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Bücher von John Haughton

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  • von John Haughton
    32,00 €

    This is a short story about three of this writer's heroes, Steve Biko, Ken Saro-Wiwa and Chris Anyanwu. The three were natives of Africa, Biko from South Africa, Saro-Wiwa and Chris Anyanwu from Nigeria. Sadly, the men, Biko and Saro-Wiwa were tortured and murdered by the authorities in their countries, because they tried to bring about change, campaigned for human rights for their people, using what this writer regards as legitimate democratic means. The story is about their lives and legacies. The key to understanding what both Ken Saro-Wiwa and Steve Biko were aiming for is best explained in Steve Biko¿s Black Consciousness initiative, the detailed explanation of which is provided towards the end of this short story. The film ¿Cry Freedom¿ dramatically portrayed the story of Steve Biko. Ken Saro-Wiwäs mission is explained in his poems and other writings, some of which are discussed in this short story.The cover image: Steve Biko depicted in a stained-glass window in the Saint Anna Church in Heerlen, the Netherlands.

  • von John Haughton
    30,00 €

    Este relato, "Alexandra David Neels", es el cuarto de una serie de relatos sobre grandes mujeres de la historia. Los relatos anteriores, ya publicados, fueron: la historia de Sophie (Mary) Pierce (Lady Heath) - en la publicación "The Silver Lining", "Tina Turner", "Sinead O'Connor" (Sinead).Esta historia trata principalmente de Alexandra, ya que fue ella la influencia inspiradora que me llevó a escribir su historia. Sin embargo, al viajar tras sus pasos, la escritora descubrió muchos otros "tesoros" en forma de creencias indígenas, religiones importantes y sus motivaciones diseñadas por hombres y mujeres sabios para que los asuntos de la vida y la muerte tuvieran más sentido y los estilos de vida fueran más perfectos. La autora ha incluido algunos de estos aspectos para que el lector pueda estar mejor informado sobre las creencias y aspiraciones no sólo de Alexandra, sino también de aquellos con los que se encontró y estudió. La investigación que llevó a cabo permitió esbozar y resumir unos sistemas de creencias muy complejos. El viaje personal y la misión de Alexandra se centraron principalmente en el subcontinente indio y la región del Himalaya.

  • von John Haughton
    36,90 €

    Diese Kurzgeschichte "Alexandra David Neels" ist die vierte in einer Reihe von Kurzgeschichten des Autors über große Frauen in der Geschichte. Die vorangegangenen Kurzgeschichten, die jetzt veröffentlicht wurden, waren: die Geschichte von Sophie (Mary) Pierce (Lady Heath) - in der Veröffentlichung "The Silver Lining", "Tina Turner", "Sinead O'Connor" (Sinead).In dieser Geschichte geht es in erster Linie um Alexandra, denn sie war die Inspiration, die mich dazu veranlasste, ihre Geschichte zu schreiben. Auf ihren Spuren entdeckte die Autorin jedoch noch viele andere "Schätze" in Form von indigenen Glaubensvorstellungen, großen Religionen und deren Beweggründen, die von weisen Männern und Frauen entwickelt wurden, um die Dinge des Lebens und des Todes sinnvoller zu gestalten und die Lebensweise zu perfektionieren. Die Autorin hat diese Aspekte aufgenommen, damit der Leser besser über den Glauben und die Bestrebungen nicht nur von Alexandra, sondern auch derjenigen, denen sie begegnete und die sie studierte, informiert ist. Die damit verbundenen Nachforschungen führten dazu, einige sehr komplexe Glaubenssysteme zu skizzieren und zusammenzufassen. Alexandras persönliche Reise und Mission konzentrierte sich hauptsächlich auf den indischen Subkontinent und die Himalaya-Region.

  • von John Haughton
    30,00 €

    Este conto, "Alexandra David Neels", é o quarto da série de contos deste escritor sobre grandes mulheres da história. Os contos anteriores, agora publicados, foram: a história de Sophie (Mary) Pierce (Lady Heath) - na publicação "The Silver Lining", "Tina Turner", "Sinead O'Connor" (Sinead).Esta história é principalmente sobre Alexandra, uma vez que ela foi a influência inspiradora que me levou a escrever a sua história. No entanto, ao seguir os seus passos, o escritor descobriu muitos outros "tesouros" sob a forma de crenças indígenas, grandes religiões e as suas motivações, concebidas por homens e mulheres sábios para tornar as questões da vida e da morte mais significativas e os estilos de vida mais perfeitos. Esta escritora incluiu aspectos destes para que o leitor possa estar melhor informado sobre as crenças e as aspirações não só de Alexandra mas também daqueles que encontrou e estudou. A investigação efectuada permitiu delinear e resumir alguns sistemas de crenças muito complexos. A viagem pessoal e a missão de Alexandra centraram-se principalmente no subcontinente indiano e na região dos Himalaias.

