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Bücher von John Ortberg

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  • - Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People
    von John Ortberg
    28,00 €

    You Can Live a Deeper, More Spiritual Life Right Where You Are.An expanded edition with a new chapter on prayer and discussion questionsThe heart of Christianity is transformation-a relationship with God that impacts not just our "e;spiritual lives,"e; but every aspect of living. John Ortberg calls readers back to the dynamic heartbeat of Christianity-God's power to bring change and growth-and reveals both the how and why of transformation.With a new chapter on prayer and added discussion questions, this expanded edition of The Life You've Always Wanted offers modern perspectives on the ancient path of the spiritual disciplines. But this is more than just a book about things to do to be a good Christian. It's a road map toward true transformation that starts not with the individual but with the object of the journey-Jesus Christ. As with a marathon runner, the secret to winning the race lies not in trying harder, but in training consistently-training with the spiritual disciplines. The disciplines are neither taskmasters nor an end in themselves. Rather they are exercises that build strength and endurance for the road of growth. The fruit of the Spirit-joy, peace, kindness, etc.-are the signposts along the way.Paved with humor and sparkling anecdotes, The Life You've Always Wanted is an encouraging and challenging approach to a Christian life that's worth living-a life on the edge that fills an ordinary world with new meaning, hope, change, and joy.

  • - Caring For the Most Important Part of You
    von John Ortberg
    25,00 €

    The soul is NOT "e;a theological and abstract subject."e;The soul is the coolest, eeriest, most mysterious, evocative, crucial, sacred, eternal, life-directing, fragile, indestructible, controversial, expensive dimension of your existence.Jesus said it's worth more than the world.You'd be an idiot not to prize it above all else.Shouldn't you get pretty clear on exactly what it is?Shouldn't you know what it runs on?Wouldn't it be worth knowing how to care for it?Two things are for sure. One is: you have a soul. The other is: if you don't look after this one you won't be issued a replacement.Bestselling author John Ortberg writes another classic that will help readers discover their soul and take their relationship with God to the next level.

  • - Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People
    von John Ortberg
    22,00 €

    In the six-session small group Bible study, The Life You've Always Wanted, John Ortberg guides participants down the path of the spiritual disciplines.

  • von John Ortberg
    9,95 €

    Christen sehnen sich vor allem nach einem: ewigem Leben. Aber was ist das überhaupt - ewiges Leben? Warum sehnen wir uns danach? Und woher wissen wir, dass wir es haben? Beginnt es wirklich erst, nachdem wir tot sind, oder hat es bereits Bedeutung für unser Leben hier auf der Erde? Bestsellerautor John Ortberg räumt mit einer ganzen Reihe von Mythen über Errettung, Nachfolge und den Himmel auf. Er zeigt, dass ewiges Leben nichts ist, das wir "irgendwann vielleicht einmal" bekommen, sondern ein Abenteuer, bei dem wir Gott immer besser kennenlernen und seine Auferstehungskraft mitten im Alltag erfahren. Denn: Wir können schon hier und heute in den Genuss des ewigen Lebens kommen - einer neuen Qualität von Leben, das jetzt beginnt und bis in alle Ewigkeit weitergeht.

  • von John Ortberg
    10,00 €

    Sehnen Sie sich danach, Gottes Liebe tief in Ihrem Herzen begreifen und spüren zu können? John Ortberg bringt Ihnen den Gott näher, nach dem Sie sich so sehr sehnen: einen Vater, der bis über beide Ohren in Sie - sein Kind - verliebt ist und dem nichts mehr am Herzen liegt als Ihr Wohlergehen. Was könnte alles in Ihrem Leben geschehen, wenn der Glaube an diesen Gott und seine Liebe vom Kopf in Ihr Herz "rutschen" würde!John Ortberg schiebt den Vorhang der Missverständnisse und Verletzungen beiseite und ermöglicht Ihnen einen ganz neuen Zugang zu der unbeschreiblichen Liebe Gottes, die nur darauf wartet, in Ihrem Leben aufzublühen und alles zu verändern!

  • von John Ortberg
    9,95 €

    Ganz gleich, ob Mann oder Frau, Stimmungskanone oder Mauerblümchen, ob Kopf- oder Gefühlsmensch: Wir wurden dafür geschaffen, Bindungen mit anderen einzugehen. Wir wurden für Beziehungen geschaffen, für Vertrautheit und Nähe. Doch wie gelingen wirklich authentische Beziehungen, in denen man sich gegenseitig annimmt - trotz aller Ecken und Kanten? Bestsellerautor John Ortberg zeigt, wie wir Hindernisse überwinden und diese echten Beziehungen bauen können, nach denen wir uns zutiefst sehnen. Wir dürfen lernen, wie wir unsere Angst vor Nähe und Offenheit überwinden können, wie wir typische Beziehungsfallen vermeiden und wie Gott unser täglicher Begleiter wird. Ein durch und durch ermutigendes Buch für gelingende Beziehungen - mit Gott und mit anderen Menschen.

