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Bücher von John Brockman

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  • von John Brockman
    24,00 €

    Drawn from the cutting-edge frontiers of science, This Explains Everything will revolutionize your understanding of the world.What is your favorite deep, elegant, or beautiful explanation? This is the question John Brockman, publisher of ("The world's smartest website"—The Guardian), posed to the world's most influential minds. Flowing from the horizons of physics, economics, psychology, neuroscience, and more, This Explains Everything presents 150 of the most surprising and brilliant theories of the way of our minds, societies, and universe work.Jared Diamond on biological electricity • Nassim Nicholas Taleb on positive stress • Steven Pinker on the deep genetic roots of human conflict • Richard Dawkins on pattern recognition • Nobel Prize-winning physicist Frank Wilczek on simplicity • Lisa Randall on the Higgs mechanism • BRIAN Eno on the limits of intuition • Richard Thaler on the power of commitment • V. S. Ramachandran on the "neural code" of consciousness • Nobel Prize winner ERIC KANDEL on the power of psychotherapy • Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on "Lord Acton's Dictum" • Lawrence M. Krauss on the unification of electricity and magnetism • plus contributions by Martin J. Rees • Kevin Kelly • Clay Shirky • Daniel C. Dennett • Sherry Turkle • Philip Zimbardo • Lee Smolin • Rebecca Newberger Goldstein • Seth Lloyd • Stewart Brand • George Dyson • Matt Ridley

  • von John Brockman
    24,00 €

    Evolutionary science lies at the heart of a modern understanding of the natural world. Darwin's theory has withstood 150 years of scientific scrutiny, and today it not only explains the origin and design of living things, but highlights the importance of a scientific understanding in our culture and in our lives.Recently the movement known as "Intelligent Design” has attracted the attention of journalists, educators, and legislators. The scientific community is puzzled and saddened by this trend-not only because it distorts modern biology, but also because it diverts people from the truly fascinating ideas emerging from the real science of evolution. Here, join fifteen of our preeminent thinkers whose clear, accessible, and passionate essays reveal the fact and power of Darwin's theory, and the beauty of the scientific quest to understand our world.

  • von John Brockman
    22,00 €

    What makes a child decide to become a scientist?•For Robert Sapolsky-Stanford professor of biology-it was an argument with a rabbi over a passage in the Bible.•Physicist Lee Smolin traces his inspiration to a volume of Einstein's work, picked up as a diversion from heartbreak.•Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a psychologist and the author of Flow, found his calling through Descartes.Murray Gell-Mann, Nicholas Humphrey, Freeman Dyson . . . 27 scientists in all write about what it was that sent them on the path to their life's work. Illuminating memoir meets superb science writing in stories that invite us to consider what it is-and what it isn't-that sets the scientific mind apart.

  • von John Brockman
    15,00 €

    20 Jahre »The Edge« - Mit Beiträgen u. a. von Steven Pinker, Alison Gopnik, Jared Diamond, Martin J. Rees, Carlo Rovelli, Jonathan Haid, Lisa Randall und Hans Ulrich Obrist. Seit zwei Jahrzehnten versammelt John Brockman jährlich die angesehensten Wissenschaftler und Intellektuellen unserer Zeit in einem Band.Wissenschaftliche Entwicklungen verändern unseren Blick und unser Verständnis von der Welt immer wieder radikal, egal ob es sich dabei um Fortschritte in der Technologie, um medizinische Forschung oder die neuesten Entdeckungen aus den Bereichen Neurowissenschaften, Psychologie, Physik, Wirtschaft, Genetik oder Umweltschutz und Klimawandel handelt. Da es heute schwer ist, aus der Flut aller täglichen Informationen die wichtigsten herauszufiltern, versammelt der bekannte Visionär und Herausgeber John Brockman Stimmen der führenden Wissenschaftler und Intellektuellen unserer Zeit in einem Band, um zu zeigen, was bereits morgen unser Leben bestimmen kann.