  • von John Haughton
    30,00 €

    Cette nouvelle, "Alexandra David Neels", est la quatrième d'une série de nouvelles sur les grandes femmes de l'histoire. Les précédentes nouvelles publiées sont : l'histoire de Sophie (Mary) Pierce (Lady Heath) - dans la publication "The Silver Lining", "Tina Turner", "Sinead O'Connor" (Sinead).Cette histoire est avant tout celle d'Alexandra, car c'est elle qui m'a inspiré pour écrire son histoire. Cependant, en marchant sur ses traces, l'auteur a découvert de nombreux autres "trésors" sous la forme de croyances indigènes, de grandes religions et de leurs motivations conçues par des hommes et des femmes sages afin de donner plus de sens aux questions de vie et de mort et de rendre les modes de vie plus parfaits. L'auteur en a inclus certains aspects afin que le lecteur soit mieux informé des croyances et des aspirations non seulement d'Alexandra, mais aussi de ceux qu'elle a rencontrés et étudiés. Les recherches effectuées ont permis de décrire et de résumer des systèmes de croyance très complexes. Le voyage personnel et la mission d'Alexandra se sont principalement concentrés sur le sous-continent indien et la région de l'Himalaya.

  • von John Haughton
    30,00 €

    Questo racconto, "Alexandra David Neels", è il quarto della serie di racconti di questo scrittore sulle grandi donne della storia. I precedenti racconti, ora pubblicati, sono stati: la storia di Sophie (Mary) Pierce (Lady Heath) - nella pubblicazione "The Silver Lining", "Tina Turner", "Sinead O'Connor" (Sinead).Questa storia riguarda principalmente Alexandra, in quanto è stata l'influenza ispiratrice che mi ha spinto a scrivere la sua storia. Tuttavia, viaggiando sulle sue tracce, la scrittrice ha scoperto molti altri "tesori" sotto forma di credenze indigene, religioni principali e le loro motivazioni, ideate da uomini e donne saggi per rendere le questioni di vita e di morte più significative e gli stili di vita più perfetti. Questa scrittrice ha incluso alcuni aspetti di queste credenze in modo che il lettore possa essere meglio informato sulle credenze e le aspirazioni non solo di Alexandra, ma anche di coloro che ha incontrato e studiato. La ricerca ha portato a delineare e riassumere alcuni sistemi di credenze molto complessi. Il viaggio e la missione personale di Alexandra si sono concentrati principalmente nel subcontinente indiano e nella regione himalayana.

  • von John Haughton
    39,90 €

    Tina Turner wurde als Anna Mae Bullock am Morgen des 26. November 1939 im Memorial Hospital von Brownsville geboren und lebte in Nut Bush am Highway 19. Ihr Vater war Floyd Richard Bullock, Aufseher auf der Poindexter-Farm. Richard war Diakon in der Woodlawn Baptist Church. Tina erlebte als Kind den ständigen Streit zwischen Richard und seiner Frau Zelma Bullock. In ihrer Autobiografie "Ich Tina" schrieb Tina, dass Richards und Zelmas Kämpfe, "echte Wandrassler", die häusliche Landschaft prägten. Zum Zeitpunkt von Tinas Geburt war ihre Schwester Alline, mit der sie eine lebenslange Freundschaft und gegenseitige Unterstützung verband, drei Jahre alt. Tina sagt, dass Alline ihre Schwester als Verbündete "im elterlichen Kriegsgebiet" begrüßte. Tinas Mutter war eine schwarze Indianerin, und den Hügel hinunter von Tinas Haus und auf der anderen Seite der Forked Deer Road lebte der indianische Zweig des Clans: Zelmas Eltern waren Josephus (Pappa Joe) und Georgianna Corrie.