  • von John Ortberg
    9,95 €

    Unsere Seele ist keine wissenschaftliche Erfindung, kein theoretisches Konzept. Ganz im Gegenteil. Sie ist der geheimnisvollste, heiligste, lebendigste, unzerstörbare, entscheidende Teil unseres Lebens. Für Jesus ist sie wertvoller als alles auf der ganzen Welt. Es wäre mehr als fahrlässig, sich nicht darum zu kümmern. Sollten wir uns nicht im Klaren darüber sein, was unsere Seele eigentlich ist? Wie können wir sie hegen und pflegen? Wenn wir unsere Seele pflegen, bringt das mehr Tiefe in alle anderen Bereiche unseres Lebens. John Ortberg zeigt, wie eine tiefe Beziehung zu Gott unserer Seele genau das schenken kann, wonach wir uns zutiefst sehnen. Lassen Sie zu, dass Gott Sie von innen heraus verändert und Ihr Leben zum Besten wendet.

  • von John Ortberg
    27,00 €

  • - Como identificar e agarrar as melhores oportunidades
    von John Ortberg
    27,00 €

  • - Imagine Life God's Way
    von John Ortberg
    16,00 €

    This six-session study will help you begin to dig deeply into a treasure house of God's wisdom and truth.

  • - Unlocking the Heart of Good Stewardship
    von John Ortberg, Laurie Pederson & Judson Poling
    22,00 €

    As part of the Pursuing Spiritual Transformation series, Giving demonstrates how good stewardship is more than a responsibility-it's an adventure.

  • - Training vs. Trying
    von John Ortberg, Laurie Pederson & Judson Poling
    18,00 €

    As part of the Pursuing Spiritual Transformation series, Growth sets you on a path to live out the character of Jesus in this world as only you can.

  • - The Joy of Serving God
    von John Ortberg, Laurie Pederson & Judson Poling
    22,00 €

    As part of The Pursuing Spiritual Transformation series, Gifts guides you to the answers you desire, through personal study and small group interaction, to develop a hunger to be used by God.

  • - Six Sessions on Living Life in the Light of Eternity
    von John Ortberg
    17,00 €

    Using games as a metaphor for life, this six-session small group Bible study, When the Game is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box, by John Ortberg, neatly sorts out what's fleeting and what's permanent in God's kingdom.

  • - Becoming God's Best Version of You
    von John Ortberg & Scott Rubin
    15,99 €

    In this five-session small group Bible study, The Me I Want to Be, John Ortberg reveals how you can become the unique, fully alive person God intended you to be.

  • - Becoming God's Best Version of You
    von John Ortberg
    28,00 €

  • - The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus
    von John Ortberg
    16,00 €

    In this five-session DVD-based small group bible study, Who Is This Man? John Ortberg reveals how Jesus made an inescapable influence on our world - and how you can too. This pack includes one Participant Guide and one DVD.

  • - Love Each Other
    von John Ortberg
    16,00 €

    This is one volume in a high-impact series for experiencing the transforming power of God's Word in the context of community. 6 SESSIONS

  • - The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus
    von John Ortberg
    22,00 €

    On the eve of his crucifixion it seemed like Jesus' influence on the world had ended. On the contrary, it had just begun. In Who Is This Man?, Ortberg reveals how Jesus has impacted civilization and individual human hearts.

  • - An Invitation to a Way of Life
    von John Ortberg, Laurie Pederson & Judson Poling
    22,00 €

    Many Christians have an easier time being saved by grace than they do living in grace every day. But grace is at the center of the life God calls us to--and reflects the heart of the One who calls.These studies in Grace will help you make the connection between grace as a remote biblical concept and grace as a lifestyle--a reality you experience day in, day out. Through an unfolding study of Psalm 23, you'll learn how God--our Good Shepherd--is for you, how he longs to walk with you through temptation, sorrow, and even deep regret. You'll discover God's desire to make his joy your joy. Throughout, you'll learn how enduring, powerful, and life-affirming God's work in your life can be-and rediscover why it's called amazing grace.Leader's guide included!Grace group sessions are:Living in GraceGrace for RegretsSustaining GraceDelighting in GraceA Legacy of GraceGrace ForeverGrace to Share

  • - Praying with Power
    von John Ortberg, Kevin & Sherry Harney
    17,00 €

    Learn to Pray with the Master If you could ask the first disciples, ';What was the Savior's secret to living in alignment with the Father's will and with power to face life's challenges,' they would have answered with one word, ';Prayer!' As we learn to talk with the Father, we grow strong in faith and obedience. The Lord's Prayer is much more than a collection of words to be recited from memory. It is a Jesus-given springboard to launch us into the refreshing waters of God's wisdom and strength. When we learn to pray with Jesus, we become like him. Will you dare to echo the plea of the first disciples, ';Teach us to pray'?

  • - Serving from the Heart
    von John Ortberg, Kevin & Sherry Harney
    20,00 €

    Extend the Compassion and Grace of Jesus Jesus came to serve, sacrifice, and die. His humble lifestyle flies in the face of the conventional wisdom of a society that is fixated on getting more and scraping our way to the top. Not only did the Savior model a life of extraordinary service, he called his followers to join him in this mission. In 2 Corinthians we find a pathway to Jesus-like living. Paul calls us to align our hearts and lives with the way of the Savior and offer authentic love, amazing grace, extravagant generosity, and humble service. As we do this, we are shaped into the image of the One who served so hard he ended up on a cross.

