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Bücher von John F. MacArthur

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  • - The Exodus from Egypt
    von John F. MacArthur
    20,00 €

    Although the descendants of Jacob moved to Egypt as honored guests, in time they became despised slaves groaning under the mistreatment of Pharaoh. In response to the people's cries, God called a man named Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt into Canaan, but their journey took a dramatic forty-year detour when they failed to trust in God.In this study, pastor John MacArthur will guide you through an in-depth look at the historical period beginning with God's calling of Moses, continuing through the giving of the Ten Commandments, and concluding with the Israelites' preparations to enter the Promised Land.This study includes close-up examinations of Aaron, Caleb, Joshua, Balaam and Balak, as well as careful considerations of doctrinal themes such as "e;Complaints and Rebellion"e; and ';Following God's Law."e;ABOUT THE SERIESThe MacArthur Bible Study series is designed to help you study the Word of God with guidance from widely respected pastor and author John MacArthur. Each guide provides intriguing examinations of the whole of Scripture by examining its parts and incorporates:Extensive, but straight-forward commentary on the text.Detailed observations on overriding themes, timelines, history, and context.Word and phrase studies to help you unlock the broader meaning and apply it to your life.Probing, interactive questions with plenty of space to write down your response and thoughts.

  • - Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception
    von John F. MacArthur
    18,00 €

    This study guide, based on Pastor MacArthur's book, The Truth War, is perfect for both individual study and small group study.

  • von John F. MacArthur
    14,90 €

    Gott in einer Krippe - unmöglich?Die Jungfrauengeburt - nur ein Märchen? Unsere eigentliche Skepsis gilt gar nicht der Jungfrauengeburt oder anderen erstaunlichen Dingen, die in jener Nacht geschehen sind, sondern der Behauptung, dass Gott in einem Kind in diese Welt kam.Warum die Menschwerdung Gottes für uns die wichtigste Botschaft ist, die die Welt jemals gehört hat, und wie sie unser Leben völlig verändern kann, erklärt John MacArthur in diesem Buch.Eine herrliche Weihnachtslektüre für die ganze Familie und ein wertvolles Geschenk für Freunde, Nachbarn, Arbeitskollegen und besonders für die, die noch nicht wissen, warum Jesus in diese Welt kam.InhaltWarum feiern wir Weihnachten? Weihnachten ist eine Zeit wahrer Freude, doch die wahre Freude entsteht da, wo man erkennt, was Weihnachten wirklich ist, und wo man Den kennt, dessen Geburt wir feiern - Jesus Christus.Wir können Ihn nicht kennen, wenn wir nicht erkennen, dass Er Realität ist. Der Bericht von der Geburt Jesu ist keine Legende. Maria und Joseph waren wirkliche Menschen. Ihr Dilemma des Raummangels in der Herberge war für sie eine große Not und so legten sie das Jesuskind in eine Krippe. Diese erste Weihnacht war weit entfernt von dem, was wir uns normalerweise als niedliche Weihnachtsszene ausmalen.Aber Eines macht die Sache umso erstaunlicher: Das Kindlein in der Krippe ist Gott!Hier ist das Herz und Wesen der Weihnachtsgeschichte. Es gab nicht viele Anbeter um diese Krippe herum - nur ein paar Hirten. Eines Tages jedoch werden sich vor Ihm alle Knie beugen und alle Zungen werden bekennen, dass Er Herr ist. Die, die Ihn anzweifeln, die Seine Feinde sind, die Ihn ignorieren - alle werden sie eines Tages ebenso ihre Knie beugen. Wie viel besser ist es doch, Ihm jetzt die Ehre zu geben, in der Ihm gebührenden Anbetung! Das ist es, wozu Weihnachten führen sollte.

  • von John F. MacArthur
    20,00 €

    John MacArthur shares a personal selection of 52 key passages that capture the themes of his teaching ministry and the very heart of the Bible.

  • von John F. MacArthur & Grace Community Church Staff
    34,00 €

  • von John F. MacArthur
    19,00 €

    This all-new update to the MacArthur Bible Study Series continues Dr. John MacArthur's examination of the whole of Scripture, focusing on key chapters and passages of Scripture from the Old Testament.

  • von John F. MacArthur
    24,00 €

    In response to the flood of questions and deep introspection brought about by Mel Gibson's blockbuster movie, "The Passion of the Christ," MacArthur has created a workbook that answers those deep, personal, and sincere questions.

  • - How God Shaped Women of the Bible and What He Wants to Do With You
    von John F. MacArthur
    30,00 €

    Based on the book by best-selling author John MacArthur, this workbook brings you face-to-face with twelve women whom God chose to bring His message of redemption to the world.

  • - An Alternative to Political Activism
    von John F. MacArthur
    23,00 €

    John MacArthur illustrates through Scripture that, regardless of the numerous immoral, unjust, and ungodly failures of secular government, believers are to pray and seek to influence the world for Christ by godly, selfless, and peaceful living under that authority, not by protests against the government or by acts of civil disobedience.

  • - El peligro de ofender al Espiritu Santo con adoracion falsa
    von John F. MacArthur
    25,00 €

    El Dr. John MacArthur ensena sobre el Espiritu Santo y muestra algunas acciones del movimiento carismatico que deshonran a Dios.