  • von John Haughton
    32,00 €

    Tina Turner è nata Anna Mae Bullock la mattina del 26 novembre 1939 al Memorial Hospital di Brownsville e viveva a Nut Bush, sulla Highway 19. Il padre era Floyd Richard Bullock, responsabile della fattoria Poindexter. Suo padre era Floyd Richard Bullock, supervisore della fattoria Poindexter. Richard era un diacono della Chiesa Battista di Woodlawn. Da bambina Tina fu testimone di continui conflitti tra Richard e sua moglie Zelma Bullock. Nella sua autobiografia "I Tina", Tina scrive che le liti tra Richard e Zelma, "veri e propri sonagli da parete", erano la caratteristica dominante del paesaggio domestico. All'epoca della nascita di Tina, sua sorella Alline, con la quale strinse un legame di amicizia e sostegno reciproco che durò tutta la vita, aveva tre anni. Tina racconta che Alline accolse la sorella come un'alleata "nella zona di guerra dei genitori". La madre di Tina era un'indiana nera e in fondo alla collina della casa di Tina e attraverso Forked Deer Road viveva il ramo indiano del clan: i genitori di Zelma erano Josephus (Pappa Joe) e Georgianna Corrie.

  • von John Haughton
    32,00 €

    Tina Turner nasceu Anna Mae Bullock na manhã de 26 de novembro de 1939 no Memorial Hospital de Brownsville e vivia em Nut Bush, na Highway 19. O seu pai era Floyd Richard Bullock, que residia na quinta Poindexter. Richard era diácono da Igreja Batista de Woodlawn. Em criança, Tina assistiu a conflitos constantes entre Richard e a sua mulher Zelma Bullock. Na sua autobiografia "Eu, Tina", Tina escreveu que as brigas de Richard e Zelma, "verdadeiras cascavéis de parede", eram a caraterística dominante da paisagem doméstica. Na altura do nascimento de Tina, a sua irmã Alline, com quem criou um laço de amizade e apoio mútuo para toda a vida, tinha três anos. Tina diz que Alline saudou a irmã como uma aliada "na zona de guerra dos pais". A mãe de Tina era uma índia negra e, ao fundo da colina da casa de Tina e do outro lado da Forked Deer Road, vivia o ramo índio do clã: os pais de Zelma eram Josephus (Pappa Joe) e Georgianna Corrie.

  • von John Haughton
    32,00 €

    Tina Turner nació Anna Mae Bullock en la mañana del 26 de noviembre de 1939 en el Hospital Memorial de Brownsville y vivía en Nut Bush en la carretera 19. Su padre era Floyd Richard Bullock, supervisor residente en la granja Poindexter. Su padre era Floyd Richard Bullock supervisor residente en la granja Poindexter. Richard era diácono de la Iglesia Bautista Woodlawn. De niña, Tina fue testigo de los constantes conflictos entre Richard y su esposa Zelma Bullock. En su autobiografía "Yo, Tina", Tina escribió que las peleas de Richard y Zelma, "verdaderos cascabeles de pared", eran la característica dominante del paisaje doméstico. Cuando nació Tina, su hermana Alline, con la que formó un vínculo de amistad y apoyo mutuo para toda la vida, tenía tres años. Tina dice que Alline recibió a su hermana como una aliada "en la zona de guerra de los padres". La madre de Tina era una india negra y colina abajo de la casa de Tina y al otro lado de Forked Deer Road vivía la rama india del clan: los padres de Zelma eran Josephus (Pappa Joe) y Georgianna Corrie.

  • von John Haughton
    32,00 €

    Tina Turner est née Anna Mae Bullock le matin du 26 novembre 1939 à l'hôpital Memorial de Brownsville et vivait à Nut Bush sur l'autoroute 19. Son père était Floyd Richard Bullock, contremaître résident de la ferme Poindexter. Richard était diacre de l'église baptiste de Woodlawn. Enfant, Tina est témoin des conflits constants entre Richard et sa femme Zelma Bullock. Dans son autobiographie "I Tina", Tina écrit que les disputes entre Richard et Zelma, "de vrais crotales de mur", étaient l'élément dominant du paysage domestique. Au moment de la naissance de Tina, sa s¿ur Alline, avec laquelle elle a noué des liens d'amitié et de soutien mutuel tout au long de sa vie, avait trois ans. Tina raconte qu'Alline a accueilli sa s¿ur comme une alliée "dans la zone de guerre parentale". La mère de Tina était une Indienne noire et la branche indienne du clan vivait en bas de la colline, de l'autre côté de Forked Deer Road : les parents de Zelma étaient Josephus (Pappa Joe) et Georgianna Corrie.

