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Bücher von Jonathan Swift

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  • von Jonathan Swift
    26,00 €

    ""Gulliver's Travels"" is a timeless satirical novel written by Jonathan Swift, celebrated for its wit, imagination, and biting social commentary. The story follows Lemuel Gulliver, a ship's surgeon, who embarks on a series of extraordinary voyages to distant lands. In each of these lands, Gulliver encounters fantastical creatures, peculiar customs, and absurd societies, offering Swift a platform to critique various aspects of 18th-century European society, politics, and human nature. From the miniature inhabitants of Lilliput to the towering Brobdingnagians, and from the rational Houyhnhnms to the savage Yahoos, Gulliver's encounters reveal the follies, vices, and hypocrisies of humanity. Through its engaging narrative and thought-provoking allegory, ""Gulliver's Travels"" offers readers a profound exploration of power, corruption, morality, and the essence of humanity itself, making it a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers of all ages.

  • von Jonathan Swift
    69,90 - 89,90 €

  • von Jonathan Swift
    19,00 €

    "A Tale of a Tub" is a satirical work written by Jonathan Swift, published in 1704. It consists of three main sections. The first section tells an allegorical story about three brothers, Peter, Martin, and Jack, symbolizing different branches of Christianity. Through their adventures, Swift satirizes religious extremism and doctrinal disputes. The second section includes a series of essays and satirical asides addressing various topics like literature, politics, science, and religion, satirizing the intellectual and moral climate of the era. The third section critiques philosophical and scientific reasoning, particularly the mechanical philosophy of the Enlightenment. Swift employs wit, irony, and sharp criticism throughout the book to challenge religious and intellectual institutions of the time. "A Tale of a Tub" is known for its complex and intricate prose, making it a work often studied by scholars and literary enthusiasts interested in satire and intellectual commentary.

  • von Jonathan Swift
    26,00 €

    Les voyages de Gulliver, également connus sous le nom de Voyages dans plusieurs nations lointaines du monde, en quatre sections. Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and Then a Captain of Several Ships est une satire prose de 1726 de l'écrivain anglo-irlandais Jonathan Swift qui satirise à la fois la nature humaine et le sous-genre littéraire des contes de voyageurs . Il s'agit de l'¿uvre la plus connue de Swift et d'un classique de la littérature anglaise. Swift a affirmé qu'il a écrit Gulliver's Travels "pour gêner plutôt que détourner le monde." Le livre fut un succès instantané. Il est lu universellement, du conseil du cabinet à la crèche , a déclaré le dramaturge anglais John Gay. En 2015, Robert McCrum a publié sa liste des 100 meilleurs romans de tous les temps, qualifiant Gulliver's Travels d'un chef-d'¿uvre satirique . Le voyage commence par un bref préambule dans lequel Lemuel Gulliver décrit sa vie et son histoire avant ses voyages. Gulliver est lavé à terre après un naufrage lors de son premier voyage et devient prisonnier d'une race de gens minuscules, de moins de 6 pouces (15 cm) de haut, qui vivent sur l'île de Lilliput.

  • von Jonathan Swift
    24,00 €

    In four sections, Gulliver's Travels, also known as Journeys into Several Remote Nations of the World, Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and Then a Captain of Several Ships is a 1726 prose satire by the Anglo-Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift that satirizes human nature and the "travelers' tales" literary subgenre. It is Swift's best-known full-length work and an English literature classic. Swift claimed that he wrote Gulliver's Travels "to vex rather than divert the world." The book was an instant success. "It is universally read, from the cabinet council to the nursery," English dramatist John Gay said. In 2015, Robert McCrum released his list of the 100 best novels of all time, calling Gulliver's Travels a "satirical masterpiece." The journey begins with a brief preamble in which Lemuel Gulliver describes his life and history before his voyages. Gulliver is washed ashore after a shipwreck on his first voyage and becomes a prisoner of a race of tiny people, less than 6 inches (15 cm) tall, who live on the island country of Lilliput. On October 28, 1726, the first edition was published in two volumes for 8s. 6d. Motte published Gulliver's Travels anonymously, and several sequels (Memoirs of the Court of Lilliput...), parodies (Two Lilliputian Odes, The First on the Famous Engine With Which Captain Gulliver Extinguished the Palace Fire...), and "keys" (Gulliver Decipher'd and Lemuel Gulliver's Travels into Several Remote Regions of the World Compendiously Method) were mostly published anonymously (or pseudonymously) and quickly forgotten. Swift had nothing to do with them and renounced them in Faulkner's 1735 edition. Swift's friend Alexander Pope wrote five verses on Gulliver's Travels that Swift liked so much that he included them in the book's second edition, though they are rarely included. In 1735, an Irish publisher named George Faulkner published a collection of Swift's works, Volume III, including Gulliver's Travels.

