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Bücher von Joe McCormick

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  • von Joe McCormick
    22,00 €

  • von Joe McCormick
    24,00 €

    A book of humorous short stories about the life of the author from childhood to present, and other stories of interest to the author that he hopes will interest the reader as well.

  • von Joe McCormick
    22,00 €

    The crime boss had a chilling look in his eye as he spoke. "There had better not be any slipups this time, he said. Make sure it's a clean job, not a vestige of evidence left. I don't care if you use quicklime or a wood chipper...leave nothing that can be traced back to us!" With these orders a manhunt was set in motion that led from the bayous of the Gulf Coast to the river bottoms of West Tennessee. With no clue of why they are being hunted by the Southern Mafia, software developer James Lyman and his wife Jane survive by using their knowledge of wilderness terrain to hold off their pursuers until answers can be found. This is a story of ordinary people finding extraordinary faith and strength in a time of crisis to overcome seemingly insurmountable difficulties.

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