  • von John Haughton
    30,00 €

    This short story, ¿Alexandra David Neels¿ is the fourth in this writer¿s series of short stories about great women in history. The previous short stories now in published form, were; the story of Sophie (Mary) Pierce (Lady Heath) ¿ in the publication ¿The Silver Lining¿, ¿Tina Turner¿, ¿Sinead O¿Connor¿ (Sinead).This story is primarily about Alexandra, as she was the inspirational influence as a result of which I set out to write her story. However, when travelling in her footsteps the writer discovered many other ¿treasures¿ in the form of indigenous beliefs, major religions and their motivations designed by wise men and women in order to make matters of life and death more meaningful and lifestyles more perfect. This writer has included aspects of these so that the reader can be better informed with regard to the beliefs and the aspirations not only of Alexandra but also of those that she encountered and studied. The research involved, led to the outlining, and summarising of, some very complex belief systems. Alexandräs personal journey and mission focused mainly on the Indian subcontinent and the Himalayan region.

  • von John Haughton
    32,00 €

    When this writer decided to write a short story about Sinead O¿Connor, he literally did not know where to start, but, in spite of that, he decided ¿to begin the begin¿. Sinead was a very complex character/ personality, fearless, and at times reckless, caring, larger than life, talented beyond belief. She herself listed the psychological problems she experienced, like the fact that she was diagnosed as bipolar. Although this she later on denied being the case. In the course of this story, the writer hopes to clarify some aspects of Sinead¿s life so that the readers can have a more accurate picture. Many aspects of her life have been documented, like the fact that she was abused as a child, by, of all people, her mother.Sinead tore up a picture of the Pope to draw attention to the facts of the widespread clerical abuse in the Roman Catholic Church. She sang what is perhaps the world¿s greatest love song ¿Nothing Compares to Yoü a cover version of ¿Prince¿s¿ original. Sinead had several ¿marriages¿, which are well documented. She changed her religion a number of times.

  • von John Haughton
    32,00 €

    Walter Macken ha producido un vasto conjunto de obras que abarcan la más amplia gama posible de temas, causas, registros históricos diálogos interpersonales, tratando los temas tabú ya sean éticos, políticos, religiosos o filosóficos. No es posible en un relato breve hacer justicia a la diversidad de obras y temas tratados por este gran y maravilloso escritor irlandés. El autor de este breve relato tiene sobre su escritorio catorce volúmenes de la obra de Walter Macken, así como la biografía de su hijo Ultan Macken, "Walter Macken Dreams on Paper" y "Walter Macken Critical Perspectives", obra de una serie de críticos editada por Sandra Heinen y Katharina Rennhak. La autora se propone, pues, tomar un extracto representativo, aunque breve, de algunos de los catorce volúmenes citados para que el lector pueda hacerse una idea representativa del tema. Walter Macken fue un escritor de cuentos, novelas y obras de teatro escritas e inspiradas en su tierra natal, el oeste de Irlanda, la zona de Galway y Connemara en particular. En sus orígenes fue actor, principalmente en el Taibhdhearc de Galway, creado para promover la lengua irlandesa nativa en escritos y producciones dramáticas.

  • von John Haughton
    32,00 €

    Walter Macken ha prodotto una vasta gamma di opere che coprono la più ampia gamma possibile di questioni, cause, documenti storici e dialoghi interpersonali, trattando argomenti tabù, siano essi etici, politici, religiosi o filosofici. Non è possibile in un racconto breve rendere giustizia alla diversità delle opere e degli argomenti trattati da questo grande e meraviglioso scrittore irlandese. Chi scrive questo racconto ha sulla sua scrivania quattordici volumi dell'opera di Walter Macken, oltre alla biografia del figlio Ultan Macken, a "Walter Macken Dreams on Paper" e a "Walter Macken Critical Perspectives", opera di una serie di critici curata da Sandra Heinen e Katharina Rennhak. Chi scrive si propone quindi di prendere un breve ma rappresentativo estratto da alcuni dei quattordici volumi sopra citati, in modo che il lettore possa farsi un'idea rappresentativa dell'argomento. Walter Macken è stato uno scrittore di racconti, romanzi e opere teatrali scritti e ispirati alla sua terra d'origine, l'Irlanda occidentale, in particolare la zona di Galway e del Connemara. Originariamente era un attore, principalmente con il Taibhdhearc di Galway, che era stato creato per promuovere la lingua nativa irlandese in scritti e produzioni teatrali.

