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Bücher von John Bowker

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  • von John Bowker
    24,95 €

    Die ganze Vielfalt des Glaubens Welche Tradition befolgen orthodoxe Juden und was ist ein Mudschaheddin? Seit Jahrtausenden prägen Religionen, Glaube und Spiritualität das Leben von Menschen überall auf der Welt. Ob Christentum, Hinduismus oder Islam - dieses illustrierte Nachschlagewerk erzählt anhand der heiligen Texte, religiösen Artefakte und wichtigsten Glaubensvorstellungen die faszinierende Geschichte der großen Weltreligionen und stellt auch weniger bekannte Glaubensrichtungen wie etwa alternative Naturreligionen der Neuzeit vor. Einzigartige Einführung in die wichtigsten Religionen der Welt - Umfassender Überblick: Vom Christentum, Judentum und Islam über fernöstliche Religionen bis hin zu den Riten der Naturvölker - Lebendige, leicht lesbare Texte geben Einblick in die Geschichte und Grundzüge der Weltreligionen und erklären die wichtigsten Schriften, Traditionen und Rituale. - Über 600 farbige Abbildungen von heiligen Stätten, Kultgegenständen und Gemäldenzeigen anschaulich, wie die einzelnen Religionen seit Jahrtausenden gesellschaftlich und kulturell verankert sind. Alles, was Sie über die Weltreligionen wissen müssen! Wie heißt die Muttergöttin im Hinduismus? Und was sind die 5 Säulen des Islam? Zahlreiche Details warten in diesem reich bebilderten Buch darauf, entdeckt zu werden. Tauchen Sie ein in die Geschichten, Lehren und Praktiken von Religionen weltweit und lernen Sie die wichtigsten Vertreter*innen der einzelnen Glaubensrichtungen kennen. So lassen sich Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen den einzelnen Religionen erkennen und Unterschiede besser verstehen. Religionen der Welt auf einen Blick- ergründen Sie in diesem umfassenden und reich bebilderten Nachschlagewerk die Vielfalt weltweiter Glaubensrichtungen.

  • von John Bowker
    45,00 - 114,00 €

    What are religions? Why is it important to understand them? One answer is that religions and religious believers are extremely bad news: they are deeply involved in conflicts around the globe; they harm people of whom they disapprove; and they often seem irrational. Another answer claims that they are in fact extremely good news: religious beliefs and practices are universal and so fundamental in human nature that they have led us to great discoveries in our explorations of the cosmos and of who we are. The sciences began as part of that religious exploration. John Bowker demonstrates that there is truth in both answers and that we need both to understand what religion is and why it matters. He draws on many disciplines - from physics, genetics and the neurosciences to art, anthropology and the history of religions - to show how they shed entirely new light on religion in the modern world.

  • von John Bowker
    59,00 €

    A study of the Pharisees, in particular as they appear in the New Testament and in relation to Jesus. The main part of the book brings together the most important Greek and Semitic source material in translation. This facilitates reference, and it makes possible group and seminar discussion of documents which have hitherto been difficult to study in English. As in his book The Targums and Rabbinic Literature Mr Bowker makes available and accessible to students material which tends to be removed from them by language and technicality. In his introduction he explains the many problems and uncertainties which surround this apparently well-known but actually little-understood group. He shows that they were far from constituting a static, uniform sect, and that they had an important history of their own. He finally suggests an approach to understanding Jesus' relations with them, which in turn suggests an understanding of Jesus' conception of his own relation to God, and also of his 'trial'.

  • - An Introduction to Jewish Interpretations of Scripture
    von John Bowker
    60,00 €

    Bearing in mind that Jewish and rabbinic material is being increasingly applied to problems of Christian origins, he provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject (referring to the texts and translations most readily available) with emphasis on recent work and discoveries.

  • von John Bowker
    39,00 €

    In The Meanings of Death, John Bowker offers a major contribution to debates about the value of death and its place in both Western and Eastern religions.

  • von John Bowker
    65,00 €

    A comparative general study of the problems of suffering as treated by Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Marxism, Hinduism and Buddhism.

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