  • von John Brockman
    16,99 €

    Der bekannte Visionär und Herausgeber der Internetzeitschrift »Edge« John Brockman fragt die führenden Wissenschaftler, Philosophen und Künstler unserer Zeit, was sie von denkenden Maschinen halten. Stephen Hawking warnt davor, dass die Weiterentwicklung der Künstlichen Intelligenz das Ende der Menschheit bedeute. Andere hingegen feiern das neue Zeitalter der Superintelligenz, da menschliche Kapazitäten mittels intelligenter Maschinen enorm ausgeweitet würden. Sicher ist, dass KI aus dem Bereich der Science-Fiction Einzug in die Realität, ja in unseren Alltag gefunden hat.Mit Beiträgen u.a. von Steven Pinker, Martin Rees, Rolf Dobelli, George Dyson, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Gerd Gigerenzer, Andrian Kreye und Haim Harari.»Eine äußerst anregende Lektüre.« Brain Pickings

  • von John Brockman
    14,00 €

    Brillante Theorien in der Wissenschaft - das sind solche, die tiefe und komplexe Fragen einfach, elegant und überraschend beantworten. Doch welche sind das? John Brockman, Wissenschaftsaktivist, Visionär und Literaturagent hat die führenden Wissenschaftler der Welt gefragt, welche Theorie sie am brillantesten finden. Entstanden ist ein kurzweiliges, unterhaltsames und inspirierendes Panorama aus allen Bereichen der Wissenschaft; mit Beiträgen u.a. von Richard Dawkins, Steven Pinker, Gerd Gigerenzer, Anton Zeilinger, Lisa Randall, Brian Eno, Eric R. Kandel, Ernst Pöppel, Jared Diamond, Douglas Coupland und vielen anderen.»Wichtige, scharfsinnige und ambitionierte Fragen ... von einer atemberaubenden Bandbreite.« New Scientist»Bietet die seltene Chance, große Ideen zu entdecken, bevor sie Mainstream werden«The New York Times

  • - New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking
    von John Brockman
    10,00 € presents brilliant, accessible, cutting-edge ideas to improve our decision-making skills and improve our cognitive toolkits, with contributions by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Richard Dawkins, Brian Eno, Steven Pinker, and more. Featuring a foreword by New York Times columnist David Brooks and edited by John Brockman, This Will Make You Smarter presents some of the best wisdom from today’s leading thinkers—to make better thinkers out of the leaders of tomorrow.

  • - Today's Leading Thinkers on the Unthinkable
    von John Brockman
    23,00 €

    The world's leading scientific thinkers explore bold, remarkable, perilous ideas that could change our lives-for better .

  • - Beyond the Scientific Revolution
    von John Brockman
    32,00 €

    Thirty-five years ago, C. P. Snow, in a now famous essay, wrote about the polarization of the "two cultures" -- literary intellectuals on the one hand, and scientists on the other. Although he hoped for the emergence of a "third culture" that would bridge the gap, it is only recently that science has changed the intellectual landscape. Brockman's thesis that science is emerging as the intellectual center of our society is brought to life vividly in The Third Culture, which weaves together the voices of some of today's most influential scientific figures, including: Stephen Jay Gould and Richard Dawkins on the implications of evolution Steven Pinker, Marvin Minsky, Daniel C. Dennett, and Roger Penrose on how the mind works Murray Gell-Mann and Stuart Kauffman on the new sciences of complexity The Third Culture is an honest picture of science in action. It is at once stimulating, challenging, and riveting.

  • - The Rhetoric of Nineteenth Century Steamboat and Railroad Accident Investigation Reports, 1833-1879
    von John Brockman
    70,00 €

    Using the reports generated by seven different accidents on railroads and steamboats between 1833 and 1876, it is possible to observe the changes in how these reports interacted and changed over the course of the nineteenth century.

  • - The Leading Edge of Evolutionary Biology, Genetics, Anthropology, and Environmental Science
    von John Brockman
    25,00 €

    The newest addition to John Brockman's series explores life itself, bringing together the world's leading biologists, geneticists, and evolutionary theorists-including Richard Dawkins, Edward O.