  • von John Haughton
    39,90 €

    Walter Macken hat eine Vielzahl von Werken verfasst, die ein breites Spektrum an Themen, Ursachen, historischen Aufzeichnungen und zwischenmenschlichen Dialogen abdecken und Tabuthemen behandeln, seien sie ethischer, politischer, religiöser oder philosophischer Natur. Es ist nicht möglich, in einer Kurzgeschichte der Vielfalt der Werke und Themen gerecht zu werden, die dieser große und wunderbare irische Schriftsteller behandelt. Der Verfasser dieser Kurzgeschichte hat vierzehn Bände von Walter Mackens Werk auf seinem Schreibtisch liegen sowie die Biographie seines Sohnes Ultan Macken, "Walter Macken Dreams on Paper" und "Walter Macken Critical Perspectives", das Werk einer von Sandra Heinen und Katharina Rennhak herausgegebenen Reihe von Kritikern. Der Autor schlägt daher vor, einen repräsentativen, aber kurzen Auszug aus einigen der vierzehn oben genannten Bände zu nehmen, damit der Leser einen repräsentativen Eindruck vom Thema erhält. Walter Macken war ein Autor von Kurzgeschichten, Romanen und Theaterstücken, die von seiner Heimat, dem Westen Irlands, insbesondere der Gegend um Galway und Connemara, inspiriert wurden. Ursprünglich war er Schauspieler, vor allem beim Taibhdhearc in Galway, das gegründet wurde, um die irische Muttersprache in Schriften und Theaterstücken zu fördern.

  • von John Haughton
    32,00 €

    Walter Macken produziu um vasto conjunto de obras que abrangem o mais vasto leque possível de questões, causas, registos históricos, diálogos interpessoais, abordando os temas tabu, sejam eles éticos, políticos, religiosos ou filosóficos. Não é possível, num conto, fazer justiça à diversidade de obras e temas abordados por este grande e maravilhoso escritor irlandês. O autor deste conto tem na sua secretária catorze volumes da obra de Walter Macken, bem como a biografia do seu filho Ultan Macken, "Walter Macken Dreams on Paper" e "Walter Macken Critical Perspectives", obra de uma série de críticos editada por Sandra Heinen e Katharina Rennhak. O autor propõe-se, por isso, a fazer um pequeno extrato representativo de alguns dos catorze volumes acima referidos, para que o leitor possa ter uma ideia representativa do tema. Walter Macken foi um escritor de contos, romances e peças de teatro escritos e inspirados na sua terra natal, o Oeste da Irlanda, a região de Galway e Connemara em particular. Foi ator, principalmente no Taibhdhearc de Galway, criado para promover a língua nativa irlandesa em escritos e produções dramáticas.

  • von John Haughton
    32,00 €

    Walter Macken a produit une vaste gamme d'¿uvres couvrant l'éventail le plus large possible de questions, de causes, de documents historiques, de dialogues interpersonnels, traitant de sujets tabous, qu'ils soient éthiques, politiques, religieux ou philosophiques. Il n'est pas possible, dans une nouvelle, de rendre justice à la diversité des ¿uvres et des sujets traités par ce grand et merveilleux écrivain irlandais. L'auteur de cette nouvelle a sur son bureau quatorze volumes de l'¿uvre de Walter Macken ainsi que la biographie de son fils Ultan Macken, "Walter Macken Dreams on Paper" et "Walter Macken Critical Perspectives", le travail d'une série de critiques éditées par Sandra Heinen et Katharina Rennhak. L'auteur se propose donc de prendre un extrait représentatif, mais court, de quelques-uns des quatorze volumes susmentionnés, afin que le lecteur puisse se faire une idée représentative du sujet. Walter Macken était un auteur de nouvelles, de romans et de pièces de théâtre écrits et inspirés par sa terre natale, l'ouest de l'Irlande, la région de Galway et du Connemara en particulier. Il était à l'origine acteur, principalement au sein du Taibhdhearc de Galway, qui avait été créé pour promouvoir la langue irlandaise dans les écrits et les productions théâtrales.

