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Bücher von John Updike

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  • von John Updike
    23,00 €

  • von John Updike
    29,00 €

  • von John Updike
    20,00 €

    "A small masterpiece . . . With Of the Farm, John Updike has achieved a sureness of touch, a suppleness of style, and a subtlety of vision that is gained by few writers of fi ction."-The New York TimesIn this short novel, Joey Robinson, a thirty-five-year-old New Yorker, describes a visit he makes, with his second wife and eleven-year-old stepson, to the Pennsylvania farm where he grew up and where his aging mother now lives alone. For three days, a quartet of voices explores the air, making confessions, seeking alignments, quarreling, pleading, and pardoning. They are not entirely alone: ghosts (fathers, lovers, children) press upon them, as do phantoms from the near future (nurses, lawyers, land developers). Of the Farm concerns the places people choose to live their lives, and the strategies they use to stand their ground.

  • von John Updike
    21,00 €

  • von John Updike
    14,00 €

  • von John Updike
    24,00 €

    John Updike wrote about the lure of golf for five decades, from the first time he teed off at the age of twenty-five until his final rounds at the age of seventy-six. Golf Dreams collects the most memorable of his golf pieces, high-spirited evidence of his learning, playing, and living for the game. The camaraderie of golf, the perils of its present boom, how to relate to caddies, and how to manage short putts are among the topics he addresses, sometimes in lyrical essays, sometimes in light verse, sometimes in wickedly comic fiction. All thirty pieces have the lilt of a love song, and the crispness of a firm chip stiff to the pin.

  • von John Updike
    28,00 €

    "Trapped in their cozy catacombs, the couples have made sex by turns their toy, their glue, their trauma, their therapy, their hope, their frustration, their revenge, their narcotic, their main line of communication and their sole and pitiable shield against the awareness of death."-TimeOne of the signature novels of the American 1960s, Couples is a book that, when it debuted, scandalized the public with prose pictures of the way people live, and that today provides an engrossing epitaph to the short, happy life of the "post-Pill paradise." It chronicles the interactions of ten young married couples in a seaside New England community who make a cult of sex and of themselves. The group of acquaintances form a magical circle, complete with ritualistic games, religious substitutions, a priest (Freddy Thorne), and a scapegoat (Piet Hanema). As with most American utopias, this one's existence is brief and unsustainable, but the "imaginative quest" that inspires its creation is eternal.Praise for Couples"Couples [is] John Updike's tour de force of extramarital wanderlust."-The New York Times Book Review "Ingenious . . . If this is a dirty book, I don't see how sex can be written about at all."-Wilfrid Sheed, The New York Times Book Review

  • von John Updike
    27,00 €

  • von John Updike
    26,00 €

    In the Beauty of the Lilies begins in 1910 and traces God's relation to four generations of American seekers, beginning with Clarence Wilmot, a clergyman in Paterson, New Jersey. He loses his faith but finds solace at the movies, respite from "the bleak facts of life, his life, gutted by God's withdrawal." His son, Teddy, becomes a mailman who retreats from American exceptionalism, religious and otherwise, into a life of studied ordinariness. Teddy has a daughter, Esther, who becomes a movie star, an object of worship, an All-American goddess. Her neglected son, Clark, is possessed of a native Christian fervor that brings the story full circle: in the late 1980s he joins a Colorado sect called the Temple, a handful of "God's elect" hastening the day of reckoning. In following the Wilmots' collective search for transcendence, John Updike pulls one wandering thread from the tapestry of the American Century and writes perhaps the greatest of his later novels.

  • von John Updike
    9,99 €

    Von der Weltwirtschaftskrise der 30er bis zu den Nachwehen des elften September, vom ländlichen Alton bis ins ferne Indien spannt sich der Bogen eines ganzen Menschenlebens. In seinen nachgelassenen Erzählungen erweist John Updike sich ein letztes Mal als «Meister der unangestrengten Bewegung» (Ian McEwan), als «ein Genie der Gegenwartsentschlüsselung in Geschichten» (Die Welt).

  • von John Updike
    10,99 €

  • von John Updike
    9,90 €

  • von John Updike
    9,90 €

    John Updike und sein einzigartiger Blick auf die WeltSchon als 22jähriger Student hat Updike erzählerische Meisterschaft bewiesen: 1954 erschien in The New Yorker seine erste Erzählung über die Bewohner des ländlichen Olinger, das nicht mehr von der literarischen Landkarte wegzudenken ist. Auch die anderen Geschichten dieser Sammlung der Stories aus den Jahren bis 1964, darunter eine Erstübersetzung, sind in anderen Ausgaben nicht verfügbar. "Eins ist klar: John Updike ist ein Meister des Erzählens." (Times Literary Supplement)

  • von John Updike
    30,00 €

    Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, the Howells Medal, and the National Book Critics Circle Award In John Updike's fourth and final novel about Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom, the hero has acquired a Florida condo, a second grandchild, and a troubled, overworked heart. His son, Nelson, is behaving erratically; his daughter-in-law, Pru, is sending him mixed signals; and his wife, Janice, decides in midlife to return to the world of work. As, through the year of 1989, Reagan's debt-ridden, AIDS-plagued America yields to that of the first George Bush, Rabbit explores the bleak terrain of late middle age, looking for reasons to live and opportunities to make peace with a remorselessly accumulating past.

  • von John Updike
    13,00 €

    «Nie, so will es mir scheinen, wurde in der zeitgenössischen Literatur der allmähliche Verfall einer Ehe herzlicher, nie deren Untergang zärtlicher beschrieben.» (Marcel Reich-Ranicki, FAZ)«Dass eine Ehe zu Ende geht, ist alles andere als ideal. Aber alle Dinge unter dem Himmel gehen zu Ende... Die Moral dieser Erzählungen ist, dass es kein ungetrübtes Glück in dieser Welt gibt.» (John Updike)Die Maples, seit einem Jahr verheiratet, erleben gemeinsam den Schnee in Greenwich Village, im Einklang miteinander und diese Harmonie genießend. Ein halbes Dutzend Jahre später muss Richard dann erkennen, dass die eigene Frau zu verführen wesentlich anstrengender ist als die Eroberung eines jungen Mädchens. Immer größere Entfremdung, Affären, Trennung, erneutes Sichnähern, Scheidung. «Sie waren beide so vertraut mit dem innersten Wesen des anderen, dass ein Zusammenleben unmöglich wurde.»

  • von John Updike
    16,00 €

    «Dieser Rabbit, der so unscheinbar begann, ist auf dem besten Wege, ein amerikanischer Nationalheld zu werden.» (Willi Winkler, Der Spiegel)Harry Angstrom, gutsituierter und zufriedener Bürger, und seine Frau Janice, weniger satt und weniger zufrieden, spielen miteinander das alte Spiel von Überdruss und Gleichgültigkeit, von Trennung und Versöhnung. Aber als der verlassene Harry einen drogensüchtigen Teenager und ihren Black Power-Freund bei sich aufnimmt, bahnt sich eine Katastrophe an.

  • von John Updike
    12,00 €

    It's 1959 and Harry 'Rabbit' Angstrom, one time high school sports superstar, is going nowhere. At twenty-six he is trapped in a second-rate existence - stuck with a fragile, alcoholic wife, a house full of overflowing ashtrays and discarded glasses, a young son and a futile job. With no way to fix things, he resolves to flee from his family and his home in Pennsylvania, beginning a thousand-mile journey that he hopes will free him from his mediocre life. Because, as he knows only too well, 'after you've been first-rate at something, no matter what, it kind of takes the kick out of being second-rate'.Includes an afterword by the author.

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