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Bücher von John Stuart Mill

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  • von John Stuart Mill
    21,00 €

  • von John Stuart Mill
    22,00 €

  • - Ratiocinative and Inductive
    von John Stuart Mill
    51,00 - 60,00 €

  • von John Stuart Mill
    23,00 €

  • von John Stuart Mill
    19,00 €

  • von John Stuart Mill
    35,00 €

    ""A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive"" is a seminal work by the British philosopher John Stuart Mill, originally published in 1843. The seventh edition, Volume II, continues Mill's comprehensive exploration of the principles and methods of reasoning. Building upon the groundwork laid in Volume I, Mill delves deeper into the application of logic to empirical inquiry and scientific investigation. He elucidates the principles of inductive reasoning, which form the basis of scientific method, and provides detailed analyses of various forms of induction and their validity. Additionally, Mill examines the relationship between logic and psychology, discussing the processes of thought and mental operations involved in reasoning. Through rigorous analysis and systematic exposition, ""A System of Logic"" Volume II remains a foundational text in the fields of logic, philosophy, and scientific inquiry, offering invaluable insights into the nature of knowledge, inference, and rational inquiry.

  • von John Stuart Mill
    37,00 €

    ""A System of Logic: Ratiocinative and Inductive,"" in its seventh edition and Volume I, is a seminal work by British philosopher John Stuart Mill, first published in 1843. This comprehensive treatise on logic offers a thorough exploration of both deductive and inductive reasoning, providing a framework for understanding the principles of sound argumentation and empirical inquiry. In Volume I, Mill lays the groundwork for his logical system, addressing topics such as the nature of propositions, syllogistic reasoning, and the principles of deductive logic. He also introduces the principles of induction, which form the basis of scientific method and empirical investigation. Through meticulous analysis and systematic exposition, Mill's work remains a foundational text in the field of logic, offering invaluable insights into the processes of reasoning and the methods of acquiring knowledge through both deductive and inductive approaches.

  • von John Stuart Mill
    34,00 €

    John Stuart Mill, a renowned 19th-century philosopher and political economist, by "A System of Logic-1" as a seminal book. Some stories are violent and strange, while others creep up on you and slowly imbibe you in. This version of "A System of Logic vol-1" is both modern and readable, with a striking new cover and a beautifully typeset manuscript. The story is full of unexpected twists and turns that will keep the reader engaged. The work of this author has been recognized as one of the most influential contributions to logic and philosophy of its time. In "A System of Logic vol-1" Mill dives into the fundamentals of inductive reasoning and the scientific method. He presents a methodical method for learning logic, emphasizing the use of actual evidence and experimentation as the foundation for developing general principles and drawing conclusions. Mill's work aided in the advancement of modern empirical investigation. Mill's theory is strongly reliant on the concepts of "methods of agreement" and "difference," both of which are essential in showing causality and correlations between variables in a scientific research. He also looks into the roles of deductive and inductive reasoning, stressing its advantages and disadvantages. Mill's writing is notable for its clarity and precision, making complex philosophical concepts understandable to a broad audience.

  • von John Stuart Mill
    22,00 €

    The renowned British philosopher and political economist, John Stuart Mill, is credited with the authorship of a significant work entitled "A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive." The readers' curiosity is piqued, prompting them to persist in reading further, as the protagonist exhibits a notable inclination for self-gratification. Certain narratives might be characterized by their macabre and unconventional nature, while others possess a subtle allure that gradually captivates the reader. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the principles and approaches of logic, aiming to build a systematic foundation for the processes of reasoning and induction. Within this seminal academic publication, Mill delves into the intricacies of logic, delving into the nuanced distinctions between deductive reasoning, also known as ratiocinative reasoning, and inductive reasoning. The rules governing both forms of inference are thoroughly delineated by the author, who also provides a systematic approach for generating sound arguments and performing empirical research. The significance of Mill's work lies in its substantial impact on the progression of the scientific method, as it underscored the crucial role of empirical evidence and experimentation as integral elements in the derivation of conclusions. The author initiates a scholarly discussion concerning the canons of induction, which comprise the techniques of agreement, difference, and concomitant variation.