  • - Lo que debes aprender de las confrontaciones descaradas de Cristo
    von John F. MacArthur
    21,00 €

    John MacArthur, autor de gran exito de ventas, ofrece a los lectores un vistazo nuevo a la manera en que Jesus enfrento los ataques en contra de la verdad.

  • - How the Master Shaped His Disciples for Greatness, and What He Wants to Do With You
    von John F. MacArthur
    29,00 €

    The Twelve Ordinary Men Workbook brings you face-to-face with the disciples as you've never seen them. You'll put yourself in their shoes. You'll understand their doubts and hopes. And you'll hear the power of Jesus' words in a whole new way.

  • - The High Cost and Infinite Value of Following Jesus
    von John F. MacArthur
    26,00 €

    In this interactive guide, best-selling author John MacArthur helps readers get to the heart of Christian faith and discipleship by revealing the challenging things Jesus had to say about being His true follower.

  • - The High Cost and Infinite Value of Following Jesus
    von John F. MacArthur
    30,00 €

    Bestselling author John MacArthur gets to the heart of Christian faith and discipleship by revealing the challenging things Jesus had to say about being His true follower.

  • - Abrazando las Buenas Nuevas en el corazon de las ensenanzas de Pablo
    von John F. MacArthur
    25,00 €

    De la pluma de John MacArthur, notable expositor y maestro de Biblia, una reveladora exploracion sobre lo que el apostol Pablo pensaba realmente acerca de las Buenas Nuevas de Jesus.

  • - Los misterios del reino de Dios revelados a traves de las historias que Jesus conto
    von John F. MacArthur
    27,00 €

    El expositor maestro y comentarista biblico John MacArthur ha pasado una vida explicando la Palabra de Dios en terminos claros y comprensibles. En este libro el ayuda a los cristianos a entender las lecciones esenciales contenidas en las mas famosos e influyentes historias cortas que el mundo jamas haya conocido.

  • - What to Expect Now That You're a Christian
    von John F. MacArthur
    19,00 €

    In this accessible book, Pastor John MacArthur shows new members of God's family what it means to be a part of the fellowship of believers.

  • von John F. MacArthur
    21,00 €

    MacArthur presents this pivotal moment in the life of Jesus in a way that forces readers to witness this event in all its power. The passion of Christ is examined through the lens of the New Testament with special attention given to Jesus' words on the cross, the miracle that attended the crucifixion, and the significance of Christ's atoning work.

  • - El alto costo e infinito valor de seguir a Jesus
    von John F. MacArthur
    21,00 €

    La creencia popular acerca de Jesucristo es la de un hombre gentil y de buen caracter que camino en esta tierra, ofreciendo a sus seguidores pequenas ensenanzas de sabiduria. Pero a veces fallamos en reconocer que si bien Jesucristo ofrecio un mensaje de perdon, tambien hablo de una manera exigente y desafiante acerca de lo que significa ser un seguidor de Cristo.

  • - Como Dios formo a las mujeres de la Biblia y lo que El quiere hacer con usted
    von John F. MacArthur
    21,00 €

    Escrito con el mismo estilo que uso en el libro Doce hombres comunes y corrientes, cada capitulo incluye un resumen biografico de cada mujer y la leccion espiritual que se extrae de su vida.

  • - An Astonishing Study of the Parable Jesus Told to Unveil God's Grace for You
    von John F. MacArthur
    22,00 €

    John MacArthur explores the parable of the prodigal son, revealing insights into the culture of Jesus' day, the two kinds of sinners, and the depths of God's grace and mercy.

  • - Embracing the Good News at the Heart of Paul's Teachings
    von John F. MacArthur
    29,00 €

  • von John F. MacArthur
    22,00 €

    The Mac Arthur Study Guide Series provides a twelve week, verse-by-verse examination of the books of the New Testament. This revised and updated series continues to be one of the best-selling study guides currently available for individuals or small groups.

  • von John F. MacArthur
    22,00 €

    The MacArthur Study Guide Series continues to be one of the best selling study guide series on the market today. These brand-new releases will join the ranks of the previously released and repackaged study guides, offering readers a complete selection of New Testament Bible studies by best-selling author and theologian John MacArthur.

  • von John F. MacArthur
    23,00 €

    Revised and updated, the MacArthur Study Guide Series continues to be one of the best selling study guide series on the market today. For small group or individual use, intriguing questions and new material take the participant deeper into God's Word.

  • von John F. MacArthur
    22,00 €

    The Mac Arthur Study Guide Series provides a twelve week, verse-by-verse examination of the books of the New Testament. This revised and updated series continues to be one of the best-selling study guides currently available for individuals or small groups.

  • - Christ: Perfect Sacrifice, Perfect Priest
    von John F. MacArthur
    20,00 €

    John MacArthur takes readers through the book of Hebrews, exploring the writer's contrast between the Old and New Covenants and his teachings on how Christ is higher than any Old Testament character, priest, ritual, or sacrifice.

  • von John F. MacArthur
    18,00 €

    Revised and updated, the MacArthur Study Guide Series continues to be one of the best selling study guide series on the market today. For small group or individual use, intriguing questions and new material take the participant deeper into God's Word.

  • von John F. MacArthur
    20,00 €

    The MacArthur Study Guide Series continues to be one of the best selling study guide series on the market today. These brand-new releases will join the ranks of the previously released and repackaged study guides, offering readers a complete selection of New Testament Bible studies by best-selling author and theologian John MacArthur.

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