  • von John Haughton
    32,00 €

    Walter Macken has produced a vast array of works covering the widest possible range of issues, causes, historical records interpersonal dialogues, dealing with the taboo subjects whether ethical, political, religious or philosophical. It is not possible in a short story to do justice to the diversity of the works and subjects covered by this great and wonderful Irish writer. The writer of this short story has on his desk fourteen volumes of Walter Macken¿s work as well as his son Ultan Macken¿s biography, ¿Walter Macken Dreams on Paper¿ and ¿Walter Macken Critical Perspectives¿, the work of a series of critics edited by Sandra Heinen and Katharina Rennhak. This writer proposes therefore to take a representative but short extract from some of the fourteen volumes referred to above so that the reader can get a representative flavour of the subject. Walter Macken was a writer of short stories, novels and plays written and inspired by his home-land, the West of Ireland, the Galway and Connemara area in particular. Originally an actor, principally with the Taibhdhearc in Galway, which had been set up to promote the native Irish language in writings and dramatic productions.

  • von John Haughton
    21,00 €

    The proximate cause of the Irish Great Famine was the fungal disease Phytophthora infestans, known at the time as ¿blight¿. Transported from the US where it had been present in previous seasons, the blight 1st appeared in Belgium in June 1845 and spread from there across Northern & Central Europe. It was 1st observed in Ireland on August 20 of that year by Dr.Moore of the Botanic Gardens in Dublin¿s Glasnevin.

  • von John Haughton
    42,00 €

    I'd thought of titles like 'Return to Innocence', based on the fact that in my experience my innocence was taken away from me in my youth. My mother had guided me as far as she could, like the good shepherd guides her sheep. That she could not guide me later in life, through the crises that deflected me from the path that she'd chosen for me, and in one sense believed it was for me, is no reflection on her skills or understanding.

  • von John Haughton
    21,00 €

  • von John Haughton
    21,00 €

  • von John Haughton
    21,00 €

  • von John Haughton
    21,00 €

  • von John Haughton
    21,00 €

    Woody Guthrie family and friends, a short story by John Haughton.This is the story of Woody Guthrie, who for me is one of the most important people that ever lived on this earth. His story is truly awesome and unique in many respects, and in a sense I worship at his feet. Life threw the most horrific tragedies in his path and he succeeded in managing them until he was a victim of the dreaded Huntington's disease, which was responsible for his mother¿s death also. Members of his family were victims of fire tragedies, car accidents and of course Huntington's disease, which took some of Woody¿s siblings and some of his children but thankfully not all and his son Arlo with other members of the family has kept the singing and the tradition of folk musical performance in the spotlight. The question might be asked, and rightly so, why another Woody Guthrie tribute when every aspect of his life down to the last ¿t¿ has been fully documented many times. But this is my resounding tribute to him, who I, in a sense, worship, for what he represented, what he achieved, and his resilience in the face of multiple tragedies that fate inflicted on him and his family.

  • von John Haughton
    21,00 €

  • von John Haughton
    19,00 €

    This story is primarily about how a young person, Aayla, deals with aspects of resolving her sexual identity. This young person, Aayla, is one of three identical triplets, born to Carl and Maya Bradley, a married couple living in the Richmond area of south west London. The short story is totally one of fiction and is not based on any persons in reality. The story, Aayläs Secret, deals with how she resolves aspects of her sexual identity. It deals with the issues in a way, which enables Aayla to come to terms with them firstly with her councilor, then later with her parents and finally communicates them with her siblings. By means of discussions the matters raised are dealt with sympathetically by all and the supports in terms of family and professionals are readily available, so that the matters are resolved in a satisfactory way. It is not intended to be a blueprint of how to handle the kind of issues raised and the situation, for one family can be very different from another. Furthermore, the resources available to the individual and the family and the levels of community and professional support systems can vary greatly.

  • von John Haughton
    19,00 €

    Ireland was once the ¿Island of Saints and Scholars¿ and educated the children of the European elite in their monasteries and other places of learning. Their missionaries went all over Europe and their work can be evidenced in many of the cities of Europe. The names of the saints are legion and there has been a tradition of educating young men and women for centuries ever since. Ireland¿s educators went all over the world and the Redemptorist order brought the messages of Christianity far and wide. I had the opportunity to be a missionary in that traditional sense and this is about how it went. No matter how carefully a project is planned, something may still go wrong with it. The saying is adapted from a line in ¿To a Mouse,¿ by Robert Burns: ¿The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley.This is a short story about my journey towards the priesthood in the Redemptorist religious order. It is the story of part of and aspects of that journey, my journey the ups and downs the doubts, the love of the solitude I found there at certain stages in the journey and the reasons why I felt I had to withdraw and discontinue the journey...

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