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Bücher von John Rachel

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  • von John Rachel
    15,00 €

    If Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is elected in 2024, as a president who reports to the "people", truly puts the the welfare of all citizens ahead of Wall Street, the big banks, the military-industrial complex, the ruling elite and other powerful special interests, thus serves the needs of the all citizens, not just the wealthy elite, THEN HE WILL NEED A CONGRESS THAT SUPPORTS AND PROMOTES HIS AGENDA.Congress creates and passes the laws that shape everything about our nation: how we treat our citizens, our freedoms, our responsibilities, our relations with every other country on the planet, how we treat the planet itself, war and peace, our economy, our politics, our infrastructure, our monetary and banking system ... EVERYTHING!For there to be any progress, for our country to start functioning again, for everyday citizens to have a voice in shaping the future they want for themselves and future generations,WE MUST ELECT A CONGRESS THAT TRULY REPRESENTS AND SERVES THE PEOPLE!

  • von John Rachel
    23,00 €

    A powerful and empowering collection of commentaries and insights by some of today's most respected political thinkers. The world is a mess and America is in big trouble. Despite the finger-pointing, it is the U.S. itself which is causing its own problems. Perpetual war is destroying our nation. To stop the unfolding disaster, we must honestly look at how our own leadership and policies have led the country astray. This book is the perfect place to start.Featuring commentary by Noam Chomsky, Larry Wilkerson, Paul Craig Roberts, Mark Skidmore, Coleen Rowley, William J. Astore, Abby Martin, Dan Kovalik, Lee Camp, Finian Cunningham, Michael T. Klare, Cynthia McKinney, Scott Ritter, Joe Lombardo, Bruce Gagnon, Norman Solomon, Peter Kuznick, Ajamu Baraka, Margaret Kimberley, Matthew Hoh, Garland Nixon, and Dennis Kucinich.

  • von John Rachel
    27,00 €

  • von John Rachel
    26,00 €

  • - Anecdotes on the People and Culture of Contemporary Japan from the Perspective of An American Expat
    von John Rachel
    66,00 €

  • von John Rachel
    18,00 €

  • von John Rachel
    23,00 €

  • von John Rachel
    18,00 €

    This is a manual for constructive voting in the 2016 and 2018 elections. It presents a concrete plan for wresting control of the country and our democracy back from the rich and powerful, and restoring the constitutional mandate of government of the people, by the people, and for the people. There is a financial reward for saving America from authoritarian rule by the corporate elite. Plus, if voters unite behind the strategy contained in this short book, each and every U.S. citizen will end up $14,084 richer.

  • von John Rachel
    19,00 €

    With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992, American citizens were promised a "peace dividend", i.e. less money for war, more for peace and a good life for all. The U.S. military under misguided leadership has attacked eight countries since then. The defense budget has exploded, buying a lot of junk that doesn't work and military hardware we don't need. This is not pocket change. The fraudulent wars and waste by the military amounts to no less than $4.82 trillion! This is money U.S. citizens paid as taxes in good faith, trusting their leaders were telling them the truth. They weren't. They lied to us! The $4.82 trillion was taken under fraudulent terms, and squandered. Our "peace dividend" is now due and payable. This equates to $14,952 for each and every living U.S. citizen. A family of four will get a refund of over $59,800. This short book explains how we can get our money back and put America back on a path of peace and prosperity for future generations.

  • von John Rachel
    25,00 €

    Meet Noah Tass. Follow him as he tries to escape his hayseed hometown in Missouri. This is not a movie. This is someone's life. Noah was turning 23 and desperate leave. Pulnick had forever been a blemish on the anemic face of rural Bible-belt America. Always bland and soporific, it was now being invaded by white supremacist meth heads, visited by an unprecedented crime wave, exploited by spiritualists and local politicos, and driven to hysteria by paranoid rumors that the world would end on November 11th. Moreover, Noah's personal life was becoming more convoluted by the day. Everything seemed to conspire against his singular need to get out of this dreary, dead-end, death-wish armpit of a town. "11-11-11" is what you call a feel good novel. You'll feel good about your own life when you get a load of the losers who populate this living graveyard!

  • von John Rachel
    25,00 €

    Prepare to understand contemporary politics as never before! Prepare to see the future of American democracy! A recent study at Princeton University came to a shocking conclusion. Our system has been so corrupted by money and influence peddling, America is no longer a democracy. This manifesto offers a detailed, step-by-step plan for cleaning up the corruption in Washington DC, replacing the current crop of pay-for-play politicians with progressive, independent, minor-party candidates, who will be bound by legal contract when elected, to faithfully serve the interests of the voting public. This is electoral reform so radical that in one master stroke, it puts America on the path to a healthy economy and directly addresses its #1 and #2 challenges: the suicidal march to war and the destructive impact of a historically high level of wealth inequality. Brace yourself for a real game-changer which will redefine politics for the foreseeable future.

  • von John Rachel
    22,00 €

    The Billy Green saga continues! Billy's challenging, sometimes humorous, sometimes tragic, always unpredictable journey. Billy came to know one thing for sure. Love is real. Billy knew the real score. Love is the light that never dims. Love is a wine that flows in our hearts. Love is a wonder that has no beginning or end. Love is a master key that opens the gates of perfection. Love is the language our souls use to speak to one another. Love is the trafficking of fantasies and transcending of mortality. Love is an energy that can neither be created or destroyed. Love is God Allah Yahweh Shiva Qat Aphrodite. Love is touch smell feel taste listen pray. Love is the poetry of the senses. Love is metaphysical gravity. Love is the gift of oneself. Love is sweet tyranny. All you need is love.

  • von John Rachel
    21,00 €

    How do we function in a world which is both as randomly and intentionally cruel, as it is randomly and intentionally kind? Can we make sense of our lives when so much around us makes no sense? In this, the final book of the trilogy, we find out what it means to be a "man who loves too much". More importantly, we discover if Billy Green is such a man.

  • von John Rachel
    20,98 €

    It was a time of stalemate, gridlock, divisiveness, and polarization. The nation plunged into greater crisis and dysfunction as the list of things which weren't getting done grew longer. The survival of democracy and America itself were increasingly in doubt. In this political drama, a bright, young, idealistic, Green Party candidate, in his bid for the congressional seat of a very conservative district in Ohio, teams with a beautiful, fiery African-American intern to combat the slick deceptions and ruthless tactics of a sweet-talking right wing incumbent. This is the inspiring story of a small committed group of activists who either never knew or forgot the meaning of the word 'impossible'.

  • von John Rachel
    20,98 €

    This is the first book of a trilogy. In a nutshell ... Poor Billy Green! When he was just turning four, his father tried to throw him in the trash. He was a smart kid but that just seemed to create enemies. His mom did everything to protect him. But this was Detroit, armpit of the wasteland! Catholic school didn't help much, except the time he got his first kiss from an atheist nun. Home life was dismal. Was his father capable of anything but drinking beer and farting? And what was with that neighbor who made puppets and tried to molest Billy? Golly! Detroit was sucking the life out of him. At such a young age. Then adolescence swirled around him. Like water in a toilet bowl. High school was a B movie. Only without a plot. So finally he did something about it. Billy ran away ... to college. Cornell University. That was a good move for sure! He studied hard, lost his virginity, met the love of his life. Things were definitely looking up! What could possibly go wrong?

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