  • - Growing a Heart for God
    von John Ortberg, Kevin & Sherry Harney
    20,00 €

    Written by the dynamic leaders of church ministry across the country, this series explores life-changing topics from a biblical perspective. New Community guides don't force small groups to choose between Bible study and building community. Just the opposite. Each study delves deeply into Scripture in a way that strengthens relationships. Challenging questions encourage group members to reflect not only on Scripture but also on their own livesindividually and as a part of God's family. And unlike most Bible studies, the New Community series helps study groups convert biblical principles into practical teamworkhelping at the soup kitchen, bringing a meal to someone, writing an encouraging letter, and so on. Filled with prayer, insight, intimacy, and action, each study in this series will help group members line up their lives and relationship more closely with the Bible's model for the church.

  • - Embracing Uncertainty in Your Faith
    von John Ortberg
    22,00 €

    In this refreshingly candid look at what it takes to live a life of faith, John Ortberg takes an honest look at the misgivings and uncertainties that often shake our beliefs as we navigate through the highs and lows of life.Reflecting on his own bouts with doubt and uncertainty, Ortberg shares with readers his discovery that, rather than being a contradiction in terms, doubt and faith may be very much a part of each other. He challenges readers to consider how doubt can motivate us to study and learn, how questioning expands our understanding, and how uncertainty can lead to trust. These challenges point us toward the relief of being totally honest.The right kind of doubt can be a gift-an action-generating truth that actually allows us to deepen our faith and intimacy with God. Written to challenge, comfort, and inspire readers, Know Doubt reveals uncertainty as a cause for celebration.

  • von John Ortberg
    28,00 €

    Today is the day you choose . . . which game you want to win, which prize you want to collect, which priorities you want to set.It's a thrill to win at checkers or Clue or Trivial Pursuit. You sweep aside the other players and you ';own' the board. It's also a thrill to win a promotion at work the new house you wanted that sports car you've always eyed. But just like the game cards, the tokens, and the timer, those prizes are temporary. When the game is over, they all go back in the box.Games can cast a powerful spell, says bestselling author John Ortberg. But the wisest player remembers that the game is always going to end. So what can we take with us to the kingdom of God? Only the love we have for Christ, the love we have for each other, and our own souls. While it's not bad to be good at chess or Riskor the game of life on Earthwe can't allow it to get in the way of what really matters.Using his humor and his genius for storytelling, Ortberg helps you focus on the real rules of the game and how to set your priorities. When the Game Is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box Participant's Guide helps explain how, left to our own devices, we tend to seek out worldly things, mistakenly thinking they will bring us fulfillment. But everything on Earth belongs to God. Everything we ';own' is just on loan. And what pleases God is often 180 degrees from what we may think is important.In the six sessions you will learn how to:Live passionately and boldlyLearn how to be active players in the game that pleases GodFind your true mission and offer your bestFill each square on the board with what matters mostSeek the richness of being instead of the richness of havingYou can't beat the house, notes Ortberg. We're playing our game of life on a giant board called a calendar. Time will always run out, so it's a good thing to live a life that delights your Creator. When everything goes back in the box, you'll have made what is temporary a servant to what is eternal, and you'll leave this life knowing you've achieved the only victory that matters.Sessions include:When the Game Is Over It All Goes Back in the BoxKeeping Score Where It Really CountsResign as Master of the BoardCalling or Comfort? Choose Your Move WiselyPlaying the Game with Greatness and GraceThe Kingdom Has One More MoveDesigned for use with When the Game Is Over It All Goes Back in the Box DVD 9780310808244 (sold separately).

  • von John Ortberg
    20,00 €

    In the six-session small group Bible study, God is Closer Than You Think, John Ortberg helps people discover and enjoy a vibrant, moment-by-moment relationship with God the Father.

  • - Six Sessions on Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People
    von John Ortberg
    35,00 €

    In the six-session video-based Bible study, The Life You've Always Wanted, award-winning author John Ortberg teaches participants the skills essential to "running the marathon" in the Christian life. This Leader's Guide is designed to facilitate a class, small group, or retreat, working through the material in The Life You've Always Wanted study.

  • von John Ortberg
    22,00 €

    Es posible que Pedro fuera el primero en salir de la embarcaci├│n, pero la invitaci├│n de Jes├║s es extensiva a usted hoy. Lo que le espera fuera es mucho agua y pocas probabilidades de mantenerse firme. Como seguidores de Cristo podemos seguir su llamado pero, ┬┐caminar sobre las aguas?

  • - Life-Changing Words from the Prophets
    von John Ortberg
    21,00 €

    Pursuing Spiritual Authenticity - part of the Truth for Today small-group series - takes you through the words of the prophets and unveils truths that help you enter new levels of spiritual maturity. The prophets' words trumpet across the centuries, calling us to authentic spiritual lives.

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