  • von John Stuart Mill
    34,00 €

    John Stuart Mill, a renowned 19th-century philosopher and political economist, by "A System of Logic-1" as a seminal book. Some stories are violent and strange, while others creep up on you and slowly imbibe you in. This version of "A System of Logic vol-1" is both modern and readable, with a striking new cover and a beautifully typeset manuscript. The story is full of unexpected twists and turns that will keep the reader engaged. The work of this author has been recognized as one of the most influential contributions to logic and philosophy of its time. In "A System of Logic vol-1" Mill dives into the fundamentals of inductive reasoning and the scientific method. He presents a methodical method for learning logic, emphasizing the use of actual evidence and experimentation as the foundation for developing general principles and drawing conclusions. Mill's work aided in the advancement of modern empirical investigation. Mill's theory is strongly reliant on the concepts of "methods of agreement" and "difference," both of which are essential in showing causality and correlations between variables in a scientific research. He also looks into the roles of deductive and inductive reasoning, stressing its advantages and disadvantages. Mill's writing is notable for its clarity and precision, making complex philosophical concepts understandable to a broad audience.

  • von John Stuart Mill
    26,00 - 41,00 €

  • von John Stuart Mill
    49,90 - 69,90 €

  • von John Stuart Mill
    79,90 - 99,90 €

  • von John Stuart Mill
    49,90 - 69,90 €

  • von John Stuart Mill
    34,90 - 59,90 €

  • von John Stuart Mill
    59,90 - 79,90 €

  • von John Stuart Mill
    34,90 - 59,90 €

  • von John Stuart Mill
    24,90 - 44,90 €

  • von John Stuart Mill
    9,99 €

    Io mi propongo in questo saggio, di spiegare colla maggior possibile chiarezza, le ragioni sulle quali si fonda una opinione, che io ho abbracciata fin da quanto si formavano le mie prime convinzioni sulle questioni sociali e politiche, e che ben lungi dal fiaccarsi e modificarsi colla riflessione e la esperienza della vita, non fece che ingagliardire viemmeglio con esse. Io credo che le relazioni sociali dei due sessi, che sottomettono l'un sesso all'altro in nome della legge, sono cattive in sè stesse, e costituiscono oggidì uno dei precipui ostacoli che si oppongono al progresso dell'umanità...

  • von John Stuart Mill
    18,95 €

    John Stuart Mill was a prolific and well-regarded author and philosopher in his day, but perhaps his most enduring work is On Liberty, an essay developed over several years and with significant input from his wife. In it, he applies his views on the Utilitarian ethical theory to systems of society and governance. The result became one of the most influential essays on liberal political thought in modern history.In On Liberty Mill addresses such familiar concepts as freedom of speech, the importance of individuality, and the limits of society¿s influence on the individual. He caps the discussion with an application of these principles to problems of the day, including education and the economy.

  • von John Stuart Mill
    19,95 €

    John Stuart Mill was one of the most influential philosophers of the 19th century. His more well-known works include On Liberty, a highly-influential treatise applying the Utilitarian philosophy to systems of government, and The Subjugation of Women, a treatise arguing for gender equality in an age where that was anything but the norm.Besides these monumental works, he also produced A System of Logic, an important work on the philosophy of science, Principles of Political Economy, one of the most influential economics textbooks of the 19th century, and many other notable books of philosophy. When not composing profound tracts that would shape philosophy in the next century, he wrote volubly in various magazines and newspapers of the day, became the godfather of Bertrand Russell¿himself the 20th century¿s most prominent logician¿and even spent time as a Member of Parliament, becoming the first M.P. in history to call for women to be given the right to vote.But perhaps the most interesting part of Mill¿s rich life is his education. His father, Utilitarian philosopher James Mill, raised John in a special mode of education purposefully designed to produce a genius, with the intent of making John the standard-bearer of Utilitarianism in the next generation. To this end he kept young John isolated from his school-age peers to prevent them from making him feel too smart, and gave John a rich classical, moral, and scientific education. By the age of three John was studying Greek, and by eight he was studying Latin and in charge of educating his younger siblings; by twelve, he was studying scholastic logic, and had already consumed nearly all of the major Greek and Latin classics in their original language. That James Mill¿s unique method of education produced a genius is without a doubt, and John¿s youthful experiences are recounted here in detail.This short and to-the-point autobiography is a fascinating window into the life of one of the 19th century¿s most important thinkers.

