnell¿s Ph.D. (Ohio University, 1982) in human communication processes and relevant scholarly publications, focusing on cross-cultural communication, provide ample context for analyzing HUMINT operations. His work as a Fulbright Scholar and multiple fellowships at the East-West Center (Honolulu) have served to cultivate insights relevant for the civilian academic community and military intelligence professionals. He has held teaching posts at Ohio State University, Royal University of Phnom Penh, University of Cincinnati, Joint Special Operations University, Miami University, Beijing Jiaotong University and Ohio Dominican University.

  • 18% sparen
    von Betsy Schnell Comtess & Jim Schnell
    51,00 €

  • 18% sparen
  • 16% sparen

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