  • von Jonathan Swift
    10,00 €

    Gulliver's travels. «Puteshestvija Gullivera» ? proizvedenie, napisannoe na styke zhanrov: jeto i uvlekatel'noe, chisto romannoe povestvovanie, roman-puteshestvie (otnjud', vprochem, ne «sentimental'noe», kotoroe v 1768 g. opishet Lorens Stern); jeto roman-pamflet i odnovremenno roman, nosjashhij otchetlivye cherty antiutopii ? zhanra, kotoryj my privykli polagat' prinadlezhashhim iskljuchitel'no literature XX stoletija; jeto roman so stol' zhe otchetlivo vyrazhennymi jelementami fantastiki, i bujstvo sviftovskogo voobrazhenija voistinu ne znaet predelov. Gulliver... takoj znakomyj i takoj ljubimyj! I v to zhe vremja blagodarja mnozhestvu prekrasnyh illjustracij kakoj-to novyj. Talantlivoj molodoj hudozhnice udalos' ochen' tonko pochuvstvovat' jepohu i atmosferu skazki, pojetomu illjustracii poluchilis' dostojnymi zamechatel'nogo proizvedenija. Obajanie rasskazannoj Sviftom istorii, ejo fantasticheskoe pravdopodobie zavorazhivajut. Dlja neskol'kih pokolenij jeta kniga stala odnoj iz samyh ljubimyh. Proizvedenie pechataetsja bez sokrashhenij. Dlja mladshego i srednego shkol'nogo vozrasta. Cvetnye illjustracii Ol'gi Podivilovoj.

  • von Jonathan Swift
    59,90 - 79,90 €

  • von Jonathan Swift
    14,00 €

    Je m'étais endormi sur le dosI had happened to fall asleep on my backEt maintenant mes bras et mes jambes étaient attachés au soland now my arms and legs were fastened to the groundet mes cheveux, qui étaient longs et épais, étaient attachés aussiand my hair, which was long and thick, was tied down tooJe ne pouvais que regarder vers le hautI could only look upwardLe soleil a commencé à devenir chaudThe sun began to grow hotet la lumière m'a fait mal aux yeuxand the light hurt my eyesJ'ai entendu un bruit confus autour de moiI heard a confused noise around memais ne pouvait rien voir d'autre que le cielbut could see nothing except the skyEn peu de temps, j'ai senti quelque chose de vivantIn a little time I felt something aliveil bougeait sur ma jambe gaucheit was moving on my left leg

  • von Jonathan Swift
    14,00 €

    Me había quedado dormido boca arribaI had happened to fall asleep on my backy ahora mis brazos y piernas estaban sujetos al sueloand now my arms and legs were fastened to the groundy mi cabello, que era largo y grueso, también estaba atado.and my hair, which was long and thick, was tied down tooSolo podía mirar hacia arribaI could only look upwardsEl sol comenzó a calentarseThe sun began to grow hoty la luz lastimó mis ojosand the light hurt my eyesEscuché un ruido confuso a mi alrededorI heard a confused noise around mepero no podía ver nada excepto el cielobut could see nothing except the skyEn poco tiempo sentí algo vivoIn a little time I felt something aliveSe movía sobre mi pierna izquierdait was moving on my left leg

  • von Jonathan Swift
    14,00 €

    Mi era capitato di addormentarmi sulla schienaI had happened to fall asleep on my backe ora le mie braccia e le mie gambe erano fissate a terraand now my arms and legs were fastened to the grounde anche i miei capelli, lunghi e folti, erano legatiand my hair, which was long and thick, was tied down tooPotevo solo guardare verso l'altoI could only look upwardsIl sole cominciò a diventare caldoThe sun began to grow hote la luce mi faceva male agli occhiand the light hurt my eyesHo sentito un rumore confuso intorno a meI heard a confused noise around mema non riusciva a vedere altro che il cielobut could see nothing except the skyIn poco tempo ho sentito qualcosa di vivoIn a little time I felt something alivesi muoveva sulla mia gamba sinistrait was moving on my left leg

  • von Jonathan Swift
    34,90 - 59,90 €

  • von Jonathan Swift
    34,90 - 59,90 €

  • von Jonathan Swift
    14,90 - 34,90 €

  • von Jonathan Swift
    14,90 - 34,90 €

  • von Jonathan Swift
    34,90 - 59,90 €

  • von Jonathan Swift
    34,90 - 79,90 €

  • von Jonathan Swift
    28,00 €

    Les voyages de Gulliver, un livre classique, a été considéré comme important tout au long de l'histoire humaine, et pour que cet ouvrage ne soit jamais oublié, nous, aux éditions Alpha, nous sommes efforcés de le préserver en republiant ce livre dans un format moderne pour les générations présentes et futures. Tout ce livre a été reformaté, retapé et conçu. Ces livres ne sont pas constitués de copies numérisées de leur travail original et, par conséquent, le texte est clair et lisible.