  • von John Stuart Mill
    34,90 - 41,90 €

  • von John Stuart Mill
    15,95 €

    Known primarily for his work in political philosophy, ethics, and economics, John Stuart Mill is perhaps less well known as an early feminist thinker.Published in 1869, The Subjection of Women was ahead of its time. Motivated by the conviction that the subordination of women was ¿one of the chief obstacles to human improvement,¿ Mill argued not merely for women¿s suffrage, but for ¿a principle of perfect equality¿¿the complete social, political, and legal equality of the sexes.Mill credited his late wife, Harriet Taylor Mill, with many of the important ideas put forth in the book.

  • von John Stuart Mill
    22,00 €


  • von John Stuart Mill
    9,99 €

    A la querida y llorada memoria de la que fue inspiradora, y en parte autora, de lo mejor que hay en mis obras: a la memoria de la amiga y de la esposa, cuyo exaltado sentido de lo verdadero y de lo justo fue mi estímulo más vivo, y cuya aprobación fue mi principal recompensa, dedico este volumen. Como todo lo que he escrito desde hace muchos años, es tanto suyo como mío; pero la obra, tal cual está, no tiene sino, en un grado muy insuficiente, la inestimable ventaja de haber sido revisada por ella; algunas de sus partes más importantes se reservaron para un segundo y más cuidadoso examen, que ya nunca han de recibir. Si yo fuera capa2 de interpretar para el mundo la mitad de los grandes pensamientos y nobles sentimientos enterrados con ella, le prestaría un beneficio más grande que el que verosímilmente pueda derivarse de todo cuanto yo pueda escribir sin la inspiración y la asistencia de su sin rival discreción.

  • von John Stuart Mill
    30,00 - 34,00 €

  • von John Stuart Mill
    21,00 €

    'Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.' -John Stuart MillOn Liberty presented one of the most eloquent defenses of individual freedom in nineteenth-century social and political philosophy and is today perhaps the most widely-read liberal argument in support of the value of liberty. Mill's passionate advocacy of spontaneity, individuality, and diversity, along with his contempt for compulsory uniformity and the despotism of popular opinion, has attracted both admiration and condemnation.On Liberty was a greatly influential and well-received work. The ideas presented in On Liberty have remained the basis of much political thought.

  • von John Stuart Mill
    20,00 €

    The anxiety of mankind to interfere in behalf of nature, for fear lest nature should not succeed in effecting its purpose, is an altogether unnecessary solicitude. What women by nature can't do, it is quite superfluous to forbid them from doing.John Stuart Mill attacks the argument that women are naturally worse at some things than men and should, therefore, be discouraged or forbidden from doing them. He says that we simply don't know what women are capable of, because we have never let them try - nobody can't make an authoritative statement without evidence. We can't stop women from trying things because they might not be able to do them. He also points out that while there may be physical differences between men and women, there is no evidence that they differ substantially in mental or moral capabilities. He regards gender inequality as part of an older social system in which matters were decided by use of force and makes a strong argument that modern society should operate on the basis of reason rather than force.In sum, Mill's The Subjection of Women is perhaps the finest essay of social and political philosophy produced in the modern era, and should be read by all interested in social justice, feminism, or ethics.

  • von John Stuart Mill
    18,00 €

    Utilitarianism brilliantly expounds a pragmatic ethic based on one controversial proposition.Mill believed that happiness was the only thing humans do and should desire for its own sake. Since happiness is the only intrinsic good, and since more happiness is preferable to less, the goal of ethical life is to maximize happiness. How do we decide what is "good" and what is "bad"? According to the ethical theory of Utilitarianism, to do good is to "always perform that act, of those available, that will bring the most happiness or the least unhappiness." By far the most widely read introduction to this theory. Mill's Utilitarianism is one of the most important and controversial works of moral philosophy ever written. From common-day dilemmas to large-scale social decisions, this exposition remains as relevant today as it was to intellectual and moral dilemmas of the nineteenth century.

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