  • 14% sparen
    - The New Science of Decision-Making, Problem-Solving, and Prediction
    von John Brockman
    16,00 €

    Unlock your mindFrom the bestselling authors of Thinking, Fast and Slow; The Black Swan; and Stumbling on Happiness comes a cutting-edge exploration of the mysteries of rational thought, decision-making, intuition, morality, willpower, problem-solving, prediction, forecasting, unconscious behavior, and beyond. Edited by John Brockman, publisher of ("The world's smartest website"?The Guardian), Thinking presents original ideas by today's leading psychologists, neuroscientists, and philosophers who are radically expanding our understanding of human thought.Daniel Kahneman on the power (and pitfalls) of human intuition and "unconscious" thinking • Daniel Gilbert on desire, prediction, and why getting what we want doesn't always make us happy • Nassim Nicholas Taleb on the limitations of statistics in guiding decision-making • Vilayanur Ramachandran on the scientific underpinnings of human nature • Simon Baron-Cohen on the startling effects of testosterone on the brain • Daniel C. Dennett on decoding the architecture of the "normal" human mind • Sarah-Jayne Blakemore on mental disorders and the crucial developmental phase of adolescence • Jonathan Haidt, Sam Harris, and Roy Baumeister on the science of morality, ethics, and the emerging synthesis of evolutionary and biological thinking • Gerd Gigerenzer on rationality and what informs our choices

  • - Ideas That Will Shape the Future
    von John Brockman
    21,98 €

    "What game-changing scientific ideas and developments do you expect to live to see?"This is the question John Brockman, publisher of, posed to more than 100 of the world's most influential minds. Exhilarating, visionary, sometimes frightening, but always fascinating, their responses provide an eye-opening road map of our near future.

  • - Today's Leading Thinkers on Why Things Are Good and Getting Better
    von John Brockman
    24,00 €

    In an age too often marked by anxiety and pessimism, the worlds leading scientific thinkers offer their hopeful visions for the future.

  • - Today's Leading Thinkers on the Age of Machine Intelligence
    von John Brockman
    24,00 €

    Weighing in from the cutting-edge frontiers of science, today's most forward-thinking minds explore the rise of ?machines that think.?Stephen Hawking recently made headlines by noting, ?The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.? Others, conversely, have trumpeted a new age of ?superintelligence? in which smart devices will exponentially extend human capacities. No longer just a matter of science-fiction fantasy (2001, Blade Runner, The Terminator, Her, etc.), it is time to seriously consider the reality of intelligent technology, many forms of which are already being integrated into our daily lives. In that spirit, John Brockman, publisher of Edge. org (?the world's smartest website? ? The Guardian), asked the world's most influential scientists, philosophers, and artists one of today's most consequential questions: What do you think about machines that think?

  • - Scientific Theories That Are Blocking Progress
    von John Brockman
    26,00 €

    Reporting from the cutting edge of scientific discovery, today's visionary thinkers target the greatest roadblocks to innovation.Few truly new ideas are developed without first abandoning old ones. In the past, discoveries often had to wait for the rise of the next generation to see questions in a new light and let go of old truisms. Today, in a world that is defined by a rapid rate of change, staying on the cutting edge has as much to do with shedding outdated notions as adopting new ones. In this spirit, John Brockman, publisher of the online salon ("the world's smartest website"?The Guardian), asked 175 of the world's most influential scientists, economists, artists, and philosophers: What scientific idea is ready for retirement?Jared Diamond explores the diverse ways that new ideas emerge * Nassim Nicholas Taleb takes down the standard deviation * Richard Thaler and novelist Ian McEwan reveal the usefulness of "bad" ideas * Steven Pinker dismantles the working theory of human behavior * Richard Dawkins renounces essentialism * Sherry Turkle reevaluates our expectations of artificial intelligence * Physicist Andrei Linde suggests that our universe and its laws may not be as unique as we think * Martin Rees explains why scientific understanding is a limitless goal * Alan Guth rethinks the origins of the universe * Sam Harris argues that our definition of science is too narrow * Nobel Prize winner Frank Wilczek disputes the division between mind and matter * Lawrence Krauss challenges the notion that the laws of physics were preordained * plus contributions from Daniel Goleman, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Nicholas Carr, Rebecca Newberger Goldstein, Matt Ridley, Stewart Brand, Sean Carroll, Daniel C. Dennett, Helen Fisher, Douglas Rushkoff, Lee Smolin, Kevin Kelly, Freeman Dyson, and others.

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