  • von Jonathan Swift
    21,90 €

    Gulliver¿s Travels was published in 1726 and is probably the most famous work by Jonathan Swift. It was an instant hit¿selling out within a week¿and has never been out of print, as well as having been adapted many times.Lemuel Gulliver, an English surgeon on the Antelope, is shipwrecked and washed up on the island of Lilliput, where the inhabitants are less than six inches tall. This part of the book is a thinly veiled attack on the political classes of the time, as the Lilliputians focus on the minutiae of life, most notably the rift which has developed according to which end of a boiled egg gets opened at breakfast¿the big end or the little end.On his second recorded journey he is abandoned on an island of giants where he is paraded as a curiosity at local markets and fairs. On his third journey he is marooned by pirates and is rescued by the inhabitants of a floating island devoted to music, mathematics and astronomy. On his final journey he meets the Houyhnhnms, a race of talking horses who have subdued the Yahoos, creatures who resemble humans.On his return to England, Gulliver has a very different outlook on life and views the human race in a very different way.

  • von Jonathan Swift
    20,00 €

    Jonathon Swift initially released The Battle of the Books, and Other Short Pieces as a compilation of satirical essays and pamphlets. The title article, "The War of the Books," is a satirical allegory in which numerous literary creations are portrayed as soldiers fighting in a conflict between ancient and contemporary books. Other pieces in the collection include "The Mechanical Operation of the Spirit," a satirical essay on the state of modern philosophical inquiry, "A Tale of a Tub," a satirical attack on religious hypocrisy, and "A Modest Proposal," a famous satirical essay suggesting that Irish poverty could be solved by eating their children. Swift uses his trademark wit and cutting sarcasm to criticize various societal issues throughout the anthology, including politics, religion, literature, and culture. His work is characterized by a caustic and sarcastic tone that often criticizes the hypocrisy and arrogance of the governing elites. Despite being more than three centuries old, the Battle of the Books, and Other Short Pieces is still regarded as a classic work of satire and English literature. Its impact may be observed in the writing of following authors like Kurt Vonnegut, George Orwell, and Oscar Wilde.

  • von Jonathan Swift
    26,00 €

    Ce livre classique a été initialement publié il y a des décennies sous le titre " Gulliver's Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World . Il a maintenant été traduit par Writat en langue française pour leurs lecteurs francophones. Chez Writat, nous sommes passionnés par la préservation du patrimoine littéraire du passé. Nous avons traduit ce livre en français afin que les générations présentes et futures puissent le lire et le conserver.

  • von Jonathan Swift
    26,00 €

    Ce livre classique a été initialement publié il y a des décennies sous le titre " Gulliver's Travels . Il a maintenant été traduit par Writat en langue française pour leurs lecteurs francophones. Chez Writat, nous sommes passionnés par la préservation du patrimoine littéraire du passé. Nous avons traduit ce livre en français afin que les générations présentes et futures puissent le lire et le conserver.

  • von Jonathan Swift
    24,90 - 44,90 €

  • von Jonathan Swift
    15,90 €

    Mi padre tenía una pequeña hacienda en Nottinghamshire. De cinco hijos, yo era el tercero. Me mandó al Colegio Emanuel, de Cambridge, teniendo yo catorce años, y allí residí tres, seriamente aplicado a mis estudios pero como mi sostenimiento, aun siendo mi pensión muy corta, representaba una carga demasiado grande para una tan reducida fortuna, entré de aprendiz con míster James Bates, eminente cirujano de Londres, con quien estuve cuatro años, y con pequeñas cantidades que mi padre me enviaba de vez en cuando fui aprendiendo navegación y otras partes de las Matemáticas, útiles a quien ha de viajar, pues siempre creí que, más tarde o más temprano, viajar sería mi suerte. Cuando dejé a míster Bates, volví al lado de mi padre allí, con su ayuda, la de mi tío Juan y la de algún otro pariente, conseguí cuarenta libras y la promesa de treinta al año para mi sostenimiento en Leida. En este último punto estudié Física dos años y siete meses, seguro de que me sería útil en largas travesías. Poco después de mi regreso de Leida, por recomendación de mi buen maestro míster Bates, me coloqué de médico en el Swallow, barco mandado por el capitán Abraham Panell, con quien en tres años y medio hice un viaje o dos a Oriente y varios a otros puntos. Al volver decidí establecerme en Londres, propósito en que me animó míster Bates, mi maestro, por quien fui recomendado a algunos clientes. Alquilé parte de una casa pequeña en la Old Jewry y como me aconsejasen tomar estado, me casé con mistress Mary Burton, hija segunda de míster Edmund Burton, vendedor de medias de Newgate Street, y con ella recibí cuatrocientas libras como dote.

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